Chapter 15

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Artemis had her eyes tightly closed and hands stuffed in her pockets as she made her way back to Ollie's. Zatanna talked her into trying to make up with Jade-if she was even there anymore.

Once she got to the house, she silently stood there, staring at it and mentally preparing herself for what might happen. When she started walking to the door her phone buzzed. It wasnt a saved number, curiously-or maybe it was an excuse to stall-she answered.

"This is Artemis Crock, correct?" The woman on the next line quickly asked. Artemis was a bit taken aback, but confirmed it nonetheless. "You're in Wallace's emergency contacts."

She felt her heart dropped, the worry on the voice of the woman didnt help her growing worry. "What happened?" She soon asked, taking a deep breath. "You need to get to the hospital, he was in a crash."

The woman hung up, and Artemis was frozen for a moment. Her mouth was dry. She felt like the world was crumbling around her. Shaking her head, the blonde darted to the garage, grabbing a helmet and throwing on her dark green and black jacket, which matched the motorcycle that Ollie got her weeks ago.

Speeding off, breaking as many road laws that she could get away with. So many things raced through her mind. Mainly: is Wally okay?


Artemis tapped her foot impatiently as she waited in the long line. Her stomach was turning and she was shaking. Some people gave her odd looks.

"What are you here for?" She quickly turned and raised an eyebrow at the boy with a hopeful smile. "My boyfriend." His eyes widened for a moment and he nodded. "Point taken, what happened?" She really didn't want to talk about this to a stranger-but nonetheless sighed and answered his question.

"Car crash." He half stepped forward in response. "I think I saw them rush him in here earlier apparently the car rolled down a hill-almost fell into the ocean." He soon found out that his statement was worrying her even more.

"There were two of them, but the person who crashed them went in later-they dont have as many injuries." Someone else spoke, grabbing the boys shoulder and pulling him away, seeing how uncomfortable Artemis was.

Her eyes widened once more and she took out her phone. "I need to call Zee." She muttered, dialing her friends number.

Meanwhile...Zatanna paused her show when her phone rang. It was Artemis, they just talked less than an hour ago, what was going on?

"Hey Arty, it's getting late I dont think-" she was cut off quickly. "Dick and Wally got in a crash." Her voice was shaky and Zatanna felt her face drop. "No." She murmured.

She hung up and raced down the steps, grabbing a jacket and flying out the front door. Jumping into the car and driving away-ignoring her moms and Steve's questions as she drove off.

Upon getting into the building, she saw Artemis talking to a woman at the desk and ran up to her. "Are they okay? Where are they?!" Zatanna flew her arms around the blonde.

"Room B-01 is where Dick is, and Wallys in B-03." Artemis spoke, her voice cracking. The top of them made their way to the elevator, Zatanna clinging onto her.

"W-We can't go in until they wake up." Zatanna nodded, hugging herself. Once they got there, they saw an impatient Bruce Wayne, next to Barry and Iris Allen, as well as Mary West. They were all sitting down, sad looks on their faces.

Artemis looked like she was about to vomit, and Zatanna like she would cry any moment now. Bruce was in a nice suit, giving them the impression that he had left work early, that and his phone-now on silent-kept buzzing.

Nearly three hours went by, no one spoke everyone just gave each other worried or sad looks. Then, a doctor stepped out of Wallys room, and into Dicks.

This relieved them slightly, that Wally should be okay. It didnt take long until the doctor then stepped out of Dicks room and went up to the group of worried people.

"You can see them, they're awake."

Did you guys see what I did with the room numbers?¿

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