Chapter Eighteen

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Hi! So, I've finally decided to come back; I just needed a little break. School's almost over for me (1 more day ayyee) and so I'll have a lot more time to update! :D

DISCLAIMER- I own nothing but the plot and am not affiliated with One Direction, their friends, family, management, etc in any way. Any similarities to a particular situation or event are purely coincidental.


(Wednesday, date three)

"Aquarium, yeah?" Louis asked with a chuckle. "Since when are you into undersea life?"

Harry just grinned, running a hand through his hair before pulling into a parking spot at the downtown aquarium.

"Oh, there's a lot of interesting things you have yet to learn about me."

This got Louis excited, a small blush creeping onto his cheeks and his heart was racing. Oh, they things he wanted to learn from Harry..

"Do you think maybe you could teach me some of those 'interesting things..?'" Louis asked shyly, not wanting to sound like a total freak.

Harry just bit his lip and chuckled. "Hmm, I think that could be arranged sometime..maybe soon."

As soon as the car was at a stop, the blue eyed boy unbuckled his seatbelt and practically jumped out, ready to go in.

Harry laughed, chasing after him. "Yeah, alright, just run away from your tour guide like that!" He said, fake pouting.

Louis rolled his eyes, but couldn't contain the giggles that escaped his mouth. "I'm sorry, lead the way, good sir.."

The green eyed boy winked, opening the door for him and leading him inside.


"Wow," Louis said in awe. He'd never been to an aquarium before-it was strange because he was almost seventeen, but his family just never really had the time or money.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Harry asked, his hand intertwined with Louis'. They walked past the colorful arrays of different fish, all various shapes, sizes, and patterns, and just smiled.

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