Someone's Forever

By NeelamMenghani

594K 27.9K 6.3K

*Long Listed for Wattys 2018* E-Awards 2017 Winner *Best Hooked Story * *COMPLETED* Life, love, hate and b... More

Someone's Forever
1. Goodbye Normal, Hello Miracle
2. Let The Mystery Begins
3. Past, Present and Future
4. A Vow to Protect
5. Questions, Confusions and Amusements
6. Test of Patience
7. Deal that sealed Our Destiny
8. Consequences of Negligence
9. A Night of Dilemma
10. Faith and Myth
11. Enlightening Darkness
12. Breeze of Change
13. His Pain, His Relief
14. Old Pain, New Wounds
15. Shock One After the Other
16. Morning Mayhem
17. Stepping in the Arena
18. Calling out the Soul
19. Chaotic Afternoon
20. Just a Glimpse
21. An Evening Maze
22. A Little Further
23. A Spark in the Dark
24. And He Found Her
25. Conflicting Deception
26. Do Not Speak
27. Ancient Legends
28. Arrival of the Grey Sky
29. Closer to Appraisal
30. Meeting Mr. Mycroft
31. To Save the King
32. Check'Mate'
33. Defiance in Acceptance
34. Losing Her Chance
35. A Call from 'Treasure of Heart'
36. A Walk Unexpected
37. A Meet to Remember
38. Curve of Guidance
39. Conceptual Claws
40. Instinctive Step
41. Healing Wound
42. Webbing Deep
43. Reiterating History
44. Turned Table
45. Expectations Unexpected
46. You are Not Alone
47. Assurance from Guardian
48. Reaching the Surface
49. 'V' for A V
50. Lost and Found
51. 'Queen of Hearts'
52. Marvelous Majestic Meet
53. Old Rust but Gold
54. The Will of Time
55. Two Purposes, One Arrow
56. Apart from You
57. Mystery and Miracle
58. A Celebration so Special
59. Hide and Steal
60. You and Us
61. The Night Falls
62. Trust is Essential
63. Tussle to Throne
64. A Word with Divergent
The Slave
65. Your Answer awaits You
66. Privilege of Acceptance
67. Two Names in One Breath
68. Fire: A Lethal Game
69. Peace and Storm
70. Sweat in Smirk
71. The Mate Bond
72. Shield Defends, Sword Attacks
73. Heard Unsaid
74. Rational Rage
75. BitterSweet Sky
76. Defeated Victory
77. Knows More than Told
78. Desperate Diversion
79. Fragile Trust
80. Gust of Rush
81. Howling Heart, Quiet Eyes
82. Damsel in Despair
83.1 Dark of Light: Alicia
83.2 The Rising Dawn: Alicia
83.3 Balance of Nature: Alicia
84.1 The Preface of Pain
84.2 This Finally Concludes
85.1 Sparks & Pains
85.2 Is Pain an end?
86.1 Always Behind of You
86.2 Behind the Maze
87.2 A Fate Sealed
88. The Rise of New Dawn
89. Closer and Far Away
Whispers of Forever
Someone's Forever
Sacrifices of Sapphire

87.1 Sealed Secret

2.4K 160 42
By NeelamMenghani

Ramadan ka ye pak Mahina aap sab ko mubarak!

Happy Forever Saturday!

Thanks a bunch guys for the love and support, it always warms my heart with gratitude and adoration to watch you all shower SF with your love.

Love you all guys!

RumaSrinivas jangotra27 


snehajadeja24 homosapein

 NorthKnight keerti5 

Tinglingmemories Foogii


"At the end of the day, it isn't where I came from. Maybe home is somewhere I'm going and never have been before."

Warsan shire



After a gloomy night, the shining sun-rays seems like a change, a good one, the growling sky is quiet, shall I take it the bright light has put disciple over the grumpy sky.

The thought is enticing, and succeeds to bring a bright grin on my face. I glance above, from the shed of backyard's patio of Mrs. Mahri—yah's the day seems brighter. Is it just my observation or any charm of her delightful personality?

I muse grinning, before taking another sip of tea. Although the silent surroundings are greeting me, I know there are eyes watching over me, presences which aren't making presence but they are around, stiff, rigid and on guards.

Despite the sudden whip of alert realization, I continue to grin.

The thoughts like these are far more comforting and relaxing than the claustrophobic maze, the recent incidents have left me in.

I let out a resigned sigh, pressing my palm over the middle of my chest feeling the new found eccentric warmth.

"Sweetie!" through the rim of cup, I look up, the delightful lady of the house comes to my view, with apron smeared in flour and hair drizzled with some of white of same, I watch in amusement as she bounces her way to me with a plate in hand.

I let out a happy chuckle, one thing about her I have noticed, she is a wonderful host. Despite the whole fiasco, the events and situation on which I was shifted here, she always brings me new dishes to taste. According to her, she loves to make new dishes, and I, being here have brought her a person who can taste and judge her recipes. As experimental guinea pig as it sounds, all her dishes taste palatable and exceptional.

Mrs. Mah—riyah is a great cook. Proven fact!

"See, how they look?" soon the plate is in my line of sight, the butter dripping parathas winking at me, a sigh of satisfaction escapes my lips, before I wink at the curious lady awaiting my response.

"They look so delicious!" her grin amplifies at my compliment, crossing the corners of her ears.

"Is it? Taste them."

I almost had the grip on the plate before she official allows me to have a taste.

"They look almost same as the video, I hope they taste good." The pout on her lips made me smile, as I tear the stuffed bread between my fingers, dipping it in the butter on top like a true foodie, taking a bite.

I moan in delight and she squeals. No words needed they hit the score, again.

Yesterday, we couldn't go with the recipe, since Mrs. Mahri—yah was confused which paratha she should try with the wide range of Indian cuisine of breads, opting to later ask her 'Cat Fish', she pushed the plan for next day.

The evening was quiet until Gideon made his presence, with him Tiara bounced and we spent time. Mrs. Mahriya—h left us leaving saying she needs to be with her Sea Horse at night.

I can't say for sure the demeanor of Mr. Alpha seems very off, in all the day with Gideon, after this incident I have seen him distracted and...seething. He could barely keep himself in check with his temper.

Being around Tiara, I tried not to bring the topic, neither did Gideon. Yet we both were aware.

With my impish desire turning sin, I tried to keep distance which seems impossible because it's Gideon. Staying in same room, sitting beside each other, air became thick and sinful to breathe, but the night ended eventually.

"I'm not sure of video, but this surely is a hit." I grin disregarding the warmth crawling on my neck, recalling the last night.

The delightful lady turns crimson in blush of appreciation. I grin before tearing another piece from the treat in my hand.

But my action stops, I stop.

Suddenly I felt something, I waited for it to happen again, I cringe. The squeaking of the main door made me snap my gaze, from my peripheral view I notice Mrs. Mahriy—ah already alert and on guard before she turns and bow her heard, curly tendrils falling forward through her ponytail.

My own mouth opens wide as I get up from the chair slowly.

The smirking face followed by grim alert face, all coming my way made me conscious instantly, of my appearance, of my mind, of my state, altogether.

"Guardian Quinn, Theodore."

"Miss. William!" the man with exceptional shrewd sharp features, nods at me, Theo. makes a comfortable eye contact.

"Our apologies for the sudden presence, I hope you don't mind Mrs. Dovin." His gaze steals a glance at Mrs. Mahri—yah who stiffens but shakes her head incredulously.

" Guardian."

"How are you Miss. William?" his directed question makes me gulp, my hand instinctively flee to my wounded neck as his gaze comes to reach it.

"I'm fine, healing." I mumble, biting back the wince erupting in my mouth at the touch of my wounded skin.

"It's very much healed." He asserts, for once it sounds like he is informing me.

Of course, it is. The Alpha King made sure of my survival and recovery.

Disdaining the topic, I nod before gesturing toward the chairs to them to sit.

"Beta, I would like if you check on the guards in area." From his sharp gaze, I shift my gaze to Theo. who seems hesitant, it made me conscious before our gaze met, I nod at Theodore, I don't know why but with a soft sigh, he blinks his eyes and we see his retreating figure.

Was he against the idea to leave me alone with Guardian?


"The weather is conflicted, isn't it?" he breaks off my words with his, his gaze glances at the above. The bright light of day shone on his pale face, making it more sharp and astute. The sky is quiet in daylight but we don't know when in a blink, there will be dark clouds causing heavy rainfall, because that's how weather is since few days.

"Nature itself is a maze, a beautiful maze."

"It is." He nods in agreement; my smile, I find fading at his smirking face. From my peripheral view I notice the positive figure of Mrs. Mahriya—h missing, and instantly my back straighten.

Why he is here?

When no one is allowed to?

"May I ask the reason of your visit Guardian?" rather than prevailing it with silence, I opt to go straight. The shrewd man flaunts a smart smirk.

"Can't it be to know your well being?" I want to laugh, yet I conceal it with a smile, the Guardian matches the curve of my lips.

Can it?

"I wish we could believe this, but we both know, you—or anyone won't risk crossing Majesty's orders just for a trivial human's concern." I watch as the Guardian leans back, his gaze roams over my face, taking every inch of my demeanor under his monitoring eyes.

"Impressive Miss. William, except the trivial part." I find myself frowning at this.

"However," my musing fades as I pay my complete attention to the gentleman hoping he could reveal his motives to meet me, "You're correct in assessment, I've come with a motive."

I shoot an instant smile shifting to get more comfortable and attentive for the further discussion. Inside I feel as alert as I should.

"Then, let's get to matter simply." I place the cup back on table, passing an apologetic glance to the Parathas now getting cold soaked in butter.

Mr. Mycroft leans forward, the clap of his palm coming closer almost I missed with the sudden wave of aware alertness rush past me.

What it can be that made Guardian Mycroft break rules? Because the whole realm knows, he is a rule himself.

What can make him defy his own principles?

"As you suggest, Miss. William," I brace myself with mental armor, because with the clear declaration, Guardian Mycroft has begun a new war game.

"To know the incident, I'm here. What exactly happened that night?" a shudder ran down my spine, instantly catching his words, a lone bead of sweat rolls down my back.

The horror all written, Guardian read it well yet unfazed, his brow rises in interest. There I knew, he won't spare me for my fear.

"Miss. William, may I ask, of how much you remember?" it took me a moment to thumping heart, and with Mycroft's penetrating gaze, I find it harder to do so.

Think Niera think!

I let out a sigh before my gaze flickers from the Classy crisp man to the scattered sun-rays over the wide lawn grass. My mind com-busting with all the terrifying images stored in the darkest corner howling to be free and terrify my day and nights. It wasn't enough to ruin my nights, now Guardian is on heels to ruin my days as well.

I bit my lips to restrain a shaky breath from escaping before facing him again.

No, I shouldn't fall! It's all gone, passed. All gone!

A futile attempt fails and sanity screams to focus.

"How is this going to help, Guardian? You have more knowledge than me, I was—Gideon and Ace can be more reliable source to explain the exact happening, rather than a fragile broken human infested with Vampire venom." My sane self praises my confident tongue at work but all falls when Guardian showcases his signature smile.

"So, you were awake, conscious of what was happening, confident enough to state," he smirk and I curse myself internally for slipping within my over confidence.

"I don't remember much. It's just figm—"

"You can state only that much. There is absolutely no pressure Miss. William, this isn't an interrogation." I almost scoff at his cool demeanor, if this isn't interrogation than I'm Loki from Asgard.

The area between my brows pinches, and I groan knowing I'll be having a shooting headache in sometime. I look over him, then back at him, defeated I let out a sigh. Perhaps a figment of imagination, but maybe Guardian read my defeat through my eyes.

"Lamia came home, I was alone, she attacked me, I almost lost hope when Gideon along with Ace came. Gideon stated—it wasn't a simple attack, something about venom—"

"You're vague." He interrupts.

Darn, he crossed my patience level.

I bite back a growl, "I don't think I can animate the whole incident for you. I apologize Guardian, I—"

"Do you know how he saved you?" He injects breaking my exasperated agitated tone.

This one query stilled me, the sudden jolt like shock drain off blood from my veins.


"Venom kills venom, the poison infested in you, was not ordinary, it was from Lamia,"

He halts, letting me process his words.

"She is—"

"The aunt of the Absolute King of Supernatural Realm, of course she has more on her sleeves, Miss. William."

Heaving out a puff of invisible breath, he looks away, "I apologize to say, but the incident with you has begun a new chapter...of change."


Can the sky be moved a little, so that I can see what color is on the other side,

Can the wind be seen, so that I would know which fragrance it carries,

Can I see through people who hide secrets, this way, it'll better to judge them,

And fall less in deceptive tricks.

Another sigh escape me, the red hue in sky has now started to turn darker, soon it'll be dark, soon it might rain again, or worse there will be storm. Personally I don't mind any, whether it's rain or winds or storm or quiet, it's nature, it knows best. All I can see is how not to be affected by the lightning.

I let my head lean on the wall, gazing at the dark sky through the balcony door, the scantiness of light around room made no such affect, the natural light coming from out seems enough to chase away darkness.


I gasp.

Then, turn startled to the point where my heart leaps out from my throat.

The dark room almost swallow the figure before he step forward.

"Ace..." I frown at his presence. Mentally face palming at the supernatural tricks they hold under sleeves.


I want to smile and shake my head, believe at the humor of his query but I can't, despite the calmness he exudes, I can't. Instead, I find myself moving a step forward and search the switch of light.

Once the room baths in white light, I assess Ace's face with details; his hair messed up, a strange kind of exhaustion looming over his features.

"I take your silence as query for my presence."

"Please do." I overtly give answer; he let out a resigned sigh. I notice the distance between us, which none tried to cross.

"You can't be here." I speak when he made no effort to speak.

"I shouldn't be here." He corrects, the smart edge almost made me roll my eyes.

"How are you?" his queries, or perhaps his gaze on my neck, my hand flew finding the wound, wincing as I reach the healing wound.

I shrug, not having a proper answer. My hand fall back to my side.

"How is he?"

Despite my hostile look, a small smile crosses Ace's lips, but his answer comes as shrug. I groan internally.

"It must be difficult to company him when he was on his edge with powers." Ace's eyes widen, I afford a smile.

"You look bad." I add, feeling guilty. I'm someone to blame to an extent.



"You're not at fault. Instead, it's you, who has kept him calm until now."

I slid out the blazer from my shoulders, keeping it safely on bed; I sit down, instantly pulling a pillow on my lap.

"You are here for that incident." I announce; the traces of shock slip from composed demeanor and Ace takes a strong stride.

"Yes." My eyes widen, when he close the distance in a blink, the strong cologne hits me square, next I feel his warm fingers covering my cold palms; Ace takes a seat beside me.

It took my entire self control not to flinch away ay proximity and create an awkward moment. With a long sigh, Ace looks at me intently and initiates.

My breath hitch in my throat as I nail down the thought, whatever awaits, is very crucial.

"I know you're confused, I know this whole situation reflects like a puzzle right now."


"Listen Niera, I know you were conscious," there I feel forced to take a sharp intake of breath, his shrewd eyes regard me under scrutiny, "The whole incident you've witnessed and despite the state you were in, I know you have many questions, but there is one thing that you need to do. Not only for yourself but for Gideon's sake." The thumping from my chest comes out loud and clear.

"What is it?" I find my vocal cords working, the whisper hardly reach our ears and disdain in air. After colliding me with lightning, Ace looks contemplated and for a mere small moment, I embrace the idea to hit him if he chooses to retreat without speaking.

My toes curl clawing the rug beneath with the wild madness of anticipation; a painful growl almost slips out as I gaze at him.

As if pitying me, he initiates again, "While saving you, Gideon gave you something." He said and my breath hitches in my throat.


Ace nods, "Yes, he gave—slipped something in you, that thing."

Cloaked by the shadows of the past, memories float across me, projected like a Pandora box; the miraculous moments in the cloak of dizziness, imprinted on my soul, flash in the somewhere of my memory.

The last breaths I was counting, taking his brown pained gaze over me, I had lost it, and I was hoping Miracle too lose, this futile hope, perhaps will stay and I'll lose to death.

But then, he whispered something, incoherent, impossible to hear, but then change begun, I could feel it as our bodies were one—in touch, in soul.

Then he bit me, and then he kis—

With a shivering heart, my hand falls over my lips, then over my throat.

It takes my hand to follow Ace's gaze which stops at my chest.

It's in here!

He slipped something...but...

My fingers press into his flesh that we are still holding, "What is it?"

Even I can sense the desperation in my tone.

He took a moment contemplating at his choice to let the truth slip or not. Before a look of decision flash through his eyes. Letting out a soft sigh, Ace regarded me with caution, then speaks.

And snatch away the last pieces of everything I possess.

"He gave up a part of him; he gave a part of him to you."

I thought, it was impossible to feel shocked now, perhaps I have crossed the limit of shocks bafflements to feel anything like them while associated with truth of supernatural, but here in this moment, I feel something breaking inside me, something breaking me. And despite his nature and personality, I find myself unable to accept he can be so selfless.

Stunned, I almost lost my consciousness, my balance, if it wasn't for Ace to use his hand to hold me; I had been on floor shattered—broken.

"Wha—t? What—he has done?" I turn, fisting into his shirt into my sweating palms, shaking the bulging man as voice almost I lose.

"Ace—how can it be? Gideon can't do such a thing!" I croak out, despair burnt my insides, shock numb my entire being left with nothingness.

Ace covers my hands with his; a soft look crosses his features before he turns impassive.

"He can, and he did. He did what exactly he should have in order to save you."

A breath slips, something breaks, and something strengthens.

"And before you start cursing yourself, there was a reason Niera—"

"What reason made him take such a step; I'm just a human—" I cringe at the sudden hardness in his eyes.

"Will you stop?!" Casting a glare my way, Ace let out a sigh. Apparently, questioning his decision to share this whole secret.

When our gaze collides again, they were soft, yet determinant.

"It's not important now." I wanted to protest, how can he say this but the stern seriousness put me to quiet.

I look away, feeling the cool breeze entering the room and settling calmly with buzzing tension. It's for Ace's calling my name, made me look back to him.


"You need to stay quiet. Forget this. Never, I repeat Niera, never this should come on your lips." My gaze flickers between his pointed finger and his face.


"It shouldn't come on your lips." Disregarding my breathless whisper, he continues.

"Revealing secrets have consequences, revealing forbidden brings worse."

This one statement succeeds to quiet me, stun me, and snatch away my protests, my emotions.

"Remember Niera, you shouldn't speak. Do not speak."

Do. Not. Speak.

My eyes widen, as I unconsciously linked Ace's words with that incident where the huge metal glass boulder from building Top almost squashed me if wasn't for Gideon's intervention.

The working—gypsy like old woman had said the same words.

Do not speak!

From the misty memory, my eyes snap at the Guardian descendant, whom I've evaluated to be like a copy of his Grandfather, precise and man of true words.

With one look from him, I know it'll be lethal if I cross him. Would I, if the consequences will be borne by Gideon?

My heart whispers the decision, my soul answers.

"This will be lethal Niera; never should it come to your lips, what Gideon has done." Lost with strength to counter, I lost the energy to answer. Instead, I find my eyes linger to the tired looking Guardian. Being around Gideon that night, have affected him severely.


Despite the drowning hope and overwhelming nothingness searing in my chest, I find the courage to ask. I wait until his gaze permits me to continue, swallowing hard, I find courage.

"Was there any other way to save me?"

This time, who met my gaze, wasn't a Guardian, he wasn't Gideon's friend but someone who promised me to show the brutal face of reality, who promised to help me out in need. Ace helped.

"There was, but it was his choice to make. His decision."


May 25, 2019

Fiction Awards nominations are open, if you feel SF and The Slave are worth deserving, You can nominate Someone's Forever and The Slave in their suitable category.

Just type:

Someone's Forever by NeelamMenghani


The Slave by  NeelamMenghani


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