Chapter 12

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Artemis was anxious all day. She and Wally didnt share many classes. The ones they did share had very strict teachers, not allowing them to talk. All she would do was look at him, and he shared the same expression.

It wasn't until lunch, everyone was dead silent. Staring at each other, still angry at the mornings events. "She's going to do so much worse." Wally said 10 minutes into the lunch period.

Everyone looked at him, either worried, agreeing, or both. Zatanna looked down and Dick gripped her hand.

"Let her," he began, and the group looked at him, confused looks. "No matter what happens, nothing will change between us-we'll all still be friends, deal?"

It didn't take long until they all agreed to the statement, Linda could try to tear them apart all she wanted, it wouldnt happen. "What's the worst she would do?" Megan questioned Wally, the track star knew Linda best.

"Honestly? I have no idea, shes so manipulative, it scares me sometimes." He replied honestly, shrugging his shoulders. They all looked at each other once more.

Conner looked over to the lunch table Linda was at and growled, clenching the tables corner. Megan wrapped her arms around his bicep and grave him a worried look, he responded by loosening his grip and giving her a small smile.

They tried to go along with the rest of their day ignoring comments and looks. Most of the time they were unsuccessful, unfortunately for Artemis, Linda was in some of her classes, and always made comments about her, the blonde just never really payed attention to them until now.

Artemis was never usually one to stay optimistic like Wally, but she was pretty good at ignoring negative people, but Linda started to go to far, and she would definitely not stand for it.

By the end of the class, Artemis hurried to get out of there and meet up with her friends, it was the last class of the day, and she just wanted to get out of there.

Linda ran up in front of her desk, Artemis ignored her for awhile, blocking her out completely as she slung her bag over her shoulder.

"What's this?" Linda annoyingly questioned, twirling a strand of hair on her finger. Artemis raised an eyebrow at her, and Linda impatiently removed her finger from her hair and pointed to the blondes necklace.

Artemis pushed passed her and walked into the hall, Linda was having none of this. She chased after the archer, standing in front of her once again. Artemis rolled her eyes and let out a deep sigh.

Linda grabbed her necklace. "W+A, awe that's cute." She sarcastically said, and Artemis was quick to tear her hands off of the necklace.

"Jealousy isnt a good look on you." Artemis commented and Linda's brows furrowed. "I'm not jealous!" She claimed, and grabbed the necklace again, tearing it off the blonde neck. Her eyes widened, she did not just do that.

Linda was a bit too late to realize her mistake. By the time she did, Artemis punched her square in the face. Causing her to drop the necklace and double over.

Artemis grabbed the necklace and put it back on before pushing past her once more. The students that were still in the building were either recording or gaping at the scene before them.

Before Artemis could leave the building the principal stopped her, with furrowed brows. "Detention tomorrow, don't miss it." Artemis couldnt help but laugh.

"So you ignore the fact that someone tackled Wally yesterday and just give me a detention offer pinching someone?" The principal didn't answer and just handed her a detention notice before walking off.

I was going to make it longer but I wanted it to be out today! Sorry!

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