K L A N C E D // Klance One-s...

By keyungso

222K 5.4K 8.8K

"Let's make our own shade of purple with red and blue." mature content. More

shower smut ;)
Ruin me
Promises are promises
keith has pimples and lance is a secretly a beauty guru
keith is a l0ser
lance is stUpid....ly in love
superhero au
youtuber au
idk au
drunk keith is the best keith - 1
idk i tried making angst but it turned out fluffy
keith would be a great neko
drunk keith is the best keith part two
drunk keith is the best keith part two of the part two
soulmate au-1
soulmate au-2
just plain smut
short fic i wrote while pooping
text au
galra au
text au pt.2
keith has amnesia au
keith would be a great neko- pt 2
sick au
cellmates au-pt 1??
cellmates au- pt 2
keith has a diary au
im so done with s7
crackass short fic
"hey im hiding from a bunch of guys can i hide in ur place?" au
beware !!
beware!! pt-2
beware!! pt-3
beware!! pt-4
keith as a cat demon
poop story i wrote while pooping
keith with piercings sounds hot
Prince and bodyguard action
party au with a plot twist
prince and bodyguard smut
superhero au pt2
my life is a mess lol
more prince and bodyguard au
keith being a clingy cat shit
kinda yacchan x tamura au
this fic is on crack
keith as a loser and lance being daddy material like always
klance pirate au!
klance on a bus! au
birthday gift/cat!keith au

youtuber au pt2

1.9K 46 126
By keyungso

this is all fluff fluff fluff

more Youtuber au cause its cute ok

"Heya guys," Lance starts the video, waving at the camera. He's laying on the bed, wearing nothing on top, head against the board so that he's showing some of his double chin. The camera is placed on the belly and the room around in pretty dim.

"So, you can probably tell I just woke up," he says, chuckling deeper than normally. He moves the camera to the side. "Kogane's still asleep right now."

He leans in to kiss Keith's cheek and grins towards the camera when Keith groans and snuggles deeper into the blankets. "You can tell who gets the blankets around here," Lance muses.

He gets out of bed, the camera still in his hand and he goes out of the room quietly, shutting the door behind him. "So, you guys have requested for some kind of vlog or something? And like I'm literally running out of content so yeah! It's what I'll be doing no-" Lance yawns, smiling sleepily before he goes inside the kitchen.

"So right now I'm just going to make myself a green tea because for your skin. It like prevents clogged pores and aging so yeah. I try drink this everyday." He sets the camera down to the table so that the viewers will be able to his entire body working in the kitchen.

He proceeds to taking a jar of green powder from the cabinet and works his way in heating the water, pouring the powder in a cup and mixing them all together and you know that it's the best of both worlds.

While he's stirring his tea, he talks to the camera. "And then while I wait for this to cool down, I make Keith his cup of coffee cause he can't go on the day without it." He rolls his eyes playfully. "Like, one time he didn't drink coffee and he didn't let me touch him for the entire day. Like, I can't even breath on him."

"Are you talking shit about me?"

Lance turns his head and smiles brightly when Keith enters the camera frame. He's wearing an oversized shirt with short black pants that are barely visible. Keith makes his way to Lance's back and wraps his arms around his waist, closing his eyes.

"You still sleepy?" Lance asks him.

"No, I just wanna cuddle," Keith mumbles, before his eyes opens and lands on the camera. "Why are you filming?"

Lance's eyes also goes to the camera. "Oh. I'm doing this vlog thing for the fans. Just gonna bring them around and show them what I do."

Keith makes a face. "That's boring."

"You're boring."

"Your mom's boring."

"So Keith's had his coffee and we showered already. Right now we're having breakfast in Hunk's," Lance says, before switching the camera to Keith. "What're you gonna get?"

Keith's reading the menu, a slight frown on his face. He's wearing a simple black sweater with his hair tied up into a messy half ponytail. "Hm. Maybe the honeycomb waffles?"

Lance zooms in on Keith's face and whispers towards the camera. "If you guys thought Keith doesn't like sweets then you're wrong. I swear to god this kid is going to get diabetes."

The boy laughs when Keith sticks his tongue out, crossing his arms as he looks away.

"Come on, pick something else," Lance says, "you're on a honey budget, honey."

The camera screen moves when a figure comes to their table. "Hey, Lance!"

Lance brings the camera up, revealing their childhood friend, black haired and tanned, wearing a yellow bandana around his forehead. His white apron is stained with different kinds of colour. Lance gives the camera to Keith and stands up. He's wearing a blue T-shirt and black jeans. "Hunk! My bro!"

"Hey, Hunk," Keith smiles from his chair.

"Hey, Keith," Hunk smiles. He looks at the camera then to Lance. "You filming?"

"Yeah! I'm doing a vlog today for the viewers. Give you little free promotion, eh?" He winks, nudging Hunk with his elbow. "Maybe you can give me an extra cheesecake on the house?"

Hunk grins, "If my sales revenue go up after you upload your video, I'll give you two cheesecakes on the house!"

"Deal!" Lance beams. They shakes the hands once.

"Okay so what can I get for you guys today?" Hunk asks when Lance finally sits down.

"I'll get a potato salad," Keith says, a bit shyly.

"No sweet?" Hunk asks.

"Uh," Keith blushes, glancing at Lance in help, but he answers, "I'm working on my sugar levels."

"I'll have the strawberry syrup with pancakes and chees-" Lance says before he stops. He closes the menu. "You know what, I'll get the potato salad too."

Hunk smiles at him all too knowingly before going to the back.

"Why'd you pick that?"

"Pick what?"

"The salad. You're not the one with the sugar addiction."

Lance smiles. "Yeah, but I know it'll be harder for you if I'm eating it. Don't worry about it." Keith still looks guilty so Lance adds, "besides, I've been craving potatoes since last week." Keith looks at him unsurely but drops it afterwards.


"Okay now that we're both full, we're going to go our seperate ways. Keith's going to his university and I'm going to my boring boring boring job."

Keith snickers, walking beside him. "You're gonna get fired if your boss watches your video."

Lance laughs, "Did I say boring?!! I meant like super super fun! I type things in computers and like breath air!"

"When are you going to become the millionaire you said you will?"

"Soon, babe," Lance winks at him, which Keith responds with a sneer. "Soon."

They go inside a familiar building, going down the stairs and more people start to get into the frame, all strangers.

"Okay so now this is the MRT, if some of you don't have these in your place. Hey, babe, where's my card?"

"With me."

"Ah okay-" Lance smiles at the camera, walking past the automatic gates, "Keith always keeps my cards cause lord knows I can't remember to being shit around."

"Why do I stay with you?" Keith says, from behind him, but there's a cute smile on his face.

Lance turns his head to look at him. "Cause you love me."

"Cause I love you," Keith repeats.


"Okay so," Lance stops in front of a building, leaning closer as if he's whispering to his viewers. "I don't think you guys want to see my working and it's actually so gross like I don't even wanna look at myself working when I'm editing this video later on." His eyes raises up for a second and he smiles to someone. "Hi! Oh-this? Oh, it's for my YouTube channel." He listens to something, before laughing. "Thanks! Have a great day yourself!"

Then he goes back to the camera. "Okay. I'll just show you guys random pictures of me working. I think that'll be enough."

*inserts a picture of Lance doing a thumbs up while seated on his chair, a cup of coffee fresh on the table in front of the computer*

*inserts a picture of Lance furiously typing on the computer, the cup halfway empty with Pidge, his coworker pilling a stack of papers onto his desk*

*insert a picture of Lance in the brink of tears, fingers on the keyboard like their stuck forever, while looking blankly somewhere*

*insert a picture of Lance, teary, mouth open to Hunk, probably complaining on how long the day's going so far*

*inserts a picture of Lance kissing a picture of Keith with kitten ears taped on his computer while Pidge makes a disgusted face in the side*

*inserts a picture of Lance giving the middle finger as he rushes out the door when it's finally over*

The camera clicks awake and Lance's face appears, so close that his freckles are clearly visible.

"Hi," he giggles, breathy as he walks down the road, smiling to whoever he passes. "I just got out of that shithole, thank FUCK."

"Okay so now I'm going to meet up with Keith in the library cause he's a nerd," Lance rolls his blue eyes but he's smiling. "I swear, the only thing I do in the library is sleep cause I always do. I sleep in there so many times, it's kinda like my second bed.

"Right, so the walk to the library is not that far but not that near either. I would take a cab but, y'all guessed it, I'm too broke to afford that shit.

"So I guess I'll answer some of ya'll questions for a while. Lemme just-" he takes out his phone from his pocket, "-Okay. Let's see here.."

"How long have you guys been dating?" Lance reads. "Hm.. Three years now? Damn. I look like a loser using my camera and phone while walking the street. Don't play your phone while outside, kids."

"When was your first kiss?" Lance scoffs, smiling. "It was like on our 5th date? I think? Like, guys, Keith used to be so shy. Like he's still so shy now, but compared to when I first met him, he's a big boy now. He wouldn't even look me in the eye. Like usually, I'll kiss my first dates goodbye or something, if I wanna see then again. But for some reason, I couldn't do that with Keith. Like, he looked so fragile and so scared that I was literally scared of scaring him off. So I waited until he made the move."

"When did you guys first fuck?" Lance chokes. "Guys, what the fuck?" He laughs. "Oh my god, I can't even. Aren't you guys like teenagers? Where are your parents?"

"Ah whatever. So, I think it was somewhere in the last few months of our first year. Like, I think in September. Right, so we were doing our stuff in my room. We were already in that stage where we go to each others' places to do our own stuff. So I was doing my job and Keith was doing some assignment. And like....oh my god. I don't remember. The next thing I know we were on each others' lap making out and then-"

He sends a smirk to the camera. "Ya'll know what went down."

He glances up from the camera for a second. '"Oh. We're here."

The camera's view switches to a building. It's tall and grey with big windows on the walls where you can see huge shelves of books and some people reading inside. Lance switches the camera back to him. "Ok guys, I'll have to be really quiet so you all can enjoy a little bit of ASMR time."

He goes inside the library and just when he's a foot in, he cackles loudly to the camera, "SIKE"

Then he shouted, "KEITH BABY I'M HERE."

The camera shuts down right after a book flies towards Lance's head and hits him right on his forehead.


The camera clicks back on, showing Lance's face, scrunched into a frown as he whisper screams, "Ow ow ow ow."

He shifts the camera just enough so that Keith is seen, walking somewhere with his fingers pinching Lance's ear whilst dragging him.

"I can't believe you did that," Keith whispers to him when he finally releases him and sits back down to his chair. The table is full of biology books, which isn't new to Lance. He takes a seat across from him, the camera sitting on the side of the table, so that it's capturing both of them.

"Do what? I was just calling out to you," Lands says cheekily, rubbing his probably red ear. He continues when Keith's glare doesn't falter. "I just miss you a lot, babe."

Keith's gaze softens but he huffs. "Well you could've called me. I swear, how many times do I have to remind you that you can't scream in a library? You're gonna get me kicked out someday."

"That is exactly what I'm trying to-"

The glare switches back on.

"-to not. NOT do. Not do. Why would I ever think that?! What kind of boyfriend would that make me?"

"You are lucky that you're so good looking."

Lance smiles again. He's always smiling around Keith. "Aw, babe."

"It's not fully a compliment."


Keith kicks him from behind the table.

"Okay okay! I'll keep quiet!"






"Babe. Baby. Keith. Keithy. Keef. Baby keith. Kitten. Babe. Bro. Sis. Sister keith. Brother Keith. Babeeeee. Babeeeeeeeeeeeee-"

Keith sighs for the millionth time today. "What?"

"I'm bored," Lance whines, dropping his head against the table.

"Why did you even come here? I thought we'll be meeting at home?" Keith asks, rolling his eyes but his hand goes to interlock itself with his boyfriend's.

Lance looks up, pouting. "Yeah but I'm going a vlog and my viewers lime you more than me. Without you, my channel is practically done for!"

"Are you using me for views, Lance McClain?"

The Cuban boy gasps scandalously. "No! My secret has been exposed!"

Keith giggles. "Just give me like 30 more minutes, okay? Then we can leave."

"Can you sit on my lap?"


Lance smiles, shyly. "I'm bored. At least I can braid your hair or something."

Keith squints his eyes at him. "Okay. But don't you dare touch anything else."

"Why would I do that?"

"Oh I know you, Lance. You can't keep your hands off of me even for a second."

Lance smirks, "Oh you wanna bet?"

"No! No! Stop! This is how things get weird. Just get over here."


Turns out, Lance cannot keep his hands to himself and they have to cut the whole scene away because his hands are somewhere they aren't supposed to be in a library.


"I can't believe you," Keith giggles, walking out the library with his books against his chest.

Lance's holding the camera, laughing. "What? I don't recall anyone telling me to stop. Instead, I think I heard 'more, Lance, more!'"

"I do not sound like that."

"I do not sound like that," Lance mimics.

"Oh my god, stop."

"Oh my god, stop."

"One more time and we're going back in there."

Lance smiles, using his fingers to pull an invisible zipper on his mouth.

"What else are you supposed to do in a vlog anyway?" Keith asks him.

"Hm," Lance says, "I'm not sure. Don't we just walk around or something? I'm pretty sure they're satisfied with seeing your face."

Keith flushes and looks away, "Ah shut up."


"Hi," Keith says softly to the camera. He's placed in on a small table and he's sitting in front of it, legs crossed and arms holding each other.

"So, Lance is making us dinner and he told me to like entertain you guys by answering more questions or something," he mumbles, tucking a loose strand behind his ear. He lifts his phone with own hand, squinting his eyes from the brightness.

"Why is Lance so stupid?" Keith snorts, eyes going to his singing boyfriend in the kitchen, belting out some Beyonce music. "Yeah, sometimes I wonder the same thing. But he's actually really smart. Like he's one of those I don't study but still get good grades type of guys. He's just...what's that word people use? Ah. Extra."

"Why don't you make your own YouTube channel?" Keith rolls his eyes. "I'm too busy. And also I don't really like a constant audience in whatever I do." He flushes. "I mean, I love you guys and your support. But I don't think I can handle it. I'm perfectly content making cameos in Lance's channel."

"What are the things you like in bed?" Keith flushes even more. "Ah.." He scratches the back of his ear. "I like anything Lance does. He usually takes the lead in bed...."

"Liar!" Lance shouts, setting up the plates on the table. "You're so demanding in bed, babe. Don't even try to hide it!"

"I'm not demanding!" Keith argues.

"Oh yeah?" Lance says, smirking as he takes the dish and sets it on the table. "What about your choking kink? Your hair pulling kink? You can't even cum anymore if I don't pull your hair!"

Keith splutters, mouth open in a silent gasp as he looks at Lance and then the camera and then back to Lance and then back to the camera. Why is he always getting exposed in every video? What if Shiro watches this? Fuck, the next reunion will be so awkward.

"You're the one to talk," Keith huffs, crossing his arms. "Don't tell me you're not demanding and kinky as well."

Lance's in the frame now, sitting next to Keith and the camera's placed a bit farther away so that now the viewers can see their full faces until just below their chest area.

"I am not demanding, princess."

"Okay what about when your daddy kink? When you keep telling me to call you daddy? You're not my daddy!"

Lance laughs and gives his pouty boyfriend a chaste kiss, "Oh shut up, you like when I spoil you like a child."

"Okay I can agree to that in some point..."

"Okay we can agree that we're both demanding of our kinks in bed. Truce?"

Keith rolls his eyes but he smiles shyly. "...Truce."

"Now let's go eat dinner and then we can try be demanding in the shower," Lance stands up and wiggles his eyebrows to his but boyfriend.

Keith just looks at the camera blankly, as if saying 'Do you guys see what I have to deal with everyday?'


The next clip shows Lance back in his bed, hair ruffled and his torso bare. The room is dimly lit and Lance speaks in a soft, low voice.

"So," he says, a hand running through his brown locks, "Keith's asleep right now. He always falls asleep after I get my way through him." He chuckles, a deep rumble in his throat.

He tilts the camera so that it shows Keith snuggled up against him, his face peaceful and no longer the usual frown he has on. He's drooling a little bit and Lance wipes it away with his thumb.

"He gets so clingy when he's tired and it's so cute," Lance gushes softly, a thumb caressing Keith's collarbone. He stares at his boyfriend for a while before moving the camera back to him completely.

"Okay so, this was the entire day vlog of my life. Basically, I wake up, get breakfast, go to work and then spend the rest of the day with my baby. And then sometimes we have special time together," Lance wiggles his eyebrows at the end.

"Alright. I better go to sleep now," Lance smiles. "See ya in the next video, guys. Lance, out."

@klanced103 commented: omg so cute!!!
@destroyerofklance commented: I demand a second vlog video asap >:((
@pidgeon commented: y'all gross this is youtube not pornhub 
  -- @coraaaan commented: what is this pornhub?
@takashi.shirogane commented: 0.o

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