Chapter 20

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"Suspended?" Ollie asked, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Its so stupid! They let Linda, May, and Stacy get to call people down to be 'witnesses' but not us! They wouldnt check the cameras either!" Dinah raised an eyebrow.

"They have fake cameras to scare the kids." She said with a scoff, waving her hand dismissively. Artemis furrowed her brows and nodded. "It doesnt matter, you were suspended for what, exactly?"

"Being violent." She said and Ollie hummed in response. "What did those other three girls get?" He then asked, and Artemis let out a small laugh. "Nothing." Oliver's eyes slightly widened and he sighed.

"That's just...unfair." the blond man said, shaking his head. Dinah let out a sigh and stood up. "Well, theres nothing you can do now. I mean, they cant really do anything to you outside of school." She said with a sly smile and Artemis raised her eyebrow.


"Suspended?!" Zatanna shook her head. "Its not my fault! The whole situation was unfair!" She desperately tried to explain. Sindella scoffed and pointed to the stairs. "Your room, now." Zatanna bit her lip to stop herself from complaining and she turned on her heel, making her way up the stairs.

She pulled her phone and checked the group chat. Wallys parents were mad, but Dick and Artemis seemed to be fine. Conner was never really paid attention to, and M'ganns Uncle was barely ever home.


Conner sat on the couch, turning his phone off and putting it in his pocket. Clark Kent walked in, his father. He set his stuff down and walked straight to the kitchen. Conner got up and walked over to Clark who didnt even bat an eye.

"I was suspended today." He confessed and Clark hummed. "What'd you do?" Conner put a hand on the back of his neck. "Nothing really. It's totally unfair actually." Clark sighed and took a bite of his sandwich.

"Just don't do it again." He said and pushed past his son, walking to his room. Conner sighed, he only recently came into Clark's life, it was a complicated situation. Conner had a mostly absent mother, and when she died Conner was thrown into Clark's arms, who didnt even know he had a kid in the first place.

Lois walked in soon after Clark and smiled at Conner. "Hey, how was your day?" She took the whole situation a whole lot better than Clark ever did. "I was suspended." Lois raised an eyebrow and put a hand on her hip, telling him to go on.

"Well these three girls wont shut up about us, always trying to start drama." He explained, kneeling down as his oversized dog, Wolf came up. Conner brought him over when his mom died and the two have always been inseparable.

"I called them out on it and they started...saying things. Zatanna and Artemis got mad but no one fought. Mr. T came in and he called us all down." Lois seemed confused, he didnt exactly do anything wrong.

"The three girls got to call down people and everyone lied, so now weve all been suspended for being 'violent'." Lois sighed and shrugged.

"Just ignore them." She said, and Conner shook his head. "I've tried, we all have but they-theyre unbelievable." Lois gave him a small nod and Clark walked back into the room, smiling at his wife.

Lois looked a bit nervous when she saw him, Conner could tell that she was hiding something. Lois looked around the room and bit her bottom lip.

"Clark, Conner," she began and the two of them looked up, they had the same expression across their faces, confusion and intrigued, this is one of those moments that she noticed how similar the two look.

"I'm-we're pregnant." She gestures to her and Clark. Conner stood up and smiled, giving Lois a small hug. Clark looked shocked and he bent over, putting a hand on his wife's stomach.

Conner furrowed his brows at the situation. "Hey there, I'm your dad." Clark said with a laugh, and Conner could feel anger building up inside of him. Hes already given this unborn baby more attention than he ever has his own son.

"I'm going to take Wolf for a walk." Conner stated, anger evident in his voice as he walked out, the large dog following him. Lois had a worried look across her face and she looked down at Clark, slapping his hand, he gave her a confused face and stood up.

"Look at him! You never pay any attention to him!" She stated, gesturing to the door Conner just walked out of. Clark sighed. "I dont care who his mother is or that you didnt known existed. Hes in your life now, and whether you like it or not hes your son."

Clark went to say something and Lois held her finger out to shush him. "Dont say he 'came in so suddenly' because I just told you I'm pregnant and you've given my stomach more attention than Conner in more than a year." Clark looked guilty and he stared at the door.

"Go look for him!" She gave him a small push out the door and her husband then ran out.

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