A moment to notice

By ironic-mashton

347 9 1

Ashton wanted to join a band, he hadn't been in one for so long and he felt that if he didnt, he'd be stuck a... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Quick A/N
Part 10.5
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13

Part 5

22 1 0
By ironic-mashton

Calum's P.O.V ( yas, I know exactly how you are feeling right now because I think this will be a Cashton fic yeh. It will make sense in this chapter, trust meeeeee!)

"Oi, Cal! Your staring is so obvious, it hurts my dark heart." I blinked a couple times, turning to look at an annoyed Michael. He noticed my expression and started laughing. "My god, lovestruck much? God, I'm dying." I kissed my teeth at him, turning back to where my attention had been before being rudely interrupted by Michael. "So, want to finally admit you're in love with Ashton to me? I promise I won't tell a soul, not even Lukey." Mike said with fake sympathy in his voice, his cocky smirk never leaving his face. I punched his arm lightly, earning a growl from him before a short chuckle. "Fine, you douche..I do like him. But he would never like me back."

"What do you like about him? Its good to talk about these stuff, y'know?"

"Well...He is just so perfect. His dimpled smile, bright hazel eyes that dance with true happiness, a laugh to die for, and his personality just makes me melt because he is so funny and innocent and caring and all around adorable. My heart yearns for him, for his warmth, his smile to be directed at me and only me. I dunno, and before you start the whole 'why not confess your feelings and crap' thing....Its not that I'm confident that he hates me or something, its just that I want to be sure that our feelings are somewhat mutual in a way...But I don't think anyone can feel the love I feel for Ashton towards anyone." I heaved a heavy sigh, staring at Ashton who was in the kitchen, helping Luke cook the dinner and laughing at something Luke had said. He turned his head to me, still shaking off the laughter before grinning brightly and waving at me. "Dinner, in 5, 'kay?" Ash called towards Michael and I. I gave a nod and flashed a smile before looking away, staring off into space before strumming a chord on the guitar that rested on my leg. "You really have it hard, man. But, just make sure you don't loose him to someone." Michael piped up, sitting there as I strummed random chords and notes and tunes on my guitar. I chuckled softly, still staring at a space in the wall blankly, returning my attention to Mike. "I would never let that happen, Clifford. What, are you planning on swooping in and taking him?" He laughed quickly, shaking his head calmly and sitting back.

"I don't mean me, mate." I cocked an eyebrow before glancing to the kitchen again, just noticing how close they had been to each other.

"Do you mean Luke?"

With the silence I got in response to Michael, I took that as a yes.

Ashton's P.O.V

"Mike, Cal! Dinner is ready." Luke called to the two from the kitchen. He smiled at me once more before taking some plates to the table, me following with the food.

"Mmm, that smells so good! Where the fuck did you learn to cook, Hemmings?" Calum said as he sat down in the seat next to mine, smiling to me softly. I smiled back and laughed a bit.

"I didn't learn, I already knew! And Ashton is a perfect cook, if you haven't noticed yet, you dumb shit." I couldn't help but laugh, Calum soon joining in.

"I know he can cook perfectly, okay? Nothing new!"

"Oi oi oi, guys. I don't cook that well.." I said, trying to hide my blushing cheeks subtly, failing. Luke reached over the table and poked them, grinning.

"Lies, you cook wonderfully. Where did ya learn?" Michael said, cocking an eyebrow as he devoured his plateful.

"I self taught myself how to cook for my brother and I because my mother worked a lot when we were a bit younger and since she was never around and our father left long ago, I had to learn how to cook, clean, care for my brother, and go to school too. Having no free time was fun." I gave a sad-like laugh before staring down at my food, trying hard not to glance to my arm or Michael.

"Oh, I see. Was it easy or hard taking care of your brother? What's his name?" Calum asked, giving a genuine smile.

"His name is Harry and yeah, I loved taking care of the little lad. I felt like a father figure to him, like I coukd protect him from anything...our mother is abusive, she got worse when our father left but then she got a new boyfriend and it got so much worse.."

"Is your mum still with this guy?" Luke asked, concern in his voice.

I gave a soft nod and resisted the urge to scream, yell, cry, and babble on.

"That's not good...when was the last time you visited your brother?" Mike asked.

"Uh, I haven't visited since I moved here...I call him, though. Every night, I feel so bad for leaving him behind. I want him to be with me, because I won't feel at peace till Harry is.."

"Why don't ya bring him here tomorrow? I could come with you to pick him up so we can go have a day-out or something." Cal suggested turning to me. I smiled brightly at the idea, nodding my head yes.

"That sounds wonderful! Mind if I bring him back here, after? I would love for him to just sit down and talk with you guys." As the other two boys nodded in agreement and I turned to Calum.

"How about we go early tomorrow because my house is a bit of a drive from here, yeah? And...will you be staying with Harry and I? I would really like if you did, Calum." I asked, tilting my head to the side to see if I could coax him into spending the day with me. Oh, and Harry. Not just me! Well shit, who am I kidding. I haven't spent time with Calum in so long, I kind of need this.

Calum cocked an eyebrow, quickly glancing at Mike like they had this secret agreement or something, then turned back to me with a bright smile and nodded. "Yeah, of course I will! I want to be the first to meet your little brother." I grinned brightly and nodded. "Okay, thanks, Cal!"

Calum's P.O.V

"What to wear, what to wear..." I mumbled to myself, continuously looking from my clock back to my closet then to my watch. I was having trouble finding something casual but not too casual to wear...

"Calum? Still looking for clothes, really? Haha." I heard laughter emerge from the doorway and glance over, seeing an amused and fully dressed Ashton smile at me. I looked him up and down and cursed under my breath softly. He was dressed in black straight jeans and a button up red and blue plaid shit, his brown curls tamed a bit by a bandana tied around his forehead, accessorised with the normal bracelets and his necklace that had a strange looking ring on it.

"Well shit, I totally could never compare to how you look right now. Gimme a minute, yeah? I will try to make myself look slightly decent." He laughed and gave a quick nod, turning on his heel and walking out the door. "Okay, see ya downstairs in 5."

After a rigorous 2 minutes searching for clothes, I decided to go with navy blue skinny jeans, Nirvana t-shirt with a blue and green plaid shirt over it, and my black Vans. I looked for some bracelets, only finding my Green Day and stone ones, quickly slipping them on. Running my hands through my not so soft hair was the difficult part, soon giving up and finding a beanie to wear. I stormed out of the room after noticing how late I was and ran down the stairs, nearly tripping twice.

"I am here and ready!" I hollered, throwing myself down onto the couch next to a seated Ashton. Ashton laughed cheerily, looking at me and giving a nod of approval.

"You look rather dulled up, yeah? We are just gonna go hang out with an 10 year old boy, dont get your underwear in a bunch. Nah, I'm kidding, you look cool, Cal." I grinned brightly, standing up and straightening myself quickly.

"Well, hey. I want to make a nice impression on your brother, he has a pretty cool older brother, too." Ashton laughed at this, standing up as well and sprinting to the counter top, grabbing the car keys, and running to the front door.

"Lets go then!"

"Knock the door already, Ash." I said, elbowing him in the side as he stood frozen, fist in the air to knock the door. He sighed and knocked three times, waiting for a response.

"Who is it?" A feminine voice asked through the door.

"Its me, mum."

The door swung open soon after and a middle-aged looking woman stood there, on the shorter side but still really pretty. She had the same soft hazel eyes and her brownish blonde locks reached her shoulder.

"Ashton, baby! You've be gone for so long." She chimed, pulling him into a tight embrce. Ashton hugged her back tightly, rubbing her back softly. "Yeah, I know, mom...But I really am liking the band I'm in.."

Ashton's mum let go, smiling warmly at her son before glancing at me and I suddenly felt like I was imposing on some family moment here.

"And you are one of Ashy's bandmates, yeah?" I could see Ashton cringing at the nickname and I couldn't help but slightly laugh and nod, holding out my hand to her.

"Yeah, I'm Calum Hood, Ashton's bandmate. Its nice to meet you, Mrs. Irwin." She took hold of my hand and pulled me into a tight hug, laughing at the moment. "Nice to meet you, just call me Anne Marie."

After the introductions, Anne Marie invited us in for tea as Harry was still getting ready and we walked in. Ashton looked around, softly sighing a sad sigh as he looked around more. I glanced at him, leaning in to his ear. "What's wrong?" I whispered, taking a seat on a stool at the dining table. He sat beside me and shrugged, still looking around before focusing on me. "Memories, I guess. All just rushing back..Oh, hey mum." Ashton called, his mother turning to face him as the kettle turned on. "Yes, Ashton?"

"How is Lauren doing?" I blinked a little bit, wondering who this Lauren is.

"Oh, well...she is doing okay. She still lives with Lindsay, who comes around to give updates and stuff...Lauren says she really misses you, Lindsay as well." Anne Marie gave a soft laugh, turning her attention back to the boiling kettle.

"That's good to hear, do you think Lindsay is coming around soon?"

"Yeah, she is supposed to come around soon." And at that moment, there was a subtle knock on the door, and Anne Marie quickly got our tea ready, placing them in front of us and hurrying to answer the door.

"Ash?" I muttered softly to him. He turned towards me as he picked his mug up slowly. "Yeah, Calum?"

"Who is Lauren?" "My younger sister. How about I explain later, 'kay?"

"Ashtonnnnn! Oh my god, you're here for once!" I heard a high pitched female voice, both Ashton and I turned our heads. A rather tall and slim girl stood there, looking as if she was no older than 16. Her long blonde hair reached past her elbows and she had a large smile on her delicate looking face.

"Lindsay~" Ash chimed, standing up and jogging towards her. He caught her in a hug and lifted her up slightly. Lindsay couldn't stop laughing. I watched this as I drank my tea slowly, not wanting to ruin a moment to tell her to back off. Why would I do that, though? Its not like he is mine or anything..I wish he was, but he isn't.

"And who may you just be? Since when did Ashy bring home such cute boys?" I slightly cursed under my breath but still stood up, shaking Lindsay's already extended hand. "I'm Calum Hood. Nice to meet you." I said, trying to seem as happy as I could be. "Nice to meet you too, cutie! How old are ya?" "16 years old."

"Ooh, a younger man, I see, Ashton?" I glanced towards Ashton who blushed hard and growled in annoyance to Lindsay. "Shut up! He is my bandmate and friend, thank you very much for embarrassing me." Lindsay laughed and patted Ashton's hair, grinning innocently before placing a light peck on his cheek. I could feel my stomach tie into a tight knot and I bit down my lip to not start yelling profanity at her.

"Ashton?" A small voice had emerged from the stairs, everyone turning to look. A small, pale boy stood at the last stair, his brown eyes wandering around to all the faces in the room.

"Harry, buddy!" Ashton chimed happily, bringing him into a hug and carrying him up. Harry laughed happily and wrapped his arms around Ashton's neck. Harry looked like a small version of Ashton, really. Brownish blonde locks of curly hair, bright smile, and brown eyes. Mom's genes were in high gear for this family. "Calum, shall we get going now?" I blinked a bit, then nodded at Ashton's suggestion.

"Yeah...It was great meeting you lot, hope I can come around again?" I asked, a genuine smile on my face. Anne Marie smiled widely, her own dimples showing and nodded. "Of course, Calum! Thank you for taking care of my son, it means the world to him to play music to start with so seeing him in a band that he likes is wonderful. Okay, get going before Ryan swings by after work, bye." She kissed the tops of Harry and Ashton's hed and gave me a hug. Lindsay waved us off and in no time, we were out the door and in the car.

Ashton's P.O.V

"Ashtonnnnn." I heard the familiar whine and I look up at the mirror to see the back seat, laughing a bit as I glance at Calum and Harry playing a hand game.

"Yes, Harry, whats wrong?" I asked, continuing to drive on the freeway. He laughed and shook his head. "Nothing! I was just wondering what we were going to eat." I hummed a little, thinking. "Whatever you want to eat, champ. What do you feel like eating?"

"Uhh...I dunno. Calum, what do you wanna eat?" Harry asked enthusiastically to Calum. I laughed and nodded in agreement with Harry, glancing back to Calum. "Yeah Cal, what do you want to eat?"

"Oh, uh...I want some McDonalds...that isn't really a good suggestion, yeah?"

I shook my head as I focused on driving again, smiling.

"No no no, it makes sense and I feel like McDonalds too. Is that fine with you, Harry?" Harry nodded happily and hugged Calum from the side tightly, swaying around. I couldn't help but just laugh at how cute this was and how cute Calum responded. "Ah...that's good, Harry.." He stuttered, hugging Harry back as best as he could in his position.

Calum's P.O.V

"Harry, bud! Its nice to finally meet ya." Luke chimed as we entered the house, Luke and Michael walking up to greet us. Harry beamed at Luke, running up to give a hug but just barely reaching Luke's waist. Both Ashton and I laughed at this, seeing Luke pat Harry's head lightly. "Hi hi! I've heard about you guys from my brother! And you are as tall as Ash says, Luke." This made Luke chuckle softly and smile at Ashton, who smiled brightly and walked up to the two, patting Harry's head, then poking Luke's forehead affectionately. It made my heart wench a little, but it was cute no matter what way you look at it...I feel like Ashton and Luke would look really nice together. The fans already think there is something happening with them from comments on videos and stuff, but still...they're both close, funny, and alike in many ways. Me on the other hand, I dunno how I even got the chance to go out with Ashton today and make him happy enough to say he loved hanging out with me. Maybe because having his little brother around was fun. I really like Ashton. I want him to be mine, I want him to look at me with so much happiness and love that I would fall in love with him all over again. But that happens everytime he just glances at me. I want him to know how much I love him, care for him, long for him, yearn, lust, want. I need him. I need him to love me just a little. I need him to understand how hard this is for me. I need someone to know. And hopefully its not my ex-girlfriend..I just need him to understand that I love him with all my heart and that I would do anything for him. That he could tell me anything and everything, without hesitation at all. I need him to see how much trouble I go through everyday since I met him to make him happy and try to get us even closer. I would love to be his best friend than be his sworn enemy, even if I could never be able to hug, kiss, and make love to him. I just want...him. I can't help but want to crawl away from the area and hide in my room. I make a plan to escape but I am soon broken out of my trance when I feel arms around my neck. I open my shut eyes and see that Ashton is...giving me a hug.

"Hey, Cal. Don't look so down! I want you to be happy, 'kay? I also want to talk to you." I nodded and melted into his warmth, not wanting to move nor let him go. Wrapping my arms securely around his torso, I nodded again and dug my head into the crook of his neck lightly.

"Okay, Ash.."

Ashton's P.O.V

Why did Calum look so down? It made me worried to just see that scowl grace his beautiful face. I tore myself away from the intense video game session the boys and Harry were having and I walked over to where Calum sat, leaning his back against the kitchen table and facing where the t.v was. I smiled as he didnt notice me walking up to him and I positioned myself in between his legs, wrapping both my arms around his still shoulders. I felt him tense slightly and I laughed softly.

"Hey, Cal. Don't look so down! I want you to be happy, 'kay?" I also want to talk to you." I said, blurting out the last line. I wanted to really talk to him, see what was wrong and why he looked so upset. He wrapped his arms around my torso tightly and hummed, resting his head in my neck. "Okay, Ash." I nodded and we stayed like this, melting into each other's warm bodies, not caring at all. We soon detached and ventured to my room, locking the door behind us and settling on the bed.

"What's wrong, Ashton?" Cal asked, looking to me as he crossed his legs. I looked him dead in the eyes and I could see his eyes going a bit wider, a pink tint covering his cheeks slightly. I sighed a bit and cocked an eyebrow, not breaking the eye contact.

"I should be asking you this. Are you okay, Calum? Did something happen today? I tried to see if my family could make you comfortable, so I don't think its my mum or Harry.." He blinked at me, then shook his head. "No...can I ask one question?" "Sure sure, ask away, mate."

"Who's Lindsay?"

I choked on air for a second, furrowing my brows and shaking my head.

"Oh Lindsay? She's...my ex-girlfriend."

Calum stayed silent for a minute, then gave a solemn nod. "I see...and Lauren? Why is she staying with your ex-girlfriend?"

I heaved a sigh and looked at Calum. His eyes weren't the same, it was like his mind was somewhere else.

"Because I asked for that. I didn't think I could help Lauren like I wanted. She is a teenaged girl now, I didn't know how to help her with her hair, makeup, clothes. It sounds silly but I always tried to give my siblings the attention a parent would give them. I had to grow up quickly. I had to mature and become a parent figure because neither of my parents were there for it. I became a father kind of figure to Harry and I tried to be a mother figure for Lauren but it was hard. I've known Lindsay for years, and she was my girlfriend at the time, so I asked if Lauren could stay with her and stuff. It worked out wonderful, so she just lives there now." I mumbled the last bit, looking at my lap and playing with my hands. I jolted as I felt Calum rest his hands on top of mine. I glanced to him, seeing the tears brimming at his eyes and I soon noticed that I was crying.

"Ashton...I am so sorry. It must be hard knowing that Harry isn't living in a stable household. How about...he come live here? He's already staying the night, so we could go get more of his stuff tomorrow and also tell your mum. Sound good?" I gasped softly, biting down on my lip before moving to hug his torso tightly.

"Calum, do you really mean it?"

"Yes, of course I mean it. Harry is a wonderful kid and he doesn't deserve anything that has happened to him at such a young age. This is technically my house so its fine, the other boys won't mind at all." He said, holding my shoulders as we embraced. And that, I think, is where I knew Calum was oh so very special to me.

[] HEY GUYS ITS BEEN LIKE 3 WEEKS. And I finally decided to update. I am sorry, I just got real busy and I have had this part in my drafts for the longest time, maybe a week. But I wanted it to be pERFECT. Heh, hope you al like this, comment, vote, add to library, and follow me because I like that and I always follow back! And not like anyone cares or anything, but I have a bunch of social media sites where I get out my awkward banters out.

Twitter : @phanatricks

Tumblr : killedbyinterwebs.tumblr.com

Kik : Jieun123489

Instagram : xxphanaticsxx

Snapchat : cantbemewhat

Follow me and like talk ta me and say Wattpad sent you because yeah, making friends is much fun. And you could also give suggestions! Oh shiet, I am on fire with these ideas...Imma try to keep updating to weekly or maybe bi-weekly. If work and tutoring is nice enough to me. :D okay, see you people.


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