Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11


hi guys! sorry i literally haven't posted in forever-i got my phone taken away for like a week and a half and I've been so busy/stressed with school, but here's a new update! i hope y'all enjoy((:

also btw i'm currently in dayton, oh-hee-oh ((what i call ohio)) to see my stepbrother dance in a performance, but rn i'm in a hotel listening to drake and literally coming up with all of my material as i type so bear with me if it's rubbish!

DISCLAIMER- i own nothing but the plot and am not affiliated with one direction, their friends, family, management etc in any way. any similarities to a particular event are purely coincidental.


Louis thought Harry was out of his mind. Running away? Really?

He liked the idea, but logically it didn't seem like it would work. But he wanted nothing more than just to get out of here and drive to somewhere new and exciting with Harry. Somewhere where they could just be alone; fully alone and in love.

Louis was just scared that they'd get caught and everything would fall apart. His mother loved Harry and supported their relationship fully, but she'd never let them run off together to God knows where without permission.

He bit his lip nervously as he watched Harry grab some cash from his drawers and stuff it in his pockets.

"I've been saving up for something like this," Harry said with a grin. His voice was soft, yet excited.

Louis smiled shyly, his mind tracing to all the things they could do as soon as they got out of there. He knew it was wrong, but he wanted to so badly.

They were young and wanted to live their lives-what was so bad about it?

Louis thought everything over, trying not to let his worries get the best of him. He decided that he'd go-he wanted to show Harry that he was just as serious about their relationship as he was.

Plus it would be fun for them to go adventure together; like a movie.

"Ready?" Harry asked, smiling sweetly at Louis. He slung a duffle bag over his shoulder and waited for a reply.

Louis blushed, nodding. "Let's go."

Neither boy knew exactly where they were going, but it didn't matter. As long as they were together, that's all they cared about.

They listened to Sam Smith, singing to their hearts' content as they cruised along the road, not a care in the world.

"Can't you see, that I am yours? So will you be, my life support?" Harry sang slowly, making Louis melt with each note.

"You're my life're my life support.." Louis chimed in with a small smile. Harry believed he had the voice of an angel.

They looked over at each other, eyes bright and sparkling.

"I'm so excited," Harry finally said.

"Y-Yeah, me too." Louis nodded. He was holding back again, but didn't want to make it obvious.

But he didn't need to. Harry could read his boyfriend like a book.

"What's wrong, love? Are you nervous?" Harry asked quietly.

Louis just nodded. "..A little, honestly. It's just, what if something goes wrong? I want this to be perfect-what if w-"

"Shhh, stop that." Harry shook his head. "Listen to me Louis, we're going to be just fine. You know just as well as I do that we both needed some alone time together-away from family, friends, all the little distractions, and even the people who don't approve of..of our love." He sighed.

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