Rescue Me || Bellarke AU

By coco1522ox

32.1K 1K 686

Secrets, demons, heartache, anger and a mutual hatred for jazz music. Just how much could two broken souls b... More

1. Face down.
2. Reunions.
3. Because of you.
4. Opposites Attract.. or not.
5. I hate everything about you.
6. Connections.
7. Choices.
8. Rotten Luck
9. Stupid Mistake.
10. Its just business.
11. Too much.
12. Heart to heart.
14. You need to heal.
15. Everything is clear now.
16. My senses tell me to stop.
17. Numb.
18. Monsters.
19. How do you love someone?
20. A Battle Of Power.
21. I Hate That I Love You.
22. Whispers In The Dark.
23. I See You.
24. Dates
25. A Whole New Game.
26. I Am The Fire
27. Freedom Comes With A Price.
28. Come Back To Me.
29. Awake and Alive.
30. Recovery.
31. Start Again.
32. Moving On.
33. You Have My Heart.
34. Epilogue.

13. What have you done?

1.3K 49 55
By coco1522ox

"Bellamy Blake! What the hell did you do?!" Octavia bellowed as she pounded her fist on Bellamy's door.

Bellamy put down the unopened letter and opened his bedroom door.

"What O?" Bellamy sighed.

"You wanna explain this?!" Octavia scolded.

Bellamy took the folded paper from Octavia and read the familiar handwriting.


If you're reading this I'm already gone. I hope you understand that this is nothing to do with you. You were the best housemate and friend I could have asked for, please don't ever forget that. But I have to leave. The longer I stay the more you're in danger. I didn't tell you this because I didn't want you to get caught up in my drama, but I'm in trouble. There's nothing you can do to help, before you try anything. I just have to accept my fate now.

If I don't see you again, just know that I love you and I will miss you every day. But me staying with you and Bellamy puts you both in danger. If my ex was to find you, I don't know what he'd do and I can't take the risk of him hurting you. Bellamy was right to send me away, don't be too hard on him, he's just looking out for you.

The painting is yours if you want it, I know it's not great so throw it out if you want to, I don't mind. It's just my way of saying thank you for everything you've done for me.

May we meet again.

Clarke X

Bellamy handed the note back to a very red faced Octavia.

"What do you want me to say?" Bellamy shrugged.

"Why would you send her away if she's in trouble Bell?!" Octavia exclaimed.

"Because like she said, her being here puts you in danger." Bellamy responded calmly.

"I don't need your protection Bellamy. Clarke was my best friend and you sent her away when she needs us!" Octavia argued.

"I'm sorry O, but your safety is more important to me than some stranger." Bellamy said.

"Will you stop referring to her as some stranger! She tried so hard and you constantly gave her a hard time! All she wanted was to be your friend and you gave her the cold shoulder! I know you think you're being the protective brother but you're not! You're just pushing away everyone that ever cared about you!" Octavia yelled. Before Bellamy could respond, she stormed down the stairs and out the house.

Bellamy stood frozen on the spot. Clarke didn't care about him. She tolerated him as a landlord because she had nowhere else to go. Right? Finally he'd gotten what he'd always wanted, Clarke gone.

Bellamy turned back into his room and picked up the letter addressed to him. He already knew who it was from. Sitting down on his bed, Bellamy opened the letter. Inside the envelope was a pile of cash. He set it aside and unfolded the paper.


With this letter is this months rent. I owe you at least that. I also owe you an apology.

I understand why you kicked me out. Don't feel bad, you did what you had to do to protect your sister and I respect you for that. I'm guessing Octavia didn't take the news too well and I only hope she's not giving you a hard time over it. The last thing I wanted was to come between the two of you.

I won't bore you with details, but I can't run anymore. You were right, it's time to face my demons. I just want to thank you for trusting me enough to tell me about yours. I tried to be your friend Bellamy, I really did. But I also understand why you didn't. You didn't know me.

I wish you all the best in your life. I hope one day you find someone you trust enough to let into your life and care for you. You deserve to be loved and cared for too, no matter how much you think you don't. I hope our paths cross again in the future so I can explain my story properly. Until then, take care of yourself and O. And thank you for giving me a home when no one else would.

May we meet again.

Clarke. X

Bellamy felt a weight in his stomach. Octavia was right. Clarke did care. Someone outside his family actually cared about him and he'd pushed her away. What was worse, he'd pushed her right into the palms of her abusive ex boyfriend.

Bellamy picked up his phone and dialled Clarke's number. He owed her an apology. After what felt like a lifetime, Clarke finally answered.

"Hello." Clarke's voice was shaky and Bellamy could tell she was crying.

"Clarke! It's me, are you okay?" Bellamy asked quickly.

"Yeah, I... I'm okay. Now's not a good time Bellamy." Clarke sniffed.

"Where are you? What happened?" Bellamy asked.

"It doesn't matter where I am, the damage is done." Clarke replied.

"Clarke. Did he hurt you again? Where are you. I'm coming to get you." Bellamy declared, already grabbing his coat and heading for his car.

"Bellamy, please don't." Clarke begged.

"I'm not going to stop searching until I find you. So just tell me." Bellamy argued.

"Polis train station." Clarke said quietly after a few minutes.

"Don't move, I'll be there as quick as I can." Bellamy said before hanging up and starting his car.

Just before he pulled away, Octavia appeared at his window.

"Where are you going?" Octavia asked.

"To get Clarke. You were right. She needs us." Bellamy said, back out the driveway.

The journey to Polis should have taken Bellamy just under two hours. But Clarke was in trouble, he could tell by the shake in her voice. And so it only took him one hour. He'd deal with the consequences later.

Finally he pulled into the parking lot of Polis train station. The sun had set around twenty minutes ago and Bellamy had to strain his eyes to see. A few people lingered around the station but none that Bellamy was looking for. Until his eyes finally fell upon a small figure, hunched up in the corner, just out of sight. Cascaded by dark shadows, Bellamy caught a glimpse of blonde.

"Clarke?" Bellamy called out softly as he approached.

The hooded figure shot up quickly, pulling herself to her feet.

"Bellamy?" Clarke whispered.

"Clarke what happened?" Bellamy asked, walking closer.

"Please don't." Clarke sniffled, lowering her head.

Bellamy was about to step closer again until he saw the droplets of blood hitting the floor.

"Clarke, are you bleeding?" Bellamy said, this time stepping up to her.

"I'm fine." Clarke tried to back away, only to be blocked by the wall behind her.

Bellamy didn't say another word, he simply removed her hood slowly and gently lifted her chin with his finger. The sight was enough to make him gasp and his stomach churn. Clarke had two black eyes, a busted lip and a cut down her cheek. Her skin was dirty and her whole face was almost unrecognisable.

"I'm so sorry Clarke." Bellamy whispered.

"It's fine. It's not your fault." Clarke shook her head.

"Yes it is. I'm the one that kicked you out when you needed us most. I'm sorry Clarke. I just freaked out." Bellamy said determinedly.

"I'll be okay. I always am." Clarke shrugged.

"Yes you will be, because I'm taking you home. Back to Arkadia." Bellamy declared.

"I don't have a home Bellamy, don't you understand? I have nowhere to go!" Clarke exclaimed.

"You always have a home with me. And Octavia." Bellamy said, adding the last part quickly.

"But what about Cage? What about O's safety?" Clarke asked.

"Octavia doesn't need my protection. She'll be safe and so will you. I won't let him hurt either of you Clarke." Bellamy said sincerely.

Clarke nodded her head as more tears spilled from her eyes. "Thank you Bellamy."

Bellamy gently guided her to his car, making sure she was safely in the passenger seat before entering the drivers side. They both remained silent as Bellamy began the journey home. Octavia's words were swimming in his mind the whole time.

All she wanted was to be your friend.

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