Chapter Twenty Three

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Hi guys! Long time, no see. I've been really busy recently and it's been taking a toll on my updating schedule and I'm really sorry for that.

But I'm back now with a new update :-)

DISCLAIMER- I own nothing but the plot and am not affiliated with one direction, their friends, family, management, etc. in any way, shape or form. And I'm losing my mind over this Louis expecting a baby thing!!! What do you guys think about it? Personally, I refuse to believe anything until Louis denies or confirms it tbh.

But anyway.....


Louis and Harry were both hospitalized after the incident in the park. All things that had once been bright and sunny were now dark and terrible.

Dr. Gomez, a tall Hispanic woman with long brown hair and Mickey mouse scrubs walked into room 225, where Louis was lying in a coma, the only sound was his heart monitor.

Jay and her four daughters sat by his bedside sadly, waiting and hoping for something good.

"Hi, I'm Selena Gomez, Louis' doctor," the woman said in a soft tone. She looked over at Louis and his family with a sympathetic expression. She set down her clipboard and sighed. "I'm afraid that Louis is in critical condition..."

Jay dropped to the white tile floor and began sobbing.

The girls tried their hardest not to cry as they struggled to pick their mother up.

"Shh, mum, get up, it's alright.." Lottie said, her voice quivering. As the second oldest out of all the kids, she had to be the strong one here. She hugged her mom tightly.

Dr. Gomez just frowned. "I...I-I know this is a lot to take in, and I'm very sorry. But I thought you'd like to know what's going on with your son and brother," she said, directing her message to the whole family.

"..Besides the obvious of him being in a coma, Louis has a few broken ribs, a concussion, his leg is broken in three places, and a fractured wrist. You can see from the x-ray photos Dr. Lovato had examined.." She slowly handed the file over to Jay, who just shook her head, trying her best to stay calm.

"I don't want to see it. I can see how broken up and destroyed my child is RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! I DON'T NEED A DAMN X-RAY!" she shouted in frustration. So much for staying chill.

Dr. Gomez sighed. "I'm..I'm very very sorry, Mrs. Tomlinson-"

"Ms.," she corrected coldly.

"Ms. Tomlinson, sorry." The Hispanic woman sighed. "I wish I could just fix everything and tell you 100 percent positive news, but I can't.

Here's what you need to know: If, and this is a very strong if, Louis wakes up from his coma, it could take him a while to register everything going on. He might not have much recollection of the incident, or where he is, but the important thing is to remain calm. Don't frighten or upset him. You guys have to come together as a family and work to help him remember things-"

"Wait, so does he have amnesia?" Fizzy asked worriedly.

"Oh my God.." Jay looked as if she was gonna pass out.

"What's amneezah?" Daisy asked.

"I dunno," Phoebe shrugged.

"Everyone shut up!" Lottie snapped. She rolled her eyes and looked over to Dr. Gomez, waiting for an answer.

"No, no..Louis does not have amnesia."

"Oh, thank God.." Jay whispered, placing a hand over her chest.

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