Chapter Twenty Six

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Hey everyone! Guess who's back? With a new update? And newly dyed hair? Me!

I have bad news though; unfortunately, due to recent events, I'm no longer going to OTRA because my dad is a petty, annoying, rude, fat life ruiner who decided to take my tickets away :/ So yeah, I'm pretty sure no one here was going (well, no one one responded when I asked about Cleveland OTRA), but yeah, if you were going and wanted to meet me, you can't :( I'm really bummed. But life goes on, and at least I'm still continuing this book! Don't worry :D

DISCLAIMER- I own nothing but the plot and am not affiliated with one direction, their friends, family, management, etc in any way. I'm not making any profit from this book.


Saturday, both Harry and Louis were bored at home, missing each other and their friends. It'd been weeks since they'd all gotten together, and it had really bummed them out.

So when Niall rang Harry up early that day, the brunette wasn't reluctant at all to pick up his phone.

"Hello?" Harry said quickly.

"Whoaaa, hey mate! Good to hear from you!" Niall's hearty laugh echoed through the space between the phone lines and Harry couldn't help but smile. It'd been a while since he'd seen his buddy Nialler and he'd stolen Harry's food, or laughed way too hard at one of his corny jokes, (like "Did you hear about the kidnapping at school..? ...It's okay, he woke up" or "Why did the hippie drown in the ocean? Because he was too far out!"), and he just wanted moments like that to come back.

"Hey, Ni! How are you?"

"Pretty good, lad. What about you? Still lovin' on Tommo?" He laughed again, and Harry could just see Niall wearing a cheeky grin on his happy face.

"You know it. Not much these days, though, because, well, you know-"

"..Yeah. But, um, hey, let's not talk about that, yeah? I've got good news!"

Harry sighed, but told his friend to continue. Out of all of Harry's friends, Niall was the one who hated discussing serious things-he liked to have a good time and laugh, and bad or upsetting things didn't sit well with him and he tried to avoid them as much as possible.

After Zayn, Niall took Harry and Louis' incident the hardest. He wasn't necessarily an emotional guy, but tears were definitely shed. So now, he wanted to make sure that Harry knew how much Niall cared about him and wanted to make this crappy situation a bit better.

"..Well, since you and Louis can't really go out and party, we're bringing the party to you!" Another laugh.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "What? Niall, are you high?"

"No! And Zayn isn't either. Liam and I made him promise to be completely sober today, so don't worry. Just trust me!"

Harry rolled his eyes. "The last time you said 'Just trust me', we ended up in detention for pulling down our math teacher's pants in front of everyone at the assembly!"

"Oh, please! Forget that-it was like 7 years ago!" Niall scoffed.

Harry shook his head, chuckling. "It was last semester."

Niall laughed. "So? It's in the past, mate! Focus on the now, yeah? We'll see you soon!"

"But Ni, I-!"

The line went dead and Harry groaned, still confused. He hardly ever knew what Niall was talking about, but right now he was genuinely stumped.

Don't get him wrong, he could get put two and two together, so he caught on that there was to be some type of get together that the guys had planned, but he didn't know why. Yeah, he missed them, but it wouldn't be any fun. It hurt to even go to the toilet and piss, so there was no way he'd be able to party with his friends.

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