Chapter Twenty Eight

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Whoever gets that reference wins ;)

Anyway, hi guys! New update-enjoy!! And you guys already know I'm broke and own nothing, so yeah. There's that.


The first day of school was never really fun or anything, but now that everyone was older, it was a bit easier.

"GET IN LOSER! We're going to school!" Harry yelled teasingly as he pulled into Louis' driveway, the blue eyed boy waiting on his porch with an annoyed look.

He instantly brightened once he saw his boyfriend and hopped in the car, giving him a peck on the lips.

"Hey you," Harry said. "Ready for the first day back?!"

"Eat my shorts, Styles."

" went from sweet and lovable boyfriend to Godzilla in all of two seconds. What's the deal?"

Louis sighed, burying his head in his hands. "Ugh. Sorry. I just hate school is all."

"I feel you-I mean, I've been up since before the roosters and it's cold and I hate sitting through those boring classes, but hey, look on the bright side," Harry smiled, slipping his hand through Louis'. "We've got each other. I can't wait to show you off as my babe."

Louis blushed, nodding reluctantly. "Yeah, you're right. I hope no one tries to kill me over you," he joked awkwardly.

"Don't say that," Harry chuckled, shaking his head. "You got me fair and square-everyone else will just have to deal with it." He smirked, kissing his boyfriend once more before pulling out of the driveway.

"You down for smoothies?"

"For sure. I'm always a slut for a Mango Pineapple Blast," Louis joked, throwing his book bag in the backseat.

Harry burst out laughing. "I wonder what else you're a slut for?" He teased with a suggestive smile.

"Screw you," Louis rolled his eyes, punching the boy in the arm.

"Maybe later," Harry smirked again, knowing that this was gonna be a good year.


When they first walked into school, it wasn't a scenario where all eyes were on them. There were some stares and pointing and whispering, but it was expected. Harry had been known as the popular ladies man, and Louis was just the comic book nerd, but now the tables had turned, and they were ready to face this year (and their criticizers) head on.

Heather slowly approached Harry, a strange look on her face.

"Hi cutie," she said with a fake plastered smile, her bright pink lip-gloss shining in the fluorescent lights of the school hall. Her long blonde hair was in loose curls while her clothes on the other hand couldn't have been tighter.

Harry cleared his throat awkwardly. "Hello, Heather.."

They really hadn't talked at all since their 'break up' months ago, so this was beyond uncomfortable.

Louis just crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, knowing exactly where this was going.

"You're looking amazing! Your blazer is so fitting," she gushed, squeezing his arm.

Harry just bit his lip, wanting to run away.
"Thank you..uh, Heather, this..this is my boyfriend, Louis Tomlinson."

Louis just waved, unimpressed. He knew all about girls like Heather-they'd bat their eyelashes all innocently one second, then the next, they were on your boyfriend like butter on toast. He wasn't having it.


"B-Boyfriend..?! You're gay??" Heather's eyes widened in apparent shock.

"Um, yes??" Harry chuckled, looking down at his boots. "I've been with Louis for a few months now."

"'re a fag. I can't believe it. One of the hottest guys in school likes d*ck, unbelievable." The blonde scoffed. "What a joke..and to think that we actually went out."

Harry rolled his eyes, holding Louis back because he was about to kill her.

"I know right? It's terrible! The fact that I'm in love with someone and it's not you! Go along and tell your little minions, I'm sure they'll get a rise out of it. Harry Styles, the fag, doesn't like you. I never did. Have a nice day-and maybe lay off the makeup, yeah? Wouldn't want anyone thinking you're cheap and trashy.."

"Too late," Louis mumbled with a smirk.

Both boys laughed and walked off together, squeezing hands.

Heather was fuming; she huffed and stormed away like an angry five year old.

"She's so dramatic," Harry laughed. "Let me walk you to your class?"

"Sure," Louis smiled, loving the feeling of finally having someone to hold hands with and that would carry his stuff.

He waved to Amy on the way to his first period, who was hanging out with her boyfriend Damon and Jade Thirlwall; the two had become friends over the summer and Louis was really glad that she finally had both a boyfriend and a girl friend she could hang with, too.

"Hi lover boy!" Amy yelled teasingly.

"Sit with me at lunch or I'll tell everyone you have herpes!" He yelled back, the friends cackling as they got weird stares.

As the boys approached Louis' classroom, they were both blushing. It was both strange and amazing that they'd had the courage to hold hands and be affectionate with one another in a social setting-especially school, because everyone was so judgmental, but after everything they'd gone through, they deserved to be just like any other couple.

"Have fun, kid. Learn a lot," Harry said with a smile.

"You sound like a parent on their child's first day of preschool," Louis rolled his eyes.

The green eyed boy laughed. "Oh shut up and give me a hug."

"Bossy? I like it." Louis smirked playfully and gave the boy a tight hug, quickly kissing his hair before running into class.

Harry sighed happily, walking to his own class as well.

"Yup, it's gonna be a great year."


*hides under a blanket bc I was supposed to post yesterday but never did bc I fell asleep wayy early*

I hope you guys liked it!! It was a bit short, I know, but there's more coming soon. There may or maY NOT BE A CHAPTER ABOUT A CERTAIN SCHOOL DANCE WITH SLOW DANCING AND STARLIGHT AND CUTE FLUFFY FEELS BUT HEY I DON'T KNOW MAN YOU DIDN'T HEAR IT FROM ME.

Anyway, I can't believe I'm at 28 chapters!! I still get shocked every single time I post because I usually quit most of my books early on, but I just have so much love for this one! And for you guys-you're the reason I keep writing and doing this story. If you take the time for me, I'll always take the time for you :) Also, FUN FACT: "I'm always a slut for a Mango Pineapple Blast" is gonna be my senior quote tbh.

Love you all. Byee ♡

Signing Off,
iStartedNothing x

P.S. I apologize for any errors!
P.P.S-This chapter is dedicated to all those who died in the 9/11 attacks and also to the survivors who are still struggling with the pain every single day. My heart and prayers go out to you all~~

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