Fallingforyou // Matty Healy

By hoodinouterspace

84.6K 1.8K 337

Bea and Matty have been best friends since out the womb. Read their journey. The story has many time jumps... More

Little Loves
Matching Scars
The Beginning Of A Lifelong Friendship
3/4 Of The Band
The Band
Seven Minutes In Heaven
First Move
Muse And Marty
Prom Two
Broken Nose
Stick 'N' Pokes
LCD Soundsystem
The 1975
Dirty Hit
New Love
Day In Bed
Facedown EP
The Love Collection Tour
Coachella '14
On the road
New Years
I Like It When You Sleep
Losing It
All Things Must End Part 1
All Things Must End Part 2
Paint Your Thoughts
A Few Months Later
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
Island Party
The Brit Awards
just a lil psa
Boston Calling
Between The Bars
another lil update


1.6K 29 9
By hoodinouterspace

!!!Trigger warning!!!: this chapter contains the use of rohypnol to make the person unable to move. as well as attempted rape.

It's 4:30pm and my shift at the shop is due to end any minute now, I make my way towards the back to where the staffroom is and get ready to leave. I walk past Blue on the way out, Blue is a man in his 50's who has the greatest taste in music and also happens to own this place.

"Bye Blue, see you on Sunday" I tell him, walking past the counter.

"Take care kid, have a good night" He recalls back, from the month I'd worked here we'd gotten along really well and he reminded me of like a cool uncle.

"You too!" I walk out of the shop and before I can even react I feel a body crashing into me. George's body to be exact.

I look at him in confusion as he stands back to his full height, towering over my little frame. "Hey Georgie, what're you doing here?" I ask.

"You weren't answering your phone and Matty was having a fit so I walked over here to walk you home and let you know there's a party tonight" He says in one breath, grabbing my bag off my shoulder and swinging it on his own before we started walking in the direction of my house.

"Why was Matty 'avin a fit? Also another party, don't think that's a good idea after the last one" I say wearily, knowing the last time I was really drunk Matty and I kissed.

"God knows, he worries about you, also you've got Ryan now so nothing will happen."

I sigh giving into him "Yeah yeah alright then, I'll ring Ryan when we get to mine and let him know."

George cheers in celebration and for the rest of the walk home proceeds to tell me about the new songs he'd been practicing for the band, I told him I'd have to come round and listen sometime to which he agreed.

We soon made it to my house, I reluctantly rang Ryan to inform him of the party. The more we dated the more I realised that the talk Matty and I had had previously was becoming more real and he was controlling me. I decided to break up with him tonight or tomorrow because I was becoming someone I wasn't.

George had gone back over to Matty's per my instruction as I needed to get changed and tell Dad where I was off too. When I had finished getting ready I made my way downstairs.

"Hey Sting, where you off?" My dad's voice sounds through the hallway. I follow it to find him sitting in the kitchen reading a newspaper.

"Matty's and then some party I guess? I'm sorry I'm not staying home with you" I tell him.

"Don't worry about me kiddo, go and enjoy yourself. Be safe though! Here's some taxi money just in case you need one later" He passes me some money. I take it but not before giving him a hug.

"Thanks Dad, love you" I shout whilst closing the front door.

When I got to the cabin I opened the door to find all 4 boys on the floor wrestling. They hadn't noticed my presence yet as I watch them play fight, I let them have a few more minutes until I clear my throat.

4 pairs of eyes shoot up to me, all smiling when they noticed who it was. "The testosterone in this room, wow" I tell them.

They all get up to give me a hug and go for showers in the house before the party.

The room was spinning, it was a couple hours later and I really didn't feel well. The boys were off dancing and I was with Ryan.

"Ryan, I don't feel well. I think I need to sit down" I slur, What is happening? I've only had this drink Ryan got me and that's it.

"Ok sweet thing, come this way" He drags me towards the staircase and I stumble up the stairs after him.

He opens up one of the bedroom doors and sits me on the bed, closing the door behind him. All of a sudden I felt really tired and I just wanted to go home and sleep, I tell Ryan this but he just sits next to me on the bed.

"I want to go home, I really don't feel good. Can you go find one of the boys to drive me?" I manage to get out, God talking was proving really hard.

He completely ignores me and leans into kiss me, I try ducking away but he forces himself onto me. "Ryan you're really hurting me, please get off"

"Shut up and kiss me back" He murmurs before pushing me back on the bed and climbing on top of me. I try to move but I felt as if my limbs couldn't move, I felt almost paralytic and I was trying my hardest not to cry.

"Kiss me back, fucking hell Bea. This'll be a lot easier if you cooperate" His grip on my wrists tightening.

I felt sick but I couldn't do anything but lay there letting him do it. I must've been drugged and I couldn't shout for help.

Ok Bea, deep breathes. Someone will find you, deep breathes.

After what felt like hours but was probably 20 minutes a loud banging sounded on the bedroom door. I try to open my mouth but Ryan clamped his hand over my mouth.

"Bea, are you in there?" I can barely recognise the voice through my panic but realise it's Hann.

He must've heard the struggling or something told him I wasn't ok because I heard a body hit the door and Ross came stumbling in with Hann behind him. They took in the scene in front of them as Ross pulls Ryan off of me.

I'm still unable to move but I can slowly make out Hann bundling me up and comforting me. I couldn't keep my eyelids open any longer and let sleep take over me.

Matty's POV
Cerys was off fooling around with some other lad and I was having the best time without her clinging to me. See, I only messed around with her to take my mind off Bea but it just didn't work.

George, Adam, Ross and I were doing shots, dancing wildly to the music and not giving a single fuck when Mia came over to whisper something in Hann's ear.

His face dropped and he followed her without a word, running up the stairs as fast as he could. George shouted over the top of the music "Must be something wrong with her, he'll be back soon" although I could barely make out cause it was so loud.

Hann returned not even a minute later and ran straight to Ross, dragging him back up the stairs where he'd just come from. That's weird, something must be seriously wrong.

I stop dancing, sensing that something was wrong upstairs and for some reason I felt sick. I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach and then I stop to think of where Muse is. I hadn't seen her in a while.

George soon stops as he realises I'm not dancing and looks at me in confusion "You alright mate? You don't look too good all of a sudden" He shouts.

"Where's Muse?" I shout back.

As if someone had heard me, I turn around to see Ross carrying Bea in his arms and Hann with Mia closely behind him. I sprint over to them, well as fast as I can through all the bodies and see Bea lying very still in Ross' arms.

My stomach sank "Muse, oh my god. What's wrong with her?" My voice cracks.

"I think Ryan drugged her, she can barely move M." George had finally made it over and gasps behind me at the sight. "Fucking bastard, I'm gonna kill him" he shouts.

"No as much I want to do that too we have to get her home safe." Hann says back, anger clear on everyone's face. I just stood there pathetically trying not to cry, she looked so helpless.

We walk as fast as we can to the car, Ross slides Bea into my lap once I'm in and she slowly buries herself further into me. I play with her hair and hum a tune in hopes it'll calm her down.

"Drive to mine, we'll take her in and get her comfy because I'm not leaving her side now at all. Mum will go get Robert" I tell them.

I had taken Bea straight upstairs, George telling mum what had happened as she sent him across to get her dad seeing as he was a doctor.

I've never seen Robert so distressed in my lifetime, Bea could barely talk and I don't think she even knew where she was. I was going to kill Ryan.

Her wrists were covered in bruises from his grip, I imagine she probably had a few elsewhere as well which just made me sick to even think about. Why wasn't I with her? Why did I not pay attention to where she was going?

I lay with her all night, never leaving her side. She barely moved and I knew she'd be scarred for a while and would need help in healing because no one should have to go through that, especially Bea.

a/n: so this is a pretty dark chapter but i felt it was the beginning of the "storm in a teacup" kind of thing and what's to come throughout the book

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