Blaze - Peter Pan OUAT

By lucidreamshade

227K 4.5K 1.7K

I leaned my back against the bamboo bars as I crossed my arms irritably and glared at the infuriatingly smug... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Nine

7.3K 156 55
By lucidreamshade

Chapter Nine

I could start being aware of my surroundings. My skin started feeling the soft object in contact with it and my ears could finally hear what was being said around me.

My eyes were still quite heavy and I couldn't manage to open them just yet.

I tried listening to anything around me, and the only thing I could hear were soft footsteps walking non stop. I heard a soft sigh and that's when my eyes started to flutter open.

I squinted as the bright light nearly blinded me and once I adjusted to the sunlight, I started scanning my surroundings.

I was in an unfamiliar room, lying down on a bed. There were shelves covering up two walls of the room and they had vials occupying all the shelves. Each vial contained something different, and I finally noticed the presence of the one person I have seen last - the person who most probably saved my life - Peter Pan.

His back was facing me. He was standing still, staring at nothing in particular perhaps, and had his fingers webbed into his hair and I watched him tug at them in an apprehensive demeanour.

"Pan?" I whispered.

Peter immediately turned to look at me with wide eyes and he quickly let out a sigh of relief.

"You're up." He breathed.

I glanced around me. "Where am I?"

"The Clinic." He replied.

"There's a clinic here?" I asked and rested my head back as I stared at the ceiling.

I could see Pan from my peripheral vision draw closer to me and I gulped and cleared my throat.

"You saved me?" I asked softly and looked straight at him.

His jaw was locked as he sat on the chair beside the bed I was laid upon. He had his hands on his knees, and his nostrils flared. He eyebrows were furrowed into a frown and his lips were pursed. His eyes - a furious swirl of green - bore into my chocolate brown eyes, like he was examining me.

"Of course I did." He replied shortly.

"Why did you?" I asked.

"What?" He asked and raised an eyebrow.

A sudden gush of de ja vu hit me, but we had switched roles. This time, I was the one that was hurt, not Pan.

"Why'd you save me?" I asked.

Pan stared at me for a few seconds before replying. "Don't flatter yourself, Elisa. I could honestly care less if you had died - but you have a role here on  Neverland, and you must stay alive until you've fulfilled your role."

My eyes narrowed at him. "And what is that role, Pan?"

Peter sat forward as he brought his head closer to me as I sat upright in bed with my legs dangling off the bed as I faced him.

Pan had a vicious smile on his face that practically screamed 'DANGER'. He had one eyebrow raised and his eyes danced with pure evil. He drew his face closer to mine until our noses almost touched.

I drew in a sharp breath. I was not going to pull back. I cannot let him see my discomfort.

The atmosphere around us suddenly shifted into a layer of thick tension.

Pan brought his hand up to my face and placed his thumb on my lower lip delicately and slowly pushed it downwards. The smirk on his lips remained on his face as he watched me not waver in the slightest.

He then captured my lower lip with his fingers and tugged on it before he whispered, his mint breath fanning my face.

"You are an important weapon, Elisa."

My hands trembled on the bed sheets as I tried to maintain my strength under his touch. What was he doing to me?

I was about to speak when Pan released my lip but he did not give me a chance when he saw me opening my mouth. He shifted his body closer to me and pressed his index finger against my lips.

His intense stare on me made me waver as he shushed me.

"Shhh, don't speak. You must recover, and when you do, we have work to do."

I was at a loss for words. I was in a daze. It was like I was hypnotised. Hypnotised by his voice, the rasp laced in his words. Hypnotised by his manipulative touch.

I felt foolish for actually allowing him to control me. Who did he think he was?

Pan stood up without saying a word, and he left the room - never looking back.

Screw you, Peter Pan. Screw you.


"Where are we going?" I asked as I walked behind Pan through a forest trail.

"Somewhere private." He replied.

I cocked an eyebrow as I stared at the back of his head.

"If you're luring me into some rapist den then you are SO not -"

Pan scoffed. "Believe me, Elisa, I'm nowhere near interested in you sexually."

I crossed my arms as I started walking beside him. "Good. Feeling's mutual towards you."

Pan glanced at me. "Good."


"We're here."

I looked around me and realised that we were standing in front of the waterfall where we bathe.

I scowled at Pan. "I am not skinny dipping with you."

Pan laughed. "I know I'm quite devilishly handsome, but Elisa dear, you need to try to think less of me sexually."

I scoffed. "Trust me, Pan, you're not my type anyway."

"Glad we agree on something, because you're not my type either." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes. "So why are we here."

Pan's grin faltered slightly and the mood around us shifted into a serious one.

"We are here and nowhere else because of safety precautions."

I raised an eyebrow. "Please elaborate."

Pan sighed and leaned against a large rock while surveying me intently.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you want to know what you are, Elisa."

I frowned. "I'm a thief. That's what I am."

Pan rolled his eyes. "Your absurd power you possess, Elisa. You aren't a normal person. Do you or do you not want to know what you are?"

"Why are you so keen on telling me who I am?" I crossed my arms as I stared at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Because I will teach you how to control your power." He spoke with a smirk as he proudly puffed out his chest in arrogance.

"And why are you interested in helping me?" I asked.

Pan pushed himself off the rock and approached me. He stopped when he was only a few centimetres away from me.

"By helping you, I would be helping myself. As I said before, you're a special weapon." He spoke in a low tone and I fought the urge to shiver.

"Will you tell me what you mean by that?"

"All in good time, Elisa. All in good time." He winked.

When neither of us spoke, I decided to break the silence.

"So, Pan. What am I?"

Pan took a few steps back as he stared at me in evident curiosity but obvious admiration.

"You, Elisa Emerson, are a meylys."

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