Chapter 19

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As they walked through the halls that week, they either got glares or were completely ignored. Which they didnt exactly mind. Some people, though, could tell that they were in the right.

"Linda...shes planning something. I overheard it from the bathroom." A freshman warned, and looked around her. "You didnt hear it from me, though." The group nodded "We wont tell anyone, thank you." Megan said gratefully.

The freshman nodded and ran off. Then, Linda and her posse came into the cafeteria, whispering to each other. Laughing and gesturing nonchalantly to their table.

Conner, who was completely done with this nonsense, stood up and walked over to them. "If you have anything to say, say it to our faces." He growled and Linda raised an eyebrow.

May stepped up, and put a hand on Conners chest. "We were talking about the daddy problems table over there." The rest of the group laughed and Conner furrowed his brows.

"I mean-everyone there either had a dead dad or an abusive one. Or...I'm sorry Conner I forgot, one who completely ignores their existence." May added and Conner tensed up and Megan quickly ran up and put a hand on her boyfriends shoulder, gently pulling him back.

"What? Did she hurt your feelings?" Another girl, Stacy spoke up. Artemis scoffed and stood up, Wally quickly grabbed her wrist. "Maybe if you got your heads out of your asses then you would have some common decency for once in your pathetic lives!" Artemis stated, Wally now standing up trying to keep her back.

Linda walked up to the blonde, an amused smirk across her face. "You-"

"Shut the fuck up." Artemis stated and Linda smiled. "Why? If I dont will your dad beat you?" Artemis' eyes widened and Wallys grip tightened on her. "They want you to react." Wally stated.

Zatanna stood up and went in front of Linda and Artemis. "Dont make me hurt you again." Dick didnt do anything to stop her at the moment. Linda scoffed.

"Please, I wish your dad taught you how to punch harder before he died." May spoke up, and Linda side stepped, Zatanna sprinted at the girl and Dick quickly got her. "Dont." He stated

"I dont care about the punishments, I want to punch her face in." The principal walked in angrily. "What's going on?!" He demanded, Wally and Dick let go of their girlfriends and everyone faced the man innocently.

"They threatened us." Stacy said, pointing to Conner and the rest of them. Wally laughed. "Seriously?" He asked, and gestured to the cameras. "Check the cameras!" The redhead stated and the principal glared his eyes. "Linda, May, and Stacy down to my office." He started before facing the others.

"And all of you." He commanded, gesturing to Wally, Dick, Conner, Megan, Artemis and Zatanna.

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