Chapter 11

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Wally tightly held Artemis' hand as they walked down the schools hallway. School had just ended, but the two were in no hurry to race out. Artemis was still a bit shaken about what happened the last few days.

As they walked down, Wally felt something tap his shoulder, he turned his head, and Artemis soon followed the action, and the couple turned to face this woman.

"Linda?" Artemis inquired, with a hint of disgust in her voice. Linds raised an eyebrow at the blonde, before shaking her head. "So, this is the rebound?"

Wally couldn't help but laugh at her, and then shook his head. "Just about everything but that, actually." he replied. Artemis promptly turned around, tugging Wally with her at first.

Linda put and hand on her hip before shaking her head and pulling out her phone, her fingers going across the keyboard quickly, and a smile on her face. 'Do it' she sent the text, it was going to be a crazy next few days.

Wally and Artemis walked outside, their friends talking to each other, and waiting for the couple. Dick waved to the redhead, and Wally returned the gesture.

Someones phone went off, and Wally looked over to them, it was a large football player. "Do it?" he muttered, and one of the other players hit him in the back of the head. "The plan you idiot."

Wally decided to ignore them, and once they got to their group of friends Artemis let go of his hand and hugged Zatanna and Megan.

Suddenly, Wally felt his head hit the ground. He looked up to see said large football player. "What the hell?!" he yelled at him, and the player pushed down on the redheads shoulders. Wally struggled to get out of the large teens grip.

Though, before he knew it, Connor tackled the teen off Wally, and Conner being stronger than everyone else in the school, easily pushed him down.

Wally stood up and dusted himself off, but he heard more footsteps toward him, the rest of the football team. What was going on?

Zatanna walked up to them and gave them all a glare. "Whats going on here?" she demanded, and the football team just looked at each other.

Conner still had him pinned down, Artemis was practically being held back by Dick, and Megan was next to Conner, trying to get him off the teenager.

Once she finally got Conner off of him, the large football player retreated back to his team, Artemis giving him a death glare. "Whats going on?!" Zatanna demanded once more, Dick finally let go of Artemis, who was now standing next to Zatanna.

They didn't answer, what were they supposed to say? One of the football players, the quarter back actually, Brady, took his phone out after ot beeped once more.

He looked back to his team and nodded. One of them charged toward Zatanna, but Artemis had leaped in front of her and punched the teen in the stomach, causing him to bend down in pain, clutching his abdomen.

Another one of them went to Dick, who, easily blocked the charge, and was met with an unimpressed Conner. If it werent for Megan, he would be a goner.

The principal walked out, demanding what the problem was. Once again, the team didnt answer. He pinched his nose and sighed. "Get out of here! All of you! Before I write you up!" the two groups scrambled in different directions.

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