Falling for my boss ✔️

By Saaraaaxy

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bubbly person A x stern person B ship 10k on 13/7/2019!! ♡♡♡ Sara Atkins just wants to start anew. No Noah an... More

Prologue - The Interview
The cast
Chapter 1 - Meeting the boss
Chapter 2 - Advances
Chapter 3 - Mr. Beaumont's past
Chapter 4 - Cheating husband
Chapter 5 - Lunch with my boss
Chapter 6 - I'm attracted to you
Chapter 7 - It's never enough
Chapter 8 - The Devils
Chapter 9 - Please give me a chance
Chapter 10 - Worth it
Chapter 11 - Family's opinion
Chapter 12 - The morning after
Chapter 13 - How could you do this to me?
Chapter 14 - Heartbreak
Chapter 15 - Bleeding heart
Chapter 16 - Death anniversary
Chapter 17 - Fighting spirit
Chapter 18 - Game plan
Chapter 19 - I miss you
Chapter 20 - Forgiveness
Chapter 21 - Reunion
Chapter 22 - His ex-wife
Chapter 23 - Divorced?
Chapter 24 - The first date
Chapter 25 - I'm crazy for doing this
Chapter 26 - Birthday surprise
Chapter 27 - Famous couple
Chapter 28 - A falling out
Chapter 29 - Double date trouble
Chapter 30 - My little boy
Chapter 31 - Mentally damaged
Chapter 32 - Home sweet home?
Chapter 33 - Don't you dare
Chapter 34 - Stay in your lane
Chapter 35 - Our future
Chapter 36 - Revelation
Chapter 37 - Ambushed
Chapter 38 -Bienvenue à la maison!
Chapter 39 - Michael's home
Chapter 40 - Watching your every step
Chapter 41 - They know everything
Chapter 43 - Ups and downs
Chapter 44 - Loving vacation
Chapter 45 - Opening up
Chapter 46 - Our big day
Chapter 47 - Family
Chapter 48 - Approval
Chapter 49 - I'm home!
Chapter 50 - Cuddled up
Chapter 51 - I desire you
Chapter 52 - May I ask for her hand?
Chapter 53 - The culprit
Chapter 54 - Will you ... ?
Chapter 55 - Hide!
Chapter 56 - Did you bug me?
Chapter 57 - Big events
Chapter 58 - Time to go home
Chapter 59 - Sexual discoveries
Chapter 60 - What a first day
Chapter 61 - House viewing
Chapter 62 - And here's why
Chapter 63 - Let me clear your head
Chapter 64 - Our perfect home
Chapter 65 - Let's settle this in court
Chapter 66 - First-degree attempted murder
Chapter 67 - Celebrating
Chapter 68 - Moving time
Chapter 69 - Wedding preparations
Chapter 70 - Therapy session
Chapter 71 - I deserve happiness
Chapter 72 - Darkness
Chapter 73 - Empty
Chapter 74 - Why would you do that?
Chapter 75 - Adrenaline
Chapter 76 - Coma
Chapter 77 - Slow recovery
Chapter 78 - A moment of happiness
Chapter 79 - Soon married
Epilogue - The wedding
Extra chapter - The Beaumont's
Sequel is live!!!

Chapter 42 - A baby?

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By Saaraaaxy

Michael's POV

I stared at her, flabbergasted.

"What?", I flat-out asked, not believing my ears.

"Let's take a break", she whispered, avoiding my eyes.

As I stayed quiet, she finally looked up.

My girlfriend with red, swollen eyes and shaking lips was staring back at me.

Blank fear turned into sheer anger within a split-second.

"Are you fucking dumb?"

It escaped my mouth without a second thought. I had never felt this angry. Not even Victor could tick me off that badly.

"No wait I didn't mean it that way", I said as she was visibly surprised by my words. "No, not wait. No hold the fuck up", sheer frustration washed through me. My voice was getting louder now. I put my hands off her. "Why the fuck would you suggest a break!? I was about to say something completely different!"


"This is not, in some Sara worried way, a way to doubt me right?", I tapped her forehead repeatedly.

"No, of course not!", she protested. Her angry-furrowed face went sad again and she lowered her head. "I don't want you to get hurt because of me."

It took me a while.

Then I snapped. "So you are suggesting we part. While you are being stalked. Attacked. Assaulted. Beaten up."

"They might go after you!", she defended herself.

"And they went after you - what part of you thinks I will let you part from me, let you run around on your own when clearly some psycho is after you?", I huffed. "You've got me all the way fucked up!"

I turned away.

"Michael ...", her voice sounded behind me.

I only saw red. I crossed my arms.

Sara's POV

I pouted as he didn't budge. Usually he would snap right around when I called for him.

I tapped his rib, then his hip with my finger, pocking him. "Michael ... are you angry with me?"

He didn't move. Breathe. Speak.

Silent anger.

I really fucked this up, didn't I?

I ran my hands up and down his naked skin.


I kissed the naked skin of his arm.

Waited. No reaction.

Kiss and traced his muscles. He only stiffened.

Kissed his back, traced his moles and some lonely freckles. Silence.

Kissed his neck.

Kissed him behind his ear.

He only huffed angrily.

I ran my hand through his soft sandy hair, tussling his natural waves just the way he loved it.


"Bebo ...", I whispered, leaned my head on his back as well as my hands. "I'm sorry ... I know it was harsh from me to suggest that, but you need to understand me. I was attacked. I'm being followed", I felt him tense up at my words. "I was scared the same would happen to you. I love you too much to see you get hurt because of me."

It was silent for a long while. So silent, my ears were ringing from the deafening nothingness.

Finally he moved, causing the bed to squeak.

I heard muffled voices down the corridor. Victor and Marthe perhaps? Marie and Gerard?

I wrapped my arms around him, pressing my cheek into his back. "Babe ... talk to me. Please."

My head was still spinning. My throat was dry. My heart ached at his reaction.

Michael took my hand, still having his arms crossed and his back turned to me.

"How do you think", he started, voice breaking in furry. He had to stop for a moment, then spoke in a silent, firm voice: "How do you think I would feel if I let you run around on your own?" Michael's grip got tight. "I felt like shit when you got beat up by some strangers. I felt helpless when you cried in pain. My heart ached when the doc had to patch you up. I feel like ripping somebody's throat out because they are stalking you. Because they hurt you. I feel worthless because I couldn't protect you."

I couldn't respond to that with words, I could only respond with silent tears. His voice broke off. It was full of raw emotions, just like when he had first told me 'I love you'. I remembered how he had camped out my door until I would talk to him. How he apologized when I walked away. How he opened his heart via text messages, then again when he was lying on the floor, me above him crying.

"You are staying with me. And that's final."

It didn't sound as harsh anymore. His grip wasn't as tight either. His shoulders relaxed slightly.

I cuddled up to him. He held my arms with his. Brushed my forearms with his thumbs.

"Don't you ever suggest something this dumb again. You are much smarter than that, Sara."

"Not as smart as you", I mumbled, feeling relieved. "I'm so sorry Miche. I love you so much."

"You are smart", Michael intertwined our fingers. "You just tend to think more with your heart. You are highly empathetic. You always look out for others." Michael turned his head to me. "That's why in some way I can see why you would suggest that. Doesn't mean I can comprehend it though", he added in a lighter voice with a raised brow.

I had to laugh at that. He always knew how to make me feel better.

"Idiot", he huffed, kissing my nose. "You scared the living shit out of me."

"Sorry", I repeated yet again. "Please turn around again. I don't like it when I'm cuddling with your back ..."

"I shouldn't", he firmly stated, turning around with the blanket to cover us "so I can punish you for your actions." Michael wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on top of mine.

I cupped his face and kissed him until his body relaxed.

"What was your idea?", I asked him after both of us had calmed down.

"To sell my flat as well, since they know where I live. I think it's time to leave my apartment", Michael thoughtfully told me. "I was thinking of a house. Outside of New York."


"I can see how much you are blossoming in this house. Your eyes are big. You like the country side. Not too quiet, not too busy. And I love living in a home too. Away from such a noisy city and the endless stress." Michael brushed through my hair, then stated. "New Canaan. Connecticut. I always wanted to live there, but in the beginning I couldn't afford to commute to work. I needed to be there at all costs. But now it's different. Now the company is stable enough for me to come and go whenever I want to."

I raised both brows at that. He had a strong work ethnic. Michael was up by 4. Worked out until 5. Did his emails until he had to get ready at 7. Drove to work and was there the latest by 9 am. Left the building last. Even here, in Gordes, I caught him checking up on the company when he thought I didn't see him.

Wanting to point it out to him, I was interrupted by Michael tracing my hair until the tip of it, which was followed by an appreciating hum from him. "It's longer now", he stated. "I like this length on you."

He was right - it now reached my breasts and wasn't a bob anymore. I touched my natural wavy to curly hair. "I'll keep it this length then", I mumbled. "Are you sure about moving away?"

"Yes, 100 percent. I had been thinking about it just before I met you. I wanted to give myself a bit of peace and quiet after work. Flashing lights are great and all, but they do get boring after a while. I thought to myself 'make the move your 30th birthday gift' but as I met you I completely forgot about that." Michael went quiet. "What do you say if it's just the two of us who moved out?"

I threw my head back to meet his eyes. They were warm, fond. "But Marie and Gerard - what about them?", I asked.

"They stated on several occasions how they missed their real home terribly. Traveling is getting harder for them. Marie needs a week at least to recover from traveling around so much. I'm sure they would be happy to move back to their old home in their village."

Michael looked at me. "And it's time you and I moved along in our relationship towards the next big step. But - we should be thinking about everything else right now", he patted my back, his face facing the window. "Which phone do you want?"

I went beat red as just now the words sunk in.

"What's up?", Michael asked as I stayed quiet, visibly astonished at my reaction.

"W-w-what do you mean next big step?", I stuttered.

"What I mean with that?", Michael repeated confused. "I mean that we can live together. Just the two of us. No taking care of elderly people. No reconsidering anything. No extra precautions taken when we want to do something. I have been living with at least two people all my life long. I want to change that to just the two of us. No nagging adult. No family member. But only my family." He tapped my nose. "You."

I breathed out, trying to calm my racing heart. And here I was thinking he meant marriage and kids.

"What?", Michael clearly caught that.

"Nothing", I pressed myself into his hug.

"I wouldn't propose to you before our first anniversary silly", my boyfriend mumbled.

My head snapped up.

"It's a bad time to discuss this", he dodged my asking eyes. "I should inform you I hired two private detectives who are after Eleanor and Nathaniel."

"I know that. I also know that we are now waiting for further updates now that they discovered Eleanor was behind the news articles. That we can only take actions once we get home. I want a Samsung. The cheapest I can get. I'll sell my laptop once we get home. I deleted my old email already. I wrote the IT-department to make me a new one."

I took a deep breath. "What did you say just before this?"

Michael was stunned at first. "Not the cheapest. And I'm paying naturally."


"You either let me pay or I won't tell you anything."


"Don't feel guilty", Michael interrupted me. "You know how much I make. I know how much you make. A phone won't tear me into ruin."

"Me neither!", I pointed out.

"It's a gift from me", Michael insisted. "And if you deny my gift, I'll go into silent treatment."

I shut up in defeat. Dammit Michael.

Michael's finger drummed into my back. Was he nervous?

Was my Michael really nervous?

It made my heart melt as I saw a slight hint of redness on his cheeks. I was glad to not be the only one whose heart was hammering like crazy when we talked about this topic.

My head nuzzled up to his chest and I heard his heart beat heavily.

"I was thinking about us and when it would be appropriate to pop the question. I know that I want to marry you. I want to have kids with you immediately as well. I just knew if I asked too early you would say no. I'm still not sure if you would accept my proposal even now." He sounded hurt.


"Don't defend yourself", Michael shook his head. "I can understand it. I understand your fears. But I swore to you I wouldn't turn into a second Nathaniel - I mean Noah. I mean both assholes."

Michael breathed out through his nose, tracing my face. "I wanted to wait until our one year anniversary. Then I would have led you to the ice-skating place where we had our first date. Or to the park where we first jogged together. Or I was even thinking about making you dinner at home and then asking you."

Michael stopped playing with my hair, sea-blue eyes piercing mine. He didn't break eye-contact, staring directly at me with this expression that made my heart stop beating for a second. "What would your answer be in that situation?"

Initially, instantly, I wanted to blur out run. Run as fast as I could.

But then I stopped myself. I had to think.

And I could only stare at him.

I was scared. I knew he was the one I wanted to have children with. Be married to. I wanted to carry his surname.

He waited. Patiently. Didn't show that the silence hurt him.

"I would tell you to let me think", I honestly told him. I took a deep, shaky breath. "But then I would have accepted. Because I want to be with you. No matter which path I take, it's not one without you."

"Good", Michael was visibly relieved. "But now I have to think of something more original than those three options."

"I would still love them, even now that I know beforehand!", I reassured, feeling my cheeks get red. At the ice-skating center while we skated! Or at home after we danced to our music! Or in the park where we had seen each other after our break, deciding to never ever part again!

"It's enough you know when I'll propose", he kissed my knuckles. "Sara de Beaumont."

My heart skipped a beat.

It sounded perfect. It was perfect - because of him.

I don't know when we had fallen asleep, but here we were.

We awoke in the morning, together, and Michael went to check the time.

"6 am", he grunted.

"Old habits die hard", I sighed. It's when I got up for work usually as his chief secretary. I brushed through his hair as he laid down into his pillow again. A smile curled onto his lips. "Wanna go for a run?", I asked, already swinging my legs off the bed.

He shook his head, pressing it against my hand. "Morning sex is enough exercise as it is", he sleepily suggested.

"In a creaking bed. Letting the whole house now", I raised a brow at him. "You really are horny 24/7. Am I not good enough?"

"You are so good I can't get enough", Michael corrected, pulling me down.

As we met each other's eyes, Michael's face dropped slightly. His finger traced the scar on my cheek. "It sticks out ...", he kissed it. "But thankfully it's nothing worse."

I nodded. My skin was yellowish but at least I didn't have a black eye anymore.

"What do you say about a personal bodyguard?", Michael propped himself up on his arm, his other arm grasping my hip. "For the times you are on your own, naturally. And a security system at our new house?"

"All for it", I propped myself up as well, mirroring him. "But we have to go house-seeing first."

"Let's use our weekends for that. I'll call an agent", Michael dedicated.

"What's our budget?", I had to ask.

"Le budget n'est pas importante", Michael stated bored.

My French may not be nowhere near good, definitely not perfect, but goddammit I understood that sentence and I didn't like it one bit!

I wanted to tug angrily at his pajama, but he never wore any, so I hit his naked chest instead, flat-palmed, which made a satisfying noise.

He didn't flinch. Stated "Ouch", with the most straight face ever.

"I won't pick a billion dollar home!", I furiously stated. "I want to discuss this seriously, Michael!"

"Fine", he caught my hand as I wanted to hit him again. Kissed it. "Stubborn. Anywhere from 200,000 $ to 3 mil. Reasonable enough?"

"3 Million $!?", I gasped. "The best homes are at a rather high price range and we'll get the best offers for those prices", Michael reasoned. "I looked into the houses already several times."

I was flabbergasted.

"The interior is up to you. You have a nice touch for making a space lively and homey", Michael brushed through my hair. "The house should be big enough for 5 children too."

I reached for my pillow. He grinned. Then laid his hand on my stomach.

I stopped.

"Or for just one. I want to have a happy home for our baby."

I melted as his words, lowered my pillow.

"Michael ...", I swooned, and before I could add more, the door flew open.

Michael and I stared to the door surprised.

Leon and Marthe stood there, both big-shiny eyed. "Un bébé!?"

Rebecca, as she had introduced herself to me, a beautiful woman with red hair and impressive brown eyes, a lovely stern face with freckles (much prettier than Veronique's) and a heavy pregnant belly, poured us some coffee as she laughed at Leon's disappointed face.

Two children were circling Michael's legs like crazy, sometimes stopping to stare at me dazzled. Michael patted their heads whenever they stood still for a second.

A boy who looked like Sebastien was hiding behind him a bit. The girl seemed interested though, leaning forward from time to time between Rebecca's legs or from Michael's lap. "She takes after you Leon", I told him as I watched her. "She has your brown hair and green eyes."

"Estelle's a typical Harrington - as I am", Leon pointed out. Michael's face turned sour as that, stopping mid-coffee sip.

"I'm just pointing it out", Leon raised his hands defensively. "I have dad's hair and eyes, as does she. Sebastien had his eyes too. You are the only one of us three to have the Beaumont's blonde hair and blue eyes."

Leon studied him. "Though you have dad's face. I look more like mother."

Michael's face turned bitter. "I'm nothing like father."

"He's right though", I took Michael's hand as I said that. "I thought that too when I saw Hector for the first time. You both are brooding and confident."

"And what am I?", Leon laughed. "Arrogant?"

"Your mother is very beautiful - you are a happy version of her", I strongly voiced, then shook my head. "Only if she didn't thrown as much ..."

"To thrown is this family's strength", Leon nudged his mug towards Michael who glared daggers at us.

Rebecca slapped Michael's back, shaking her head with a huff. "You are scaring the children!"

"Is not!", Estelle objected, jumping on the spot. "Miche not scary!"

"Miche is not scary", Michael, Leon and Rebecca corrected.

I looked down as something was tugging my leg.

Adrien, the cutest little boy I had ever seen, looked at me with his big green eyes. "Who are you?", Adrien asked warily.

"I'm Sara", I crouched down to him. Adrien tilted his head. Too cute!

"Your tatie", Michael explained.

Adrien's face beamed. Estelle was by his side in a flash.

Then both children stormed into my arms, almost causing me to fall backwards hadn't Leon put his leg against my back.

"Tatie tatie tatie!", the children chanted. I looked up to the table for explanation. Rebecca and Leon grinned. "It means auntie", Michael told me, his head resting on his hand with a fond smile. "They had wanted to meet you for a long time."

"Speaking of a long time!", Marthe entered the kitchen, hands stained from her vineyard work, and talked with a loud voice: "I want you to have children already!"

"Give us time", Michael groaned, as if this wasn't the first time they had discussed this.

"I'm not getting younger and neither are you Michael Philippe de Beaumont! I want grandchildren!"

"They aren't your grandchildren", Michael pointed out.

"They are too me!", she fished for the kitchen towel and snatched it at him. He dodged it, pointing at Rebecca. "She is just about to pop and you-"

Rebecca hit his head. "What do you mean just about to pop!?"

Meanwhile Estelle had grown quickly fond of me, showering my cheek with sloppy kisses. "Tatie pretty!", she exclaimed. My heart melted. "You are too, ma belle."

Estelle beamed at her father as I said that to her. Leon ruffled her hair lovingly.

Adrien tugged at my arm, demanding to go outside to play.

Michael was busy dodging two angry women, so Leon joined us.

Adrien and Estelle were chasing each other, laughing happily and lightly. It was fun to watch these two. So happy. So carefree. So, so cute too!

"You look better than what Michael had reported to me", Leon analyzed my face, brushing my hair back to look out for scars.

"I've healed quite nicely. Though I'm still not allowed to do any heavy work for a while."

"Thankfully it's just that", Leon nudged me. "How are things between you two?"

"Good, very good!", I went quiet. Then I just had to say it. "He wants to propose to me!", I blurted out happily.

Then I caught myself feeling excited at that thought. Maybe marrying him wasn't such a bad idea after all!

"He told you that?", Leon seemed surprised. "And when does he intend to do that?"

"On our one year anniversary", I told him, beaming. "He said he wouldn't do it earlier because well ... I wouldn't have given him the answer he would have hoped for."

"Past relationships sometimes ruin your future ones - I can understand that you were nervous about this", Leon drew me into a hug, then patted my head. Of course Michael had told him everything about the nasty divorce - these two were inseparable. "I'm glad you two are happy."

"Me too", I better not tell him that I had a stupid idea yesterday evening though. Which reminded me. "How much did you hear?"

"Hear what?", Leon averted his face, whistling amused.

"You know what I mean!", I jabbed my finger into my future brother-in-law's arm.

"Might have heard his flirting tone", Leon grinned, shrugging. "Might have not."

I reddened. The part of having sex then!? "And Marthe!?"

"Only heard you two talk about moving out", he winked at me. "Careful though Michael doesn't knock you up sooner. He is smart, wicked even, and there's a reason this family calls him the Devil."

"That's new to me", I told him confused.

"Well, Michael always knew his way around rules", Leon shrugged. "That's all you need to know."

Estelle ran up to us. "Papa! Adrien found a butterfly!"

It warmed my heart to see how Leon picked up his daughter and kissed her cheek. "Let's see it then!"

Michael joined us moments later, visibly tired. He beamed though as I smiled at him.

"Marthe is seriously sad you aren't pregnant", he told me, kissing my cheek. "And no matter what I tell her, she's bumped. Don't be surprised when she tries to talk you into it."

"My mother's exactly the same, I don't mind it", I waved it off.

Michael went over to his nephew and niece, picking them up with bear sounds. The children screamed ecstatically as he said he would eat them. Estelle slapped her uncle with the cutest "no no no!" while Adrien only cry-laughed as Michael tickled him.

"He's good with children", Leon stated the obvious. I had to nod, trying my hardest not to melt at the sight as Adrien started talking to him and Michael listened to him intently, nodding and even asking him more about his favourite rock, while Estelle forced Michael to look at her and kiss her hands.

"Talking about children, when is Rebecca due?", I turned to Leon.

"Next month", Michael's younger brother beamed. "Can you believe it?"

"Time has flown by!", I awed. I still needed to get them a gift for their baby! "Do you know the gender or is it a secret?"

"We know it, but we are waiting until dinner to tell everybody", Leon explained. As he smiled, a dimple appeared on his chin, just like with Estelle and Adrien. It was amazing how genetics worked.

Would our children have Michael's dimples? Or his cheekbones? Or my big eyes? My lips? His lips? My hair texture or his? What hair colour? What skin colour? Would the child take after my Slavic roots or after Michael's French ones?

Michael had heard Leon's comment and patted his brother on the shoulder, while still holding both children. How did he manage that?

I took Estelle off him, just to be save. Estelle instantly hugged me and leaned her head on me. I couldn't help but to kiss her hair several times.

"Let's just hope she doesn't throw a tantrum when you disappear for a few moments", Leon sheepishly commented that as Estelle refused to be carried by him.

Leon stared at Michael. "You still have a lot to report to me."

"I know", Michael handed Adrien to me too. "Let's talk inside. All four of us. Go get Rebecca."

Michael looked at me as Leon went ahead. "And that's what you will look like in a few years. Holding two babies. A beautiful sight."

I lowered my head, charmed by his words.

Estelle was confused. Adrien blurted out "I'm not a baby!"

"You are a big boy", Michael took him back, laughing into my direction at his reaction. My boyfriend took my hand and we went inside to tell them everything, while I reminded him that he had to take care of the city still. The school especially.

Michael's eyes shone as he met mine. "Thank you", he said so lovingly, as if I had just confessed my love to him "for looking after me."

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