By AnaisC20

3.7K 190 551

Vampyre and Pirate Captain. Lyria Blackwood was many things but she never expected to become the salvation of... More

~ ONE ~
~ TWO ~
~ FOUR ~
~ FIVE ~
~ SIX ~
~ NINE ~
~ TEN ~


85 7 21
By AnaisC20

Stalls lined the streets heaving under the weight of their contraband. Puerto Muerte was a little island known only to scallywags, criminals, and pirates (although, many people would say those things were one in the same). People came here to trade their goods and wares that they had not made or bought themselves.
In other words, it was a place full of illegal objects.

The stench of unwashed bodies and animal feces was so strong that it was proving difficult for even the Vampyres to smell the salty scent of the sea.

Lyria's crew had been allowed to spend some of their wages buying whatever they wished for and Lucien had done the same for his crew but ensured that they stayed close to members of The Crimson Rose. As usual, the trio walked together but this time they were joined by Lucien, Jordyn and Tomas; the six of them had fit perfectly, falling into place.
They had formed an unstoppable, frightening group. People tripped over themselves trying to move out of their path and the shocked whispers followed them as they hopped from stall to stall.

'Is that really Captain Blackwood and Captain Whitelock working together?'

'I thought they hated each other?'

'Maybe they are sleeping together.'

'I heard he cursed her. Maybe she is his slave.'

At that last one, Lyria whirled on the gossip and narrowed her eyes. Eyes blazing with fury, Lyria smiled as the woman paled before falling to her knees and begging for forgiveness. Informing the woman to get off the floor, Lyria made a sound of disgust before strolling past the young woman without a glance back.

Staring at the back of the Captain with shock, Lucien realised he had forgotten about the dark side of Lyria. The side that had gotten her such an infamous reputation. This was the woman he had hated before he had been given the chance to know the real her.

Darting away from the group, Lyria rushed to a stall which was staffed by an older man. Pulling him in for a hug, Lyria chatted animatedly to the man, not noticing the confused looks on the faces of the Human trio.

"Caleb, who is he?" Lucien leaned forward to whisper in the handsome man's ear.

"That would be Abraham. Lyria buys all her daggers from him, calls him the best in the business." James answered before Caleb could.

Per Lyria's pleading, James was making more of an effort to be nicer to Lucien and accept him as an ally. All it had done was freak Lucien out and make James grumpy. However, it made Lyria happy so they both pretended to get along.

Picking up various daggers, Lyria inspected them as she continued her conversation with Abraham. Slipping them out of the sheaths, she tested the balance of them before trying out some moves. Handing over a handful of gold coins, Lyria placed various daggers into her satchel before giving Abraham one last hug. Lucien could not help but notice that she grossly overpaid.

"She has known him for many years. Therefore, she pays him a little extra to help him provide for his daughter and her child." Caleb informed upon seeing the look on Lucien's ruggedly handsome face.

Watching as Lyria said farewell, the Human trio realised that maybe there were more layers to Captain Vampyre than they saw.


Looking through numerous pieces of jewellery, Lucien knew he had to get Jordyn something nice for her birthday this year. Turning 20 was something Jordyn had dreamed about since the day she had turned 13; being a teenager had been a burden on her for six years. Now, she was becoming an adult and Lucien knew he had to make the day as big as he possibly could. Picking up a necklace, he examined the ruby on it before deciding that red would not match her favourite outfit.

"Excuse me? Might I trouble you for something with a green gem?" Lucien asked the woman working the stall he was stood at.

"Of course, dear." The elder woman smiled before reaching down and pulling out a set.

The jewellery inside the box was gorgeous; a golden necklace with an intricate, thick chain held a large emerald encased with gold linings, the earrings were of similar design but the emeralds were much smaller, and the ring was a simple gold band with miniscule emeralds dotting it. For Jordyn, it was perfect - the same shade as her eyes.

"How much?"

"15 gold coins." The woman stated with a clear no-negotiations voice.

"I'll take it." Lucien smiled, handing over his money.

The woman turned around and called out to someone behind her. A beautiful young woman with dark, straight hair and bright blue eyes approached the stall. Introducing her as her daughter, the older woman told Lucien that her daughter would be wrapping the jewellery for him.

"Anastasia." The younger woman introduced herself, her voice husky and containing a slight accent, and offering her hand.

"Lucien." He smiled, placing his lips upon the back of her tanned hand. "It is an honour to make your acquaintance, Milady."

Not even a hint of blush appeared on her cheeks. Taken aback, Lucien smirked at the woman as she leaned in closer to him.
Perfume washed over him, the overpowered smell of it disorientating him momentarily. Jasmine, lavender, honeysuckle. It no longer appealed to him as his new favourite scent was apple mixed with the smell of the sea. Pulling back, Lucien came to a shocking revelation; his favourite scent was the smell of Lyria.

"All done." Anastasia's voice was flirty and her eyes were inviting as she handed over the newly wrapped jewellery.

"Thank you. You did a beautiful job." Lucien praised, tossing her a gold coin for her efforts.

Anastasia had other ideas. Grabbing his hand, she pulled the bearded man closer before whispering in his ear.

"If you need something to relieve all that tension in your shoulders, come find me." She sucked on the lobe of his ear before placing a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

Neither of them noticed the dark haired Vampyre watching them with unexplainable anger.


Walking side by side, Lucien and Lyria remained silent. Lucien could sense something was wrong the powerful woman by his side but knew that she was not in the mood to be asked about it. On the other hand, he knew that to leave a woman in anger was to cause trouble for yourself.

"You seemed happy back there." Lucien noted. "I saw what you did for the guy who sold you your daggers."


"I just thought it was sweet."

"Is it such a surprise that I can be sweet?" Lyria snapped, whirling on him.

Stammering his way through an apology, Lucien was trying to figure out why her anger was directed towards him and what he had possibly done during a day apart that could've pissed her off.

"Have I done something to offend you?"

"I do not know. Have you?" She shot back.

Confused, Lucien fumbled after her, feeling like more of a bumbling oaf walking next to her grace and agility. She was perfect and he was flawed.

"You should have gone with that woman who was throwing herself at you. We may not find another island for quite some time."

"Is that what this is about? Would you like it if I flirted with you? What about if I buy you some jewellery, would that make you throw yourself at me?"

Lyria froze. Her mind took her back to the days of courting. When she was human, suitors would give her presents in the hopes of getting her into bed before marriage.

"Pretty jewels from a man are nought but hidden chains."

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