Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten


heeey guys :)) short update today, i hope you like it!

DISCLAIMER- i own nothing but the plot, k?


Ever since Harry had gotten that 'I love you' note from Louis, things had just felt okay again. He wasn't mad, there was no tension, just love.

Exactly how it was supposed to be.

On a sunny Tuesday afternoon, the boys lay down together on the lush green grass in Harry's backyard, fingers intertwined. They were looking up at the clouds, trying to make out shapes

"Hmm..that one looks like a rubber ducky!" Harry pointed, giggling. His dimples popped out as he stared at the cloud with much interest.

Louis laughed. "You're adorable, Styles."

"Not as adorable as you, Tomlinson."

They both looked at each other and burst into laughter; since when did they call each other by their last names?

Louis squeezed Harry's hand. "I'm so glad we're okay again," he finally admitted.

The words had been waiting to spill out of his mouth.

Bright green eyes that belonged of the other boy simply blinked and stared up at the clouds without saying anything, but the hand never let go-it held on tighter instead.

It was okay, though, because actions spoke louder than words. That meant that they didn't have to say anything to prove they loved each other.

They stared up at the clouds for a little while longer before falling asleep, Harry curled up in Louis' arms.
He was the little spoon.

The boys slept peacefully, content with just each other for about an hour until Louis woke up.

He stared down at Harry, smiling warmly.

He found himself taken by the way the boy's eyelashes fluttered as he slept, or how his chest would rise then fall slowly with each breath, and just how calm he looked. Louis didn't want to wake him up; he wouldn't dream of it.

"You are so beautiful," he whispered softly to the curly haired boy.

Harry's eyes slowly opened, and he slowly got up up, leaning into Louis as if he was a pillow. "Why thank you," he giggled softly.

"You little sneak," Louis said, shaking his head. They both giggled and then stopped, looking into each other's eyes.

Whenever green locked with blue, it was as if the world stopped.

Harry brushed some of his messy curls out of his face and leaned in, pressing his lips against Louis's. Louis pulled Harry up on his lap and kissed back sweetly, squeezing his hand.

"Let's get out of here," Harry said, in a sudden spur of the moment.

Louis just raised an eyebrow. "And go where..?" He'd only planned on hanging out at Harry's house, but clearly his boyfriend had other ideas.

The green eyed boy lit up, flashing that ever so charming smile. He grabbed his keys from the little lawn chair in his backyard and put on his shoes.

"Wherever life takes us, I guess. Come on now, darling."

Louis grinned, now excited for whatever was in store. "Oh, I'm right behind you.."

This was what summer love was all about.


larry road trip yAS :D

i'm excited for the next chapter and rn i honestly have no clue what's even going to happen! i really just make everything up as i go along so we'll see..

please read, comment, vote, etc.! y'all know da drill ;)) it's v appreciated so thank you!

anyway, i am out. next update should ((HOPEFULLY)) be friday bc no school bLESs

okay thanks for reading! stay fierce :)

Signing off,
iStartedNothing x

p.s. i apologize for any errors-past, present, or future

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