Young Justice Highschool

By YJ_Person

17K 381 110

Zatanna comes to a new school, and meets some new friends, but, apparently none of them can catch a break. Ar... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 1

2.3K 30 0
By YJ_Person

Today was Zatanna's first day, granted, it was the middle of the year, but her father, Giovanni Zatara, traveled a lot. He was a famous magician. She sat down in class, this short, well he wasn't exactly short but he was as tall as her, boy with raven hair like hers instantly went up to her, before a pale red headed girl could. "I'm Dick! Or Richard, but you can call me Dick!" he seemed nervous, but she brushed it off with a smile. A small group of people were behind him, and he introduced the to her.

The blonde tan girl, Artemis, seemed unimpressed and bored, same with Conner, a tall muscular boy, while the others seemed happy and open to meet new people. "We have another friend, kaldur, but he's in another grade." Dick quickly explained and Wally just smirked and elbowed him in the arm. Richard seemed really nice and cute, but she didn't want to make any new, long lasting friendships for her father was going to probably have them move again soon.

She sat next to Dick in that class, it was math and he knew a lot more than she did and was happy to show her other and quicker ways to work out the problems. She and Artemis got to know each other also, for the blonde was on the other side of her and seemed to be just as bored and half-asleep as she was. Many kids went up to meet her, but she was much more invested in this group, whether it was because it seemed as if, even though they've just met, like they knew each other for years.

At lunch they sat together, Conner and Megan would always smile or whisper to each other, but she felt like she was the only one who noticed it all. Wally and Artemis clearly didn't get along that well, but had this awkward tension between them, it was weird. Dick and her talked for most the time, laughing and getting to know one another.

"So, what brings you here?" she looked over to Conner, surprised at first, since he seemed to not really talk much. Zatanna's lips thinned "Well, my father is a magician and goes on a lot of tours, so I move around a lot, it's getting kind of annoying actually." Dick thought about what she said and frowned, "So, you're going to move again?" he asked, a little bit of him hopeful for her to say no.

"Yeah, probably before the year ends, I've been in so many different schools it's hard to keep track." his face dropped and then he shrugged, as if it didn't bother him, he thought he was making a connection with her. "Well, that sucks." Artemis said, before taking a bite of her sandwich. "What about your mom?" Megan questioned, trying to change the subject.

"She and my dad don't get along that well, but they work it out I guess." she shrugged and ran a hand through her hair, Artemis raised an eyebrow, "Not as complicated as my family." she muttered, but Zatanna chose to not ask her about it.

A few weeks later there was a Halloween party at the school, she and Artemis decided to go on a girls night out instead, it was fun for the most part, until this annoying man who called himself Harm kept bugging them. They saw a scary movie that was in the theaters and just walked around talking. Well, it was more one-sided since Artemis kept to herself most the time, but they were bonding nonetheless.

"Your dads really overprotective." Artemis stated, licking her ice-cream and looking over to her friend. "Yeah, but I mean, he's met some really bad people, especially being in the show business. The blonde furrowed her brows and looked down for a moment, she wanted to tell Zatanna all the things that were bugging her, look into the teens bright blue eyes and just tell Zatanna her life story. Instead she sighed and looked up at the stars.

"I hope you don't move again, I'm starting to get used to you." Zatanna smiled, she too was getting used to this new friend group, she tried to be distant at all her schools for the past few years, knowing that she would never see any of them again, but she hoped it was different this time. A comfortable silence fell over the two, as they either ate their ice-cream or just stared up at the sky, the stars calming them as they walked down the street and were buried with their own thoughts.

Zatanna liked this, how peaceful it was. She closed her eyes and exhaled, the cool air blowing across her face and sending shivers down her spine. All of a sudden Artemis pulled at the back of her jacket, making the teen fall onto the ground. Her eyes quickly opened and she looked at the blonde with a confused face. "You need to start paying attention, that car was going to hit you." She stood up and thanked Artemis, but the blonde merely shrugged "No problem, like I said I was starting to get used to you."

Now she really hoped she didn't have to move.

Zatanna didn't want to move, and she got what she wanted.

Just not the way she wanted it.

Her father was walking with her back to their house, he wanted to tell her something, probably telling her that they would move away again. One they finally made it back, before she could get into the house he pulled her back, angry and refusing to talk to her. She heard her mother moaning and that was all she needed to know. They walked for a while, in an awkward silence.

He hadn't noticed that they got into the 'bad side of town' until he stopped blacking out with rage and having her turn around. Dick ran up and greeted her, with a large smile across his face. Her father, who was multiple steps ahead of her just ignored them and tried to get out of this side of the town. Someone touched her shoulder so she turned around, to a gun pointed at her head. Multiple other men came up and circled around them. Dick got into a defensive stance and instantly started to attack them.

"One move and you're dead." the man told her, as he watched Dick fight off the other men. She slowly back up, and he smirked "I warned you." her eyes widened, she wanted to run, but she didn't want to leave Dick alone. All of a sudden a loud noise went out, but she felt nothing, she opened her eyes and saw her dad, laying on the floor. Looking up and seeing fear on the mans face. He didn't want to kill anyone. He backed up and ran, the other people following him.

Zatanna felt as if everything stopped, the only things she heard was Dick, whispering in her ear that everything was going to be okay, as tears ran down her face and her shoulders shook. She was on her knees, hugging her dad and screaming his name. Shaking him as if it would make him come back to life. Dick tried to urge her to just walk away, look away from the sight at hand, but she refused.

Nonetheless he kept hugging her and rubbing circles on her back, trying to calm her. She started to let out hiccups and the tears just wouldn't stop. Dick could hear the sirens moments later, paramedics went to pick up the body and put a blanket over it. Dick held the teen back, and she tried to fight and get out of his grip, screaming threats to them.

Most the other chapters will be out soon! Mainly because I already have 14 finished and published on my FF.Net page. I might combine a few though!

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