(Lil Durk Fan Fic)

By Fierce_Mami

68.9K 1.8K 114

Kayla Taylor is the youngest out of her mother four kids. Her father is a working man so he never really have... More

The Type Of Life
Coming Home
Being Lowkey
Together Like Always
The Two


1.5K 47 0
By Fierce_Mami


"So umm Desire who told you to bring all them hoes in my house?" I asked. "You said this my house too as long as I stay here I live here. I can bring who ever I want to my house best friend." She said being a smart ass. "My nigga. I lay my head in this fucking house! People dont understand that! Them bitches can be oppy but yet you just gonna bring them right in my fucking house!" I drank some water to calm down. "Oh please. Im not ya bitch. I dont have oppy friends." She rolled her eyes at me. "You need to stop worrying about my shawty and go ahead with yourself. She aint do nothing to you Desire. So stop thinking about her. You be wild bitchy to her and I told her stop kissing ya ass." I said getting dress in my room. "Fuck you Durk! Dont worry about me! Ima be good! Worry about ya oppy ass bitch cause you think she goodie two shoe and she in college fucking with my bro! Stupid! I treat her fucked up because I know the real her." She start crying. "My nigga, I know my girl. She not oppy, sorry." I said knowing the fact Kayla not doing nothing wrong. Hoping. "What ever the fuck!" She left out and slammed the door. Kayla came in twenty minutes later. "Hi baby." She kissed me. "Sup. How was school?" I asked tying my sneakers. "Oh it was cool. Can I use your laptop? I have to right a report, more than five pages." She asked. "Go ahead. Ima see you later." I went to kiss her but she stopped me. "What's wrong?" She asked holding my face. "Nothing b--" I stopped myself. Fuck im lying for? "Can we talk when I get home?" I asked. "Yes," and she kissed me. "See you later. I love you and be careful!" She screamed as I walked away. "I love you more ma." I got said before leaving. I left out my house and then went to the trap. Rondo and Nunu was the only two there. "Wussup?" I gave them both daps. "Tell me if im buggin, but I think that nigga Rex is opp'n on us bro. I caught the nigga on 8th walking freely. We got heavily beef over there. Niggas was ode lacking too. And we on the same strip with them." Nunu said. "I see what you mean. And we suppose to be riding on these niggas today. No funny shit if they know we killing Rex. Im tired of niggas moving iffy. Word to my life im killing boy by myself!" I said fed up with the bull shit. "Finalllllly. Im helping you kill that nigga," Rondo said all excited. "Lets find out first." I said. We all hopped in the car and Kayla texted me.


"Yo them niggas was at Kayla door. Rex dont know where Kayla live. How these niggas know?" I said to the gang. "I dont know. Now we cant ride on them because they know where Kayla live bro." Nunu said. My head was spinning crazy. Thank God Asia aint answer the door. "Yooooo. I dont know what the fuck to do my nigga." I said slapping my hands over my face. "Chill bro. Listen we gonna give them niggas a week to ride out on them. You just have to stay somewhere else." Rondo said. "See thats not what im trying to do. Why im living somewhere else and I got my whole house?" I was really fucked up in the head. We all went back to the trap and Kayla cousin was standing there. "Waddup Durk?" We gave each other a manly hug. "Wussup how you?" I asked. "Not so good bro. Ya guys and my guys are at war." He said and I heard Rondo take his gun off safety. "So what this mean?" I asked. "We not about to keep going back and forth. When shawty gave me my aunt address I knew, we had to squash shit. You killed my mans, and and we bodied one of ya guys but its no need to keep going back and forth. How about building a empire together?" He asked. "Let me talk to my guys and get back to you, i'll hold my guys but you have to hold your guys because, one mistake can end up as a blood bath." I said sternly. "Deal." He moved aside and we all went inside the trap. As soon as all of us was separated from him we all discussed and decided to make troops. Fuck it. We did them wayyyyyyy dirtier than they did us. It felt like a thousand pounds was lifted off my shoulders. We schedule a meet and greet type shit and all of us introduced ourselves. I didn't feel bad because my guys wanted to combine with a different squad this time. I let them choose. We gave them dirty looks and they gave us dirty looks but by the looks of things everything should be played out perfectly. After everybody left I left.


Durk came in the house looking drained out. I felt bad for him. He really aint have nobody in his life but the streets and his friends so being a drug dealer was his way out. Everybody needs a little push so for nobody being there to push him he found love in the streets. Thats why im here to help him change that way of him seeking life. He passed by me and went into the room. I continued writing my essay. He was leaving back out when I called out to him. "Durk?" He turned around. "Yo?" I looked at him weird. "Where you going? No hi, no hug, no nothing." "Im going to pick something up. I be right back." And he left out the house. I was about to curse him out but forget about it. I finished my paper and then Faith came over, two in the morning. She was crying and everything. "What's wrong?" I asked concerned. "Me and my boyfriend broke up." "Why?" "He was acting funny and shit. So I start talking shit back to him. He was mad so we start fighting." I rubbed her back. She went in the bathroom and was crying. So after a while Durk came in the house with a couple of his friends. I went in the bathroom to Faith. "You okay?" She wiped her tears while on the phone. "Yeah this Terrence." "Want me to speak to him?" She shook her head. "No. Im about to go back to his house in a few." She smiled. I faked a smile and then left out the bathroom and so did Faith. I walked her to the door and then I went back in the house. "Hi best friend." Rondo hugged me. "Hey." I replied and then went into the room, Durk came right behind me. "You mad at me?" He asked. "What you do for me to be mad at you?" I start texting my friends. "You not speaking to me." "Yeah. I guess." I shrugged. "So why you acting like that?" "Durk. Please." I rolled my eyes. "You hungry?" "A little." I said. "Okay. Ima order some pizza. I was hoping you cooked ma." "No you wasn't. You would've spoke to me the first time you came by yourself." He put his head down. "You want pizza?" "No. Im going next door to see if they cooked." I changed into my baby blue sweat suit. "Coming back?" "Yeah sure. I guess." I left out the house and went into my own. Aaliyah was crying ode. I went to my mother room. "Come here baby." I picked her up and put her pacifire in her mouth. She was still crying. "Try giving her that Pedia Light. I already gave her Tylenol twice. I gave her the bottle and she start drinking it. No food was cooked in the kitchen. "She cried all day Kayla." My mom yarned. "Ima take her to the store and then to Durk house. I'll deal with her." "If she too much drama i'll deal with her." My moms said. "Okay." We went in my room and I start watching TV. Aaliyah stood up the entire three hours I was at my house. She did not cry once. She was chilling in her vibrating chair. I got really hungry, so me Aaliyah and London went to Popeyes. I brought it back to Durk house. Rondo and London was hype to see each other. Aaliyah starts crying as soon as we went in Durk house. I got her undress and Durk came and picked her up. "She sick?" He rocked her back and forth. "Yeah. Ima make her a bottle." "I got her." He said sweating her. I went and heated up a bottle for her. Nice and warm. Durk start feeding her. I took a picture. "Send it to me." I sent the picture to his phone. I sat next to him finishing putting her sleeper on. "Can I get a kiss?" I pect him to get on his nerves. "Babyyyyy." He whined. "Shut up." I kissed him for mad long. He put Aaliyah to sleep and laid her down. I start eating my food. Durk fat ass joined in. He told me all about today. Even including my cousin.

"You cooking me Thanks Giving this year?" He asked stroking my hair. "Well im helping my mother. You can eat over there." I said honestly. "Okay. I guess I can go over there. Asia better not act up." "She prolly is. But so. You and Rondo gonna be there." I said holding him. "Okay." We start kissing and then I leaned on Durk and he held me. "Can I get some loving tonight?" Durk asked. "Nope. I love you tho." We start kissing. I was just about to give in when Faith called me. "Hello?" I answered. "I just got jumped. Im so fucking mad!" She yelled. "By who?" I got up and start putting on my shoes. "Some bitches I go to school with. Well one of them I go to school with! I wanna fight them bitches!" Faith yelled through the phone. "Right now?" I asked tying my sneakers. "Of course not. Them pussy bitches gonna get it Monday! Come to my school!" She yelled. "Okay. Ima be there sister." I said mad that they jumped her. "Okay. Thank you. I love you." "Love you too mamas." And we hung up. "What's wrong?" Durk sat up. "Some stupid lil hoes jumped Faith. And Monday im going to her school" I said shaking my leg. "For what?" He asked. "To fight." "Oh so now you going to fight some lil girls? And dont you got finals Monday at six o'clock?" Durk said getting angry. "Yes but thats like my little sister. Im not bound to let bitches jump her Durk, sorry. Thats like my blood." He shook his head. "Miss that Final and we done. That bitch prolly got jumped for screwing some one boyfriend." Durk spat. "So what." I said rolling my eyes. "I cant fucking believe you Kay." He shook his head. "Why Durk? What's wrong with helping my friend?!" I asked getting mad. "Nothing. I was just hoping you would be like, oh ima go handle the problem and let Faith get the one on. Not ohhh im going to fight. I dont care. I dont care." He mocked me. "Okay. So i'll do that." "And on tip of that, you better make it to them finals." He spat. "You mad at me?" "Yes. You being mad immature." He said crushing his weed up. "Sorry babe. Gimme a kiss." I tried to kiss him. "Stop because I hate when you act ghetto. You was never like that and thats what really attracted me to you Kayla. You dont have to be a bad girl all the time." He rolled his blunt. I was taken back because I really changed. Thats because all the hate I be around. Maybe if I was living a better life things would definitely be different. I say to myself. "Come here." He tapped his lap. I sat on his lap. "I didn't mean to make you feel bad but Im just telling you the truth. I love you tho. Ode." He kissed me. "I love you too." I kissed him back and then moved over while he smoked. Wow. Ima get my good girl life back. He like ir better that way and so do I.

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