Chapter 6

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No kissing." Dylan spoke, a finger on his chin. "Yeah, no duh." Zatanna responded with a sigh. "Hugging and holding hands?" he questioned, and she stayed silent for a moment.

She nodded, and pulled her shirt down and groaned. The wind was a bit strong today. Zipping up her black jacket, she loomed at her watch.

"Hes going to figure out we're not a couple." Dylan said, his face reddening. "Dylan, it'll be fine, in a few months you'll come out and you'll be accepted, and everything will be fine." Dylan sighed and shook his head.

"A few months?" his voice broke, Zatannas lips thinned and she moved closer to him, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Take all the time you need." she smiled warmly at him.

"Time to go." she muttered once her phone rang. She knew it was her mother. Dylan waved her goodbye as she made her way to her house.

The next day...Artemis walked down the hall, Wally next to her, the two of them holding hands. It felt so good to do that. Murmurs went around, which Artemis never really got, but she didn't mind.

Megan smiled and ran up to them "You two are so cute!" she happily said, ans Wally grinned. Conner had a small smile on his face seeing how excited Megan had gotten. The four of them continued to talk and walk down the hall.

"Maybe Dick and Zee will get together since-" Megan got cut off by her own sharp gasp she let out when they turned the corner.

Earlier...Zatanna and Dylan walked down the hall together, not holding hands, but close enough so people could tell they were together.

"How long do you think they'll believe this?" Dylan asked quietly. "Long enough." she muttered in response. As much as she wanted to help Dylan, for he was a great guy, she didn't want to hurt Dick.

She had feelings for the teen, and though his relationship with May had makde their friendship pretty awkward, she cherished every moment she had with him.

Dylan stopped suddenly, which caused Zatanna to do so also, she was snapped out of her thoughts and she saw Tyler in front of her.

Tyler wasn't as scrawny as Dylan, he had some muscle, not noticeable unless he wore a tight-fitting shirt though. "You really had her fake being your girlfriend?" he asked, Zatannas brows furrowed.

Tyler, was a straight-A student, so it honestly didn't surprise her that he made this assumption (which was correct) but the fact that he would accuse them of it face-to-face?

"I don't know what your talking about." the raven-haired girl spoke calmly, while Dylan looked as if he were on the verge of a panic attack. Tyler noticed this an smirked.

The blonde teen, moved close to Zatanna. "Prove it." he said, with a shit-eating grin. Zatannas brow rose, as if she was unimpressed, but so many things were going through her head.

Then, she grabbed Dylan's hand and pulled him to her, smashing their lips onto one another.

"Maybe Dick and Zee will get together since-" a gasp was heard soon after and Zatanna panically pulled back, she looked at the scene before her.

Tyler was gaping, Dylan was blushing furiously, yet he had a bit of an angry gleam in his eye. Her four friends had surprised, and confused looks on their faces.

"Whats going on?" she tensed and turned around. Dick had a smile on his face, but upon seeing everyones expressions, he looked confused.

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