Chapter 16

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Artemis stood next to the bed, and Wally looked up at his family members and girlfriend. "I'm good." He said, a smile on his face, he tried to laugh but cringed within doing so.

"He has a few cracked ribs and a dislocated shoulder, it should take 12 to 16 weeks to heal." They all turned to see the doctor, a clipboard in his hand.

"Other than that he has quite a few cuts from the glass being broken, as well as bruises, but the cuts arent deep enough to need stitches." They all nodded, and the doctor stated he would leave them be, before walking off.

"You scared us, kid." Barry said a hand on Wallys shoulder. Artemis took a seat before grabbing Wallys hand and rubbing the back of it with her thumb, in a comforting gesture.

"Awe, you do care." Wally commented, and Artemis rolled her eyes, but couldnt help but smile. " Just worried about you is all." She muttered, worry masking her smile.

"We were all worried about you, honey." Mary said, kissing the top of his forehead. "Dont scare us like that again." Iris practically commanded, and Wally just shrugged.

"No promises." Artemis very lightly smacked him with the back of her hand. "Dont say that." She laughed, and he just yawned before smiling once more.


"He has a minor concussion and multiple broken ribs. A few stitches due to cuts on his arm and many bruises on his torso." Bruce nodded and sighed.

"He fell unconscious during the crash, nearly went into a coma, hes very lucky." Zatanna's breath hitched at the thought. Bruce's lips thinned and he looked down. "Thank you, Doctor." The man just nodded before making his way out.

"You doing okay?" Zatanna inquired, sitting down next to Dick, she knew it was a stupid question, he was in a car crash!

"Just peachy, actually." He joked, as if he were desperate to lighten up the mood in the room, but it didnt work. "You should be coming home tonight-Wally is going to have to stay, though." Bruce informed, it was clear that he was anxious and worried about Dick, he just didnt want to show it in front of Zatanna.

"He had worse?" The raven-haired girl questioned and Bruce nodded in response, "Dislocated shoulder is really all. They just want to keep him in for some more x-rays." She hummed before sighing.

"They know who did it?" Bruce nodded and looked down. "I have my best lawyer on them." He got tense, that was probably why he was checking his phone constantly.


Dylan stared at his parents in disbelief. "You're kicking me out?" He asked, his mouth gaping.  He knew his parents were religious, but this religious?

"Either you live by our rules, or you dont live here at all." He was still in pure shock. He just slowly backed up, and went to his room. Shoving clothes into his school bag.

"Theres no amount of prayers that can save me, I've tried already." He muttered and slung the full bag over his shoulder. They stared at him as if he were a complete stranger.

"This is why I never wanted you two to find out, it was only ever really the two of you." Dylan pushed passed them and slammed the door. They were still silent. They had just kicked out their only child, and had felt no remorse.

He got into his car and drove off. Where? What was he planning on doing? Was he just going to sleep in his car until he could buy a house? The answer to the latter is; yes.

As long as he could he would sleep in this car. No one had to know. He already had a job, all he needed to do was save up and wait until he turned 18. Easy enough right?

Nope, he couldn't even think straight. He was no longer welcomed into his own home. All because he liked the same gender.

Sorry it was short! PLEASE vote!! And comment! They keep me going! Also I wrote most of this at 1 AM (which is what time it is for me now) so sorry if there are any major spelling errors, I'll probably fix them in the morning if I can!

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