Falling for my boss ✔️

By Saaraaaxy

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bubbly person A x stern person B ship 10k on 13/7/2019!! ♡♡♡ Sara Atkins just wants to start anew. No Noah an... More

Prologue - The Interview
The cast
Chapter 1 - Meeting the boss
Chapter 2 - Advances
Chapter 3 - Mr. Beaumont's past
Chapter 4 - Cheating husband
Chapter 5 - Lunch with my boss
Chapter 6 - I'm attracted to you
Chapter 7 - It's never enough
Chapter 8 - The Devils
Chapter 9 - Please give me a chance
Chapter 10 - Worth it
Chapter 11 - Family's opinion
Chapter 12 - The morning after
Chapter 13 - How could you do this to me?
Chapter 14 - Heartbreak
Chapter 15 - Bleeding heart
Chapter 16 - Death anniversary
Chapter 17 - Fighting spirit
Chapter 18 - Game plan
Chapter 19 - I miss you
Chapter 20 - Forgiveness
Chapter 21 - Reunion
Chapter 22 - His ex-wife
Chapter 23 - Divorced?
Chapter 24 - The first date
Chapter 25 - I'm crazy for doing this
Chapter 26 - Birthday surprise
Chapter 27 - Famous couple
Chapter 28 - A falling out
Chapter 29 - Double date trouble
Chapter 30 - My little boy
Chapter 31 - Mentally damaged
Chapter 32 - Home sweet home?
Chapter 33 - Don't you dare
Chapter 34 - Stay in your lane
Chapter 35 - Our future
Chapter 36 - Revelation
Chapter 37 - Ambushed
Chapter 38 -Bienvenue à la maison!
Chapter 39 - Michael's home
Chapter 40 - Watching your every step
Chapter 41 - They know everything
Chapter 42 - A baby?
Chapter 43 - Ups and downs
Chapter 44 - Loving vacation
Chapter 45 - Opening up
Chapter 46 - Our big day
Chapter 47 - Family
Chapter 48 - Approval
Chapter 49 - I'm home!
Chapter 50 - Cuddled up
Chapter 51 - I desire you
Chapter 53 - The culprit
Chapter 54 - Will you ... ?
Chapter 55 - Hide!
Chapter 56 - Did you bug me?
Chapter 57 - Big events
Chapter 58 - Time to go home
Chapter 59 - Sexual discoveries
Chapter 60 - What a first day
Chapter 61 - House viewing
Chapter 62 - And here's why
Chapter 63 - Let me clear your head
Chapter 64 - Our perfect home
Chapter 65 - Let's settle this in court
Chapter 66 - First-degree attempted murder
Chapter 67 - Celebrating
Chapter 68 - Moving time
Chapter 69 - Wedding preparations
Chapter 70 - Therapy session
Chapter 71 - I deserve happiness
Chapter 72 - Darkness
Chapter 73 - Empty
Chapter 74 - Why would you do that?
Chapter 75 - Adrenaline
Chapter 76 - Coma
Chapter 77 - Slow recovery
Chapter 78 - A moment of happiness
Chapter 79 - Soon married
Epilogue - The wedding
Extra chapter - The Beaumont's
Sequel is live!!!

Chapter 52 - May I ask for her hand?

1.5K 57 1
By Saaraaaxy

Hamish's POV

Beaumont Enterprise

Two weeks after France

"Where is that damned thing?", I grumbled, rummaging around through the file cabinet. "I could swear we used it just a few minutes ago!" Did my secretary sort it back already? Usually she waited an hour before she cleaned my stuff up!

"Looking for something?", Michael's voice sounded from the entrance to the filing room, causing me to slightly jump.

My heart was beating a bit faster, but I brushed the jump-scare off. "The darned file on the case we are looking into currently!"

"We are looking into several cases, Hamish. Earltons Buckweaver. Boman. Harkness. Jackson. Peterson. Brown. Be more specific." His voice was cool and analytical as he listed all the current big cases.

His relaxed voice annoyed me. "The Earlton's!", I bit, tossing the files back and forth. File 305. File 305. Where the fuck is file 305? "From the 2005 ordeal. You know the big shabang?" I twiddled my hand into the air.

"Yet again, be more specific. From the accounting we looked into? The changes we made for their warehouse, their filing system? Their turnover from what month specifically?"

Of course he already knew what their case was about – their was not one costumer Michael forgot about. I think the bane of his existence would be Alzheimer's. He always knew every dot of every case, he was prepared to the point where you couldn't surprise him anymore. He knew when a company would go bankrupt before they could announce it.

"Turnover from March 2005. I suspect a fraud."

"Taxes", Michael stated surely.

"Most likely", I nodded weakly, my finger gliding down the 500 row. Maybe somebody misplaced it? "I'm just wondering where the file might be. File 305. I had just used it too!" I grumbled.

"Well", there was a slight pause, Michael shifting onto one leg while the other was bent and stuffing his hands into the pockets of his dress pants "I'm sure my-"

"I swear  to god!", I shut the drawer with a loud smash, the metal sounding pleasantly loud, and forcefully turned to him, aggressively pointing my index finger at him. "If you say that word one more fucking time I'm going to punch your fucking teeth out! All day long. Aaaaaaall motherfucking day long, ever since you both fucking returned, it's been my fiancée this, my fiancée that!"

"Well, my fiancée might know where it is", Michael ignored the rest, shrugged with a grin. A proud grin.

"I'm fairly sure your holy fiancée knows eeeeeverything, Michael!", I stretched out each word with a hand gesture. "I'm sure she knoooows I-"

A soft knock.

We both looked to the door, Michael relaxed, I annoyed.

Behind Michael's massive chest Sara stepped forward, holding a file. She lifted it over Michael's shoulder with a kind smile. "You left that in the conference room Hamish. It has your name on it. I decided to look for you so I could give it back personally."

"How nice of the future Mrs de Beaumont", Michael gave me a grin that proved his point.

Quietly and at a loss for words in my anger, I took it from her hand.

"Also, I had your assistant dig up the emails for this case. I forwarded you those that I found already."

"Thank you", I breathed. Just like Melinda, she was prepared, no kidding. I took a short breath, avoided Michael's shit eating grin and pushed past both.

"Lunch is at three!", Sara shouted after me. "I booked your favourite table at that pizza place!"

Where on earth did you dig up a second version of you Michael!?



Sara's parents' arrival

I brushed my sweaty hands off my pants for what seemed like the millionth time. "Are you sure I should speak German to them? Is it really alright?"

Was my outfit alright - the jean shorts and white shirt? Was that too chill? Or just right? Or was the white button up too much?

"Yes", Sara answered, bright as the sun, seemingly dancing around the kitchen, humming too.

She had been baking all morning long, dancing with Estelle, Adrien and I, singing to every song that came on the radio. However I wasn't as loose as the past few days.

The past few days we had found a new way to get rid of almost everybody to have some alone time. Any English song we both knew was performed in a terrible, soul-twisting way. The one that could sing it uglier and with the most emotions won – it turned into a screeching and screaming contest that scared everybody away (except for Esi and Adrien who clung to us) and gave us an hour just for us, which was accompanied by silly dances that made us laugh.

There had been instances we couldn't sing ugly though. Imagine by Ariana Grande was a hit with Sara. The eyes she gave me made my heart jump in joy. Senorita by Shawn Mendes and Camilla Cabello was a favorite of ours too. I jokingly suggested those two songs for our wedding and Sara spun around faster than I had ever seen her do so. Well, at least we knew what songs we liked. As for the walk down the altar – we loved a lot of songs and didn't choose one yet. It had time, I told myself.

A horn sounded in the distance, cutting off another concern of mine. My heart stopped. My blood froze. I went into shut-down, drawing a blank.

Sara's eyes peered up and lit up. "My parents!", she sing-sang joyfully, jumping up and down.

"Your parents", I repeated weakly, frozen on the spot.

Sara took my arm and dragged me outside with her.

"I should have studied Bosnian more", was the first concern that escaped my lips. The realization started kicking in. I was about to meet my parents-in-law.

My parents-in-law!

"Oh don't be ridiculous!", Sara laughed, intertwining our hands.

"How do I look?", I ran my hands over my shirt. "Good? Ok? Presentable? Terrible?"

"Handsome like always", Sara gave me a peck on my lips.

"Do I smell good? Is my hair alright? Breath good?"

"Calm down Michael – you are perfect."

"How do you expect me to calm down when I'm literally about to meet my future parents-in-law?!", I frantically hissed.

"Easily – because they will love you, I'm sure of it. I love you."

Stones crunching. Sara squeezed my hand tightly. A car appearing slowly but surely into our view and soon stopped in front of the house.

Sara squealed happily.

A tall man with brown hair, a brown-haired woman and a girl with blonde hair stepped out the black BMW. A BMW fan like me huh?

The moment the woman lifted her head up I knew who she was – Sara's mother. And by god was Sara her duplicate! The upper part of her face was a copy pasted version of her mother's, as well as the lips. Her nose however was too lean. I looked over to the man whose nose was the same as Sara's – as well as the laughter lines around his mouth. A combination of both.

The girl behind Sara's father must be Emma. Slimmer eyes and a leaner face, but the similarity was there. From what I could see, Emma must be slightly taller than Sara.

"My little girl!", Sara's mother exclaimed joyfully and pressed Sara into a tight hug, kissing her face several times. Her brown eyes were lit up in the same way as Sara's, and as she peered over to me, they turned into the same shape as when Sara smiled.

I extended my hand. She pushed it away and hugged me tightly. Startled I hugged her back. "I-I uh- I'm-"

"Michael", Sara's mother sing-sang, giving me a lovely smile. "I know everything about you! Sara practically drools over you! I'm Lejla."

"Mum!", Sara embarrassingly cried out, her cheeks red.

"Oh please", Sara's mother, Lejla, laughed, giving me a wink. I went red myself.

A hand appeared into my view. I gave it a hard handshake without thinking, drawing yet another blank.

Her father scanned me, neutral facial expression, and I noticed he bore green eyes, just like Emma. Emma must have dyed her hair blonde or something.

"Sir!", I immediately spluttered, greeting him. I swore I could hear Leon laughing somewhere in the house.

He immediately broke out into a loud laughter. "I'm not that old! Call me Amar. You aren't that much younger than me!"

Startled I let out a nervous little laugh. Sara rubbed my arm and squeezed my hand. Lejla rolled her eyes. "More like double his age!"

Sara's mother put her hand back and pulled Emma forward. "Emma, please! Stay in the back and don't say a word", she grumbled annoyed, rolling her eyes like Sara. Or Sara did as she did?

Emma gave a silent peace sign.

Lejla nudged her with a low grumble.

Emma spoke. "Whaddup sis? Adonis." And nodded at us.

I grinned while Sara facepalmed. I already liked Emma.

"Hello Emmi", Sara sighed, motioning her head at me, wide and aggressively almost.

Emma stuck her hands into her pockets. "Handshakes aren't my type of thing. Adonis is cool with that."

"I am cool with that", I agreed. I stepped aside. "Please, let's talk on the inside."

My whole family was gathered on the inside though. Leon was visibly stifling a laugh and I shot him a glaring look.

"Oh yeah – those are-"

And periodically, I introduced each family member.

Emma stepped slightly back at Estelle and Adrien. I gave her a worried look. "I don't like children", she responded to me with a knowing look.

"Those two aren't that bothersome", I told her. "Estelle can throw fits but other than that ..."

Speaking of that little princess; she hid behind Sara's leg, clinging onto it, and glared at Emma. Dislike from both sides, huh?

Amar's eyes were constantly on me, I could tell. Even when I wasn't looking, even when Sara talked or when we did anything else, he held me in his vision, scanning me.

Long agonizing hours I had to endure that. I was questioned about everything and gave an earnest answer to each one of those questions. Money, job, upbringing, morals. Lejla went easy on me. Amar didn't.

Sara and I disappeared into the kitchen after talking to them for over four hours. I had told them everything about me, to the point where I felt I didn't know what else I could tell about myself. Sara did remember a few bits and pieces, like how I'm a morning person like her father, how I love cars and am quite knowledgeable on them and such.

Sara passed me a plate that needed to be cleaned.

"... I don't think your father likes me." I told her in a silent tone.

"Nonsense!", Sara spun around and wrapped her arms around me. "He's just keeping an eye on you because you stole his little princess from him – my dad is rather protective."

"I can't blame him", I mumbled, giving the plate a rinse.

Sara's lips landed on my neck, giving me a soft kiss. That caused my body to relax a bit.

"They love you. Especially Emma. She never talks that much with people she barely knows."

"Really?", I unsurely pondered. "I really want them to like me."

"They like you", Sara insisted.

She tiptoed. I gladly put my lips on hers and kissed her deeply. For a moment I forgot where we were.

A soft knock. Lejla stood at the door, beaming at us. Our lips separated and Sara blushed. I noticed her ears got red too – something I hadn't noticed before. "You cuties you! Can I help in some way?"

"Can you tell Michael to not worry so much? That's my role!", Sara laughed, giving me a lovely smile.

I turned and pinched her hip. "That's true – like when Estelle didn't immediately like her gift and you couldn't sleep the whole night long!"

Sara pouted. "I wanted to make her happy!"

"You nearly cried over the color of the bow!", I raised a brow at my girlfriend.

"That sounds like my baby", Lejla kissed Sara's hair and ruffled mine. "Your family consists out of lovely people Michael. I hope your children will be as lovely."

"They aren't even married yet Lejla", Amar appeared next, shaking his head.

"I'm getting old – I'm sure they understand!", Sara's mother grinned at us.

Sara and I exchanged a knowing look. 5 children, we both seemed to say silently.

"Now – you boys go outside or something, the kitchen is way too small for four people!", Sara rolled up her sleeve and shushed us out. I gave her a terrified look. "Dad be careful, Michael actually bites."

"He doesn't just bark like Nathan?", Amar raised a brow, his face clearly showing how much he disliked him.

"And he's loyal!" Sara underlined and blew us a kiss.

We went outside into the garden. Amar took out a cigar and lit it, offering me one. We sat down on one of the benches Marthe had installed. I had convinced Marthe to finally do so.

Sara I'll pay you back. One day you'll endure my mother on your own!

"I don't smoke", I politely declined.

"Smart man", Amar nodded, blowing the smoke out his nose. "Harvard huh?"


"What did you study?"

"Business and marketing, to put it shortly."

"With honours?"


"Good. Sara was also very keen on her studies."

So he wanted somebody who was on the same intellectual level as his daughter.

"It shows -she is a smart woman. The knowledge she has on food is incredible! I never thought that much chemistry goes into food!"

"That she is – she has that from her mother", Amar gave me a smile. "I have to ask now – you aren't bothered that she was married before?"

"I was married myself", I honestly told him which earned me a surprised expression. "Business bond. To make more money and to strengthen the company's name and power. We were married a year as the contract demanded and then immediately divorced. Sadly my ex-wife is ... crazy to put it kindly."

Amar seemed surprised. "I thought that was only possible in movies!"

"The world is a weird place", was all that I could say. "And Nathan's true name is Nathaniel."

"Wait what?"

"And he was a millionaire?"


"And he cheated on Sara more than once."


That caused an hour long discussion on all the crazy shit we had experienced. From the divorce to what had happened at our flats.

Amar's cigarette was left unfinished, the smoke blowing away. He angrily crushed it out on a stone, cursing loudly in his mother tongue. I could tell it was a variety of different hefty swear words. "That girl – she never tells us about her problems!"

"She doesn't want to worry you", I protected Sara instantly. "She would rather be hurt than hurt anybody else!"

"That's indeed true", Amar got up, scanned me, placed a hand on my shoulder. "How long have you two been together?" My shoulders stiffened. I had so much respect for this man who had raised such a formidable woman.

I did not want to disappoint him.

"7 months soon."

"You know much more about her than Nathan did after those many years. I appreciate that you try to protect her from me, but that's not needed. I wouldn't hurt my own daughter."

We laughed. I felt my shoulders finally relax.

"I love her very much." I told him.

"And I can see that. I can see that she loves you as much. She shot me glances to make me stop glaring at you."

"I was scared."

"Of who?"

"Of you", I honestly answered.

"You needn't be – Nathaniel on the other hand!" he shook his head, raising a fist into the air. "Michael, you are alright in my books. An earnest guy. Hard-working. Loyal and that's what matters."

7 hours. By this point we knew each other 7 hours. It was dark outside. They had arrived in the morning. He knew everything off me. Accepted me?

"So you accept me?"

"Do you need it written down that I do?", he joked. "Or is an oral statement enough?"

"It's just that – I ask because –", I stumbled over my words. "Well, you see-"

"You are asking me for her hand?", Amar calmly asked. "I knew I had noticed the signs!"

"The signs?", I asked flabbergasted.

"Lejla and I were the same lovely dovey goo when we wanted to get married. And the glances you gave each other anytime we mentioned kids and marriage – you discussed that one too already, didn't you?"

"We-We did."

"Then what else is there to say?", Amar shrugged. "You have my approval - now ask her boy and give her the wedding she always dreamed of!"

I breathed out deeply. I collected myself. That's not how this should have gone.

I met his eyes squarely.

"Sir, Amar I mean, I-I'm madly in love with your daughter and I desperately want to marry her. We both love each other. She's my world. My other half. My better half. I want to take our love a step higher and ask her to marry me. I want to protect her. I want to make the best woman out of her. I want her to carry my name – and my children one day."

I don't know why, but I was getting teary eyed. It overwhelmed me with happiness to think she would one day bear my name and my child.

"I want to make her happy. I will do anything that's in my power to make her the happiest woman on this earth! I'll fulfill any wish of hers, no matter the cost, no matter how much it will break me! Therefore I've wanted to ask - may I have your daughter's hand in marriage?"

Amar put both his hands on my shoulders. "In just the day I have been here, I've noticed my daughter has changed drastically. She isn't the Sara that came to us after Nathan broke her heart. No. She's more confident, open. Happier. Bubbly. She talks a lot around you, is motherly towards you – signs that she loves you as much as she loves us. I can't judge your character that much yet, but I can tell you have your heart in the right place – and that you love my daughter as much as she loves you. It's clear to me that you care about my little Sara."

He took a deep breath. "Please just let her be happy. Make my daughter happy. She deserves the world and so much more."

"I will", I whispered firmly. "Anything I can do to achieve that, I will."

"Good", Amar wiped across his eyes. "Then I'll let you marry her. Also, a word to my wife that the two of us cried here and I'm taking that right back!"

"I won't tell a soul", I laughed, wiping my own eyes. "I'm not risking losing her."

"That's good. Just a fair warning, she can talk like a waterfall."

"I know that already, but I'm a listener, so it's fine. Besides, she talks about stuff she loves so it's really interesting."

"Let's see if you'll say that in 10 years", Amar laughed.

The door opened. Emma, with her dead-pan face that I already had gotten used to, nonetheless a pretty young woman, appeared. "Food's done. Sara said if you two are out there any longer you won't get dessert."

"Then we better hurry", Amar stalked inside.

Emma peered up to me.

I stared back.

"I have an epic idea", Emma started. "Let's prank Sara."

"All in for that", I grinned. "Aren't you a little devil?"

"Somebody has to be the asshole of the family." Emma stated with a grin.

"I'm familiar with that."

"Leon told me – did you know that he's easy to scare?" Emma crooked her head.

"Try jumping out of dark corners – he hates that. I was forbidden from scaring him anymore, my aunt hated it when I did that."

"Pity", Emma said sarcastically. "I'll continue your legacy. Do you think if we scared Rebecca she would go into labour?"

"Doubt it – and let's not test that one out", I quickly told her, pushing her softly inside.

Leon came out the living room. Looked at us.

Both Emma and I quickly launched forward with a soft 'boo' which made my brother jump.

"I'll kill the both of you!", Leon wheezed, clutching his chest. I grinned evil. That payback was deserved.

Sara peered out the living room and gave us a sour, disapproving look.

Emma and I high-fived while Sara growled at us to apologize.

I already loved this.

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