Such a Softer Sin [COMPLETE]

By ThaliaLikesLove

35.9K 936 82

Her grandfather's illness brings her back to Boston, and Lila gets more than she bargains for when she meets... More

Such a Softer Sin Chapter 1
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 2
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 3
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 4
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 6
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 7
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 8
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 9
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 10
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 11
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 12
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 13
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 14
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 15
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 16
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 17
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 18
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 19
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 20
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 21
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 22
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 23
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 24
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 25
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 26
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 27
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 28
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 29
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 30
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 31
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 32
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 33
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 34
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 35
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 36
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 37
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 38
Such a Softer Sin Chapter 39

Such a Softer Sin Chapter 5

1.1K 36 2
By ThaliaLikesLove

Lila gets asked out on a date by someone other than the twins, and Murphy gets jealous...again. :')


Lila walked to work with a stupid grin on her face but she didn't care. She had decided to leave for work a little earlier today and she stopped to get herself a coffee, she got more than she bargained for though as she gained a date too. The barista had been quite attractive, although she found herself comparing him to the devilishly handsome Irish twins that had befriended her. She wondered just when the boys had become a scale to measure the attractiveness of potential dates and snorted to herself. The twins were way out of her league, hell even the barista was, so she had no reason to use them to pick her dates. She hadn't seen anyone since high school since she'd been so busy, so the thought of a handsome guy wanting to take her to dinner made her feel giddy. They'd arranged to meet at an Italian place the next day and swapped numbers incase the plans changed. She was still wearing her off the shoulder top that she had worn when she attended to Murphy earlier in the day.

When she walked into work, the boys noticed instantly she was already smiling, Connor quirked a brow curiously and half amused whilst Murphy squinted almost suspiciously. His suspicion was melted instantly though when she came to them first, making him feel smug at the look from some of the other patrons that she had graced them with that smile and her presence first.

"Hey guys! You need anything?" She was practically radiant and as beautiful as it looked on her, Murphy couldn't help the pit in his stomach that was growing at a rapid rate.

"What's got ye in such a fine mood sweetheart?" Connor asked with a smile.

"I have a date!" She beamed. And there it was. Murphy felt like a kettle on the stove, whistling with steam coming from it, as the rage turned from simmering to almost explosive. He knew it was ridiculous, they were just friends, but the thought of some other fucker putting his hands on their girl, nah, that didn't fucking fly with him one bit.

"That's great news lass." Connor smiled warmly, but Murphy wasn't stupid, he could hear the disappointment in his twins voice. He knew him all too well. Murphy couldn't bring himself to speak, he knew if he did it wouldn't be pretty and it wasn't the girls fault she was fucking beautiful and someone had asked her out.

Lila looked at Murphy curiously, he was glaring at the bar counter with his beer in a death grip. She thought the boys would be happy for her. Maybe he just wasn't feeling too good from the hangover still.

"How you feeling Murphy? Any better?" She asked, giving him a sweet smile. He was fighting the deep need to pounce on her and claim her as his and Connors, at this rate he'd fucking piss on her if he had to. Connor glanced to his twin, he could feel the anger rolling off him in waves and he knew he had to defuse the situation because angry Murphy was a fucking asshole and he wouldn't let him upset the lass. Of course Connor was disappointed with the news, but he was rational, he hoped it wouldn't work out with the guy and besides, they weren't her boyfriends. They were her friends, and friends supported their friends.

"He's still got a bit o' a headache lass, ye'll have te mind him." He gave her a sheepish look.

Luckily she seemed to buy it, maybe she was just too happy to really care but she went about serving people like any normal day, except today she was more happy than they'd ever seen her. Murphy hated it. Some other prick had put that smile on her face and he didn't need to meet the fucker to know he didn't deserve her. He didn't deserve her pretty smile or her glorious laugh, her amazing company or her sass. Asshole didn't deserve to breathe the same air as her.

"Calm yerself deartháir (brother), can fuckin' feel ye. Settin' me on edge." Connor warned, shooting his twin a look. Being twins was a good thing most of the time and the boys couldn't imagine life any different, it was all they knew. They could often feel each other's emotions when they were close by or if they were intense, and in this situation, they were sat together and Murphy was so fucking incensed, Connor was feeling it like a tonne of bricks. It was making him angry and he was fighting to get the rational part of his brain to take over and realise the anger wasn't actually his own. It could be hard for them sometimes to distinguish what was their own feelings versus the others. Connor was more controlled and it was easier to compartmentalize Murphys feelings away and he used it to his advantage. Since he was effectively the big brother of the two of them, he liked being able to feel Murphy, reading him more than just his body language. Murphy struggled more though, the overemotional twin seemed to feed off his brothers feelings a little too much sometimes and he had a harder time knowing what feelings were really his own. Murphy scoffed and downed his beer, slamming the bottle on the counter. He was itching for a fight now, he wanted someone to cause some shit so he had an excuse to deck someone.

"Outside for a smoke. Now." Connor growled, he needed to take control of this before it got way out of hand. He grabbed his smokes and lighter and Murphy pushed himself off his stool and stormed out.

Lila looked at them curiously, wondering if they were having a fight, completely unaware it was her that was making Murphy like this. She quirked a brow to Connor as he looked over and he held up his smokes to show her they were just going for a smoke. She found it weird since they usually just smoked inside. Connor followed Murphy out and clipped him around the ear with a glare.

"The fuck are ye playin' at Murphy?! Ye remember what we spoke about? She's our friend, ye could at least pretend te be fuckin' happy for her!" He seethed, not wanting Murphy's jealousy to get the best of him and ruin the friendship they had with the lass.

"Oh fuck you and yer fuckin' holier than thou attitude! I'll just pretend te be happy that's she's probably gonna go off and marry some fucker shall I?!" He yelled. Connor squinted at him, unimpressed by his brothers dramatics, he should be used to it by now, yet somehow he wasn't.

"Have ye fuckin' heard yerself brother? Marry him? He's asked her on a fuckin' date! I doubt it would even go well." He chided, making Murphy throw his hands up in the air as he lit his smoke and inhaled, trying to will the nicotine to calm him.

Deep down he knew he was being ridiculous. He had no right acting this way and he knew she wasn't going to go off and marry the fucker. He just couldn't control his emotions. The door opened behind them and when they looked, Lila herself was walking over. Murphy tensed up and looked away, inhaling like his life depended on it. She stood in front of them with her arms crossed and a frown. Connor could practically feel the impending ear bashing they were about to receive. Their Ma had given them that look more times than he could count. Lila may not have been Irish born, but she was Irish by blood and it was never more apparent to Connor than in that moment.

"What the fuck is going on with you two? Are you fighting? Because you're brothers, you should love each other, so hug and fucking make up. That shit won't fly with me." She said firmly, glancing between them both. Murphy would have laughed if it wasn't for everything going on inside of him. How concerned she seemed to be at the thought of them having a serious fight and demanding they make up. He wouldn't look at her and Connor sighed.

"Not fightin' lass, don't worry about it." Connor gave her a small smile, wishing she would just go back inside, he wasn't sure how Murphys feelings were fairing right now.

She furrowed her brow and glanced to the darker haired twin, the one who had refused to meet her eyes all night. She stepped towards him and he tensed more, swallowing thickly as he braved a look at her. She looked so worried and it was like all his anger melted away, feeling bad he had made her feel that way.

"Murph? What's wrong?" Her voice was a mere whisper as she stood so close he could smell her cinnamon hair again, he licked his lower lip and shook his head.

"Nothin' m'girl, I'm fine." He lied as he discarded his smoke, he couldn't exactly tell her the truth and he hadn't even realised he called her his girl. She either didn't mind or didn't notice though as she studied his face carefully. He looked even more troubled than before she left him earlier and she hated seeing him like this. If they werent fighting she didn't know what the hell was going on with him, but he clearly didn't want to tell her and she wasn't going to pry. She couldn't deny it stung a little that he didn't trust her enough to tell her.

She sighed softly and nodded, having no choice but to accept his answer and she wrapped her arms around his middle, giving him a second hug of the day. He relaxed completely, wrapping his arms around her. One hand came to her lovely red hair as he just soaked her in. If this was as close as he could get to her, just being friends, he'd fucking take it. Her hugs had a way of calming him, shutting up his thoughts and feelings even if just for a moment. She kept her arms around him but looked up at him, making his stomach do weird ass shit that it had never done before as her big blue eyes blinked up at him.

"Sure you're okay?" She asked softly, making him smile, a genuine one this time and nod. She seemed satisfied this time and moved away. Connor had watched the exchange curiously, he had no idea how the lass had managed to calm Murphy so well with some soft words and a hug, she was fucking magic. But he felt the pang of envy, watching her hug his brother that way. She hadn't hugged him, he had been the one to hug her the few times they had hugged. It was fucking stupid, it was just a hug, yet he knew this was how Murphy had felt when he found her number.

He didn't have too much time to dwell on it though as the petite redhead moved over to him, gracing him with the same hug. He grinned into her hair and held her closer, his hand rubbing her back just a little. It was such an innocent sweet gesture yet it felt so intimate. When she finally moved away, she gave him a lovely smile and he returned it.

"Come inside when you're done and I'll pour you some shots." With those parting words, she was off back inside.

Murphy released a breath he didn't know he was holding as he slumped against the wall. He ran a hand through his hair, making it a little unruly and sighed. Connor moved closer, pulling him into his embrace as they just held onto each other for a moment, grounding each other. When they moved away, Connor took Murphy's shoulders firmly.

"Better now? She doesn't deserve to be worryin' about us like that." He frowned. Murphy nodded, he agreed wholeheartedly. The look on her face made his heart ache and as hard as it would be for him, he had to push his feelings down, at least whilst he was with her. She had a date, it wasn't the end of the world, fuck knows she deserved some happiness and he felt the guilt creep in at the realization that he had ruined her happiness for a moment. He let Connor lead him back inside.

Murphy went to take a piss and Connor sat at the bar. Lila came over and poured out two shots for the boys. She leant down, resting her elbows on the bar and her chin propped up by her hands as she looked at him. Her off the shoulder top gathered by the motion and he caught a nice eyeful of her cleavage. He had to force himself to look away after his lecture to Murphy about being her friend.

"Is he okay?" She asked looking genuinely concerned. It made him happy that she cared so much about them.

"Aye he will be sweetheart. The thing with Murph that ye'll come te realise is, he's over emotional. Quick te anger. His heart's in the right place but sometimes he can't control himself." He said with a small smile.

"And are you okay?" She asked, levelling her gaze with him in a way that made his stomach flutter.

"Aye lass, I'm fine." He grinned at her. She nodded, lowering one of her hands to squeeze his hand, making him smile at her.

Murphy sat back down, he'd seen the exchange and he had to quell his jealousy. He'd never been jealous when he shared a girl with his brother sexually, because that's all it was, sexual. This was different. But he knew Connor would never do something to hurt him just like he wouldnt to hurt Connor. Lila gave Murphy a sweet smile as she pushed the shot to him and he found himself getting the same eyeful that Connor had, he cleared his throat as he forced himself to look at her face instead and gave her a smile.

"Better?" She asked softly, making him nod and smile brightly at her.

"M'sorry I ruined yer excitement about yer date." He sighed, frowning a little. He hated himself for it. He might not like the idea of the date, but she had been genuinely happy, happier than he'd ever seen her and he fucked it all up.

"You didn't Murph. Besides, you two being okay means far more to me than any silly date." And with those soft spoken sincere words, and a squeeze to his hand, she stood and went back to serving other people. Murphy just blinked at her, watching her work as her words sunk into his brain. Connor smirked as he downed his shot. He knew how much his brother needed to hear those words, hell he had as well, but Murphy needed them more. As cocky as Murphy usually was, Connor knew underneath it all was a young boy that needed reassurance. Having feelings for a girl was new to them, they were out of their depth and completely unsure for once in their life. Connors smirk grew as Murphy smiled to himself before taking his shot. Her words sent a warmth through his chest that outshone the whiskey and he felt strangely happy about it. She basically said he came first, well him and his brother, and that made him over the fucking moon. She also called it a silly date which made him feel like it wasn't as serious as he'd feared it would be. It made him relax about it knowing she cared so much about them.

As usual, time seemed to whiz by at a rapid rate, with Lila coming over for a quick chat every now and then. Aileen told her to finish a little early, so with a grin, she paid for three beers and looked over at the boys, nodding her head to the booth in the corner before going to sit down. It was a horseshoe shaped booth, and she sat in the middle and opened her beer, placing the others either side of her as she watched the boys move over to her. Murphy plonked down to her right whilst Connor slid in to her left.

"I can't wait to get home and devour some lasagna." She blurted out with a wistful smile, making Murphy snort at her as he sipped his beer, reclining to relax against the back of the booth, whilst Connor rested his elbows on the table and quirked an amused brow at her.

"Look at her face Murph, she looks like the lasagna's shown her a good time." Connor chuckled with a quirked brow, making Murphy give her a lopsided grin and she playfully squinted at the lighter haired twin sporting a smirk.

"It has shown me a good time. I make a wicked lasagna if I do say so myself." She grinned, taking a pull from her beer.

"Should let us try it sometime love. We're always up for some home cooked food." Murphy suggested with that devilish smile of his.

"That's a good idea actually. I always make up way too much food just for me and granda, I have to freeze the rest or just throw it out. I'll bring you some tomorrow." She smiled.

The boys visibly perked up at the suggestion. They hadn't had anything home cooked in forever and they were curious to see if her food was as good as she said it was. Connor looked to his brother with a smirk, he had no doubt even if it was terrible, his brother would fucking love it anyway just because she made it. He knew that because he would too.

"Are ye sure lass? Don't want te be too much trouble." Connor said as he looked at her carefully with a slight smile.

"Speak for yer fuckin' self Connor, I want some lasagna." Murphy laughed, shaking his head. Lila snorted a little, making Murphy shoot Connor a smug grin that he had made her laugh. And then it continued, the boys competition to see who could make her laugh the most. She felt like she'd never laughed so much in her entire life since the boys came along, it was nice to just let go and be carefree for a moment, to just be a girl enjoying herself without worrying about things.

Before she knew it, it was time to head home again and she hated the sad faces on the boys, it made her feel guilty for going on a date. She'd called a cab and was sat waiting with the boys in the booth.

"Do you want me to cancel? I can if you need me here, it's fine." She offered, the boys had noticed how she was a worrier and cared way too much about putting other people's happiness before her own. Murphy was about to answer with a very eager 'Aye, ye don't need a date, me and Conn will look after ye.' But Connor shot him a look that kept his mouth firmly shut.

"Nonsense Lila, ye deserve te go out and have some fun aye? Ye'll enjoy yerself and not worry about us." Connor said sternly, despite his smile. Murphy felt like the words were directed at him as much as the girl and he huffed under his breath.

"Alright, if you're sure. I'll swing by and leave the lasagna at your place whilst you're at work, if that's okay?" She asked, glancing between them both. The prospect of Lilas home cooked food was enough to make Murphy smile once again.

"Aye, that would be grand love." He grinned at her.

The boys slipped out of the booth, allowing her to stand so she could run into the back to grab her bag and hoodie. When she came back, the boys stood once again, walking her outside. They lit up smokes in unison as they waited for the cab while the boys gave her a lecture on safety on her date.

"And if he tries any funny business ye don't want, kick him in the fuckin' nuts." Murphy grumbled, pointing at her and shaking his head. He was always so animated when he spoke. It was nice that the boys were so protective of her, that they were looking out for her. She bit back a sarcastic 'yes dad' because the boys were dead serious and she knew they wouldn't appreciate her sass in that moment.

"This is our number, and this is Docs in case we aren't at home. Don't hesitate to call if ye need us, we'll come pick ye up if ye need us te." Connor said firmly as he handed her a beer mat with two numbers written on it. She gave him a grateful smile and took it, slipping it into her bag.

She moved over to wrap Connor in one of her hugs and he held her tight, his hand rubbing her back soothingly. When she moved away she wound her arms around Murphys middle, squeezing him with a smile as he held her close, his hand going to her hair and stroking it. The cab pulled up just as she pulled away and she grinned at the boys before getting inside. They both watched forlornly as it drove away, knowing they wouldn't be seeing her tomorrow since she would be on her date and Aileen had given her the night off.

"Fuckin' hell, miss her already." Murphy sighed, wiping a hand over his face feeling restless and agitated at the thought of not seeing her for a day, like it was the hardest thing he'd ever had to do.

"Aye. Me too brother, me too." Connor replied, clapping Murphy on the shoulder before they walked back inside.

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