Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

hihihi y'all :)

it's been a while, i know, and i apologize. i'm unfortunately still grounded but managed to get my phone to update. i hate keep people waiting on my updates, so yeah.

anyway, i hope you all enjoy this chapter! i'm listening to the neighborhood and literally coming up with this whole chapter right now as i type bc my mind is a jumbled puzzle and i can't plan things properly 😅

DISCLAIMER: i own nothing but the plot and am not affiliated with one direction, their friends, family or management in any way. any similarities to real life events or situations is purely coincidental.

In the morning, Harry quickly got out of bed and checked the clock on his bedside table. The digital red numbers read 7:03 AM, meaning he had to hurry and get Louis out of the house before his mom got up to leave for work at 7:30.

He tiptoed downstairs, careful not to wake his mother or Gemma and made his way to the living room, expecting to find Louis on the couch sleeping.

He didn't.

Harry groaned softly and ran a hand through his messy bed head, not in the mood for this. "He'd better be in the bathroom.."

Making his way to the bathroom, he thought about last night. Was it pathetic that Louis was practically begging on his knees for forgiveness? Was it cute? He really didn't know.

All he knew was that he didn't like fighting with Lou or being mad at him, but the boy needed to change.

"Louis? Are you in here..?" He asked as quietly as possible while still hopefully being able to be heard. He knocked softly on the bathroom door.

He heard a groan from inside the room.

"That doesn't sound good.." Harry began to get worried. He tried opening the door, but it was locked.

"Open the door," he prompted quickly. The noises he heard weren't very appealing and he was scared Louis was hurt or in pain.

Mad at him or not, he never stopped caring.

"H-Harry..I.." Louis began, but suddenly started vomiting before he could finish his sentence.

"Oh my God..Louis, open the door!" He said.

'All that drinking must've made him sick,' he thought sadly. 'He's such an idiot..'

Louis crawled on the floor and weakly reached up to unlock the door for Harry.

The curly haired boy reluctantly walked in and frowned at the sight.

His boyfriend was curled up in a fetal position, resting his head on the toilet (which Harry had to resist yelling at him for because that's extremely unsanitary). He was groaning and clutching his stomach, obviously suffering.

Part of Harry wanted to say something like "that's what you get" and show Louis he wasn't going to pity him, but the other part was yearning to clean him up and comfort him. He wasn't a mean guy, it just wasn't in him.

"Let me help you."


Once Louis was all cleaned up, he brushed his teeth with a spare toothbrush, used mouthwash, cleaned his face, then changed into one of Harry's jumpers, which was a bit big on him but it just made him look cute.

His messy brown hair flopped in his pale blue eyes, which added to the cuteness; Harry really had to try his hardest not to just drop everything and kiss him.

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