Spears of Redriver

By Kostavo

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Carthus, a young orphan trained to be a warrior like his father before him, is considered to be one of the be... More

Part One - Hunt in the Hills
Part Two - Captured
Part Three - Friends
Part Four - Morside
Part Five - Deeper into the City
Part Six - Laying Low
Part Seven - Plans and Preparations
Part Eight - Blood in the Dark
Part Nine - Darkness before Dawn
Part Ten - Caught in a Blaze
Part Eleven - The Prince of Swords
Part Twelve - Reunited
Part Thirteen - Good News and Bad News
Part Fourteen - Murderer
Part Fifteen - The Spear at the Feast
Part Sixteen - The Scarred Ordethi
Part Seventeen - New Charge
Part Eighteen - Desperate Measures
Part Nineteen - Friends and Enemies
Part Twenty - Ythara and Isidore
Part Twenty-One - Bitter Blood
Part Twenty-Two - Black Hemlock
Part Twenty-Three - Spears of Redriver
Part Twenty-Four - The Welcome Back
Part Twenty-Five - The Catacombs
Part Twenty-Six - The Shadows in the Deep
Part Twenty-Seven - The Guard and the Faceless Man
Part Twenty-Eight - Think Before You Speak
Part Twenty-Nine - Between Death and Shadow
Part Thirty - The Master and His Pupil
Part Thirty-One - Tension
Part Thirty-Two - Departing
Part Thirty-Four - Through the Storm
Part Thirty-Five - The Fire Valley
Part Thirty-Seven - Into the Valley
Part Thirty-Seven - The Threat Above
Part Thirty-Eight - Three Left
Part Thirty-Nine - Tassos
Part Forty - Burning Hands
Part Forty-One - The Dead
Part Forty-Two - Fighting Dead Men
Part Forty-Three - Among Assassins
Part Forty-Four - The Ancient Ones
Part Forty-Five - The Rebellion
Part Forty-Six - To Morside?
Part Forty-Seven - The Dead Tower
Part Forty-Eight - Into the Darkness
Part Forty-Nine - Shadows
Part Fifty - Through the Dead
Part Fifty-One - The Caves
Part Fifty-Two - The Stone Beneath the Tower
Part Fifty-Three - The Stone Man and the Crystal
Part Fifty-Four - Facing Death
Part Fifty-Five - Not a Spear
Part Fifty-Six - Worthy
Part Fifty-Seven - Across the Chasm
Part Fifty-Eight - The Paths Ahead
Part Fifty-Nine - In the Valley of the Dead
Part Sixty - Back in Morside
Part Sixty-One - Swords at the Crossroad
Part Sixty-Two - Revelation
Part Sixty-Three - Betrayal and Honor
Part Sixty-Four - Setting Bone
Part Sixty-Five - Old Friends
Part Sixty-Six - So It Begins
Part Sixty-Seven - I Am Still Here
Part Sixty-Eight - Preparations
Part Sixty-Nine - Silent March
Part Seventy - The Bitter Prince
Part Seventy-One - Honorable Man
Part Seventy-Two - An End

Part Thirty-Three - Stories on the Road

17 1 0
By Kostavo

 Carthus was in the lead as the small party rode quietly through the city. The people in the streets always cleared the path for them since most knew who Carthus was now that the Spears of Redriver were gaining renown. The Spears had a good reputation; they were known as friends of the common people, and Carthus was glad for it.

They traveled in silence, except for Enlief, who whistled a tune to himself near the back of the group. He rode with Theo at the rear, Tassos was next in line and Farg was just behind Carthus. They left the city quickly, going through the western gate and rode out into the fields that rolled down to the horizon. The sun hit midday before they stopped to water the horses and rest for a moment.

"So what are we looking for in these cliffs?" Enlief asked, approaching Carthus.

"I don't know" Carthus replied. He was not sure, but he knew there was something there. Something that the Ordethi were trying to bring to light.

"There were rumors around the city about six months ago, that the cliffs were on fire...something to do with the king," Theo added as he hand-fed his horse some oats from a small bag, "I remember the people talking about magic gone wrong."

"That is what started talks of revolution against King Feluthar" Farg agreed.

"So the king set the cliffs on fire?" Carthus asked between sips from his waterskin.

"Aye," Theo replied, "that's what the rumors were, but they quickly died down."

"And why would the people want to rebel against the king for this?" Enlief asked.

"Well, the valley that sits in the cliffs was home to many people, there were settlements there, and talk was that King Feluthar refused to help them" Theo answered quickly.

"They were all caught in the fires?" Enlief asked

"That's what they say" Theo nodded slowly.

"Mount up; we keep riding" Carthus commanded as he strapped his bag of feed to the saddlebags. He took one final swig of water and climbed into the saddle himself. The others followed suit and mounted their horses.

"Don't forget the rumors of the dragon" Farg chuckled.

"Dragon?" Enlief asked from the back.

"Aye, that was another popular opinion among the people...it was not foul magic, but a dragon that tore through the cliffs and burned everything" Theo laughed. None of them had ever seen a dragon or knew anyone who had. Dragons were something rare, having been killed off in the past throughout all of Garia, but there was talk of them now and then.

Suddenly, Carthus heard a soft tune building up from the rear, and he glanced back to see Enlief plucking at the strings on his lute. He grinned at the Nord who returned a sharp smirk of his own, with a soft nod, and began to recite what sounded like a poem.

"Blood flowed freely down the ridge,

When the Serpent found some prey to feast upon.

Far through the rocky hills and across the stonework bridge,

The beast would eat its meal before the dawn

Bones and skulls would fill its den,

Along with long-forgotten crests and spears,

As it would often make a meal of the men

Who came to kill it all those years.

Even the brave feared the Serpent's Crag,

For there were none who came and went

And lived to tell the tale and brag,

All were dead, all were gone, and all were rent.

Except for the mighty Orthed, king of the Dal,

Who ventured forth into the cliffs with song and ax.

No fear even in the face of the serpents call

As he leaped aside and killed it in its tracks.

Thus for the last time did blood flow,

Through the mighty serpent's lair.

The feast that followed was like a horn blown,

Signaling to all a peaceful fanfare."

Enlief's words drifted off, but the soft tune of his lute continued for a while after. None of the others spoke or so much as shifted in their saddles until the music stopped.

"Are you a poet?" Theo asked suddenly.

"No, I am not," Enlief replied with a grin, "I am Enlief."

"What was that story about?" Carthus asked. He had never heard it, or the names in it, before.

"It is the tale of the Great King Orthed, the first ruler of the Dal, and how he slew a serpent that everyone else feared...it could've been a dragon for all we know" the Nord answered happily.

"Is it the truth?" the large Tre'Ahn grumbled atop his massive steed.

"I wrote this version of it, but the original tale in my native tongue, is true" Enlief nodded.

"How do you know?" Theo asked.

"King Orthed was the founder of the Kingdom of Dalan, he united the people against the Woad threat from the north and built the realm that it is today, there are many countless tales of his exploits...he is what all Nords aim to be" Enlief replied firmly.

"And you as well?" Carthus asked.

"Of course" Enlief grinned at him.

"It seems like a good thing to aim for" the Maad commander nodded, and the Nord grinned wider, giving a quick bow. A quiet moment passed, and Carthus turned his attention to Farg, "tell me about yourself, Farg."

"Hm, of course," the Tre'Ahn sat up taller in his saddle, beaming with pride. His rough voice thundered, "I am, or was, a gladiator in the fighting pits of Morside...decided to leave that behind and join your Spears."

"You were a gladiator? Why did you choose that line of work?" Carthus asked.

"I didn't...I was born in the mountains, northeast of Morside, and was sold into slavery by mountain dwarves who made many of my people prisoners" Farg grumbled.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Carthus followed up, "and how did you find yourself here?"

"Well, I fought until I earned my freedom...and that is when word of the Spears started to spread throughout the city, you are an honorable warrior, and I am glad to fight for you" the beast-man thumped a fist to his chest and bowed his head.

"Thank you for the compliments! I am glad you are here and no longer a slave," Carthus bowed back to Farg. He glanced at Tassos, who had been quiet since they first met, "tell me about yourself; you are young for a mercenary."

"I guess I am" Tassos replied and turned away bitterly.

"Ahhh," Theo kicked the flanks of his horse and caught up to Carthus, leaning in to whisper to him, "forgive the boy his insolence, Master Carthus, he is angry...he lost everything recently. He is a good lad, I promise that much, and he is excellent with that blade of his."

"I see, no harm done" Carthus nodded in understanding.

"He'll come around" Theo leaned back to sit straight in his saddle and gave another nod to Carthus.

"Then tell me about yourself, Theo...if you don't mind," the young Maad asked.

"Of course, I don't mind," Theo smiled, "I was a soldier in a past life, served a wealthy merchant as the captain of this guard...we traveled far and wide until...he was arrested for cheating King Feluthar! That's how I found myself in Morside. I risked everything for the man, and in the end, he screwed me over...left me to die alone in a foreign city."

"We are all troubled then" Enlief laughed.

"Trouble has a way of showing you who you really are" Theo agreed.

"That it does" Carthus nodded, remembering his father before him. His thoughts drifted back to the clanlands and the constant fighting there. He remembered the Maeli, his fateful fight near the mountain river from which he gained his nickname, and the duel against Erius which forced him to flee into the wild world beyond the familiar hills of his home. 

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