Preacher Man // ross lynch +...

By DriverEra

360K 6.1K 1.3K

"Can you help me get away from this life of sin?" / Ross Lynch is like any typical college-aged boy. He's onl... More

The End


3K 48 8
By DriverEra

"Are you sure?" I question, my hand stopping the movements in his hair.

Ross nods. "Yeah, if you don't want to go... I'll just call Chance or my brothers." He looks into my eyes. "I want you to come though."

I sigh and continue moving my hand. "Can we at least watch a movie and relax first then we can go?" I ask, trying to compromise a bit.

He smiles up at me and nods then lays his head back down onto my chest. My body is exhausted from the running around the past few days so I just want to lay here.

I unintentionally fell asleep and woke up to the movie had ended. Ross was texting and surprisingly, was very patient until I woke up and didn't wake me up himself.

"You were out for two hours," he comments, quickly glancing over at me then back at his phone.

I shrug, rubbing my eyes with my fingers. "I was tired and couldn't help it. I'm sorry. What have you been doing?"

"Solidifying plans for tonight," he replies, his head still laying on my chest as if he didn't move for the two hours either.

I nod. "What are the plans?" I further question since he hasn't given me any information.

Ross moves to stand up, stretching as soon as he steps off the couch. I stand up alongside him and twist my body since I haven't moved in three hours and my body is stiff.

"We are going to Denver in two hours. I figured you'd be waking up soon then we can grab dinner and go to some club. Is that alright?"

I nod and begin walking to his bedroom. "Yep," I reply as I walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth. "Who'd you invite?"

"Chance, he's bringing Kayla, Ellington, Liv, Rocky, um... I think that's it? I don't know if anyone else is joining them," he answers.

I nod and walk out of the bathroom once I'm finished. "I'm going to have to run back to my place. I don't have any appropriate club clothes here."

I see panic flash in his eyes quickly. "Um. Okay. When are you going to go?" He answers, his eyes staring at me.

I walk over to him and grab hold of his two hands with mine. "How about you get ready and I'll do my makeup and fix my hair so as soon as we are done, we can head back to my place so I can change then we can get dinner?" I ask.

"Yeah, sounds great," Ross answers with a small smile on his face - relief evident in his soft eyes.

I smile and go back to the bathroom to do my makeup for a second time today. I wasn't expecting to go out tonight so I washed off my makeup earlier.

Within the first few minutes of me doing my makeup, Ross walks through the door. "Hi," I smile at him again.

"Hi, I'm going to shower real quick if you don't mind," he says as he pulls his towel out from the closet.

I nod. "Of course, I'll just be here finishing my makeup." Moments later, he was inside of the shower, humming along to the music he put through his speaker. I closed the door to the bathroom door so the warm air stays in here from the steamy shower. I guess Ross took that as a sign that I left so he begins to sing a little louder. The first time I've ever heard him sing.

I smile to myself as his warm voice is only slightly louder than the drops of water. As the song changes, I accidentally knock my makeup bag into the sink. He pulls back the curtain quickly and sticks his head out. "I thought there was a ghost, I thought you left. Holy shit," he says.

I place my makeup bag normally onto the counter then walk over to the shower. "I heard you," I say softly.

"Heard me?"

I nod. "I heard you singing. And honestly, made you 10x hotter than you already are."

He smiles and reaches forward, putting his soaking wet hands onto my freshly done face. He pushes his mouth onto mine immediately. "Come in here," he replies as he tries making me climb in. "Don't embarrass me either because of my voice."

I whine slightly. "I just did my makeup and my hair is done."

He shrugs and wraps his arms around my waist, picking me up and pulling me into the shower with him. I squeal as he presses me against the wall furthest from the water so I don't get wet. He doesn't hesitate to push his lips back onto mine.

He's dripping wet as he pulls my legs to wrap around his waist, my gym shorts pressing against him. I wrap my arms around his neck, his lips moving quickly with mine.

I smile into the kiss as he pecks my lips several times. "Sorry, I just... I don't know why I had to do that," he says once he pulls away. "I tried not to make you wet," he answers then winks after.

I roll my eyes and look down at my soaking wet, see through clothes. "Am I allowed to leave and finish getting ready?" I ask, running my hands through his soaking wet hair.

He smiles. "Fine," he pulls open the curtain and steps onto the mat. I glance over at the mirror and laugh at our reflection. "Wow, we look great together."

I slide off his body and nod. "Yep, especially you with your ass out." I then proceed to smack his ass.

He turns around and raises his eyebrows. I knew his next move so I quickly go to dart out of the bathroom as he chases behind me, laughter leaving both our mouths all with him being completely naked and conditioner still in his hair.

An hour and a half later, we were at my apartment. I pulled on a sparkly dress and heels then we were on our way to grab food then meet everyone at the club.

Once we got there, we met everyone else outside of the club. I immediately go to hug my roommates who I have hardly seen in the past week since so much has been going on.

Liv told me she patched things up with Rocky as she was standing real close to him. Ellington was still single. Chance and Kayla were great as usual.

Once inside, the boys went to grab everyone shots. The night was going well. I didn't have much to complain about until I was on my way to the bathroom. As I was walking by with Ross behind me to make sure I make it to the bathroom fine, a guy shoulders me so hard that I stumble backward.

"Watch it, bitch," he says as he moves past me again.

If I could describe the fire correctly in Ross' eyes, it would be a miracle.

Ross grabs onto the man's shirt and shoves him up against the nearest wall. "What the fuck did you just say and do to my girlfriend?" He yells.

I walk over to him and grab onto Ross' shoulder. "It's fine. Let's just go, babe."

"No, you better apologize to her," Ross yells again.

"No, asshole," he yells.

The man is clearly drunk and doesn't have a care in the world. He wants to get into a fight. I was quickly reassured of that once the guy swung at Ross.

I move back as a complete brawl breaks out in front of me and a circle begins to form around the two men. My heart is racing and I know I can't stop him.

As security comes rushing through, Ross is on top and repeatedly punching the guy as blood pours from Ross' nose. Ross is yanked off the guy and both men start being dragged out of the club as they both continue to scream at each other.

I follow them out of the club as all eyes are now on us. I don't see anyone else from our group, of course.

Ross looks over at me with panic in his eyes as he's handcuffed and pushed to sit on the ground. My heart begins to race.

"Can I talk to my girlfriend? Please?" He begs as I stand off behind the security guards as we wait for the police to come.

The security guard snaps at him. "Just sit down and shut up."

I step back and pull out my phone, dialing Rocky's number. He answers thankfully. "Hey?" He yells into the phone.

I hang up instead of trying to yell back, but send a text knowing he'll see it. I need you to come outside please. Ross got into a fight and now in handcuffs.

Short, sweet and to the point.

Not even a minute later, I see Chance and Rocky come rushing out. "What happened?" Chance asks as soon as they get over to me. Security is making sure nobody comes near Ross or the other guy.

"Basically the guy shoved into me and called me a bitch. Ross snapped," I explained. "Basically a whole fist fight broke out."

Rocky sighs and glances over at his brother who has his head down, staring at the ground. My arms are crossed as I watch a cop car pull up.

We couldn't hear a word anyone was saying as each cop wrote down stuff from the boys into their notepads. Chance, Rocky and I stood quietly observing. I mostly prayed that Ross would be smart and not act out in any way.

I watch as they pull Ross up and turn him around, unlocking the handcuffs then speaking directly to him. Ross nods then begins walking toward us.

"What happened?" Rocky asks.

Ross stares at me for a bit and I'm just standing there with my eyebrows raised. "The guy isn't pressing charges so I'm not pressing charges either."

"So now what?" Chance asks.

I look up at Ross. "We're going home. You guys can stay obviously. We all drove ourselves so it shouldn't be a problem," I say.

The two boys nod and head back inside of the club. I begin walking to the car, digging around my purse to find my keys as Ross trails behind me.

"Are you mad?" He asks.

I turn around suddenly. "Am I mad? You could've gotten arrested for a stupid reason! So, yes, Ross, I am mad."

While continuing my walk to the car, he grabs onto my arm and spins me around. "I'm sorry." I nod and continue trying to walk to the car as the wind whips around us. "Babe, c'mon," he groans and lets go of my arm.

"Can we please just go home or talk in the car? Not the middle of a parking lot in fucking Denver," I snap and walk toward my car. I turn around and see him standing there only frustrating me ten times more. "Why does this have to be hard? Please, Ross, let's go."

He shakes his head. "Not until you forgive me."

A child. I'm dating a child.

"Ross, get in the fucking car." I say. Any bit of tipsy from the two shots I had is now absolutely gone. I have no idea where Ross is as he was absolutely drunk then had an adrenaline rush. "Please."

He shakes his head again, crossing his arms and staring at me. "No."

"You really want someone to call the cops because we're screaming in a parking lot? So you have to deal with the cops twice in one night and potentially get arrested," I growl as I stomp back over to him. I grab onto his shirt so he looks at me and not past me. "Let's go, please, Ross. I am begging you. I'm cold and tired, I don't want to leave you out here. You already got in trouble once, please stop making me this harder than it has to be."

Ross finally looks into my eyes since I walked over here. "Are you gonna cry?"

I don't know what's happening between us right now, but my heart is pounding out of my chest as I'm prepared for him to make fun of me or something. "I'm frustrated and I really want to go home," I reply. "Please stop putting up a fight with me and lets go home."

"Go home? Where is that to you?" He asks.

"I'm not mad at you because of defending me. I am mad because you could've gotten very hurt or been arrested. I want to make sure you get home okay, can you please let me drive you home?"

Ross sighs and starts walking to the car. I inhale deeply and begin my walk behind him.

Once we are seated in the car, I glance over at him. He's sitting with his arms crossed tightly. "What are you looking at?" He asks.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask, putting my keys in my lap and not in the engine.

Ross shrugs. "I feel like you don't appreciate me enough," he admits.

"What?" I whisper, feeling my stomach sink to the floor. "You think I don't appreciate you?"

I can't help the tears that come out of my eyes. I would've preferred him making some stupid side comments then say that.

"I defended you! I did it for you!" He yells.

"I said I wasn't mad at you because you defended me, what are you going on about?" I retaliate.

He shrugs. "That's how I feel, Hayley."

"I haven't left your side this entire week. I've ironed your clothes this entire week. I fucking bit by bit glued together a mug for you because I knew it meant so much to you. I cleaned your entire apartment several times. I didn't think twice about my education or my job so I can be with you while you struggled. I do all of this for you all the time and I would do it again. Don't you dare say I don't appreciate you. I constantly tell you I love you and I show how much I appreciate you by my actions everyday." I snap as I turn the car on and begin driving back to his apartment.

My chest is heaving heavily as I'm trying to contain myself from crying. Ross sits silently, his eyes looking outside. I turn up the radio to cover the silence as we drive back.

I pull up to the entrance of his apartment. "Are you coming in?" He asks.


"Please come inside," Ross begs.

I shake my head. "No. If you doubt how much I appreciate you then I want you to spend tomorrow alone to see how much I fucking love you. Goodnight Ross."

He looks at me with heartbroken eyes. He then climbs out of the car and walks in through the entrance without looking back once.

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