bibliophilemischief द्वारा

195K 5.8K 659

Katarina is a 20 year old woman who's had a rough life growing up. She is the kindest person you'll ever mee... अधिक

P R O L O G U E: S N E A K
O N E : B I R D S O F P R E Y
T H R E E : F I T Z G E R A L D H E I R
F O U R : L O V E F O R G O T T E N
F I V E : C O M P L I C A T I O N S
S I X : C O M M I T M E N T
S E V E N : I N T H I S L I F E & T H E N E X T
E I G H T : T H E T E M P L A R
N I N E : C O N T R O L
T E N : U N L O C K
E L E V E N : B A S T A R D
T W E L V E : D E F I A N C E
T H I R T E E N : D A R K W O R L D
F O U R T E E N : B E A S T L Y
F I F T E E N : C A L M B E F O R E
S I X T E E N : T H E S T O R M
S E V E N T E E N : W I L D F L O W E R
N I N E T E E N : N I G H T M A R E
T W E N T Y : A P P E T I T E
T W E N T Y - O N E : U N E X P E C T E D
T W E N T Y - T W O : C O U N C I L O F W A R
T W E N T Y - T H R E E : P H A N T O M
T W E N T Y - F O U R : F A L L I N G A P A R T
E P I L O G U E : B E G I N A G A I N
S A C R I F I C E - T H E S E Q U E L

T W O : M E S M E R I Z E

11.4K 367 79
bibliophilemischief द्वारा

A/N: Huge appreciated favor, be sure to vote and comment. Also add this story to your reading list if you like it so far ;D

T W O : M E S M E R I Z E

He stepped down, trying not to look long at her, as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking—Leo Tolstoy


When I woke up this morning, I had absolutely no idea what was in store for me. I mean, that's how I've lived my entire life. I'm a spontaneous guy what can I say?

I love the thrill of the unknown, the adrenaline of making snap decisions on a whim. You never know if it'll work out or not. If it doesn't, oh well, you take it as a lesson and move on, but if it does, oh if it does, there's nothing more satisfying. Either way I was never afraid of whatever outcome it may be.

Except right now, as I used my demon speed to catch this delerious woman before she busted her head open on the concrete floor of what could only be a small kitchen.

She had fainted, you know like they do in the movies. I couldn't help but laugh at it but also felt a powerful sense of worry for her.

I laughed on the inside because after everything she'd just witnessed moments ago, it didn't faze her, yet as soon as Merlin opened his big mouth - or beak in this instance - she just passed out.

I don't know if it was that alone or maybe she was freaking out over everything else and that was the icing on the cake or what. Either way, I was cradling her in my arms on the kitchen floor and I had absolutely no idea what to do.

"Are you going to put her on the bed or just sit there like a bloody idiot until she comes to?" Merlin asks in the most annoying tone ever as he leans over the edge of the poor excuse of a kitchen table. I swear sometimes, I want to ring his damn neck myself.

Rolling my eyes without him seeing, I slowly tuck my arm under her knees while continuing to support her back and pick her up off the floor. She isn't heavy at all, well not for me at least, you know, demon strength and all.

I carry her across the tiny apartment and gently lay her on the bed. Sweeping away some loose strands of hair off her face, I stand next to the bed, looking down on her in a way I'm sure was pretty creepy. But damn I'm fascinated with her.

She mesmerized me from the first moment our eyes met outside of that animal clinic.

I'd been scooping the place all afternoon, patiently waiting for a time to break in and grab Merlin after everyone had left. I knew he wasn't hurt too bad and his healing powers would go into effect right away. If I'd made it in time this morning to stop that demon bitch from stabbing him, taking him with her to the damn clinic, and taken care of her myself before she made it to this apartment, I wouldn't be in this predicament.

"So are you going to stare at her like a creep all night or what?" Merlin mockingly asks from the top of the bird cage as he ruffles his feathers under his wing.

"Shut it birdie," I snap, not taking my eyes off her small form.

"Hey don't get fitty with me boy, I'm simply asking. Don't want to freak her out even more when she wakes up, finding you standing over her and staring like you're about to devour her won't make this any easier. I swear from here I can see the drool coming off your chin. It's quiet comical," he laughs and I glance around to see if there's anything I can throw at him. I come up blank, not wanting to break anything that belongs to her.

I roll my eyes again, turn on my heels and walk back into the kitchen area. On my way there, I notice the massive hole in the room divider from where I threw the possessed old lady earlier.

Most the time I never think about the damage I've done to my surrounding areas during a fight, but right now I couldn't help but feel a certain sense of guilt for ruining her place like this.

I turn and look back at her laying on the bed and sigh.

Just then I remember catching a sight of some grocery bags outside the door in the hallway. She did go to the store earlier before she returned to find a possessed human in her apartment. Convenient of the demon to pick someone close to Katarina to possess someone that only lived a couple blocks away.

I quickly open the door and grab the bags. I kick the door closed with my foot and it makes a loud bang. I freeze in place and notice Katarina stir in her sleep but not wake up. I let out the breath I was holding and sit the bags on the counter and I can feel beady little eyes watching my every move.

I turn to my little asshole of a companion and snap at him, "What?!"

"Oh nothing, just admiring the view of you acting completely out of your element," he snickers.

"Shut it old man. I'm not out of my element. I just don't want someone stealing her stuff or it going bad from sitting out," I shrug, gripping the bags tighter.

"Since when do you care about a bag of groceries or thieves?" he ponders.

I ignore his question and start taking the contents out of the bags, putting them where ever seems fit. After I'm done I grab a glass from the cabinet and pour me a glass of water. My throat is so damn dry and I'm on the verge of having a cough attack. I gulp the water down quickly and before I know it, I'm on my third glass of water before I place the glass down on the counter and let out an annoyed sigh. What the hell am I doing here?

I should just leave with Merlin and head back to my place and act like nothing happened but I can't get myself to do it. I'm finding myself drawn to her and wanting to protect her, protect her from my world.

Just as I'm in my thought of her being a part of my world, I remember the demon from earlier stating that she had finally found this girl—Katarina, and had to deal with her. Why the hell would a demon be worried about a mere human girl?

"Merlin, I need to ask you, why was a demon stalking a human girl? And better yet, why were you stalking a human girl?" I briefly pause. "Now that I think about it, you've been hanging around this neighborhood a lot lately. Have you been watching her?" I ask with sincere curiosity.

He lets out a sigh while shaking his head and jumps off the top of the bird cage where he's been perched, walking back and forth on the table for a few minutes before he finally answers.


"Yes, what?" I ask with annoyance, my fisting balling up by my sides.

"Yes, I've been watching over her. I've been watching over her here and there for quite a long time actually," he states with concern in his voice as he glances over at her form laying on the bed.

"What do you mean a long time? Like the last week or month?" I ask again with even more annoyance. Just get to the damn point. Why do old fuckers always beat around the bush and speak in riddles when explaining shit?

He sighs again and stops walking and looks up at me with annoyance.

"No not just for a month or a week, even though in the last month it's been more frequent. Probably because of what day is coming near, that the danger around her has escalated." he explains and I'm sure if he had hands—he'd be pinching his chin with wonder.

"Danger? What danger? Who is she? And what day is so important?" I ask in a rush, feeling myself becoming alert with anxiety.

"Umm, you met her once a long time ago when you were younger..." his voice trails off as he stares at her again. Just who is this girl?

Katarina is beautiful, the most beautiful human I've ever seen. She has long wavy black hair that reaches down to the middle of her back, beautiful sun kissed caramel skin, and emerald green eyes that just captures your soul and takes over.

I could never, nor would I ever forget that. It's taking everything in me right now not to go sit on her bed and stare at her, admiring her beauty. Creepy, I know.

"Well, when you first met her she was only a few months old. Her father was good friends with yours when they were younger. There was a joke between the two about an arranged marriage between you and her," he chuckled, looking over at Katarina peacefully sleeping.

"But when she was six months old her parents were murdered and she was put in an orphanage. She has no idea who she is or who her real parents are," he sighs.

"I've been quietly watching over her all her life. But recently it's been more due to the activity with the other demon clans, well the Rogues at least. They've been keeping me on my toes, as you'd say it, for the last month or so."

"Wait, you've been watching over her her whole life?" I ask confused and continue before he can answer. "And who the hell are her parents? Especially to know my father. I didn't think he associated himself with humans on a personal level."

"Her parents weren't mere humans Dante, well, her mother was, but her father was more, much more," he states proudly. "Her father is, or was, Thomas Fitzgerald."

I freeze, catching my breath in my throat and nearly begin choking. That name, I've heard my father talk about it many times growing up. Mostly when he was reminiscing on childhood memories and each time he'd bring it up he'd get this tormented, sorrowful, almost guilty look on his face and quickly change the subject.

"Thomas Fitzgerald, huh?" I ask to confirm the name with him.

He nods and opens his beak to speak but is cut off by cries and whimpering from the bed. Both of us turn towards the sound.

As I step away from the counter and head towards the bed I hear the most mortifying plea ever that stops me in my tracks.

"Please no, please don't!" Katarina screams, beginning to thrash around as if she's in pain.

I quickly reach the bed and gently grab her shoulders, attempting to shake her awake.

"Hey wake up, you're okay, it's just a bad dream Katarina," I gently coo at her.

Her eyes flutter open and she's in shock as soon as she sees me leaning over her. She quickly sits up almost knocking me in the chin with her forehead but with my reflexes I'm able to avoid a busted jaw and a massive headache for her.

In fear, she scoots back on her hands until shes damn near one with the headboard, hitting it so hard it knocks the breath out of her, and knocking the back of her head against it with a loud thud. So much for trying to help her avoid a headache.

She puts her hand to the back of her head and with a soft 'ow' and rubs it gently. After a moment, she finally looks up at me and stares into my eyes with so much intensity that it makes me catch my breath, yet again—damn. I take a step back and finally catch the words that are stuck in my throat.

"Are you okay?" I ask her gently.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replies slowly, never adverting her eyes from mine.

"Okay, because you just beat the shit out of yourself against your headboard, pretty sure it won," I smirk playfully.

That grants me a small smile from her that instantly makes me smile myself—a genuine smile at that. What the hell is going on? I don't smile so willingly.

"So why are you still here? I thought you'd be long gone after I blacked out," she says as she manuevers herself off her bed. She stands, sways a bit, and goes to catch herself on the wall.

In an instant I have my hand on her elbow holding her up and my other hand on the small of her back. The contact of her soft skin under my fingertips sends a jolt of electricity through my body. Damn—call my a glutton but I really fucking like that.

Strap me in an electric chair called Katarina and zap away baby. Oh fuck—now I'm thinking of cheesy pick up lines in my head no thanks to this girl. I mentally facepalm before I clear my throat.

"I think you need to sit back down, you're still a little out of it Katarina," I chuckle and gently guide her back to the bed.

"No I don't want to lay down right now, I need some water and I'd prefer sitting on the futon so I can properly sit up," she states while slowly shaking her head.

"Okay," I simply reply and without thinking I wrap one arm around her shoulders and tuck my other arm under her knees, lifting her into my arms. She lets out a small gasp and instantly wraps her arms around my neck. I freeze for a second from the contact and walk over to the futon and sit her down gently.

I walk over to the kitchen and grab a glass of water for her and bring it to her. She grabs it with shakey hands and gulps it down slowly, while staring at me with watchful and curious eyes.

In an awkward state I shove my hands into my coat pockets and rock on my heels, looking anywhere but her, but as soon as she looks away, like a gravital pull, I'm once again staring at her.

She takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly.

"So are you going to explain to me what the hell all that was earlier? Also in a bit more detail too. Not the whole, 'Oh I'm a demon baby and oh yeah my bird can talk too," she mocks me in a shitty British accent.

I burst into laughter and shake my head at this crazy woman.

"Yeah well honestly, I have no idea what the hell any of that was earlier anyways. I just know I was trying to get my friend back and deal with a rogue demon," I shrug and she rolls her eyes at me and snorts.

I smirk at her and roll my eyes right back at her. Two can play the attitude game sweetie. She should be a little more greatful I saved her ass earlier. This woman I swear...

There's a sound of a throat clearing and we both turn to see Merlin flapping over and landing on the coffee table right in front of her. He cocks his head at her and she just stares at him like she's unsure what to do.

"Well, well, Katarina Fit—Smith...now I can formally introduce myself and possibly fill you in a little bit about what's going on around here," he formally states her with a little bow of his head. This chummy bastard, I think to myself as a smirk at my little feathered friend.

Katarina gives him a small smile and nods. She quickly glances at me still standing in the same spot and rolls her eyes and gives Merlin her undivided attention. I swear this girl, I'm about to pop her eye balls out of her socket if she rolls those damn eyes at me one—more—time...

"Alright," Merlin states while clearing his throat again. He starts pacing the coffee table trying to come up with the right words before he speaks. The little clicking of his claws on the table are driving me crazy and it's taking everything in me not to grab him and strangle him while I pluck some feathers from his ass.

"So Katarina, before I answer all your questions first I need to let you know that everything Dante told you so far is true. Yes, he's a demon and what you encountered earlier was a rogue demon possessing a human. He also was stating the truth when he said he had no idea why a demon was attacking you, because honestly he doesnt. He's oblivious to what's going on as well as you. At least that's how it was suppose to be..." he states slowly with some concern in those last words as he begins to trail off.

"What do you mean suppose to be?" I ask with discomfort in my voice.

"Neither one of you were suppose to know of each others existence. I've been careless lately sticking around this neighborhood watching over Katarina, knowing how you are," he looks up at me with annoyance, "that you would be following me around." He looks back at Katarina, "It was much easier when you were younger and living at the orphanage."

"At least there Father Samuel could keep an eye on you and with the wards placed around the church and orphanage it made it difficult for any unwanted demons to harrass you."

"Wards? What are wards?" she asks curiously. My God ignorance is bliss I think to myself and shake my head.

Merlin chuckles a bit, "Oh right. You're not familiar with such things. You've been pretty sheltered your whole life in terms of the supernatural," he pauses then continues.

"Wards are designs that have magical powers to keep out demons. Well, not so much keep them out, but they drain them of their powers and make them defenseless. A demon without his or her powers is nothing more than a mere human. A majority of demons won't risk it and just stay away from them."

She nods her head like it's the most obvious explanation ever and freezes for a second, tilting her head at Merlin.

"So wait, Father Samuel knows all about this? He's never mentioned anything about it. How do you know the Father? And what do you mean you've been 'watching' over me," she asks with air quotes on the word 'watching.'

Merlin shakes his head back and forth and lets out a little huff.

"It's a long story my dear and honestly I, myself, don't even have all the answers for that. When was the last time you talked to Father Samuel?"

"It's been a couple months since I stopped by for a visit, why?" she asks him curiously, sitting up straight.

"I think we should make a little stop there tomorrow and have a chat. We can no longer avoid the inevitable. He'll be able to answer some questions you have—both of you," he glances at the both of us.

I nod my head in agreement and cross my arms over my chest.

"Now I propose we stay here with her for tonight to insure her safety," he suggests and immediately both Katarina and I freeze.

"Ummm I don't think that's a good idea," I state casually with a smirk towards Katarina.

"And why not?!" Merlin asks with such confusion in his voice like what he suggested couldn't possibly be a bad idea. "She's got a futon for you to sleep on, it's not like I'm suggesting you sleep in the same bed together," he chuckles to himself, fluttering his wings before pecking at the feathers on his side.

I can tell Katarina is nervous and doesn't like this idea at all and I feel bad for her. I uncross my arms, shake my head, and let out a long sigh.

"You know he's right Katarina. It's safer if I'm here in case another rogue demon decides to show up. Sure I could stake out in my car outside but it would take longer for me to get inside if something happens versus if I'm already in here on the futon," I explain to her calmly. Sure I don't like the idea of this but I feel this strong need to protect her.

She is silent for a minute, I'm assuming going through what I just said in her head, before she finally nods her head in agreement.

"Okay, fine. But first thing in the morning we head to Divine Orphanage for some answers," she looks up at me and then at Merlin.

"Of course," both Merlin and I reply in unison.

"Okay well I need to make something to eat, I'm starving, plus I really need a shower," she groans.

"Don't worry about supper love, we'll order take out. No need to prepare food for all of us and then go take a shower. Why don't you take a shower now while we wait for it?" Merlin suggest as he hops from the coffee table to the futon next to her thigh.

"Umm, okay. I guess," she shrugs.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial the number for the local Chinese food spot I frequent with Jax, my best mate, roomie and eventually my right hand man once I take my father's place as head of our clan.

"They'll be here in thirty," I inform to no one in particular.

"Great, that'll give me enough time to take a shower and take in everything that has happened today," Katarina sighs, running her fingers through her long hair. She looks so exhausted and I can't help but gravitate towards her as I put a reassuring hand on her shoulder but she flinches and I quickly remove my hand. In the corner of my eye I can see Merlin watching us with amusement. Fucking bird.

"Well make yourself at home guys," she smiles softly and stands to head towards her sleepy quarters to grab some clothes before finally heading into the bathroom.

I decide to take her advice and make myself right at home. I remove my coat and place it on the back of one of the kitchen table chairs and take a seat. I start shaking my leg up and down anxiously. With my enhanced hearing I can hear the shower turn on and her step inside and starting humming to herself. I can't help but smile and instantly, with the sound of her soothing humming, my leg stops shaking and I take a deep breath, enjoying this calm I feel because of her.

As I'm sitting here taking it all in, feeling such tranquility, that I've never felt before, I hear her cry out in pain and instantly smell blood.

With my demon speed I'm out of the chair and opening the bathroom door with such force it bangs the door against the wall. She cries out again in shock and wraps the shower curtain around her before she realizes the shower curtain is transparent and I can see every detail of her naked body. I feel a tingling sensation in my groin and turn away from her.

"What the hell are you doing Dante?!" she screams out at me while grabbing the white towel off the towel rack and wrapping it around her body.

I turn back around towards her and look her body up and down quickly. Not going to lie, she's absolutely beautiful—perfect.

"Eyes up here buddy and answer the damn question," she snaps her fingers at me and I immediately make eye contact with her.

"I'm sorry, I heard you cry out in pain and smelt blood, I thought you were in trouble," I answer in embarrassment, feeling my face heat up.

She makes an 'oh' face and nods her head with understanding and looks down, lifts her leg out slightly, to point down at her leg where I see a tiny scratch with a little trickle of blood seeping out.

"I cut my leg shaving," she shrugs with a condescending smile on her face.

"Oh," is all I can manage to say and we stare at each other in silence.

"Well next time try not to be such a clutz and not cut yourself shaving, maybe think about using Nair instead since you can't use a razor properly," I smirk at her, attempting to ease the tension in the room.

"Yeah sure I'll remember that asshole, now get out!" she snaps as she rolls her eyes at me.

Without realizing what I'm doing at first with my demon speed I close the bathroom door and grab her by her hips and place her up on the bathroom counter as I step inbetween her thighs. She lets out a gasp, clutching the top of her towel and stares at me with wide eyes.

I place my forefinger and thumb on her chin forcefully so that she looks directly into my eyes.

"I'm really getting sick and damn tired of you rolling your eyes at me," I growl at her. I move in closer to her and whisper into her ear slowly, emphasizing my accent more. "The only time," I glide the tip of my nose over her cheek, "you should be rolling your eyes at me," now down her slender neck, intoxicating myself with her scent, "is if I'm buried deep inside of you," I strain, finally making my way back up to her ear as I lightly catch her lobe in between my lips, "making you scream my name."

I smirk as I align my face with hers and without any control of my body at all, I gently put my lips to hers.

The eletrical current that runs through my body the moment our lips touch is indescribable. The kiss is simple and sweet but its effects are long lasting for me.

She's shocked, eyes wide and frozen in place as I pull away and stare into her emerald eyes.

A huge, satisfied smile plants itself across my face and I must be in some kind of trance because I don't realize she's smacking me across the face until my head is jolted to the side and a sudden sting registers on my cheek—interesting.

I gently release her chin and put my hand up to my cheek, gently rubbing the burning area.

"Ow," I remark as I slowly turn my face to look at her.  Quick reflexes for a human, plus has the ability to cause me, a demon, pain. Only another being of the supernatural can cause another pain...

With her quickness, she goes to smack me again but this time I grab her wrist and shake my head back and forth.

"No you don't, you caught me by surprise the first time, but not again babe," I smirk at her.

"Screw you asshole," she snaps at me.

"Well, if you're insisting," I grin and move closer to her, slowly grinding myself against her towel covered heat.

"You're a pig, why would you take advantage of a woman who's already mortified? What, do you think because of your good looks, the fact you're a demon with super speed and strength you can take whatever you want!?" she snaps with tears pooling in her eyes.

Instantly I let go of her and back away, slamming into the wall behind me. I feel such pain seeing her that way and I can't help but think about what she just stated. She's absolutely right.

I can have any girl I want, my looks alone have girls swooning over me where ever I go. I never have to try with any girl I want. Yeah, I have super speed and strength but I'd honestly never force myself on a woman. Yeah I'm a demon, but even I have enough morals to know that's wrong.

She huffs and wipes her eyes before the tears fall, never looking away from me.

I slowly step towards her with remorse in my eyes, "Kat, look I'm-" and then the doorbell rings, cutting off my apology.

I huff and look over at her. She's still staring at me, preparing herself for whatever she thought I was going to do to her.

Did she really think I was going to take advantage of her? Throw myself on her? Granted I know it would seem that way, when I think back to what I did and said but honestly I was just flirting with her.

I couldn't help but kiss her. Shit I've been wanting to kiss her from the moment our eyes connected outside the clinic. Just something about her keeps drawing me to her and I'm having these insane feelings that I have no way to describe nor control.

"I'm going to finish my shower now, if that's okay?" she asks me, eyes wide.

I nod while opening the door. The door bell rings again, and I yell out an aggravated, "hold on" while I shut the bathroom door behind me. I glance over at Merlin on my way to the door and he's glaring at me with a concern look across his feathered face.

I open the door to some geeky looking guy in his mid thirties with long hair and glasses. He's slightly overweight and I'm pretty sure he's still living at home with mommy and daddy by the amount of acne on his face and the smell of Irish Spring soap he's protruding out his pores. Only old fuckers use that shit or guys who are still living at home with those said old fuckers.

"Hey man, got your order here," he states while handing me the bag of take-out.

"Thanks," I mumble while handing him the money. "Keep the change."

He peaks around me and takes a look inside the apartment and notices Merlin perched on top of the bird cage, beak under his right wing, tearing the bandage off himself and ruffling his feathers.

"Yo, thanks and cool bird man," the delivery guy slowly chuckles. I'm pretty sure he's high as a fucking kite right now.

"Thanks, bye." I snap while I slam the door in his face and place the food on the kitchen table.

I hear the bathroom door open and Katarina walks out in a pair of black Spanx shorts, the kind woman use to workout in, that are showing off her long tone legs, a thin strapped black tank top that's hanging low showing some cleavage, the fact she's not wearing a bra and I can see her nipples poking through doesn't help. The towel is wrapped around her neck before she uses it to towel dry her long hair. Even in this state, she's fucking goregous.

Again I feel a slight tingling in my groin and turn away as I start removing the containers from the bag and place them on the table.

"It all looks delicious," she beams. Oh baby, that's not the only thing that looks delicious in this room, I thankfully only think to myself. Last thing I need to do is speak my mind again like I did in the bathroom.

She sits down into the other chair and grabs the container of orange chicken and a pair of chop sticks. When she places a piece into her mouth and lets out a small moan of pleasure at the taste of the food, I growl and breathe in slowly and deeply. Does this girl not understand what she's doing to me?

No, she probably doesn't, because I'm sure she's absolutely disgusted with me right now and thinks I'm the biggest pervert she's ever came across. I don't blame her.

After I let out my breath I look back and forth between her and Merlin. Merlin is watching her thoughtfully as she eats. What is with him? It's like a father admiring his child. It's creepy.

I let out a huff at the two of them and start heading towards the bathroom.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Merlin asks.

"No I'm not hungry at the moment, going to take a shower and head to bed." I snap in frustration. He shrugs at me and I can hear him asking Katarina to help open the box of fried rice for him as I'm walking into the bathroom and slamming the door.

I lean my back against the door and put my face in my hands. I rub my hands forcefully over my face to the point I'm sure the skin is going to come off if I continue.

I turn the shower all the way to cold and start undressing myself.

As I look at my reflection in the mirror, I eye the scar on my chest. I've had this scar for as long as I can remember. Only problem is I don't remember how I got it, I was so young when it happened. My Mum said I was in some kind of accident but never went into details about it.

I look at the tattoos on my arms, chest, and the tattoo from my back that comes up high onto the sides of my neck. I turn and admire the large black wings tattoo that takes up my entire back.

I continue staring at myself for a while taking in every detail. I look the part of a human, but on the inside I look nothing like this. If she saw what my soul look like on the inside, my true self, she'd be even more disgusted with me than she already was. I shake my head and growl at myself.

"It would never happen. She'd never want me. I'm a demon, she's a human. We'd never work," I tell myself before I turn and step into the shower. The water is ice cold and stings my skin as I lean my palms against the wall and let the water run down my body. It's doing shit for my desire for her and by the time I'm done washing myself with her coconut scent body wash, I'm still thinking about that kiss.

I've never kissed anyone like that before. I've never felt such desire for someone I just met, even before I saw her butt naked. It's not just her body that draws me towards her, it's her very soul calling out to me.

I have no idea what I'm going to do with myself but this shit has to stop. I silently decide to myself that after tomorrow after I get the information I need about what the hell Merlin was talking about, I'm going to go back to the way life was before her and forget about the raven haired beauty that has captivated my very demon soul.

After drying myself I slide my boxer briefs on and slide into my black jeans, not planning to wear my long sleeved black shirt to bed. I sleep naked but since I'm over here I figured I'd be decent and at least sleep in some pants. She's already mortified and pissed off at me enough.

I let out a long sigh and grab the bathroom doorknob.

"Time to face the music," I mutter to myself, doubting in the back of my mind if I can go through with my plan tomorrow once I get the answers I need.

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