Chapter Thirty Five

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Hi friends! Long time, no see! I've been on hiatus because I was busy with school and all the other stuff I had to do and I had no energy or time to write. I have to be in the zone when I write and I couldn't focus long enough to get things done.

But I'm back now! And I'll be honest with you guys..I'm not really in the one direction/larry fandom anymore; I'm not fake or a traitor or anything, I honestly just grew out of it. I actually lost interest in the band when Zayn left last year, but I kept trying to hold on. It worked for a while and I was still trying to be as dedicated as I could, but with all the rumors and break ups and drama and then the boys going on "break", then Louis having a kid, I was just kinda over it. And I used to believe in Larry, just like the way I used to believe in Santa Claus or the tooth fairy, but some things just change, and I don't believe anymore. One direction will always have a special place in my heart because they helped me through so much, but it's time to move on.

With that being said, you guys may be wondering where the future of this book stands. Well, I'm still going to continue writing it, so no, it's definitely not over. Even though I'm not really a larrie anymore, I still love writing about them. Fan fiction is where you can do anything you want and you get to control how the story plays out, and that's what I like about it. In my mind and through my works of fiction, this is how Larry would interact and such.

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but the plot and am not affiliated with one direction, their friends, family, management, etc etc. This is a work of fiction and I'm not making any profit.

*WARNING* This chapter contains mentions of self harm, so if that's a trigger for anyone, I'd suggest not reading.


A few months later, after seeing Harry for the first time after the break up, Louis was back to his normal day to day routine. He still missed Harry..but honestly, how could he not? The boy was his first love.

But he had to move on-change was inevitable and he couldn't fight that. He'd been holding on to a fantasy for far too long; it got to the point where he was literally going crazy over him. So, he did what any normal 18 year old would do to get over their ex.

He started seeing other guys.

He hadn't turned trashy or promiscuous or anything, he was still the same old awkward Louis, but he was finally starting to have fun and get over his past. Things were starting to feel okay again.

"...You ready to go, babe?" A voice called from the living room.

It was Gabe, the guy Louis had been seeing recently. Nothing was official between them (not yet, anyway), but Louis found him quite attractive and he was a perfect distraction from Harry, which he needed more than anything.

With each passing day (and guy), things were getting easier for Louis.

The blue eyed boy peeped his head out of the bathroom and smiled. "Yea, just a sec. I'm trying to fix this bloody quiff," he said, running his fingers through his hair.

Gabe chuckled. "Don't worry about it, you look great. Messy hair looks good on you." He winked, grabbing his keys.

Gabriel Davenport was a 20 year old law student who also happened to be kinda filthy rich. His father owned a popular chain of hotels around London, and his mother was a prestigious fashion designer, even making clothes for some of the world's biggest celebrities.

Louis and Gabe met at a party one of the girl's from Louis' job was throwing, and after Gabe bought him a drink, everything just sorta fell into place.

And now, they were going on their third date.

Louis wasn't exactly sure how someone as attractive and wealthy as Gabe would be interested in him, an awkward kid who worked at a college book store and liked comics and cats, but life had a weird way of working out.

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