My Boy (BWWM)


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Ezra Grant was able to get any girl he wanted with just a charming smile and a light twinkle of sky blue eyes... Еще

Chapter 1~Introduction
Chapter 2~Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 3~Tense Breakfast
Chapter 4~ Bipolar Much
Chapter 5~ (No) New Friends
Chapter 6~ Spring Break
Chapter 7~ Spring Break Part 2
Chapter 8~Home Sweet Home
Chapter 9~ Surprises
Chapter 10~Jealous?
Chapter 10~ Secrets
Chapter 11~Sister Love
Chapter 12~Meet the second set of twins
Chapter 13~Ezra's Regret
Chapter 14~ New You
Chapter 15~ The Worrier
Chapter 16~The Fixed Puzzle
Thanksgiving Special
Chapter 17~Rekindling
Chapter 18~ Daddy's Home
The Kidnapper
Chapter 19~ Meet Robin
Chapter 20~ "Where is she?!"
Chapter 21~ To be Submissive
Chapter 22: Rescue
Chapter 23~ Pretzels
Chapter 24~ (Slowly) Back to Normal
Chapter 25~ Hold your breath
Chapter 26~ The Birthday Dinner
Chapter 27~ Angel
Chapter 28~Perfect Birthday

Interlude~The Night We Met

4.2K 170 9

(7 years ago)

Vanessa and Jade are at it again, yelling at one another. I yawned as we stepped out of mom's car, as she waved at us with a bright smile on her face. Her Italian side showed as her thick wavy dirty blonde hair was up in a high ponytail.

We waved at her after I thumped the twins' ears to show them her waving. After that, I walked into school, ignoring their presence like every other day I went to school. I moved my tousled wavy jet black hair from my face in exasperation when I saw the black girl again, two lockers right of mine as she struggled with the locks.

Her thick curly hair was in two braids today, which means they'll be out tomorrow...not that I pay attention or anything. I wanted to help her, but she made a friend quick. Tasha was another black girl in the school, they seemed to be one of the few here. Tasha was, however Spanish as hell.

"For christs sake, Frankie." Tasha said loudly, before she sighed and helped her with her locker. Frankie must have said thanks quietly because Tasha smiled brightly and said a cheerful, "No problem, chica."

Tasha flipped her wavy black hair as she Frankie seemed to be speaking to her quietly, before she glanced my way, narrowing her hazel green eyes on me. "Hold up Frankie, theres some weirdo looking at you," she said loud enough for me to hear as she crossed her arms and glared at me.

My body went tense and my face heated up in embarrassment as Frankie turned around. I was met with her shiny chocolate gaze and I couldn't stop the increased beating of my heart at the moment. I wanted to say sorry, but I couldn't form words under those eyes. She looked me up and down without showing any emotion on her face.

When she turned back around, I finally exhaled as she slammed her locker and grabbed Tasha and sped walked away from me.

Crap, I scared her...

And it didn't help that I had 6 period with her either. All I could do was stare as she concentrated on the teachers lessons about biology, or something. I know my focus wasn't on anything he was saying, as I continued to gaze at Frankie. As I watched, the guy behind her tapped her shoulder and handed her a note.

After reading, I watched as she blushed and turned her head to look at the guy behind her with a small smile. My chest was tight when he said something to her and she giggled before nodding. He was pretty good with the girls, which makes him the most imperfect person for her. Harris was a player, who talked to every girl in the school. It didn't help that he is the star of our basketball team.

I frowned a bit throughout class as they continued to flirt with each other.

For the rest of the day, I was in a mood, not even thinking about the Spring Formal tonight. I got a text on my phone, and turns out it was this girl named Flora. She was hot for a middle schooler, but I heard she sucked a few guys off from the baseball team.

She was interested in me though. She boldly asked for my number before asking me if I had a date to the Spring Formal. I said no, of course, so she made me her date. I told her to sent me her address so my dad can drive us.

He was in his work clothes when he came home to find me in my tailored penguin suit. My usually mopped hair was combed and gelled to perfection, thanks to mom. He adjusted my tie and smiled down at me. "You ready?" He asked eagerly. I nodded, giving him a false smile.

We picked Flora up from her house and she wore a nice light pink dress with her light brown hair curled. She had light makeup on that actually looked nice on her.

When we got to the dance, my dad told me he'd pick us up by 9, which is in three hours. He then left, and I watched him go as Flora took my hand and dragged me to the front entrance of the school gymnasium. It was decorated like a fairytale theme, with little yellow lights hanging from the ceiling, like stars in the night sky, and the dance floor was packed with other middle schoolers dancing on each other. I then looked over at the bleachers, seeing some kids sitting alone and-

Thats when I saw her.

She sat alone with her hair slightly frizzed, but she wore a pretty champagne dress and black flats. Her face had a natural makeup look to it and...she looked so broken and beautiful. She looked longingly into the crowd as she fidgeted her fingers in her lap.

"Ezra!" I looked to see Flora glaring at me. "Can you get me a drink?"

"Oh yeah," I glanced towards Frankie, "Wait here, I'll go get us some."

I let her hand go and wormed my way through the crowd to find a punch bowl. I grabbed two cups and grabbed the spoon in the bowl, "I wouldn't drink that, man." I looked to see Terrence, Flora's brother, looking into the punch bowl before dipping his finger in it and tasting it. "Yep, spiked."

"Really? Thanks man," I said, deciding on canned soda instead. A girl with wild curly hair walked up to him, who I realized was Tasha. She grabbed his jaw and turned his head so she kissed him.

"Dance with me, white boy," she smile at his shit eating grin before she pulled him to the dance floor.

I chuckled at them, before my eyes scanned over the crowd to spot Flora dancing on some guys. After looking for a while and waiting for the jealousy to kick in, I shrug and look across the gym to see Frankie in the same spot. I found myself walking over to the bleachers and sitting close to her, a step below. She could hear me when I said, "Great party, huh?"


"Yeah, I guess." She said, and I turned to see her looking out. I've never been this close. Her long lashes touched her cheek bone as she blinked and her eyes were watery, as if to refrain from crying.

"Your date ditched you too, huh?" I asked and she finally set her coco colored gaze to me, making my heart skip. I had her full attention. Her brows furrowed a bit, before she nodded as she worried her bottom between her teeth. I looked at the unopened sprite can in my hand before offering it to her. She looked at me for a moment, and I gulped at for a few odd seconds before she grabbed it from my hand, brushing my fingers.

"Thanks," she said, tapping the top a bit before opening it. "You are my locker neighbor, right?" I nodded, way to eagerly. "I'm Frankie Allen, whats your name?"

"Its Ezra Grant."

"Well, its finally nice to add a name to a face." She smiled a bit as she drank from the can. I opened my drink, and just my luck- the soda spilled a bit on my tux.

"Dammit- Fuck nugget," I muttered, and I hear a giggle to my side to see her smiling broadly.

"Fuck nugget?" My shoulders slumped at that but I smiled because I made her laugh.

"Hey-uh," I said after looking into the crowd. "You wanna dance with me?"

She stares at me for a moment, studying my features as if taking a mental picture in her head before a cute smile slowly takes form on her face. She nods and sets her drink down before I stretch my hand out for her to take with a giggle my way.

I pull her to the dance floor, and I can't help but admire the way her skin glowed under the dim lights. I wrapped my arm around her waist, like my dad did my mom when they'd dance. I grabbed her other hand as we swayed to some cheesy Taylor Swift song.

She kept her eyes on me as I brought her in closer, allowing me to smell her fresh vanilla scent. "You look beautiful, by the way."

She must've been blushing because she timidly avoided my gaze.

"Even with this joke of a silk press?" She asked, and after I raised a brow. "Even with my hair looking like a birds nest right now?"

"It doesn't look like a birds nest," I chuckled at her pout. "Its perfect." She grinned up at me before standing up on her tip toes to kiss my cheek, making my face heat up and my heart rate quicken.

"Thank you," she whispered, laying her head on my shoulder as we continued to swat to the music. "For making this not a shitty night."

And just like that, without even knowing...she had my heart in her hands.

And no, I never saw Flora again that night.

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