Hunger Point | Phan

By pennyroyaItea

28K 1.2K 415

Dan Howell and Phil Lester are just alike but come from different sides of the fence. Taking this into accoun... More

Hunger Point || Phanfiction
Chapter Two: Kids just like you.
Chapter three: Support group is stupid
Chapter Four: Public Confrontation
Chapter Five: Progress
Chapter Six: Distance
Chapter Seven: Accidents
Chapter Eight: Night in the Hospital
Chapter Nine: Skipping School and Falling in Love
Chapter Ten: Burning Bridges
Chapter Eleven: For Dan
Chapter Twelve: Misunderstandings
Chapter Thirteen: Mistakes were made
Chapter Fourteen: Love at Long Last?
Chapter Fifteen: Lives terribly interwoven
Chapter Sixteen: Truancy
Chapter Eighteen: Reality is Escaping
Chapter Nineteen: Dan's armor
Chapter Twenty: Unmasked
Chapter Twenty-one: Recrafting our worlds
Chapter Twenty-two: Completing our semester
Chapter Twenty-three: Captured
Chapter Twenty-four: Daisy
Chapter Twenty-five: Visitation
Chapter Twenty-six: Life in the ward
Chapter Twenty-seven: Life without Dan
Chapter Twenty-eight: He doesn't love you anymore
Chapter Twenty-nine: Regrets
Spoilers :)
Chapter Thirty: Homebound
Chapter Thirty-one: Jealousy
Chapter Thirty-two: Christmas Eve
Chapter Thirty-three: Christmas
Chapter Thirty-four: The States
Chapter Thirty-five: Slaycation
Chapter Thirty-six: Why'd you only call me when you're high?
Chapter Thirty-seven: The Day After
Chapter Thirty-eight: Love at Long Last? 2.0
Chapter Thirty-nine: New Years
Chapter Forty: Therapy (like the ATL song lolzor))
Chapter Forty-one: Big Events
Chapter Forty-two: Trial
Chapter Forty-three: Wifi
Chapter Forty-four: Skeleton relationship
Chapter Forty-five: I will never find another you
Chapter Forty-six: Suffocation
Epilogue: Life After Death
after all this update???

Chapter Seventeen: Distance

646 24 1
By pennyroyaItea

[ dan ]

        "Dan, I'm glad you've been present to your support group meetings but do you think we can take a step up?" Headteacher Mitchell inquired, lifting her brow. I sunk down lower in her leather chair, squirming under her gaze. "Like what?"

It was the next day, and since my minimal amount of sleep, I've been downing five hour energys, despite how nasty they were, since I woke up. And since I'd actually been in school today (given not in class), Mrs. Mitchell found me. Ew.

        "Do you think you could try to attend each of your lessons atleast once a week? It's only four and a half hour classes and you have five days to be marked present in all of them just once."

I sighed. I really didn't want to...but I'd rather do it than get in trouble for not going. "Sure, why not?" I mumbled, yawning, and stretching. "Okay. Thank you, Daniel. You're a good kid. Say we start this next week?"

        And then I was dismissed, confused as to why she was thanking me and calling me a good kid.I was too tired to think about it, though, honestly.

Knowing my mom wouldn't be back with Bart until around eight tonight, I headed home to catch a nap before I'm off again to avoid home.

        { phil }

"You aren't attending school. Do I need to offer you a deal like your friend Howell? Daniel has things going on. What do you have going on?"

        My mouth dropped open and I scoffed, my eyes widening. I know she hasn't been informed of my shitty home life but it still felt like she slapped me in the face by saying that.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'm sorry. I'll attend my lessons." I said, glaring into her cold eyes. "That's what I like to hear." She said, curling her lips into a platonic smile. If you want to know the truth, it looked kinda a snarl. Maybe because she's a bitch. I don't know.

        -   -   -

I didn't see Dan all day, which really disappointed me. I almost started walking to his house instead of mine on my route home. I don't see how he skipped school when Mrs. Mitchell had apparently talked to him right before me. How did we not cross paths? Not to mention after yesterday and us just being us, and being together,... I thought he'd want to see me. But maybe it's better this way. If we aren't together, I wouldn't be tempted to tell him about my dad. If I told him about my dad cheating and being even more evil, he'd worry about me when it was my job to stay strong for him. He has it much worse. It'd only make things harder for the both of us, If I told. I didn't have to be with Dan all the time. I have Pj and Chris, even if things were pretty rocky with them. But I would see Dan before the weekend's up, I promise you that. I'll make it happen.

        -   -   -

"Are you okay?" I asked Chris later that night. "I'm fine." He quipped though I knew he was lying. "Have you talked to Peej about what happened?" I inquired, furrowing my brows. "No, and I'm not gonna. Now let's go back before he gets curious." Chris brushed off my concern, leaving me in the entryway of my house, to join PJ in the living room. I tried not to let it hurt my feelings, knowing he was having a tough time.

        I sighed, joining the two boys. "Cards against humanity." Pj said once we had all sat down, flashing us the deck of cards. "Lucky us." Chris noted, taking a sip of his gingerale. "Let's start, shall we?" PJ asked, shuffling and dealing the cards. "We shall." I noted, popping my knuckles, criss-crossing my legs. This was healthy...hanging out with friends, I mean. My mom was so happy her son was doing something normal that she took Keaton to the movies to allow us to have the whole house to ourselves. This would be fun.... I hope.

-   -   -

        "The Cure to all Problems." PJ read, setting the card down. I scanned my cards, picking one out. PJ put down "My bestfriend's brother." I gasped, telling him, "You stay away from Keaton." and he just waggled his eyebrows mischeviously. We laughed for a minute before sucking it up and continuing with the game. Chris put down "Abortion." We laughed to the point where our faces were red from lack of oxygen. I put down "Masturbation."

"I think Abortion takes the gold." I said, chewing the inside of my lip; an anxiety twitch I'd never had the ability to shake. "I don't know..." Chris began. "Masturbation is the cure to all my problems." Pj's face turned a light pink when Chris said that, obviously thinking about how Chris was in love with him. PJ needs to figure out what he feels...but he can do that on his own. He's a big boy.

        To cover up his blush, PJ demanded with a pout: "What about my bestfriend's brother?"

"Stay away from my brother, perv!" I warned jokingly, knowing he wasn't going for Keaton. "Yeah! Stay back, Victoria Justice!" Chris said, making a crucifix by crossing his index fingers, holding it up to PJ like it was a shield. I laughed, happy Chris could still joke with PJ even though it hurt him. Chris and I still needed to talk more about that. I was still mad at PJ for what he did to Chris, and what he was putting him through, so I couldn't ask him more about it right now or I'd get angry. I'd just focus on the present. Which happened to include someone knocking on my front door.


i'm sorry this chapter is so short and awful im sorrysorrysorry but im posting chappy eighteen rn i promise ily <3 :c


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