
By pumpkinwrites

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Second book after Cats. (I suck at writing descriptions) Check out Cats if you haven't read it yet! 💚❤️ More



295 19 2
By pumpkinwrites


I snuggled close to JB every night, loving how we whispered our random declarations of love each night, JB always ending with "I love you Jae".

It wasn't as though he had to confirm it nor that I needed to hear it but just the feeling it sparked made me sleep with a smile each night.

We were working on our next album when JB decided to stay in the studio as we kept getting distracted by each other at home. I couldn't help making little visits and watching him as he worked.

He didn't look up as I entered, his eyes focused on the screen before him despite the members coming in and chatting loudly behind him. He always lost himself when he concentrated this hard, losing all sense of his surroundings especially as he wore his headphones. I always found that he looked  so hot when he looks so focused like this...

The other members were chatting and working behind him, all of us not bothering to control our volume as we chatted and worked on our own songs.

We started to get hungry by dinner time, all of us slowly getting distracted and moving around. I glanced over to see JB still absorbed in his producing, not even looking like he was blinking.

"Come on kids. Let's get dinner" Jinyoung announced, stretching with a groan.

I stood to call JB as he still sat there, Jinyoung stopping me before I reached for him.

"Let him be"

"He's been at it since this morning..." I frowned, taking a step away from Jinyoung.

"You know how he gets... we'll bring food back for him instead" Jinyoung convinced, holding my gaze as I continued to frown at him.

"I'll bring my food up"

"You'll only distract him" Jinyoung rebutted, raising his eyebrow at me. I felt like a sulky child, my frown turning into a pout.

"Let's go Youngjae" Jinyoung beckoned, lifting his arm to me.

"Okay" I sighed, casting one last look at him before letting him hold me to his side.

"He'll be fine" Jinyoung whispered softly, stroking the side of my head. But I miss him.


I ate quickly, thinking about JB the entire way and ended up choking, Mark smacking my back while Jinyoung nagged at me until I slowed down. I managed to finish first anyway and leaving before the others to bring the food up to JB.

JB was still in the same position, the only difference was his mussed hair which he probably tugged on as he worked, the ends sticking out at weird angles and yet squished by his headphones.

The room was quiet except for the sounds of his mouse clicking and I stood there watching him work for a few beats before moving to stand next to him. His eyes were glued to the screen even as I stood to his side, totally absorbed in what he was doing.

I stood to his side for a bit longer, wanting to get his attention without scaring him. He was still so focused that I had to wave my hand slightly to get his attention, JB finally turning his eyes to me.

"Ah. I'm sorry Jae. What is it?" he frowned, rubbing his eyes. His eyes were red-rimmed, his blinks long and slow, letting me know tired he was.

I sighed softly, scanning his features and taking in his unshaven face. He doesn't look like he has been taking enough breaks...

"Jae?" he called, looking up at me.

"Dinner time" I replied, raising the bag of food to him. I gave him a small smile, hoping that I could somehow cheer him on. The smile I got back was blinding, my heart skipping a beat at his crinkly eyes.

"Thank you Jae" he smiled, tugging me towards him instead. He buried his face into my stomach and I used my free hand to hug him nearer, seeing his shoulders sag slowly as he relaxed.

"You should eat Bummie" I murmured, raking my fingers against his scalp.

He groaned softly, his arms tightening around my waist instead, burying his face closer to my stomach.

"Bummie" I urged, stilling my fingers. He grumbled slightly before speaking up.

"5 minutes" he replied, his muffled voice warm against my pullover. He sounded so defeated that I relented, continuing to comb my fingers through his hair, his even breaths heating up the front of my pullover further.

"You should eat Bummie. You didn't even have lunch" I frowned, my hand stilling at the thought.

"Okay. I'll spend the night here though. I got to finish this" he mumbled, raising his head to look at me.

"Again? You can always continue tomorrow" I tried, not wanting to spend the night apart again.

"I have to" he replied, shaking his head. He looked so determined that I knew I couldn't persuade him otherwise.

"Shall I stay with you?" I asked, pouting slightly. I miss him beside me.

"Go back with the others Jae. Just one or two nights more. I promise. I just need to get this right before the deadline and getting you all to sing" he replied, shaking his head again. He gave me a small smile and rubbed his face against my stomach softly.

I sighed but nodded, knowing how much he wanted to be done with this. The sooner he does it the sooner he'll be back with me every night...

"Thank you Jae. For understanding. I really appreciate it. I really do love you" he commented offhandedly, standing and stretching his back. My heart skipped a beat each time still, my eyes glued to the knowing smirk that grew on his face. Mean.

He bent forward to take the food from my hand, pressing his lips to my cheek before pulling back, his smirk growing further. I clapped my hands to my cheeks and ears, feeling the heat radiate off to my palms. Bully. Really...

Thankfully, my blush had faded by the time the members came back, all of us sitting and chatting while JB ate and watched us. He joined in the conversation at times, making a comment or two before going back to his food.

"I'm going to get the main tune down tonight and we'll discuss tomorrow about starting recording. Sorry for the delay" JB announced halfway.

"Eyyy. Hyung..." the other mumbled, waving him off. They switched the topic to their own songs that they were working on together, all of us having recorded some of them. I watched JB continue to eat, his gaze on each of them as they talked, taking in their comments about his other songs with a nod.

We left when he was done eating, JB standing to send us off as we waved at him. He tugged me back before I left the room, pressing a kiss to my head before ushering me out, patting my bum lightly with a smile when he caught my red cheeks. Stupid flush.


I laid wide awake in bed, missing his warmth as the bed felt too big for me. I rolled over to his side, burying my face in his pillow to get a whiff of his addictive scent. I miss him already... I'm way too needy but I can't help it. He's my everything.

I thought of calling him but decided against it, not wanting to distract him. I flailed my limbs around in protest, whining to myself before burying my face into his pillow again.

I wrapped and unwrapped the blanket around me, unable to find the proper spot as I felt too cold and too warm at the same time.

I sat up after awhile, giving up on trying to sleep and deciding to game to sleep. I turned my computer on and moved to turn the room light on when I saw my wallpaper had changed. I frowned and turned back, seeing that it was a photo of JB smiling while holding me to his chest.

I was still asleep when this photo was taken, my face all squished and puffy looking, my lips slightly parted while my fingers curled around the front of his shirt and around his neck.

JB on the other hand looked so good, his slightly messy fringe laying nicely over his forehead, his eyes shining so prettily as he smiled to the camera. That's not fair...

I spotted some words by the side of the photo, after peeling my eyes away from his handsome face, laughing as I read it.

Go to sleep Jae. It's late. (Unless it's in the afternoon now? But chances are no. So go to sleep)

I turned my computer off and crawled back into bed, tilting his pillow so I half laid on it. I closed my eyes and breathed in his lingering scent, my hand reaching up to curl around the pillow, trying to delude myself into thinking that it was JB.

Just one sleep. I chanted in my head, turning to bury my face more into his pillow and trying to empty my thoughts.


"Youngjae ah. Youngjae. Jae? Wake up Jae. We're going to the studio"

I hummed and waved the person away, turning over to bury my head more into JB's chest. That's not my Bummie's voice...

"We'll head to the studio first then..."

I half grumbled and hummed, snuggling away from the sound before drifting back to sleep.


It was late afternoon that I woke, stretching and looking out at the bright sun that shone through the crack of the curtains. I turn to my other side and remembered when I saw the empty bed. Bummie...

I rushed to the shower, realising that the others had left when left the room. I got ready quickly, towelling dry my hair and tugging on a cap before leaving to head to the company building.

They were all in the meeting room when I got there, the sound of them discussing loudly stopping as I opened the door.

"I'm sorry I'm late..." I apologised, bowing to them all.

"Not at all. I'm sorry we started without you. We chose your song though" Jinyoung replied, shaking his head.

"I didn't know how to wake you either" Mark shrugged, turning back to JB.

I looked over at JB to see him staring at me, his eyes scanning me head to toe worriedly before beckoning for me to sit next to him. My eyes scanned him greedily, taking in his tired but sharp eyes, his unshaven face and messy hair half hidden by his hood.

He laid his palm on my thigh as I sat beside him before continuing the discussion that they were having. He adjusted his hand to my knee as he leaned forward to listen, letting them all discuss their songs while I laid my hand over his, smiling when he interlaced our fingers in my lap.


"So. It's final. This would be our songs we will present to JYP for the final confirmation" JB announced after our long discussion and sorting our opinions.

"We should start recording as soon as we can" he continued, scanning all of us to see if anyone objected.

We all nodded in response, deciding to record our songs before recording JB's songs as he had the most tracks. I felt so proud that his hard work paid off, just knowing that the fans would love it too.

We did our recordings one after another, JB sitting quietly and working on the final tweaks to the tune for his song. We managed to finish our recordings in the limited time, sorting and doing last minute changes here and there.

The recordings were mushed together that I had no idea which song was whose, missing out on the discussion they had in the morning. I wonder which song he was working on last night though...

All of us took turns to have dinner, heading down to the cafeteria after recording, JB insisting that I head down first after I did the main vocals and ad-libs that the rest needed. Mark joined me shortly, Bam and Jackson coming down together after, Yugyeom coming down next followed by Jinyoung.

"Hyung says to pack food for him again" Jinyoung mumbled, leaning into Jackson as he sat down.

"Again?" I sighed, getting up to order some food for him.

"Later. Let him finish what he's doing. He wants to record before letting all of us hear the full song" Jinyoung waved, stopping me short.

"He's going to pull an all-nighter again..." I grumbled, plopping myself back on the seat.

"The faster he does it now, the earlier he'll head back right?" Jackson quipped, giving me a small smile.

"He'll be fine. You know how he gets whenever we're recording" Mark smiled, patting my back.

I heaved a sigh and rested my head against the table, all of us giving him an hour before heading back up.

As expected, he was so focused that he didn't hear us, not even realising when I placed food on the table next to him.

"I think I'll stay here with him today" I told the others, staring worriedly at him.

They all nodded quietly, too tired to reply before leaving us alone. I watched him work from the sofa, curling up in the corner so that I had a view of his face still.

I ended up huddled on the sofa as the night wore on, not wanting to distract him and drifting off to sleep while watching him work hard into the night, the food forgotten in the corner.

A/N: idk what this was. I'm late for work. Again. I know. Oops. So it's time to update. 😂

It's the eve of Friday. No, not Thursday. Friday Eve. I can't wait for the weekend.

I really mean it when I saw thank you for reading, commenting and voting. I LOVE YOU ALL. ❤️❤️❤️

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