Chapter Twenty

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Hey everyone! Another update? Whaaaatt?! Haha I hope you enjoy :)

Remember, if you guys have any suggestions or requests for what you'd like to see in this book, let me know!

DISCLAIMER- I own nothing but the plot and am not affiliated with One Direction, their friends, family, management in any way. Any similarities to a particular event or situation are purely coincidental.


(Friday, date five)

Harry and Louis stood in line at the local carnival that their town had every summer, waiting to buy their tickets.

"I haven't ever been to a fair," Louis admitted shyly after they purchased their tickets and entered through the gates.

"Oh, you'll love it!" Harry said excitedly, as if he was a kid again. "I haven't been in years..the last time I went to a fair, I was about 11 and I got sick on Gem on the Tilt O Whirl, and we never went back. But...this time it'll be much better, honest!" He said with a cheeky grin.

Louis just giggled. "You're the biggest goof in the world, Styles," he said, reaching up to kiss his cheek.

Harry blushed, kissing him back and taking his hand. "Where do you want to go first? Anything you want, we'll do it!"

Louis smiled softly, looking around the fairgrounds. It felt so good to have someone who let him do what he wanted and kind of "spoiled" him, in a way.

"Umm..can we play some games?"


About 20 minutes later, Harry and Louis walked around the carnival carrying about seven different stuffed animals.

Usually, the average carnival games were rigged and people would need to have some type of unparalleled, god-given skill to win. Apparently Harry was the chosen one.

From ring toss, to the duck pond game, and even that weird one with the giant mallet and bell, Harry did pretty good at them all, winning a multitude of prizes.

Louis won one game-it was a series of guesses and he got most right, winning an adorable stuffed blue monkey.

It didn't require strength or anything, but he was still happy he'd managed to win something.

"I'm kind of proud of myself, actually!" Louis said, hugging the blue monkey.

Harry laughed, kissing him on the neck. "Me too, my smarty pants."

Louis chuckled. "What now-?" He stopped and looked down, seeing a small little boy tugging on his jeans.

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