
By pumpkinwrites

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Second book after Cats. (I suck at writing descriptions) Check out Cats if you haven't read it yet! 💚❤️ More



326 21 5
By pumpkinwrites


We had returned back to the dorm and I had yet to pop the question, the opportunities slipping by each time I hesitated. Our manager was waiting there for us, greeting us as we entered.

"Hey Hyung" Youngjae called out, waving happily.

"Hyung" I bowed my head.

"You two must be tired" he nodded, scanning us both.

"I'm okay" I nodded, carrying the luggage into our room.

Our manager lingered around, looking like he wanted to say something more but hesitated.

"Go shower first Jae" I encouraged, nudging Youngjae into the room.

Youngjae nodded with a muffled yawn, turning to give me one last look before heading into the room.

"Hyung?" I called, turning to face him as he stood there looking at me.

"I heard what happened" he mumbled, looking worriedly at me.

"I'm fine hyung" I sighed, running my hand through my hair slightly.

"I just thought you're better. Especially with Youngjae around" he muttered quietly.

"I am. He means a lot" I confessed, feeling my heart clench. I bowed my head slightly, dropping my gaze to my hands and thinking of our rings.

"I need to marry him" I added softly after a beat, wanting to let him know.

"You need to?" he asked, confused by my choice of words.

"Need" I confirmed, looking up at him. He nodded back at me as our eyes met, smiling widely at me.

We stood there facing each other, his wide smile still plastered on his face that it was creeping me out.

"What?" I frowned, folding my arms behind me awkwardly.

"It's just nice to hear you talk about something other than the others and work" he smiled.

"Yeah. I guess" I nodded slowly back at him, not even realising that we never spoke about these things before.

"Anyway. Go enjoy your quiet time with Youngjae" he smiled, patting my shoulder before turning to leave.

I stood there rooted for awhile, realising how much I've changed because of Youngjae. My world has become so much wider, open and brighter because of him...


From: Bring it

From: Taejoon
Drinks anyone?
Dinner anyone?
Such disrespect to a hyung. Wow.

From: Yoon
I'm older.

From: Taejoon

From: Yoon

From: Taejoon
Yo rude boy

From: Yoon
He might be tired.
Their tour ended not too long ago if I remember correctly

From: Taejoon
It's been forever since we've seen him

From: Yoon
Yeah. Anyway.
Thursday. XX bar. 10pm.
Come if you can.

From: Taejoon
What?! Not today?!
Fine. Thursday then.
Both of you better show or imma get myself some new friends.

From: Yoon
I'd like to see someone else put up-I mean be friends with you

From: Taejoon

From: Yoon
XX bar. Thursday. 10pm.

From: Taejoon
Thursday then.
I'll make a friend there...

I smiled to myself seeing the numerous texts from our group chat over the days. I had read them but had yet to reply them both.

"Jae. Do you want to grab drinks with my friends?" I asked, looking up from my phone.

"Yes" Youngjae replied quickly, turning to look at me.

"You can invite your friends as well" I suggested, confused as I took in his slightly shocked face.

"Okay" he nodded, blinking at me. He looked so small, sitting huddled on the bed with the covers surrounding him, my pullover hanging loosely on his frame.

"What?" I asked, confused by his reaction still.

"It's just... rare that you suggest we go out. To go out and see others at that too... but you've been doing that a lot recently" he replied, tilting his head slightly as he explained further.

"I didn't realise that... which do you rather?" I asked guiltily, moving to squat in front of him by the bed.

"I only need to be next to you" he blushed, reaching to cup my face in his hands.

"You can tell me Jae" I muttered softly, reaching for his waist. I tugged him nearer to the edge of the bed, leaning my head against his thighs.

I pressed a kiss to his bare thigh, smiling as I felt him shiver. I watched his goosebump rise and brushed my nose against it gently, feeling him fidget in my arms. He's too cute...

"I only need you. It doesn't matter what we're doing. It's fun only because you're around" he whispered, his fingers fumbling with my hair.

I laid there for awhile, waiting to see if he would add more but he kept his silence, tangling his fingers into my hair. I looked up slowly to see his red face, his hands slipping into his lap as I lifted my head.

"Should I stick myself next to you always then?" I asked, reaching up to brush his red cheek.

"Except in the toilet when we're pooping" he mumbled.

I laughed hard at his statement, burying my face in his lap again, loving the feeling of his fingers brushing against the back of my scalp. He's just too damn adorable. I like this feeling... should I grow my hair out?



We got ready slowly, the two of us thoroughly distracted by one another the entire time. It felt weird to be apart for even a second, my hands itching to reach for him even as he changed.

He smiled as he caught the look on my face, the small glint in his eyes letting me know that he understood what I wanted. I felt my cheeks flush, embarrassed for looking and acting so needy.

"Come here" he murmured, sticking his hand out to me.

I shuffled over to him, his hand hooking around to hold the nape of my neck to tug me nearer still. I buried my face into his chest automatically, loving how safe I felt.

"Are we going to be late?" I muffled out, slowly tilting my head up.

"Doesn't matter" he shrugged, his smiley eyes locked on mine.

"Mmm" I hummed, burying my face in his chest again with a smile, hugging him tighter to me.

We stayed huddled like that, JB rocking us from side to side until I giggled, loving how we swayed like we were in a slow dance. He always feels the nearest like this...

"We should leave soon" he sighed, stroking the side of my head.

I lifted my head with a smile, tiptoeing to give him a peck on his cheek, my mood lighter than ever, a direction reflection of his. I caught his smile before he turned to grab our coats, the smile growing on my face. I slipped my hand into his, the two of us finally heading out to meet our friends.


"Hey guys!" I smiled happily, waving frantically at Dae and Hoon while hopping up and down.

They were already seated with Taejoon and Yoon, their sharp eyes turning to look at me as I called out. Eep.

JB caught me against his chest as my steps faltered slightly, chuckling slightly while wrapping his arm around my waist to guide me towards the table.

They all got up as we approached them, Dae and Hoon grabbing me into a hug while Taejoon threw himself at JB. JB dodged him and walked to Yoon, slinging his arm over Yoon instead.

I giggled at the sight of Taejoon spinning around and launching himself at them, JB and Yoon stumbling slightly before letting him squeeze in between them.

"We heard you went back home" Dae smirked, nudging me.

"When are we going to hear the good news? Where is the ring?" Hoon asked, jumping on the spot.

"No. We just went back to visit my parents" I frowned, tugging them both nearer as I dropped my volume.

"We're not going to get married. He has his reasons and I understand why" I whispered, watching the two of them frown at me.

"You shouldn't. He should be proud of you" Dae replied, moving back to glare slightly at JB. JB turned then to see Dae's hostile eyes, Hoon holding me to his side protectively.

"It's not like that. Stop it" I huffed, smacking Dae's arm and shrugging out of Hoon's hold.

Dae's eyes narrowed as he turned back to me, the disappointment in his eyes making me take a step back.

"Jae" JB murmured, his arms catching me as I stepped back.

"I'm happy. Don't ruin it" I bit out, clutching to JB's arm for support. I bit my lip to stop myself from crying, leaning closer to JB as he turned me in his arms.

I buried my face into his chest, breathing in his warm scent to get myself to relax. He massaged the nape of my neck slowly, his body tense as he held me tight to him.

"If you have any problems I hope that you would come to me instead of venting it on him" JB's voice was calm despite his body tensing like a spring against mine, just waiting to bounce out and attack them.

"I'm okay Bummie" I murmured. His arms still held me tight to him and I tried to calm him down with the limited space I had, rubbing my hands on his sides underneath his jacket.

"Let's talk outside then" Dae replied while Hoon tried to calm him down in the background.

"Let's go" JB replied, slowly prying his hands off me.

"Don't fight please" I begged, turning around to glare at Dae while pushing JB behind me.

"Jae. I won't. Let us just talk for a bit" JB murmured, tilting my jaw so that I was looking into his eyes. I scanned his face worriedly before turning to glare at Dae.

"If I see even one scratch on him..." I warned, clenching my fists hard.

"Jae... it's fine. Go sit down" JB interrupted, nudging me towards the table. He pressed a kiss to my forehead before turning to leave, Dae marching after him.

"Hoon" I frowned, tugging on his sleeve. I couldn't get myself to relax, my body faced towards the door.

"So... I need a new friend because JB and Yoon hyung want to ditch me. Will you be my friend?" Taejoon asked, suddenly leaning forward across the table to block me.

"No. I... huh?" I blinked, finally processing his words.

"Why are they being mean to you?" I asked, looking at Yoon. I caught a faint smile on Yoon's lips before he turned to look away, shrugging his shoulders in response anyway.

"Right? Why are they being mean... not to mention Jaebum only started calling me hyung recently. Can you believe that? Would you be my friend too Hoon?" Taejoon asked, turning to Hoon.

"Sure" Hoon smiled, hooking his arm around me to lean forward too.

"Yay" Taejoon smiled, reaching over to hold our hands.

"Paws off my boyfriend"

"Hands off my husband"

We looked up to see Dae and JB standing there biting back their laughter, my blush creeping up my neck as JB's voice played in my head. He said my boyfriend...

I smiled widely at them, seeing that the two of them had come to some sort of understanding. JB shifted so that he sat between me and Yoon while Dae shoved himself between Hoon and Taejoon.

Dae leaned closer to Hoon after he sat down, the two of them talking to one another quietly and lost in their own world as usual.

I turned to JB to scan his face and hands, reaching my hand up to tilt his face left and right to double check.

"I'm fine Jae" he smiled, pulling my hand down into his lap.

"Dae gets really violent when he is angry" I explained, wanting to lift his shirt to check on his stomach too.

"We didn't fight at all Jae" he laughed, grabbing my hand and placing it up to his lips.

"But he seemed so fixated. I didn't tell them about your past... it's something you should say not me. I'm sorry Bummie. He shouldn't have forced you to say anything because of me" I sighed.

"He didn't. I told him because I wanted to" he replied quietly, stroking the side of my head before a flash interrupted us.

"Sorry... sorry. Wasn't expecting that flash" Taejoon muttered, jabbing at his phone.

"Still want him as a friend?" Yoon asked, smirking at us. We all laughed along, finally ordering our drinks and starting the night.

A/N: I'm sick of work even though I'm on my way to work 😂🤦‍♀️ thank you for reading, commenting and voting!

Dear Got7, stop teasing. Counting down to the 20th is already painful enough. Thanks.

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