Danganronpa: Summer Camp Kill...

נכתב על ידי DespairHunter

466 24 0

Hope's Peak Academy has now made a new program to get new "ultimate" students to join. Their first ever camp... עוד

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter 7
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-One

5 1 0
נכתב על ידי DespairHunter

It was five days after Danielle’s trial. Only seven campers are still alive and facing this despair together. The Ultimate Writer, The Ultimate Game Designer, The Ultimate Joker, The Ultimate Musician, The Ultimate Lawyer, and The Ultimate Sarcasm are in the large cabin planning on what’s their next move is going to be. “There’s only seven of us left here now. We can’t lose any more people.” Zay started. “Should we check out the new area?” Krystal asked Zay quietly. “If there’s food, then I vote yes!” Charlie yelled out. “We don’t have an even number to split into groups. One of us has to investigate alone.” Zoey sighed slightly. “I mean if it’s our only choice,” Aliza said while Ian sighed. “Why can’t we just leave now?” Ian asked still sighing. “We have to investigate. There has to be a way to get out.” Jeffrey concluded. The group made a decision after several minutes of talking. “Let us see what this new area look like,” Jeffrey said calmly before walking out the cabin. The group made it towards one of the exits that are now opened up. The sign next to it read: “Monospace Station!” Zay’s face lit with excitement. “GUYS! A SPACE STATION?!” Zay yelled out before running into the tunnel. Everyone else sighed and followed him in. After exiting the tunnel, the group entered into a huge space shuttle. “Damn! I wonder if there’s any good space food here.” Charlie said making Zay and Ian laugh. “This is pretty impressive,” Zoey said looking at the huge rocket in the middle of the room. “You think it’ll blast off?” Aliza asked. Zoey and Krystal shrugged as a reply to her question. “Let’s not try and test it,” Jeffrey said also looking at the rocket ship. “Campers! Welcome to our final area of Hope's Peak Summer Camp! Puhuhuhu!” Monokuma giggled popping out from behind the rocket in an astronaut suit. “Another dumbass costume?” Jeffrey asked with a sigh. “Nothing ever makes you guys love me! Well, enjoy your stay!” Monokuma wined before disappearing into the rocket. “Anyways we should split up and look for clues,” Ian said proudly. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and took off.

Krystal and Zoey found a gift shop section of the space station and decided to look around. Aliza and Zay were investigating the rocketship in amazement. Ian and Charlie walked around the West Hall of the space station before making it towards the cafeteria. Their stomachs growled as they both looked at each other. “I can eat.” Ian said as Charlie replied, “So can I!” They nodded and ran into the cafeteria. Jeffrey was searching around the East Hall of the space station. “This is a very big station,” he said to himself. “Very interesting. Let us check around.” the voice rang inside Jeffrey’s mind. He sighed and nodded in agreement. Jeffrey looked around and found a closet next to the security room. “That must be the supply closet, I guess,” he said to himself before walking into the office. “Everything looks normal here.” he sighed and sat on the chair that was in front of the monitors. “Nothing is useful here. Let us go.” the voice said to him. Jeffrey sighed and left the room. In the gift shop area, Krystal and Zoey were looking for some nicknacks to buy. “Only things here are filled with Monokuma things.” Krystal sighed and looked down at her feet. Zoey pats Krystal on the back and smiled slightly. “We’ll find something don’t you worry,” she said quietly. Krystal nodded slightly and continued walking around with her head down. “We’ll find something,” Zoey repeated to herself quietly following Krystal. Zay was searching around the main entrance of the area with Aliza in amazement. “Damn this place is so cool!” he yelled out making an echoing ring around the place. Aliza sighed and continued looking at the ship. “This is fake, right?” she asked Zay. In response, Zay shrugged and said, “If it’s real or not, it’s still really cool!” Aliza sighed and nodded in agreement. “It is very cool to see,” she said quietly.

In the cafeteria, Charlie and Ian sat at one of the tables with their plates full of food. “First one who finishes all of their food is the winner!” Charlie yelled while licking his lips. “I’m going to win this,” Ian replied while looking at his plate of food. Charlie started the countdown at ten. The moment he got to one, Ian and himself started to eat as fast as they could. Several minutes passed after they started eating. “Man I could go for another round,” Charlie said stretching his arms out. However, Ian laid his head on the table groaning in pain. “Too… Much… Food…” he said before passing out. “Looks like I won,” Charlie said before getting up and walking off to grab more food. Jeffrey met up with Charlie and Ian at the cafeteria. “Let me guess. Ian ate too much?” he asked Charlie with a sigh. Charlie came back with more food and nodded his head. “He thought he could out eat me. WRONG! No one can do that!” Charlie yelled out before eating his food once again. Jeffrey sighed again before sitting down at the table. “Want some?” Charlie asked him while eating some chicken. Jeffrey shrugged and tried to take some of Charlie’s food. “HELL NO!” Charlie yelled at him still chewing while slapping Jeffrey’s hand. In response, Jeffrey sighed and got up to get some of his own food. He sat back down and started eating his food. Krystal sighed even louder still around the gift shops. “There is nothing good here!” she yelled out quietly. Zoey nodded in agreement and sighed as well. “You’re right on that part. Just these dumb nicknacks of Monokuma,” she said in disappointment. The two continued to look around but was stopped by Monokuma who was wearing a businessman outfit. “Oh my don’t you two want something? I got so many amazing products!” he chuckled while pointing at all of the Monokuma nicknacks he has in his briefcase. The two girls sighed knowing that they will have to buy something from him in order to leave. “Fine. What do you have?” Zoey asked him quietly. Monokuma grinned and opened up his briefcase.

    After several hours the group met back up at the entrance of the space station. “Found anything interesting?” Jeffrey asked. Everyone shook their heads in disagreement. “Where the hell did you two get those stuff?” Zay asked Zoey and Krystal who was holding bags of nicknacks in their hands. “Monokuma stopped us while we were at the gift store.” Krystal sighed quietly. “And forced us to buy all of this crap.” Zoey finished her sentence with a sigh as well. “Well the rocket ship in the middle of the room seems real,” said Aliza. “But can it lift off the ground?” Ian asked her. She shrugged in response to the question. “So basically, we found nothing?” Charlie asked sighing to himself. “Seems like we have,” Jeffrey answered. The group left the station and went back to their cabins. Jeffrey laid in bed and sighed before drifting off to sleep. “Let us hope tomorrow will be more interesting. What do you say pal?” the voice asked Jeffrey in his sleep. “Don’t try and ignore me pal. We must show them our true potential sooner or later. Let us not be caught in a horrible crossfire again. Am I correct?” the voice asked him. “I am not listening to this!” Jeffrey replied back. “This will get us killed you fool. We can’t continue to hide for any longer.” the voice rang inside Jeffrey’s head. “Why do you want to do this?” he asked the voice in his head. “To show people that we can do more. That we are more advanced than them. That we remember why we are all here.” the voice answered back. “Remember what?” Jeffrey asked calmly. “Who you really are.” said the voice.

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