Heritage of New Heaven

By Rosie_Formby

609 165 39

'I will not speak. I do not have emotions. My name is Rose De Agua' Rose is 16 and is haunted by her past, bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 26

14 4 0
By Rosie_Formby


She doesn't understand! She doesn't get that this is my family in danger. E doesn't even have any family left, I tell her, and I know I've hit the soft spot when she flinches at my words;

'is it your family going to be killed' I shout at them. I say something else. I'm not sure what it is but I know it hurt them both, and then I'm running towards the waves. Where I have longed to be for the entire month I have been here. The waves call me, and as I get closer I feel the strength of them.

Rain has started to fall making the sea treacherous and perfect for what I need. They won't be able to get to me at all.

I look back and don't see them, if they're smart they will have gone back inside.

I step into the water, my bare feet feeling the salty water first before I dive straight under the waves and come then ride a wave to the top. I move forward, a surge of water covering everything to my waist, and make my way to the small salt-water creek that leads to my home.

I keep moving, thinking of the five years I didn't pay attention to my family. Of the five years I wasted not finding a way to change what I had to live with. Five years of my life. Wasted.

I see the mouth of the river coming up. I make the waves take me towards it and slow down as not to form a tsunami. I stop about fifty metres away from the opening that goes through the forest.

I can't see far through the tunnel-like canopy but it looks ok. I move forward in the water and go into the rivers mouth. Looking up I see that there is little light that gets through the leaves and trees, good, don't want any prying eyes from above.

I continue my way down the river slowly at first but then faster, I'm racing against the clock of my families lives. Soon I know where I am. Maybe a mile from my place, maybe less but its close enough that I feel a surge of power and race forward.

Vines come out of the forest around me, too fast to be real, too fast to dodge. Each of them wrapping around me and holding me in place. A leaf grows off a vine in front of my face and clamps itself around my jaw and under my nose, allowing me to breathe but not talk.


There is no-one, no-one, who can do this. No-one but me.

See; if you think about it everything contains water right? So theoretically I should be able to move these vines. Right?

One way to find out.

I concentrate on the water around me, finding the largest body of it first, the creek. And then smaller things, myself, the rain, the forest and then the tiny things. The animals, the plants holding me down.

The plants, I go deeper. Each drop of water moving through the individual leaves, the water feels cleaner but there is something

I change the flow so that it first should move away from my mouth, to let me breathe properly.

I think about it moving but there is another force clamping it around my face, Robert. I know I'm strong than him so I push, I imagine a door slamming and stopping his power over the plant. I am completely in control.

The leaf moves, well, the water in the leaf moves; taking the leaf with it.

I smile as I get it away from my mouth and can get a full mouth of air. I can feel each droplet now, each bit; the H the 2 and the O. My water.

I can feel Robert trying to re-gain control over the plants but I'm on a roll, untying the vines from their knots and letting me free limb by limb.

And finally as the last leaf falls into the water below me I raise myself higher with the water surrounding my waist and legs like a dress.

I turn to go but I remember Robert in the forest surrounding me I don't know if he will be able to follow. I don't need to waste more time than necessary untangling from Roberts vines myself again.

So to solve the problem of being followed, I raise the rest of the river in two giant waves on either side of me and send them sloshing into the forest around.

Problem solved.

Finally, sure I won't be followed I speed off down the river towards my old home.

Towards my family.

And little did I know, towards something I truly was not imagining,

Not in a million years.



I'm not dead!!

soooooo..... I know I said would be updating, buuuut as life would have it I went camping and lets just say water and tech don't mix....

However, thats beside the point! so what do you think? good? bad? dunno wasn't reading it?

BTW I am going to start asking a question at the end of most chapters:

                     ~ What Name Should I Give Rose's Brother?

Best name will win, and please no more 'R' names. I have already got Rose and Robert. Oops...

All that said, please tell your friends and your followers

please edit (as said before my mates suck at editing)

Stronger Together? Together Forever,

~ Rosie_Formby

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