Caged By Him

נכתב על ידי moonchild80

8.6M 201K 90.2K

"WHY CAN'T YOU GET IT INSIDE YOUR HEAD?" He trapped my trembling body between his arms and slammed his fist i... עוד

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's note.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Author's note.
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97

Chapter 40

84.6K 2.1K 1.5K
נכתב על ידי moonchild80

Y'all are gonna hate me but enjoy😙😙

Aurora's POV:

"Are you feeling okay, Aurora? You look tired." Aylina questions and I shake my head. What is it with people asking me if I'm sick or not?

"I'm going to go get a drink." She sighs. "Do you want one?" She asks.

"No. Thank you." I say back with a smile as she nods and walks away.

Since I'm stood close to the door and most people are outside in the backyard, I was able to hear the bell ring. So I walked towards the door and opened it.

Outside, stood a man. A tall attractive man with light brown hair and a cigarette  between his lips. His olive skin and his built body. His hair sleek and pushed back. He looks about Tristan's age.

He takes the last drag of his cigarette, looking to his right then throws it, stomping on it with his foot.

"Hello." I catch his attention as he turns his head to me. His eyes travel fast to my chest then to back to my face as I grip tighter onto the door.

"Hello indeed." He hums. "Fuck, is it just me or did the sun just come out?" He winks at me and I frown.

Who is he and why is he talking like that?

"I didn't know the most beautiful girl in the world is here. I would've been more polite." He adds, biting on his lip and dragging a hand through his hair.

"I-uh....who are you?" I question, my voice cracking mid-sentence.

"The name's Alex Black. I'm here to see Tristan. I'm his cousin." He informs me and I raise my brows. How come I've never seen him before?

"Oh, okay. Come in." I bow my head and open the door wide so he can enter.

"And remember that name, gorgeous. You'll be screaming it later." He gives a one eyed smile then licks his lips.

I don't even know what that means.

Ignoring his last statement, I mutter "He's upstairs in his office. Second door to your right."

"Thanks, sweetcheeks." He winks, his dimples seemable as he gives a toothy smile.

He shoves his hands in his pockets with his head held high. He walks up the stairs and takes a turn, thus completely disappearing from my sight.

And just as he did, my mother in law enters from the back and huffs out, marching towards me.

"Aurora, what are you doing alone? Come with me, my dear." She sighs, taking my hand and leading me to the back garden where the pool is.

She opens the glass door and pulls me behind her.

There are a lot of people here, stood chatting, drinking, sitting in the garden by the pool. Some of them standing near the small waterfall trickling down.

As Mrs Black leads me through the crowd. I see Aylina waving for me as she stands with two girls who have their back to me.

Mrs Black lets go of my hand and lets me walk over to the side of the pool where they stood.

Upon my arrival, Aylina pulls me closer to her. I stood awkwardly and stared at the two glamorous looking girls. They look really pretty and seem sweet. Maybe I can try to make some friends.

"Lana, Kristen. Meet my sister in law, Aurora." She introduces me and I give a shy smile.

"Love your name. I'm Kristen." The red haired girl chirps. "Your hair is gorgeous by the way." She compliments, taking a strand of my hair in her hands then letting it go.

"Thank you. Yours is pretty as well." I compliment her back. She seems really nice. I love kind people.

"I'm gonna go say hello to some family but go easy on her, girls. She's very shy." Aylina chuckles, giving me a pat on my shoulder then walking away.

"So, Aurora. What do you do?" Kristen asks me and I swallow, trying to think of an answer.

"Yeah, what are you. A face model or something?" The other girl, Lana, asks me, tilting her head and squinting at me.

A model? What lead her to that assumption?

"No." I mutter, tucking my hair behind my ear nervously.

"Oh, so what do you do? I work at my father's firm." She chirps and my eyes fall straight ahead then back to her.

"I-I actually don't work." I shake ny head and shamefully look down at the ground. 

"Really? Then how do you make a living?"

"She doesn't need to work. She's married to Tristan Black." The other girl, Lana, giggles then gives me a grin.

"Oh, right. You two are so cute together." Kristen says in a soft voice and I feel my cheeks heating up as they continue to bombard me with questions.

"So how did you do it?" Lana questions, giving her head a nod.

"Um, do what?" I knit my brows and nervously look up at her.

"Duh, get Tristan to marry you. He was like the hottest, most famous bachelor before you came along." I feel uncomfortable by their comments.

"You know I worked with him for years and always wanted to snatch him." Lana states, raising her brow and looking down on me. "How did you manage to?"

I'd never admit this and I feel awful for even feeling like this. But hearing her say those things made me feel a slight pang of jealousy.

It's a bad feeling that I never experienced. It's extremely shallow of me but I look at her then back at me. I realize I didn't like her talking about Tristan like that. It made me upset. I'm never one to get jealous but it is what it is.

Even though I expected women to think about him this way. Why wouldn't they? He's an extremely successful, extremely good looking man.

I swallow then resume talking. "I don't-"

"I'm back." I hear Aylina's voice beside me. "So what are we talking about?"

"Your brother."

"Which one?" Aylina rolls her eyes and looks back at them.

"Older one." Was her reply.

"What about him?" Aylina sighs, resting her hands on her hips.

"Oh, nothing. Other than the fact that's he's ridiculously sexy." Lana says in a seductive tone, winking at Kristen. There's no point in me being here. Plus, I feel tired and hearing what they're saying isn't making me feel any better.

"Gross, why would yo-" Aylina snaps back with a repulsed tone.

"I think I'm going to get some rest. I-It was really nice meeting you." I give them a small smile then bow my head and head to the house, pushing through the crowds.

Tristan's POV:

"Alex, welcome." I give him a nod and a hand shake. "How've you been?" I sit back on my chair and cross one foot over my knee.

"I missed you, man." He excitedly states, taking a seat on the chair in front of me. "Things have been good actually. I've been on the hideout, but still woking undercover. The cops are still looking for me but anything for family."

"Thank you, for coming to see me." I say and he nods.

"Apparently, I wasn't the only one. Lots of people downstairs." He says, chuckling.

"Only trusted business associates and family."

"Lots of hotties down there too." He winks then falls into laughter. He hasn't changed one bit. "So, did you get Petrov?" He asks and I nod at him, resting my arms on the leather chair.

"So you're permanently back, huh?" I brush off his previous comment.

"Well, I still need some help. I need your help actually. As you know..." As he continues talking, I notice a silhouette pass by the door.

"Aurora." She stops and stands by the door, peering inside. Alex stops talking and turns around to see who's at the door.

"Why aren't you downstairs?" I question, my eyes traveling up and down her body. She looks so fucking good.

"I'm a bit tired." She mumbles in her soft voice, her cheeks red.

She does look tired. As beautiful as she's ever been but a little less of herself.

I give her a comforting smile then a nod. "Go rest. I'll check on you in a bit." She gives a shy nod then walks away.

"Phew." Alex whistles as he turns to me and shakes his head. "Fuck, I didn't know they still make them like that." He says, flicking his head to the door then back at me.

"You better shut your mouth, Alex." I warn in a blank tone. This is exactly what I didn't want. I don't want him looking at or breathing around her. He's bad news.

He chuckles, throwing his head back then looks back at me. "You got a thing for her?"

"You know, I think that might be the first girl that I'm gonna say is out of your league." He teases as a frown settles on my face.

"She doesn't think so." I hum, leaning back on my chair and scowling down at him. He raises his brows, motioning me to elaborate.

"She's my wife." I state with a cold tone.

"Shit, seriously?" He gasps. "You're married?" He interrogates loudly,  looking taken back by my statement. I nod and he shakes his head in disbelief." I didn't think I'd live to see the day."

"You're fucking with me, aren't you?" He teases, giving me a mischevious smirk. I shake my head with a serious look on my face. That'll get him to believe me.

"Shit." He ushers under his breath, looking a bit pissed off. "Well, I gotta hand it to you. Good choice." He winks as I just stare blankly at him, waiting for him to shut his mouth. "I'm guessing this one is not up for grabs?" He says in a questioning tone as I grit my jaw and squint my eyes.

"Don't fucking talk about her like that." I bark, falling into a pit of anger and gritting my teeth.

"What happened to you? Where's the Tristan I know? The one who shared all his females with me. We sure had a good time, huh?" He chuckles loudly and my frown settles on my face.

"You mean how you drugged them, raped them then killed or selled them? To never be heard of again, without my fucking consent?" I refer to what his dirty work as he stares blankly at me.

"So dramatic." He rolls his eyes. "You know all these women want to be fucked like the sluts they are then cry out rape when they feel ashamed." He blatantly says with a devious smirk on his fucking face.

"I see you haven't changed." I scoff, shaking my head but then straighten my posture and clear my throat. "I'm going to need you to step out from my office. I have a meeting with my men in five minutes." I order, standing up from my chair and tugging on my suit jacket.

"Is this why you've been slacking off lately? Word has it in the underworld that your business isn't doing as good." He chuckles, trying to get me even angrier.

"I've not been slacking off. My business is fine and so am I. Petrov is locked up and you'd do better not putting your nose where it doesn't belong." I assure him, stating facts.

"Shit, man. I didn't mean to get you angry. Just wanted to reminisce on our old memories." He rolls his eyes and crosses one leg over the other, clearly pissed off.


"Things have changed since you've been gone, Alex. And don't fucking think for a second that I've forgotten what you've done." I spit in rage.

 He's a twisted motherfucker, there's no doubt in that. And I was the same as him too, hell I still am. But a rapist and a sex trafficker, not even I would stoop that low.

"What I've done? What I've done is make you the man you are. Or the man you were before this female showed up." He angrily delivers as I burn holes into his head. That's it.

"Don't you dare think you had any influence in making me who I am. The things we did, they're over. I can assure you that." I growl, my voice as loud as it's ever been.

To that, he chuckles. "Listen, Tristan. We both know that this isn't the man you are. You don't love, you fuck. Stop kidding yourself."

"You don't know shit about me. And if you think the credit is yours for making me who I am, you're sorely mistaken." I snap, crossing my arms over my chest and scowling at him. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go check on my wife." I growl, walking over the exit of my office.

"You know, I'm still in town tonight. I'm going down to the brothel and see how things are going in there. I'm expecting you to join me." I hear his voice behind me and I stop.

"That's not happening." I respond with my back to him before storming out and leaving him there.

Aurora's POV:

I layed in bed and tried to go to sleep but couldn't. I felt awful and shameful. This just proves that I don't belong in this world.

I'm not fancy or perfect like these girls. They're independent, successful and confident. And what am I? A mafia boss' housewife. I've been so busy taking care of him that I realized how I really don't know myself anymore. It's sounds stupid, I know.

I hear the door open and I open my eyes to see Tristan walking in and coming my way.

"Feeling any better?" He links his hand behind his back and marches towards me.

"A little. My head hurts." I tell him and he brings his hand to my face, lightly rubbing on my skin. That feels good.

"Do you need me to get you anything?" He asks but I'm quick to shake my head.

"No, it's okay. Are you feeling any pain?" I ask, looking at his chest then back at his face.

"Not at all, angel." He shakes his head then sends me a wink. "Do you want to head back downstairs?"

"No, please. I don't want to." I retort and his scrunches his face up in a frown.

"What happened?"

"I just don't think your friends like me very much." I giggle, attempting to set the mood for a bit.

"Did someone say something to you?" He snaps, no longer talking gently.

"No." I shyly deny and fumble with the sheet.

"Aurora, you know fully well you can come to me if someone bothers you." He angrily declares and I timidly look away from him.

"I-I know." I mutter and he nods, intently staring at me. "Can I ask you?" I ask and he nods. "Why am I not allowed to work?"

I watch as his face drops and his jaw tenses. He exhales and starts talking. "Why would you want to work?" He questions but I don't answer.

"You can ask me for anything. You know you can but you working is out of the question." His words are strict and his order is firm.

"I just want to-"

"What is it that you need? I can give you whatever you want. I don't care how expensive it is. You can get anything but you're not going to work." He strictly states, completely changing the tone of his voice.

"It's not about that. I just want to do something and be productive. I thought you'd be okay with th-"

"Aurora, my decision is final. Anything can happen to you and I'm not about to allow that." He states in a cold tone, standing up from the bed. "Fuck, just make this easier for me and don't ask things like that." He sighs out in frustration.

"Sorry." I mumble softly, so low I doubt he heard me.

"Don't apologize." He says, reaching over for my cheek. "Just don't say such things again." I nod at him. "Get rest, angel. I'm in my office if you need me." He places a kiss on my forehead and then he strides off.

I kind of expected him to be okay with it, but he wasn't. And I don't want to argue with him. Especially since he's hurt and injured.

Laying there after hours, I realized I haven't eaten all day. So, much to my discomfort, I got myself out of bed and went downstairs to make myself something to eat.

Looking around the house, I realize it's empty. Not even Tristan's family is here so I wonder where they went.

I go into the kitchen and stand on my tip toes, opening the cupboards and looking into them for things I can eat.

And just while I was doing that, a deep voice jolted me down.

"Hey." I hear their voice and I flinch then turn around to see Tristan's cousin. The handsome man from before.

"Uh, hi." I reply with a low tone. What is he still doing here?

"Scared ya, huh?" He chuckles, putting his hands in his pocket.

"Yeah, I-I thought everyone left." I admit, nervously looking over to him as he nods to himself and starts walking closer to me.

"I was just in the office with Tristan. We haven't seen each other in a while."

"Oh, okay."

"I didn't get the chance to congratulate you on getting married. After all, you're family now." He sheepishly says, giving me a smile.

"Oh, I- Thank you." I say back, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"You're welcome." He winks at me.

"Can I just ask..." he starts but then shakes his head and chuckles."You know what? Forget it. I don't want to intrude."

"You can ask me if you'd like." I tell him, curiosity getting the better of me.

"Nothing. I just would never think someone like you would marry my cousin."

"What do you mean?" I knit my brows and look over to him, wanting him to clarify.

"You seem calm and innocent. And he has a history of latching onto that. He only likes to use his energy on people he can corrupt and use. I'm guessing that's how you met him?"

"I.-um..." I start but he interrupts.

"You don't have to answer, dollface. Your expression says it all." He wanders even closer to me and leans against the wall.

"But he's not like that." I defend him. I just started liking Tristan and now his cousin is putting him down. It's very confusing to me. I don't like it.

"Trust me, I've known him since we were kids. He's only ever happy when he gets his way." He tells me.

"W-Why are you saying this to me?" I mutter in a low voice.

"I'm just concerned. I'm saying I can tell you a lot of things about him. Things that will make you see clearer." He says and I frown in confusion.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I deny, shyly shrugging my shoulder.

"Let's sit then. There's a lot of things I want to tell you." He says, pointing to the lounge as I swallow.

In all honesty, I always found Tristan a very mysterious and extremely intriguing man. I've always wanted to hear his life details and how he became who he is.

Of course, he did tell me a few stories when we were engaged. He'd take me out on dates and talk to me about his life as I did the same.

"I do-" I start to talk but as soon as I do, I hear loud feet stomping against the marble tiles.

"Why the fuck are you still in my house?"

I turn around to see Tristan stood at the entrance, his eyes burning holes into my head and his hands fisted by his sides. He looks murderous.

"I was just making friendly conversation." He smirks devilishly, looking at Tristan then back at me.

"Aurora, get behind me. NOW." I do as told and nervously saunter to him and get behind him.

I watch as Tristan walks up to his cousin and grabs him by the collar. "I know what you were trying to do, Alex." He seethes through gritted teeth as his cousin coughs out, his face turning red.

"Woah, hey hey hey. Tristan, you don't gotta fight, man." Elijah intervenes, getting between them and cooling down the intense  stand off.

"Elijah, take Aurora upstairs." Tristan orders , letting go of his cousin and pulling out his gun.

"Tristan..." Elijah tries reasoning with him but it doesn't work.

"NOW, Elijah." He growls making me flinch. Elijah sighs and walks over to me, ushering me up the stairs then goes back down.

But I, as curious as I ever been, go back downstairs on my tip toes, careful not to make any sound.

"Is this why you came back, Alex? Is this what you came to do?" I hear Tristan's voice pierce through as I watch behind the wall.

"Of course not. But it's not since I've seen her that it made sense." Alex snaps at Tristan as they continue to glare at each other.

"You're sacrificing the Black's empire for her. It's not just your business, it's mine and my father's too." He growls, irritation clear in his voice.

To that, Tristan chuckles whilst shaking his head."Then tell me, tell me one thing you both did in terms of business recently." He taunts but Alex stays silent.

"That's what I thought. Sacrificing is the opposite of what I've been doing. I caught the Russian Mafia boss, what have you been doing?" Tristan claps back which renders Alex speechless.

"Love is a weakness in the game we're playing, Tristan. You should figure that out by now." Alex finally talks again. So is this what it's all about? Are they talking about me?

Looking at Tristan's face, you can tell he's annoyed, and quite fed up with Alex's attitude. Tristan always thrives to be the most dominant, alpha male in the room. And now that Alex called him weak, he's not having it.

He pulls out his pistol and aims it at Alex's leg. A loud shot piercing through the entire house making me jolt in my place. Alex cries out in pain as I scrunch my face up in discomfort.

"A warning shot. Next time, it's your fucking head on a stick." Tristan warns as Alex hisses in pain. " I've killed family before. You know not to cross me."

As soon as he says that, I feel a ball of nerves form in my throat and I rush back upstairs and close the door behind me. I don't want to watch anymore.

I sit on the bed anxiously and it's only a matter of minutes before Tristan joins me, making me stand up and tug on the hem of my dress.

He gets in and bows his head, walking closer and closer then taking a deep breath.

"You know what, Aurora. I've really been patient with you." What? What's happening, what did I do? "I watched you sit with that motherfucker and let him touch you at that goddamn place you insist on going to. But this, with my goddamn cousin under my fucking roof. You've pushed me too far." He grits his teeth and tenses his jaw, referring to the time Tristan saw Jackson hugging me.

"But I didn't do anything." I tell him, my voice low. I can't believe that he's acting like this again. He just walked up and talked to me. What was I supposed to do? Not answer him? That would be extremely rude.

"You can't be that fucking demented to the point where you can't see how every man looks at you. You're giving them the wrong impression. While you think you're just being friendly, they're thinking about how they should have their own way with you. I'm your husband and I won't allow that. You're my wife and your place is with me."

"We were just talking." I defend myself, also wanting to reassure him.

"Don't give me that, Aurora. I know you like the attention you get from all the males. You like how they're eyefucking you?" He hisses, the veins on his neck pulsating.

"W-What?" My voice cracks, surprised that he thinks like that about me.

"Is that why you want to work? So you can parade around and show other men what's mine?" He taunts, his voice deep as he wanders closer.

"Please stop." I beg, stepping back, wanting him to stop saying these things to me.

"That's not going to happen." He continues, ignoring my previous plead. "And whatever plans you have about fucking around, you just keep them to yourself because I'll make damn sure that they get ruined." He keeps bombarding me with hurtful comments as I stand there, fighting the urge to cry.

He pauses for a moment, noticing a tear dripping from my eye and I'm quick to wipe it. He stares at me deep in thought, his stare softening ever so slightly. Before walking out and locking the door to the room behind him, leaving me in there.

Why is he acting like this again?

Hi babes, long chapter for you. And this is going to be my last update till after June 5th. Because I'm going to be very busy with studies. But I have a lot of ideas planned for this as I said before. And I'll be back to updating more regularly.

Please be patient with me as I really try my best to update in a short amount of time💞.

Of course, thank you all so much for reading, commenting, voting and messaging me. I appreciate all your support so much❤😭.

Lots of love❤

Published: May 27th 2019.

המשך קריאה

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