Chapter 21

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We LIVE for drama in this story

Wally grabbed Artemis' hand as they walked down the hallway. Their suspension had just ended, and summer was at the end of the week. The couple approached their four friends.

"Whatcha talking about?" Wally asked, a smile on his face. "Revenge." Megan replied, and Artemis raised her eyebrow at how forward she was.

"Well we're throwing a party, and this time we'll act faster then they can." Dick explained and Wally gave him a small nod. "Where'll it be?" He inquired and Dick went to respond but was cut off.

"Did I hear party? Itll be at my house. What time? 11 on Friday, last day of school." They all inwardly groaned at the sound of her voice Linda was holding Cameron's hand.

Zatanna just gave them a fake smile. "Cant wait." She said and Linda returned the smile before walking off with Cameron. "So are we going to ignore the fact that your exes are dating?" Conner spoke up, gesturing to the way the two went.

"Yup." Artemis answered simply. "Whatd you guys do during the suspension?" Zatanna sighed and threw her head back. "I snuck out to go on a date with Dick." She said, smiling at her boyfriend.

"Clark actually had a conversation with me." Conner said, a barely noticeable smile on his face. "Ollie got me a new motorcycle." Artemis said, pulling her phone out to show the rest of them.

(It resembles her motorcycle from the episode secrets)

Dick whistled and nodded "I cant wait to try it out." Wally smiled as he saw how excited she got over it. She nudged Wally lightly and gave him a smile when she noticed him staring at her.

The rest of the week went by fast, everyone getting impatient for the last day. The group spent their week coming up with a plan. It was solid, and they were sure it would work. They all made a pact to stick together this time, dont keep each other out of their sights.

So, when they arrived at the party, they didnt expect anything bad to happen. It was pretty cool and calm at first, they were, practically, waiting for Linda or her posse to make the first move.

"Want any punch?" Artemis asked and Wally shook his head, she shrugged and walked over to the table, getting a large cup of it. It tasted a bit weird but she shrugged it off and walked back to the group.

Wally wrapped his arm around her waist. "Is it just me or are they-"

"Acting crazier than usual? Yeah." She cut him off, taking another sip of the drink. She got no sleep last night, and was exhausted. The group all turned when they heard screaming from the backyard, they began to make their way over, it was two freshman, arguing with each other.

Then, one of them threw a punch, and the crowd of people around them yelled. "Wow that's crazy." Artemis slurred out and Wally gave her a confused look. Then it hit him like a brick.

"They spiked the punch." He said aloud and the group looked at him confused, until Dick and Megan's eyes widened. "Conner and Zatanna are getting some!" Megan said, turning around and running off to the punch, followed by Dick.

"Why're they fightin?" She slurred out and Wally couldnt help but smile at that. "I dont know, babe." He said, amusement lacing his voice. Dick and Megan came back, their significant other next to them.

It was hilarious seeing a drunk Conner, he wasnt as drunk as Zatanna, who was arguably the drunkest of the three of them. She could barely stand.

The fight kept going on and on, and everyone was so engrossed into it. "Stop!" One teen yelled out, and everyone ignored him. "Stop!" He yelled again.


A gunshot, their ears rang as everyone screamed out. The sound was deafening. "We need to leave!" Dick yelled out, but it sounded muffled, Wally and Megan just nodded as they ran out, holding their drunken partners close to them.

Dick, Megan, Zatanna, and Conner piled into the car they took and Wally got onto Artemis bike, instructing her to hold onto him tight. They saw other teens jumping the fence and scrambling away.

The sound of police sirens were heard in the distance, Wally put a helmet on himself and the blonde before revving the bike and driving off. They all went to Wayne Manor, which was the original plan.

The instant they got there they turned the news on, Artemis, Conner, and Zatanna fast asleep by now. It showed footage of many of them being taken away with cuffs for interviews, many of them drunken and asleep on the floor.

They were just glad they got out of there on time, it couldve been them. It was, though, a bit of a relief to see Linda and them in cuffs, scared for their lives.

Dick looked at the time and yawned, when he looked around he saw everyone else asleep on the couch. He stood up, stretching and walking to Zatanna, he lied next to her, wrapping his arms out her.

For the first time in what seemed like the entire year, his mind was clear, he was comfortable and he felt safe. Lile he could relax. Everything was okay, the only thoughts in his mind was the inevitable future that was ahead of them.

On that note, I think it's a good time to end the story! I might make a part two, but who knows. I surely dont.

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