You And I (Completed)

By iStartedNothing

37K 1.5K 1K

|Larry Stylinson| AU| Completed| The story of two young boys who knew who their hearts belonged to at only si... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Five

1.4K 48 18
By iStartedNothing

hi hey hello, here's chapter 5! i'm so sorry i haven't updated in a while, school is consuming my life and i get so tired and lazy and then i come up w/ excuses and ugh. i'm sorry, but here's an update for y'all, i hope you enjoy(:

DISCLAIMER- i own nothing but the plot and am not affiliated with one direction, their friends, family, management, etc. and any similarities to a particular event are purely coincidental.


The summer had dragged on, and now Harry and Louis had been together for a month. It just still didn't seem real. But every day made them stronger.

Louis was surprised that Harry hadn't gotten tired of him and his constant rambling about comic books or movies yet.

"I'll never be tired of you," Harry had simply replied when they'd talked about it. "By the way, do you have any bananas?"

Louis just chuckled. "Um, I think so? Hold on, let me go and check, monkey boy." He pressed a soft kiss to his boyfriend's curls and walked off towards the kitchen.

While Louis was searching for what seemed to be Harry's favorite food, Harry said something that made him stop in his tracks.

"I think we should tell people about us."

Eight words. Those eight words that had just come out of Harry's mouth made Louis turn around and stare blankly at his boyfriend.

He actually had intended on keeping his relationship with Harry a secret from his family for a while, just because he wanted to determine for himself if things would work out before he got them all excited about him having a boyfriend.

So far, things were working out and both boys really liked each other. And they would have to start telling people soon.

Louis couldn't keep lying to Jay and telling her that the reason he lit up every time he got a text was because of a comic book subscription notification, or Amy texted him about something "nerd-related."

And Harry, now it was a bit harder for him because he had a lot more people watching him and surveying his life than Louis did.

He couldn't keep lying to Zayn and saying that the reason he was acting so 'lovey dovey and weird' (Zayn's words) and singing a lot more lately was because he just really liked Heather Banks. He just couldn't.

If it was completely up to Harry, he would've just told everyone the truth a while ago. He told himself that there was absolutely nothing to be ashamed of; he really liked Louis. And yes, it was going to be weird to tell all his friends he was in love with a boy, but it's what he had to do.

Harry couldn't let his life go by letting people think he was attracted to girls, it just wasn't fair. He cared about his boyfriend too much to keep them a secret, he didn't want to hide anymore.

He just hoped Louis felt the same way.


(time skip, 2 days later)

After a long talk, Harry and Louis had finally decided to tell their friends and family about their relationship.

It wasn't going to be easy, but they needed to do it, because the way the felt about each other didn't deserve to be hidden. They didn't deserve having to hide who they were or the fact that they were crazy about each other, so they were coming clean.

If people didn't agree with it, then they didn't have a place in their lives anyway. But obviously Harry and Louis hoped for the best.


(*Louis' P.O.V*)

My hands were trembling. Literally trembling. I was finally going to tell my family about me and Harry going out. The only person that knew we were dating was Amy, and she'd sworn to secrecy. Mainly because I had made her, but I know she would've kept it secret anyway.

How would they react? Would they be shocked? Angry? Would they laugh and think I was joking?

No time for fear, my mom was going to be home from work in about fifteen minutes.

Then I could tell everyone over an extremely awkward dinner that I had cooked with the help of Daisy and Phoebe.

"Louis, you never make dinner! What're you doing it for now?" Phoebe asked.

I just chuckled, trying to play it cool. "Oh, um, I don't know..wanted to do something nice for mum, yeah."

Luckily, they didn't press any further and just skipped off to go set the table.

If it were Lottie and Fizzy instead of my other two sisters, I would never hear the end of this. They wouldn't believe it if I said I wanted to make dinner to be nice because they know me too well and would automatically know something was up.

Well, something was up, but I didn't want them to know that..yet.

I finished everything thing up, and suddenly heard my mom come in, shutting the door behind her.

"I'm home, loves!" She called. I could hear the tiredness in her voice, but she tried her best to sound happy.

I jumped a bit, and took a deep breath. It was time.


As we were eating dinner, I just kind of picked at the food that I hoped was edible on my plate. I was too nervous to eat.

Before I could stop myself, words started flowing out of my mouth.

"Mum, I-"

Knock. Knock.

Two simple knocks on our front door interrupted what I was about to say. To be honest, I was both relieved, and annoyed. Who could that be and why did they have to show up NOW?

"Um, I'll get it..?" I said in more of a question tone. I jumped up a bit too quick and went off to see who was there.

When I opened the door, my heart stopped.



(*General P.O.V*)

Harry stood on Louis' front porch with possibly the most dorkiest grin on his face, dimples exposed and all.

"Um..hi?" Louis said, blushing. "What are you doing here?"

Harry chuckled, running a hand through his curls. "Did..did you tell your family yet? Or-"

"No, no, uh, I didn't. I was going to, and then-"

"I interrupted?" Harry sighed and looked down.

"Hey, no. You didn't..I'm actually glad you came, it was unexpected yeah, but I like seeing you." The blue eyed boy smiled.

"Louis, who's out there?" Jay suddenly called. He'd forgotten he was only on the front porch with his secret boyfriend, not in some magical third world.

The blue eyed boy tensed up. "Oh, uh-"

Harry suddenly walked into the house like he was king of the world.

"Good evening, ma'am!" He said charmingly.

Louis' eyes widened and he ran after his boyfriend. "Oh God.."

Jay just smiled awkwardly. "Who's this, honey?" She asked, trying to be polite, but Louis could tell she was most likely aggravated about the fact that a random boy was in her house, smiling ear to ear and talking to her daughter about bandanas.

"Yeah, I like yours! The blue color looks really good on you, Daisy-"

"Harry!" Louis said, eyes wide. "What are you-"

"Hi, Mrs. Tomlinson! I'm Harry Styles, Louis' friend. Nice to meet you," he said with a charming grin, hand extended for her to shake.

"Oh, um..oh. Hello Harry, please, call me Jay. Nice to meet you." She smiled softly and shook his hand before looking to Louis, obviously waiting for him to speak up.

Louis gulped, looking at Harry as if to ask "should I tell her now?"

Harry smiled warmly, his green eyes sparkling, giving Louis hope. He nodded slowly.

"Yeah, mom..uh, he's my friend..that I am in love with.

Harry is my boyfriend."


The whole room fell silent.

Louis felt as if he was about to break down and cry. He'd been dreading this awkward silence and was now beginning to regret telling his family.

Harry sensed the anxiety Louis was feeling and slowly walked over to him, hugging him while he cried.

"Shh, babe, it's alright,"

Lottie's eyes widened. "Wait, hold on..Harry Styles is gay?! You're like the cutest guy in school! Well besides Niall-"

"Not the time, Lottie," Jay said, finally speaking up. She didn't look angry, maybe just a bit shocked. She took a deep breath and walked over to Louis, rubbing small circles on his back. "Shh, sweetheart, shh..I'm not angry with you.."

He just cried harder. "I'm sorry, mum-"

"No. Louis, don't be sorry, don't do didn't do anything wrong." She blinked quickly to prevent herself from crying. "Girls? Go..go on upstairs, yeah. Charlotte, Felicite, help Daisy and Phoebe get ready for bed."

"Whoa, mum actually called us by our real names..this is serious," Lottie whispered, getting up and grabbing her younger sister's hands. "Come on guys," she said.

"Wait!" Daisy and Phoebe yelled.

"What is it..?"

They rushed over and hugged Louis' legs. "We love you, boo bear," they said.

Jay just smiled weakly. "You hear that? They still love you."

"So do I," Fizzy said, smiling and blowing him a small kiss.

"And I love you too, even if you're dating the cutest guy in school. Hint of advice though? There's probably gonna be a total riot there if you two lovebirds become public." Lottie looked at them with a worried smile.

Louis sighed, rubbing his red rimmed eyes. "Yeah, I know, it's freaking unfair."

"You two will get through it! Mummy always says love can get people through anything," Phoebe interjected, smiling.

Harry hugged Louis tight, looking down. "Your mummy is a smart woman..and she's right. Me and your brother can get through it. You know why?"

"Why?" Daisy asks.

"Hey, I was gonna ask that!" Phoebe pouted.

Harry chuckled. "Relax, girls, I'll tell all of you. Me and Louis can get through it because he means so much to me, and I won't let anyone hurt him. He's just that special to me." He kissed Louis' head.

Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy, and Phoebe awww'ed.

"You had better keep that promise, mister. Or else you'll have to go through me." Jay said in a semi stern tone. But overall she was happy; her little boy, who wasn't a little boy anymore, had found his love.

"I will, Mrs. Tom-I mean Jay. Jay. I promise, I'd never hurt your son. He's beautiful."

Louis blushed and hugged him as tight as he could.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Lottie and Fizzy chanted, embarrassing the boys.

"Girls! Upstairs, now!" Jay said.

They all giggled and ran upstairs.

"Mum..?" Louis asked, finally looking up.

"Hm?" Jay asked softly.

"..H-How are you really feeling about this? Like on the inside, how do you feel about me and Harry dating?"

Harry stayed calm, prepared for the truth. He wanted to know, too.

Jay smiled warmly, hugging both boys. "Well, I was a bit shocked at first. I don't know, I always figured you had fancied Amy, but then I don't know..I started to figure that you had your eye on someone else, and now I know who that someone is. And to be honest, I think I like him. I like that he can make you happy..haven't seen you that way in a while." She began to tear up.


"No, baby, I'm okay. I just..I'm so glad that you found someone who cares about you, the way none of us ever could. I worried about you, but now I don't have to as much..I can see that you really like Harry, and he likes you back-at least he better-"

"Trust me, I do." Harry smiled.

"And you two have my support. But don't take advantage of it. Louis, the same rules you'd have if you were with a girl still apply, okay? Keep the door opened when you two are in your bedroom alone, no "funny business"-"

"Muuuuummmm," Louis groaned, turning pink.

"What, I'm just saying. But I think you boys get the gist. I trust you." She smiled. "You both make a very cute couple."

Jay hugged both of them once more and then began walking towards the stairs after telling them that Harry had to leave in about ten minutes.

"Hey, mum?"

"Yeah, Louis?" She asked, turning around. Her eyes were tired but you could see the joy that existed in them.

"T-Thanks. I love you."

She blew him a kiss. "You too. Goodnight. Goodnight, Harry."

"Goodnight, Jay." He smiled and waved as she disappeared.

As soon as she was gone, Harry cupped Louis' cheeks gently and kissed him passionately, by surprise.

Louis smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"What was that for?"

Harry just smiled. "I'm proud of you, love. I knew you could do it, and everything worked out."

"Yeah, will, I couldn't have done it without you, monkey boy." Louis hugged Harry again and walked over to the kitchen, getting him a banana.

Harry lit up like a Christmas tree and grabbed the banana graciously, nibbling on it. "Mm, yes! You know me so well, Lou."

"I'm bananas for you, Hazza."

Harry looked up. "You called me Hazza," he said with a tiny smile.

"Can I do that? Is that okay..?"

The green eyed boy nodded and smiled. "Sure. Boo bear."

"Don't call me that." Louis rolled his eyes.

Harry loved how sassy his boyfriend was. "Okay, whatever you say, boo."

Louis playfully smacked him. "Get out of my house, Styles."

"What?? You're kicking me out?"

"You don't live here!" Lou laughed. "My mum said you've gotta go, you heard her."

"But..but I still have a few more minutes.." Harry fake pouted.

Louis rolled his eyes again, pretending to be bored with Harry's existence. "The door is that way, darling."

In all honesty, he'd never push Harry away, he wanted him around as much as possible (without being creepy, of course), but the boy had to go. And Louis didn't wanna seem clingy.

Clearly, Harry didn't have the same concern.

He hugged onto Louis, not wanting to let go. "God, you're so soft. Let me hug you forever?" He asked.

"You wish," Louis said chuckling. "Now kiss me, you fool."

Harry grinned. "You don't have to tell me twice." And so with that, he leaned in and kissed the boy he cared about so much with all the love and passion his lips would allow.


Later that night, Louis lay down in bed and closed his eyes, trying his best to drift off to sleep. Just as he was about to, his phone buzzed on the nightstand next to him.

Annoyed, he grumbled and blindly reached for his phone, only because there was a possibility that it could be Harry texting him. He checked, and was happy to see that it was.

"goodnight, boo bear ;) just wanted to let you know that I told my mum and sister about us earlier, they laughed?? mum said she knew someone was making me happy, and it wasn't 'that floozy heather' (her words, haha). but they're both happy for us, and can't wait to meet you! especially my mum, no pressure :P

but yea, i'll talk to you tomorrow, sweet dreams!

-monkey boy xo"

Louis blushed and hugged his phone to his chest, and despite how stupid it was, he even kissed it. "Goodnight, Hazza," he whispered before setting his phone down and drifting off to a peaceful sleep, Harry on his mind the whole night.

Harry did the same thing.

This whole relationship thing was turning out to be pretty amazing.


end chapter, and of my life bc i'm honestly about to die of feels. being a larry shipper might as well be like setting yourself up for pain and being obsessed with gays but that's basically my life now oops.

anyways, i hope this chapter did the story justice! i'm excited that they came clean to their families about dating. friends next chapter, oh boy. hopefully next update will be soon! school got me in a whirlwind of stress tbh, but i'll try my best!

by the way, are you following my one direction/larry stylinson and 5 seconds of summer instagram account? we recently changed it up so now instead of larry, it's all three things! i co-own with allison and we're at 700+ followers now! wow!! so please go give us a follow, it's v appreciated(: (@5secondsofstylxnson is the name)

okay, well, that's all for now! i'll see y'all soon! tysm for reading, voting, etc. :) please keep it up <3

-iStartedNothing xx

p.s. i apologize for any errors-past, present, future in this story!

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