Chapter Twenty Four

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Hey all! New update, I hope you enjoy (:

By the way, is anyone going to Otra in Cleveland the 27th?? I feel like I'm the only one, but if you are, hit me up because I'd love to meet you guys!

DISCLAIMER- I own nothing but the plot and am not affiliated with one direction, their friends, family, management, etc in any way. I'm not making any profit from this and any similarities to a particular situation or event are purely coincidental.


As soon as Harry woke up, he had his heart set on seeing Louis. Even though he was in a lot of pain, there was nothing he wanted more. He couldn't get his boyfriend off of his mind.

So it was done. A nurse came in and helped Harry into a wheelchair and Gemma and a very emotional Anne wheeled him to 225, anxiety filled in everyone.

"Here we go," the woman said slowly and carefully, knocking softly on the door.

A few seconds later, a very distraught looking Jay opened it, smiling weakly. She looked tired and it was obvious she'd been crying, but nevertheless, tried to stay positive. "Hi guys. Come in."

They said their hellos and came in, Harry biting his lip. He couldn't see Louis because the giant curtain in front of his hospital bed, but he could already sense that he was in bad condition. He swallowed the gigantic lump in his throat and asked for Jay to pull the curtain back.

"Alright, but I'm warning you, he-"

"I know, just do it...please." He smiled at her weakly and she obeyed.

Once he saw Louis, he was frozen. There was nothing he could say. The tears filling in his eyes wouldn't fall.

He didn't recognize the boy he was looking at. Of course, in Harry's eyes he was still beautiful, but it was different-he looked so broken.

"Harry..." Anne and Jay began slowly.

"..C-Could you please give us some privacy? I-I..I want to be alone with him.." He didn't look at them.

They nodded and started to leave, but Jay stood back for a second, walking over to Harry and giving him a gentle hug, careful not to hurt him.

He winced slightly at the pain. "I'll be okay..he'll be okay..w-"

"I-I know. He loves you a lot, sweetie. This is just a bump in the road, but I know the two of you can get through it. You're stronger than most people." Jay smiled softly, a tear falling down her cheek. She pressed a kiss to Louis' head before leaving.

The air in the hospital room was stale. And cold. And even though he was with someone, he felt so alone.

Why was this happening? What had they done to deserve it?

He slowly wheeled closer to Louis, tears continuing to well in his eyes.

"Hi..." he said in a quiet tone. He spoke quietly because it just felt right-and he wanted the conversation just to be between the two of them. It was for their ears only.

"..I-I don't know what to say. I didn't think something like this would ever still really just feels like some awful nightmare. The question is, though, when do we wake up? Are we ever going to wake up..will you?

I don't know. I don't know anything anymore. I just wish that I could turn back time. I wanted to be your hero and save you, but I couldn't..the best I could do was fall down with you. Just to let you know that you weren't alone.

You're never alone. Because I'm here. And I know you can't see me, but hopefully you can feel me.." Harry sucked in a deep breath and reached out to hold Louis' hand, squeezing it softly. He traced his thumb over the back of the boy's hand gently, blinking back tears.

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