
By pumpkinwrites

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Second book after Cats. (I suck at writing descriptions) Check out Cats if you haven't read it yet! 💚❤️ More



438 20 27
By pumpkinwrites


I roamed the stage as I was done with the signing, stretching my legs with a smile. I waved to some fans, recognising them from previous events. Jackson hopped up next to me and placed some hairband on my head, laughing as he looked at my face.

He showed me my reflection through a mirror, the two of us laughing at how ridiculous we looked, Jackson with weird sunglasses and me with cat ears. I glanced over at JB to see him interacting with a fan, his little smile so adorable.

Mark joined us shortly, the two of us laughing at the things we had on our heads. Mark looked like a puppy with a lopsided ear, the santa hat hanging off the side of his head, the gold rimmed glasses making his eyes bigger than they already were.

We talked randomly with the fans when one of the fans shouted out "Mark oppa, will you marry me?"

Mark looked so flustered that I laughed and wrapped my arms around his waist "Mark is mine though? Right Mark oppa?"

Mark laughed at that, wrapping his arm around my shoulders too with a nod, the fans eyy-ing at us in response.

"Thank you" Mark added softly before letting me go. I smiled at Mark, deciding not to tease him about how flustered he was.

I turned to JB and saw that he was finally interacting with the last fan, the boy averting his eyes and blushing each time JB turned his eyes to him.

I get it too... I wonder if that is how I look? I mused to myself while facing the fans again, smiling and waving at a few of them when I heard JB's panicked voice.


I turned quickly and saw him talking to our manager, his expression amused as he dug another album out from his bag. Jinyoung got up and rounded up all of us, all of us heading behind the table to sign the new album.

"He wrote your name instead" our manager smiled, patting my back as I handed the album down.

I laughed at that, watching JB waved the fanboy off the stage, his hand reaching out to steady him as the fan almost tripped on his legs. He's so overwhelming all the time. I get it too bro.

JB hung behind, somehow lost in his thoughts as he leaned against the table. We interacted with the fans a bit more before our manager gave us the signal that it was time to go.

"Go call him" Jinyoung gestured, frowning slightly at JB.

"Hyung" I called, shuffling quietly to him. He looked up at me after a beat, his eyes still slightly confused. I hope he's not feeling unwell. I wonder what he is thinking about.

"Ending comment?" I asked, giving him an encouraging smile. He nodded and stood, walking to the front to form one line with the other members.

I nudged JB with my shoulder as he stood next to me, trying to cheer him up somehow. He greeted the fans and bowed together with us, all of us heading into the van after.

JB sat in the corner with his head in the clouds, his gaze trained on the passing scenery. He was so quiet that I became worried, unsure if I should be disturbing him. Tonight in our room I guess...

I waited till the others left the van before pressing a kiss to his cheek, reaching out for his hand as he let me tug him out of the van. He still looked so distracted, his focus on something else despite opening our room door for me that I frowned, not knowing what to do. I should distract him... right?


"Bummie?" I called, coming into our room to see him sitting there quietly still.

"Huh?" he blinked, his head snapping up.

"Your turn" I gestured to the toilet.

"Right. Sorry Jae" he frowned, running his hand through his hair.

I tugged on one of his pullovers and sat on the bed, playing with my phone before setting it on the side table. I laid there with my limbs all stretched out like a starfish, not knowing why he was taking such a long time.

I sat up as I heard the water stop running, JB coming out of the shower with just his boxers on, his towel draped around his shoulders. His wet hair was still dripping slightly and my eyes followed the beads of water that flowed down his back to his towel as he stood there to take his clothes.

He still looked so lost in his thoughts as he looked at the clothes rack, his hands flipping the clothes without taking it out that I threw myself at him, launching myself onto his back.

"Jae" he gasped, stumbling slightly before holding onto my thighs to support me as I hung onto his shoulders.

I giggled softly, pressing a kiss to the side of his neck and cheek before letting him swing me to his front.

"What's wrong?" he asked, scanning my face. He shifted my weight and supported me with one hand, his other hand reaching up to cup my face.

"You tell me" I replied, looking into his eyes. His eyes clouded over, his hand dropping back down to his side.

"Don't hide from me again" I whispered, clinging on tight to his shoulders and locking my legs around his waist. How do I get nearer to him?

"It's not that simple Jae" he murmured softly, his free hand finally reaching up to cup the nape of my neck.

"It can be. I can help" I quipped, bending my hands up to tangle my fingers into his hair.

He stood there quietly while holding me tight, his tense shoulders letting me know that he was going to maintain his silence. I lifted my head to look at his face, my heart sinking at his defeated expression. What's wrong?

I lifted his head and kissed him hard, my hands gripping on tight to his shoulders as he slowly reacted. He kissed me back hard, tilting my head by the nape of my neck, my body relaxing in his firm grip.

He ended up leading the kiss, walking the both of us towards the bed before releasing me gently. His lips were swollen and red, his eyes still hooded as he leaned on his forearms and hovered over me.

"Bummie" I whispered, pressing another kiss to his lips. I let my hands roam his bare chest, feeling him shudder slightly as I raked my nails down his back.

"Jae..." he groaned, slipping his hand under the pullover and holding me tight.

"Let me in" I whispered, stroking his lower back.

"You're mine damn it" he growled out, his shoulders sagged as he crumbled, lifting his head and staring into my eyes before kissing me senseless. The image of his dark eyes shone behind my eyelids, my fingers curling as I tugged on his hair, the tingling feeling of his lips driving me crazy.

"I am" I panted out, blinking hard while trying to get my eyes to adjust, feeling slightly light headed as I lifted myself up to sit up.

"Would you marry someone else if they asked?"

"I... huh?"

"Someone else. If they asked" he explained, his jaw clenched tightly.

"Was this about Mark? It was to tease the fans Bummie" I smiled, seeing him sit back on his knees.

"Would you?" he asked again, his eyes burning with so much emotion that my heart ached.

"No. It was just teasing the fans" I frowned, shifting so that we were sitting face to face.

"I don't like it. I'm selfish" he mumbled, flipping his fringe off his face with a slight sigh, averting his gaze to the side. Ah... it's bad that I like it when he's so possessive.


"Okay?" he asked, his eyes widening as he looked back at me.

"I like it when you're possessive. I don't really know how to explain it but it just shows me how much more you really care. I'm selfish too" I whispered, feeling my blush creep up my face to my ears. I looked down at my fingers and fiddled with my nails, knowing that my blush would not be fading anytime soon.

"I love you Jae" he whispered, reaching out to tip my chin up so that I was looking at him. The look in his eyes made me so breathless, my heart pounding against my chest as I felt myself blush harder.

"Be mine. Officially. Please" he added, cupping my cheek. His hand felt cool against my flushed cheek, my head leaning against his palm naturally.

"I am yours" I replied with a shy smile, reaching out to stroke his chest. His heart was beating fast under my palm, his eyes softening slightly at my words.

"Officially Jae. Marry me"

My heart skipped a beat at his words before pounding so hard that my ears rang, my vision all blurry as I tried to gasp for air. It felt like I was being tugged underwater, my body clenching itself as I stared at the blurry image of him.

"Breathe Jae. I need you" he murmured, his voice making my heart pound harder.

"You..." I bawled, looking up to the ceiling, trying to get my tears to stop. He's always so...

"I don't know what I'll do without you by my side. It's getting harder to hold myself back" he confessed quietly. I'm the same Bummie...

I covered my mouth and sobbed as his words echoed straight to my heart, he is my world... does he know that?

I felt him get off the bed, the blurry image of him rummaging through something making me take a deep breath. I wiped my tears away to see him still half naked, his hands fiddling with a box in his hand, his eyes trained on mine as he got down on one knee.

"Will you marry me Jae?" he asked, his eyes still swirling with so much emotions.

My tears flowed again, my throat too thick for me to reply as I fully bawled my eyes out. I shuffled off the bed and threw my arms around him, JB catching me in his arms.

He aligned our feet and rocked us from side to side, stroking my head while I tried to calm myself down. I nodded my head against his chest, using the back of my hand to wipe my tears away.

He stopped rocking us as I nodded and I rubbed my eyes again, looking up to see the confusion swirling in his eyes as he stared at me.

"Yes?" he asked, looking so adorable with his puzzled expression.

"Yes" I croaked. He still looked so lost, his lips parted as he gasped slightly at me.

"You'll marry me?" he asked, wanting to confirm it.

"I'll marry you Bummie" I nodded, tiptoeing to press a kiss to his lips. My heart swelled as his arms tightened around me, knowing how nervous he was as I felt him tremble slightly.

"I need you by my side too" I added softly, needing him to know.

"Say it again" he murmured, leaning back to cup my face in his hands.

"I need you by my side too. I love you too much. I'll marry you" I repeated, my cheeks flushing under his intense gaze.

"How did I get so lucky?" he mused, smiling slightly as he scanned my face. He pressed a kiss to my cheeks, my eyes closing in bliss as he held me closer before pressing his lips against mine.

Our tongues fought a small war of dominance, his hand cupping the name of my neck and controlling me easily after. I just melt when his arms hold me so gently and firmly, the way he controls me so easily just makes me all gooey.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do now" he admitted when we broke apart, our foreheads resting against each other's while he tried to catch our breaths.

He shifted us to the bed, the two of us sitting cross legged while facing each other again.

"The ring" he muttered, opening the box again and showing it to me.

I finally took a good look at it, my head too preoccupied with him previously. It was a pretty gold ring with intricate engravings on it, the lines twisting, a diamond encrusted in the flower.

"I don't remember who hugged who first in the beginning. All I remember is the comfort I got with you in my arms and our legs tangled together. The comfort I still get each day. Our lives were somehow intertwined from the start of our journey as Got7. I love every moment of it and I love you. Thank you Jae. For coming into my life. For caring. For saying yes" he confessed, his eyes trained on me.

"Stop making me cry" I blubbered out, my tears flowing again from his words.

"I love you Jae" he confessed, sliding the ring onto my finger.

"Stop" I cried harder, throwing myself into his arms again.

"Thank you for following me around like a lost puppy despite me brushing you off. Thank you for believing in me when I didn't. I always thought I would end up dragging you into the dark, that I would soil you. But I guess you saw the light in me from the start. Thank you for staying so bright, my sunshine. Thank you for bringing me into the light" he continued, using his thumb to wipe my tears away.

"Stop. You always think the worst of yourself" I mumbled through my tears, rubbing my hands on his chest before continuing "I promised that I'm never going to leave you. You're like the moon, shining so brightly in the dark night sky you put yourself in. You were my guide through all this, the brightest in my sky"

I hiccuped, feeling like a downright mess still, trying to clear my watery eyes while watching his lips curve up in a soft smile. His eyes were locked onto my eyes, crinkling and shining so happily at me.

"I'm nothing without you Jae. You're my light" he murmured, his eyes showing me how vulnerable he was, his hands tightening slightly as he said those words.

"I'm going to run out of tears at this rate" I sobbed, still feeling too overwhelmed. His words and actions always made it so hard for me to breathe. Not to mention, I'm already a really red tomato...

"I'm only good at making you cry" he mused, his smile suddenly so sad.

"Only because you light me up inside. You make me feel so much more" I confessed, snuggling closer to him and trying to comfort him.

"You're really going to marry me?" he asked after awhile, the two of us sprawled out on the bed and staring at our interlaced hands.

"Yes Bummie. Yes. I love you" I lifted my head to look into his eyes. He scrambled out of bed and dug out another ring, lifting it to me.

"I don't know how to do this... it came as a set" he explained, opening it and showing it to me.

"Im Jaebum. Will you marry me?" I asked, feeling my face heat up again. I kept my eyes on his despite wanting to hide, the wide smile I got in return making me smile. My hands trembled as I reached out to take the ring and slide it onto his finger, smiling as the rings glinted under the light.

We sprawled out on our bed, our hands lifted towards the ceiling as we stared at the rings on our fingers.

I pinched my arm, my smile widening as it twinged. JB rubbed his palm over my arm, pressing a kiss to my forehead at my silliness.

"I didn't know when I was going to ask you. I wanted to for some time now. Especially after writing You Are for you" he admitted quietly, his lips brushing against my forehead.

"I'm sorry. I interrupted you then didn't I?" I frowned, lifting my head to look at him.

"Well... I could have asked you after. I just... didn't have the courage to I guess" he muttered, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"But you knew I would have said yes... right?" I asked, pressing a kiss to his chest.

"Honestly... no. I'm still terrified of ruining you. Of dirtying you. Of dragging you into my darkness. That one day you won't be a bright sunshine" he confessed softly.

"Bummie. I love you. You've ruined me in a good way. That no one but you can do this to me. That no one else can compare" I whispered, smiling at him happily, needing him to know how much he means.

He hummed in response, hugging me close. His eyes shone happily up at me, his warm hands holding me tight to him.

"Well, whatever I was imagining didn't live up to this though. Me in my boxers and you in my pullover and boxers" he laughed suddenly, hugging me closer.

"Thank God we weren't outside. I can't imagine crying my eyes out in public" I giggled, loving his happy mood.

"What about a ceremony?" he asked, pressing a kiss to my nose.

"I don't any. None. I'll cry at your words and end up squatting on the floor" I mumbled, shaking my head.

"A quiet one. Our families, Got7, Dae, Hoon, Yoon, Taejoon?" he asked, cupping my head to his chest.

"Mean good looking bully" I grumbled softly to his chest, knowing how shitty I'll look on that day no matter what. I'll get to see him in a delicious white tux though...

"Hmm?" he hummed with a smile, squeezing my side lightly.

"Okay. Yes. White tux" I blurted out. His loud laughter made me blush and I buried my face into his chest. Stupid bully.


As predicted, I bawled my eyes out in front of everybody, JB having to hug and rock me halfway in the middle of the ceremony.

The soft smile he wore the entire day made me all gooey inside, my smile glued on my face despite the continuous flowing of my tears.

He has changed so much... from not wanting to even talk or look at me to this. The prickly little kitty warmed up to me, the moon in the night sky, my everything.

A/N: OKAY. THE END. idk if I want to write the wedding but I decided not to... maybe under my random book?

Time to think of what to write next if I am writing anything. In the meantime, thank you. Thank you for reading, commenting and voting. Thank you for being on this journey with me. ❤️💚

I hope you enjoyed reading this book(s). I loved reading all your comments (I think I replied them all. I'm sorry if I didn't. You can scold me here. 😂) I LEGIT LOVE YOU ALL - from the bottom of my heart. Thank you. 🍅 <- insisting that this is a pumpkin.

(My heart isn't ready but let's go. Time to countdown/stream Got7 - I get a bit sad when I can recognise them from the back... I don't think I even recognise my family from the back? Oops)

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