Poker Face

By gypsydream

61.1K 1.6K 142

Poker Face (Naruto Fan Fiction) History repeats itself when Utau’s entire clan is slaughtered. The person de... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Authors Note
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Authors Note
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Authors Note
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Authors Note
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Authors Note
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 34

747 16 3
By gypsydream

Chapter 34

I jerk awake, once again my dreams had been preyed upon by the same nightmare that has been haunting my dreams every night since I woke up without my memories.

That fateful morning I had felt like I could start anew but now that I know my true identity it feels like I will never escape the shadow of my past.

Amaya had promised me…

I blink in the morning sunlight. I sit up in the grass and look around the meadow.


“Beautiful isn’t it?”


My head snaps to the left where a shadowed figure sits, her hair flowing in the wind.

I nod.

The woman turns to face me.


“Too bad it is only an allusion.” The moment the words leave her mouth the scene changes.


The room is dark. Too dark to see.

Suddenly fire erupts from two bowls standing on pedestals.  In the flickering light I can make out a clear shatterproof glass box with a huddled figure standing inside. On the front of the box is a lock with 3 keyholes.

I walk closer to the box. The figure shoots up and places her palms against the see-through surface.

Her skin is tinted a soft shade of violet and her eyes a shining golden. She has her white-streaked black hair wrapped up in a Chinese bun with black chopsticks with golden kanji spidering all over the smooth surface holding her hair up.

She smiles, her eyes lighting up in a cruel smirk.


“Where am I?” I whispered.


She chuckled.


“Child, you are inside your own mind.”




The woman backs up from the wall of her cage and stares at me.


“I have been sealed inside of you. And you…well to put it simply I erased your memories and now you are searching for something of your former self inside your mind.”


“Why would you do that?”


She laughs, her laugher a harsh reality.


“You asked for it sweetheart.”


I shake my head.


“I still don’t…”


“I promise that you will be free of your past. This is all for the better, child.”


I shake my head again.


“I at least should know my name.” I point out.


“Your name is Ilaya and my name is Amaya. That is all you need to know.

“Oh and you work for the person waiting for you to wake up so do as she says.”


“I…” before I have time to process what happened I am pushed out of the room and back to the real world.


I jerk to a sitting position. I am sitting in the middle of the floor in what seems like a throne room. A cloaked figure stands nearby, staring into the flames of a torch.


“You are awake.” The woman says without turning around.


“You are the person I work for?” I ask.


“I see you have been talking with Amaya. Very well, that makes my job easier. You may call me Leader.” She turns around.

Because of her mask I am unable to see her face.


“I want you; no need you to retrieve a necklace that was…stolen from me.”


I nod.


“I am at your service.”


“That’s not all. I also need you to find out the identification of an object that was taken as well.”


My brow furrows.


“If it was stolen from you don’t you know what it is?”


The Leader laughs, a heartless laugh.


“Smart girl even without your memories. Very well I shall tell you the truth.


“I need the necklace and the other object to restore what was stolen from me a long time ago.”


“But the objects aren’t yours?”


Again the woman laughs.


“The objects  previous owners are all dead. I rightfully inherit them.”


I furrow my brow.


“Very well.”


“Good.” I can hear the sly smile in her voice.




I crawl out of the tree towards the small box I had taken from the Hokage’s house.

I slowly open it up and pear inside.

Nestled safely inside the silky folds of fabric is a small pendant hanging on a silver chain.

I stroke it softly.

In the file I read it had said that my clan was originated from the Uchiha Clan. The pendant makes me feel like I have a part of home with me even though it’s the Uchiha clan symbol not the Himura symbol although it’s my understanding they are similar.

I sigh. Thinking about who I am- or was- always makes me want to bang my head against the wall. I can’t remember a thing about my past so to learn everything from a few scraps of paper and a weird dream is hair-tearing worthy.

I shake my head and close the box. I pause and reopen the box.

I gently take the necklace out and hook the clasp around my neck. The minute the pendant touches my skin I feel a warmth spreading through me. I smile and give the pendant one last touch before standing.

I kick the box away and leap into the trees, determined to get as far away from Konaha as possible.

I pull my hood closer to my face.

I continue walking down the wide street, surrounded by vendors selling their goods.

I blend into the market day crowd easily despite my long cloak and the small village’s awareness of strangers.


I freeze.

“Yes?” I ask without turning around.

“You dropped this.” The man says, holding up a small round pouch I had filled with herbs for emergencies.

“Thank you.” I quickly snatch the pouch away from the villager and tuck it securely away in my ninja pouch.

The villager watches me suspiciously.

“Are you a ninja?” He asks.

I wince. So much for inconspicuous.

“What makes you say that?” I say harshly, hoping to deter the mans’ questions with my unpleasantness.

My words have the opposite effect.

“Why, you hiding something?” He narrows his eyes. “You aren’t from around here are you?”

I look around for possible escapes. By now a large crowd has gathered, all curious to see what the commotion is all about.

“Hey! Let me see your face!” The man yells while gripping for my cape.

I dodge his grasp and take a step backwards only to walk into the village blacksmith.

A growl emits from the blacksmiths throat, matching the frown on his face.

I break into a run, pushing villagers out of my way.

Just when I think I am clear of all obstacles besides finding a place to sleep a kunai goes flying by my face, halting me in my tracks.

I turn and face my attacker.

A young woman with bright red hair and a determined stance is glaring daggers at me. A handsome young man stands beside her, ready to fight.

“Why were you harassing those villagers? You have no right to push people around like that!” The woman yells.

I sigh and remove my hood, my eyebrow twitching in irritation.

The woman gasps while the man pales considerably.

“Utau?” The red head whispers.

“No. It’s Illaya.” I say firmly, not quite wanting to answer to a name that may or may not be mine.

“What? Utau, it’s me, Akane, and Hayate! Don’t you remember us?”

I scoff.

“How could I when I have never even met you?”

Akane stares confused at me while Hayate walks closer.

He lifts his hand to brush the hair from my face. I shrink away from his touch, causing worry to wrinkle across his brow.

He stares into my eyes, transfixing me with his.

I painfully tear my violet eyes away from his. My eyes fixate on the lone silver streak through his black hair. Something tugs in the shadows of my mind.

I blink and shake my head, just my imagination.

“It’s Utau all right.” Hayate confirms after a while.

“I told you! My name is Illaya!” I say, my voice wavering slightly.

“See she doesn’t even believe herself when she says her name is Illaya.” Hayate says as he walks back to a stunned Akane.

“Then why doesn’t she remember us?”

“I don’t know.”

I shudder at the stress in his voice. Obviously these people care very much about Utau.

“Don’t listen to them. Just turn and run. Run until you can run no more.” Amaya hisses.

‘I don’t run, Amaya. That’s one thing I am certain of.’


“Fool! You WILL run! And you will do it now!” She screams, racking my head in pain.

I grip my head and grit my teeth.

“Utau!” Akane calls.

I wrench myself away and run as fast as I can away from them.

It seems like hours before I collapse from exhaustion, my mind still in turmoil.

Right before my eyes close my body goes numb.

“Good girl…” Amaya whisper fades into the darkness.


***Authors Note***

What? I updated?

Yes I finally updated! Sorry it took me so long but life got complicated and all that jazz. I could write an essay with all my excuses but it still comes down to the fact that I updated REALLY late.

I will try to write but I can’t promise fast updates.

Maybe once school slows down it will be easier.

Oh and something totally off topic- I got my first pair of pointe shoes yesterday!!!

Anyway I will try to update as soon as possible.

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