Someone's Forever

By NeelamMenghani

594K 27.9K 6.3K

*Long Listed for Wattys 2018* E-Awards 2017 Winner *Best Hooked Story * *COMPLETED* Life, love, hate and b... More

Someone's Forever
1. Goodbye Normal, Hello Miracle
2. Let The Mystery Begins
3. Past, Present and Future
4. A Vow to Protect
5. Questions, Confusions and Amusements
6. Test of Patience
7. Deal that sealed Our Destiny
8. Consequences of Negligence
9. A Night of Dilemma
10. Faith and Myth
11. Enlightening Darkness
12. Breeze of Change
13. His Pain, His Relief
14. Old Pain, New Wounds
15. Shock One After the Other
16. Morning Mayhem
17. Stepping in the Arena
18. Calling out the Soul
19. Chaotic Afternoon
20. Just a Glimpse
21. An Evening Maze
22. A Little Further
23. A Spark in the Dark
24. And He Found Her
25. Conflicting Deception
26. Do Not Speak
27. Ancient Legends
28. Arrival of the Grey Sky
29. Closer to Appraisal
30. Meeting Mr. Mycroft
31. To Save the King
32. Check'Mate'
33. Defiance in Acceptance
34. Losing Her Chance
35. A Call from 'Treasure of Heart'
36. A Walk Unexpected
37. A Meet to Remember
38. Curve of Guidance
39. Conceptual Claws
40. Instinctive Step
41. Healing Wound
42. Webbing Deep
43. Reiterating History
44. Turned Table
45. Expectations Unexpected
46. You are Not Alone
47. Assurance from Guardian
48. Reaching the Surface
49. 'V' for A V
50. Lost and Found
51. 'Queen of Hearts'
52. Marvelous Majestic Meet
53. Old Rust but Gold
54. The Will of Time
55. Two Purposes, One Arrow
56. Apart from You
57. Mystery and Miracle
58. A Celebration so Special
59. Hide and Steal
60. You and Us
61. The Night Falls
62. Trust is Essential
63. Tussle to Throne
64. A Word with Divergent
The Slave
65. Your Answer awaits You
66. Privilege of Acceptance
67. Two Names in One Breath
68. Fire: A Lethal Game
69. Peace and Storm
70. Sweat in Smirk
71. The Mate Bond
72. Shield Defends, Sword Attacks
73. Heard Unsaid
74. Rational Rage
75. BitterSweet Sky
76. Defeated Victory
77. Knows More than Told
78. Desperate Diversion
79. Fragile Trust
80. Gust of Rush
81. Howling Heart, Quiet Eyes
82. Damsel in Despair
83.1 Dark of Light: Alicia
83.2 The Rising Dawn: Alicia
83.3 Balance of Nature: Alicia
84.1 The Preface of Pain
84.2 This Finally Concludes
85.2 Is Pain an end?
86.1 Always Behind of You
86.2 Behind the Maze
87.1 Sealed Secret
87.2 A Fate Sealed
88. The Rise of New Dawn
89. Closer and Far Away
Whispers of Forever
Someone's Forever
Sacrifices of Sapphire

85.1 Sparks & Pains

2.8K 184 45
By NeelamMenghani

Happy Forever Friday!


To be smiling, to be glad

For the yesterdays we've had;

To be grateful all the way

For the beauties of today;

To be hopeful and to see

In the days that are to be,

Bigger, better, broader things,

Robes of purple, crowns of kings!

Excerpt from THE CREED

— James W. Foley, The Verses of James W. Foley, Book of Life and Laughter



The night has been quiet,

Snow falls like bliss in dark,

Through the foggy glass, the mist appears,

The touch of cold on my warm skin tinkles,

And I smile; it feels same as your warm breath;

Once fell and forever remains!

The quiet night whispers the lullaby in my ears, as wind caress my skin, the lost tendrils stir then dance as the wind from outside sways in rhythm. A sigh releases itself from my lips as the sensation of cold makes effect and I lean my chin further in my arms, sighing against the open window.

Emotions can be astonishing sometimes, from a small stir of situation; one can never comprehend what and where can pull one's string.

The reason for which destiny brought me here has finally concluded, the final stroke of victory, I could make after a long astounding period, after a series of flabbergasting events which I never once thought would ever existed or can occur, I lived before finally its time I can call myself freed.

But then why this freedom doesn't taste sweet, doesn't smell nice?

Since we left from the hall after taking away that girl, I can't bring a moment of relief and peace for me. The whole evening I tried—forced myself to relief but failed.

Either it was the biting of my own unease conscious or the chaotic turmoil of my own mind, I couldn't find relief. With passing evening, I failed to bring myself to peace, now the quiet serene night failed to bring peace to me.

From one thought to another, thoughts keep clouding me incessantly, only the moments I spend talking with Kavya on call, seems calm. The buddy of mine knows how to shift and blast my mind through her revelations, she can find out when my heart is sour.

My trail of thoughts avert with Kavya's call, strangely I came to know now that she has also been aware of whole mess, and was helping Prince. The hesitation of her tone somewhere alerted me, but my friend knows how to shift my mind. Kavya mentioned about a different world, and I almost choke into my coughs.

Receiving a call from Kavya put away my confusions a Little.

The call made me realize, my friend has more knowledge of World than I ever had, she has gained more of overall insight in world than I had ever been interested in.

Suddenly the whole bundle of emotions that I had been trying to control busted, my confusion, that dilemma, the overwhelming burden, the vague mist and it turned into anger.

And I straightened before heading out.

Taking off from the reality I choose to walk ahead in fantasy.

The misty fog of night welcomed me like one of their own, perhaps nature too knows I'll be a vague memory in free days, when I'll say goodbye. A vague mist of memory which will fade away sooner than the fall of midnight.

As the light-less night soaks me into darkness, I look back, the warm place I have become habitual to call home, the light surrounding the place making the darkness step back away, far away.

A bubble of emotions bust into my chest, and I turn away, then walking ahead to the way of road, the quiet concrete road gives away nothing but looming chills of creep.

Then I walk ahead, finding the outskirts of woods greeting me in silent smile, standing between the invisible boundaries of posh civilized land and untamed majestic wild kingdom, I took a moment to debate where I belong.

Where I'm being taught to learn life, or where my heart belongs?

A sob knock into my throat, the piled up emotions that I didn't knew existed, were threatening to spill. I can't let it because this will just weaken me, my resolves to return back to my home, my place where I belong.

However the place seems like my own, however the people here welcome me with warm arms, however the mist and wind look like they know and adore me, the sinking reality is I am not from here, I don't belong here.

"Again lost in ruins?"

All the musing breaks, all thoughts vanished, my heartbeats thunders in chest as I gasp and sprint to face the invader of my moment, the quiet daunting whispers of fear peeks from somewhere.

"Ace—!" my own voice sounds foreign; the air doesn't seem nice, the atmosphere doesn't have peace, and my heart races.

The wind around thicken in command as his confident strides moves closer to me, the night may be moonless but offers sufficient light to cast over his handsome features, his smirk brighter in soft light.

He smirks softly, and his features become more attractive, crossing his arms in front, he enjoys mirth at my state.

Slowly it settles down, and I find the thundering of my chest subsides. I could bring myself to smile at the man.

"Hi! You here?"

"The question arises, you here?" I find myself biting into my inner lip; my inner smartness has been sleeping in coma since a long back.

"Ah Um! Yes, I—" I struggle through words, glancing around didn't help.

"You aren't afraid?" my wandering gaze stills then focuses on the pile of dry leaves beside the road, the imperfection makes a beautiful master of scenery.

"I wasn't going to go deeper in woods, it's near home." I gesture toward the illuminating home to my right, across the road.

"Of me." He clarifies quietly.

It made me turn back to his quiet yet dark expressions. Frown lines crinkle on my forehead before they fade in light of stricken knowledge.

He is talking about that night, night of revelation!

And immediately I find my head move, shaking in denial that sure brought surprised confusion to him.

"No. Why would I be?" I squeal out but instantly chided myself mentally, he must be guilty and my words must have stroked that shame.

But Ace surprises me when his lips crinkle from side, his presence possesses the air, I can feel it. "I had almost bit you. My outburst had been violent."

Bouncing my weight from one foot to another, I avert my gaze from his serious face to the shadows of looming trees, in daylight they are so bright but now they are offering nothing but murk they hold in this darkness, a spark of gloom ignites in me, then blows off when I steal a glance of starless sky above us.

Everywhere is dark, what else one can expect!

"Your fury was legit—genuine," I said softly, then avert my eyes to him, "It was for the sake of friend who was hurt and I was the reason. You did what was expected by you as a friend, I might have done the same for my friend. It's quite human; we act out of natural for people we treasure."

"But I—we aren't human. We can't act like human." His gaze digs hole in land beneath us, his tone dark. An instant smile I find crawling on my lips, and I paid no heed to conceal it.

"You surely aren't. But your heart is warm and comforting more like humans, and you didn't bit me, you didn't harm me, I understand your outburst, I understand your motive. It should I, who is grateful, I could overcome my vague fury, and see the other side of coin."

I move forward, closer to his sagged shoulders. His features sparkle under the moonless night, and I feel the person he is destined to, will be blessed and frustrated at the same time to keep him off the envious eyes.

"I hold no grudge for you Ace; I hope I could ask you for the same. I apologize for hurting your friend; twice," my insides wince at reminder, "I'm sorry."

"Instead of apology, can I ask something?"

His dark orbs stir, blending the shade of scarlet into brown and breath hitch in my throat.

Despite the crawling anxiety, I nod.

"Don't hurt him again, Gideon is a king, but that doesn't stopped thorns from wounding him. Instead try to heal him."

How can I heal him, when every time I end up tearing one or other of his old wounds...!

Lost in thoughts, I could alert awake by Ace's next words.

"A fair advice Niera, believe in you, you are special, accept it!"


"Your eyes are swollen," From the melted butter of toast, I raise my gaze at my brother, who seems staring at my swollen face from a long time. A sigh escape my lips and I lean further into the chair. The absence of our other family members makes a sudden knot of realization.

"You haven't slept all night." He makes another statement, and this time I find myself lowering my gaze, not willing to meet his warm ones. The bile of emotion threatens to lose, and it takes me so much to not spill it and break hearts of people I love.

I shake my head softly at Jerry's query, although we both knew it wasn't necessary. He must have known of my night walk, and from my constant night walk all around the home last night, bless his super powers.

"You seem unwell, would you like to visit Dr. Baron?" he offers, and another sigh escape my lips.

"Are you in love?" that almost took my breath away as I snap my gaze at my brother in pure horror.

"What?" I shriek and he cringes, his ears amplify any sound, sure my horrific cry made a deafening effect.

"When people fall in love, they sigh all night sleepless."

"Shut up!" I growl, making face. The next instance, Jerry's warm hand finds my cold one on table, he gives a light pat and I tilt my head to face him.

"There is something bothering you. You can always share, Niera." Despite the emotional turmoil inside I afford a smile to crawl over my lips. Opting for partial truth, I went to share my worry.

"This whole fiasco which brought me here has ended." I initiate and Jerry quietly sits listening.

"But I don't know why it doesn't settle nicely to me."

"What does it mean?" he speaks up and I give a soft push to the plate in front of me, appetite for food, has been lost to me.

I sink further into my chair, almost on verge of sprawling, "Jerry, this whole deal is off, I have saved my company, and this is almost over for me—us."

"But then, I feel something is wrong. I tried a lot but I can't seem to shake off this feeling."

I straighten, leaning forward, I grasp into my brother's hand.

"When I should be at ease, I feel there is a burden on me, which is amplifying with passing moment, my chest constricts thinking about this again and again. It's overwhelming and somehow suffocating me. I don't feel free but the constant feel of being caged is daunting, and it's mentally suffocating me."

I lose my grip on his palm when I realize I'm squeezing it with pressure, though Jerry didn't once flinch.

"Does it relate to your leaving this place?"

That one question almost blew me off, mentally, emotionally.


The golden rays from sky look like a flow of gold rolling down to land and drench us in glow. The chirping air around holds a fair share of warmth for us.

Inhaling a deep breath, I let the scent of surroundings in and calm me, perhaps what I'm unable to do, this scent from the place can do. Hoping for it, I drew another one.

The gigantic edifice bathed in golden shine, as I raise my gaze to the majestic A V, on its crown, the thought, that it may be last glance sours my heart. Yet I chose to smile, a smile belies the eccentric internal sourness of mine.

On my first visit, in spite of being an outlandish, the place never once let me feel like an outsider, it welcomed me warmly, now departing; is harder because now I've come to believe it's where I want to be.

With a resigned sigh, I shift my gaze from shining A V to my surroundings, the enormous ground of lawn has been my favorite spot to look at, in addition to the stupefying incident that could turn tragic for me.

The curves on my lips stretched further, then fade when my gaze shift again, to the two figures I have come to know, two different poles that stand in opposite hemisphere of earth, one face which warms my heart in eccentric beats, another which I've come to loathe and resent in a small amount of passed period.

Gideon and Lamia!

Under the shed near the garden, which I've come to adore. Why here? Why together?

It seems like a microsecond for my deceptive smile to fade and vanish, at distance, the two wonders of world were having a discussion, smiles and sparkling eyes, like two love–rs—bitterness spread all around—friends are meeting after an age.

If one is nescient, he can take their interaction as they showcase, but not me; when Lamia speak, she spits venom, when Gideon stands, he emits command and power.

Shaking my head, I chose to leave them alone, being played by Lamia once, put Gideon in old pain and I, in despair, and don't wish for that again. She is a snake who can bite the neck of one near her.

I made my way to the entrance, but stop, stiffness gripped my shoulders, and the objective to move away vanishes.

"—For old time's sake?"

My head shoot sharply at the direction and reflex made me cringe. The two enemies stand at distance yet the faint whispers reaches here.

"Old times?" Gideon's dark snarl through his tight smile almost made him animistic, from where I stand, I find myself shrinking in sudden terror, he is not someone to be mess with. I stiffen behind the pillar, I'm sure my scent must be reaching them now.

Should I leave? I should!

And I did, tried, but another snarl from Gideon's throat barred my movement.

Am I caught?

Then a soft chuckle took my breath away then I flinch at its abrupt halt, Gideon!

My gaze dart toward their way, and I didn't bother to hide, Gideon takes a step toward the woman and a sudden bolt of heat shoots inside me, Lamia, there, stiffens but recovers with smile.

The gust of wind said it all.

He walks, deliberate steps around her, like a predator playing patiently with prey, and his mind focused on making his prey suffer, his snarls speak of vengeance.

"Thinking about old times, I regret why I didn't finish that job that day. But–"

I lost to one sharp intake of breath, as Gideon dragged the silence in agony, then he smiles. Smiles in delight, a humorless smile which showoffs his cold exteriors which can be nefarious.

Another step he takes, which brings them to face each other.

Had they any past?

Of course! But the question is, of what kind?

Questions brink through the edge of sanity, the decanter of my haywire emotions has reached to edge between their emotions, and I hold no knowledge how should I remain sane.

What if they had a past—

Shut it!

Sanity was saved from com-busting when Gideon speaks again, "I see your play isn't effective now, recently, one of your play failed terribly, shall we say, your charm is wearing off?" I can't help but scowl when his gorgeous features shone in mirth.

The woman flaunts smirk, like he doesn't just irked her.

"Oh, don't celebrate King. My charm and my games are always effective, it was just the wrong pawn, I surmise I chose." She mumbles, for a fragment of second, her gaze lost then recovers.

"I thought, she'll be a charm of luck but I see you're just stiff stone as I last saw you."


I bit into my lip, strangely feeling ay unease, who is she mentioning?

Which pawn?

"Or I might misjudged her into someone unworthy?" the raised brow and those scarlet lips, they surely had something that promise bad. The pale complexion almost looks white under faint rays of sun, is the theory of sun-rays being deadly for Vampires is myth?

But then, Gideon shakes his head, and smirks, his gaze blazes and world around him fades, fades the creepy vibes Lamia brings in her shadows.

"Lamia: half woman, half serpent."

"But look at you, a serpent in the skin of woman who wears it like a cloak to deceive the world. Inside, it's just poison." His soft glances can burn the person, it proves when Lamia flinches, but try hard to stay put and smirk. I too cringe; sure there is sharp edge of iceberg in his tone.

"I'm so honored King. Flattered. Impressive you finally have started to notice me, after just a long time you did, such a shame but I'm glad you did." Lamia bows.

"Why won't I start noticing, Lamia? After all it's just your cheap tricks and faulty traps to lure me, do you take me as a fool to not notice your filthy plans."

She gasps, deceivingly, bringing the look of hurt, then it fades in joy of delight casting on her. She scoffs.

"Filthy, such a deranged name to be associated with me, I'm not happy but coming it from you, after such a long time, I feel so pleased." A groan almost escapes me, pure disgust!

"Well how about you enjoy, see you later." She left with her evil smile.

Gideon start to turn but stills for a moment then left the other way, without a look at the intruder, eavesdropping their conversation.

Didn't they notice me, or caught my scent?

"Often I wonder, how curious you might be, when these arrangements are set around you."

My feet act as mind grasps shock, the crisp British accent resonates startling me to a level, I almost slip in process of facing him. The pristine, crisp coat putting stars of elegance, Mr. Raymond stands there flaunting his shrewd smile. Alone, for a change.

Through cringing, I sweep my gaze for Sir Gerard but found his absence.

"Doesn't it bothersome?" I frown, unable to draw meaning of spoken words and he smirks that smirk said; he is reading me right through my face.

"Lamia... She is different." I mumble. To him or self, I don't understand. The Royal Guardian raises his brow to perfect notch, thrusting his manicured palm in his pants.

"Is she? She is."

"Does she have any...connection that saves her from Alpha King's wrath?" words releasing like rains of wild storm, and I let them, hoping for some calm.

His smirks widen, before he looks down the well-maintained grass near the cobblestone pathway.

"Is she?"

"Isn't she?" I dare to retort, her creepy malicious twinkling gaze, I almost shudder in disgust.

"And what makes you claim such assumptions?"

"Her confidence, she just—she is fearless, no, she is assured, Gideon won't punish her."

She has been punished already.

Jerry's words resonate like shrilling pounding of drums. I bit my lips keeping my tongue in check.

Mr. Raymond regards me with cool gaze, assessing my squinted gaze quietly.

"Who is she? Is she related, are they related?" I asked throwing questions over questions at his calm demeanor.

Unable to hold on the biting bitterness of unknown queries, I let my curiosity speak, Lamia's behavior has always putting question on Gideon's rule.

"Who she is exactly?" I press, tilting my head, so the sun-rays don't hinder my gaze when I could find any clue through any slipped frame from the Guardian.

A resigned breath released through his lips, and the moment of anticipation breaks, "His father's sister and his aunt Lamia."

His Aunt?

A gasp escapes me, and storm breaks.

"So she is his family." Whisper escape my lips, as mind and sanity runs yet heart stands flabbergasted, but Guardian Quinn stops me, stops before any painful theory can burn my conscious, against Miracle, he saves conspiracy, he saves us both another hurt. And I am grateful, he acted quick.

"No, do not do the mistake of associating them as family. They are related yes, but she isn't his family. Not even the closest." The calm composure breaks and he acts, like saving another tragedy from happening.

My eyes widen, the pool of cold sweat almost draining me from inside.

"Neither has she deserved to be." Raymond said as he finds interest in the sparkling surroundings.

The warm sun-rays spread all around, nestling the warmth of life around, the trees swaying, surroundings blooming in delight, but this change, just by a few words changed—ruined it for me, shred my peace into pieces. I'm jostled by this revelation.

"It'll be collateral damage to associate them as family Niera which I suggest you not to make. I hope you understand." He turned to face me, probably to check the level of sincerity I held regarding the matter as well as his words.

I could only nod still bemused at his revelation and unclear circumstances.

"Why is it like this?"

In response to my query, he cast a woeful look, "Some wounds are deep Miss William, sometimes past overpowers the pain turning it into grudge."

"So it's the grudge they hold against each other?"

"No, it's the past that has the answer to your every question."

A sigh slips off my lips; yet again he succeeded to fool me through his word web.

"I don't understand." I said sincerely.

"Don't bother you'll understand with time. It won't stay hidden from you for long." He concludes.

When he turns, I find myself staring at the distance where Gideon and Lamia were sharing deceptive smiles earlier.

"No matter the royal blood ruins in your vein, no matter how many times to die and reborn, you'll eventually have to pay for what you've done."

My words halt the Guardian, and he again faced me.

"Lamia, her time will come; she needs to wait for hers'." I smile; the corner of lips of astute figure crinkles, probably at my words which might be gibberish for him, but I know, evil can rule for a long time, but its end is defeat. If not, it's not conclusion.

"I'd like to take your leave Mr. Raymond, and apologize, for being an imprudent and impulsive brat at times, in front of your mature intelligence."


And then, another smirk flaunts on Royal Guardian's face.

Was it amusing?


Although it hurts, saying goodbyes are must, they save you the regrets and pains often come to visit after depart.

Smiling at my resolve, I let out a breath before plastering a bright smile on face, I walk through the main entrance of A V Inc., the shudders still escape me even when I'm well aquatinted with the sudden change. The smile fades momentarily before I press it further.

The Guardian left, leaving me muddled, after a break from reality into the garden, I await, for my mind to find focus and concentration, after all its time to wish last greetings.

The curve on my lips, stayed upright until I reach the floor which I was destined to.

The crisp air chills my skin raising goose bumps all over and I bit a shiver before raising my gaze to the majestic magnificent view of the enormous Royal floor.

Majesty's floor!

The memories since the first day cloud me, preparing the bile in my throat.

I try hard to compose myself but like yesterday, it seems a hard job, I wonder why. Yesterday, when Jerry strike the arrow on red center, I couldn't help but sit still, letting my brother whom I've come to adore and respect deeply from heart—see the fragile dilemma of heart, then nothing but smile he flaunts which almost made me smack his head into the butter bowl. Then quietly he pull me to his chest, patting my head softly he offered me comfort, "You can stay. You don't have to leave." His words stun me, deeply. However they sooth me, gave hope, but sanity hadn't been stupid to fall.

I knew I can, but I can't, that I also know.

The black mahogany doors come to view and the misty thoughts fade, bracing myself mentally I press my palm on the cool surface, then I still, awaiting for it to happen again then it does.

And I snap my head over my shoulder, finding the emblem of Princess Alicia reflecting through the mirror wall, then a feel the gust of wind greets me on face this time, and my palm slips off the door and I turn completely to face it, walking on the marble tiles, letting my heels clink through it. My gaze slips toward Mr. Black's door, finding it close.

Once I reach the Golden emblem, the sparks coming reflecting in light made me blink then I gaze at the emblem, until I feel the heaviness in the back of my head, instead of groaning I find myself grinning.

"I'm sure I might never be able to forget the fragments of this trip, you, I see will be one of them." I mumble to the emblem, hoping the words could reach the Princess who grazed me with her gracious presence.

"Forgetting seems easy." I gasp before sprinting on my feet, the heels jerk before I find the face of the voice standing behind me, hand shoved into pants pocket, a quiet serene look and warm pools of blue gleaming in the bright artificial light during daytime.

Gideon's face took away my breath.


The air swivels, electrifying between us, life the times we shared our secrets, warmth, affection, eccentricity, compassion and turmoil of soul, this moment holds.

"Forgetting is easy for you. Memories, people will fade soon." I find myself frowning at his quiet yet strong mumble, instantly my feet reduce the distance, even if one step. The blue for the first time burning there.

I shake my head; lick my lip, "Memories are treasure, one never wishes to loss. For me, this place is that treasure, I might never let any face fade away."

His intense gaze slips, from my face moves to the emblem or wall apparently.

"And," he draws his gaze back at me, "I'm leaving my family here, people I love and come to adore deeply, friends and well wishers, I—I'll look back often while moving forward."

A soft gust of wind touched me, like quietly consoling me, and mine along with Gideon's eyes shift then we reduce the gape.

This is not easy, all my calculations and theories are waste, this is not simple. Saying goodbyes is almost tearing a part of me.

Choking my sob, I bit my groan and look away, the intense serenity of his eyes making my resolves weak.

"Will you come back?" a bubble of hope blossoms in my chest and breaks slitting my chest with pain, the tone of an Alpha, I never thought could be so fragile.

Instead I raise my gaze, raising brow, grinning, "Am I allowed to visit?"

Neither he smiles nor does he answer, but its fine, his silence without words I tend to understand, always.

"In your huge world, I've made my small part. It'll be a lie if I deny, I'll always find—" my words melt, the raw rush glistering in his orbs stunned me, isn't a hope, a hope which is hopeless, a fragile yet fake promise, a lost expectation?

It seems like my hesitation he read and understood; Gideon let out a sigh, and something changes in air, the warm touch slips away, leaving me cold and alone, even when nothing changes.

Then what changed?

"You've done a good job." The lack of gentleness in his tone somewhere pulls the strong of worry in me yet I hold on a smile.

"It's another thing, I'm thankful to you apart from being such a warm host and savior for me," I lick my parched lips.

"After the accomplishment of this deal, I find myself in new ray of confidence; I'm more stable and confident in self then before. And it's because of this misapprehension. Thank you, for putting me in a situation where I was challenged and I could find my way out even when I was strangled and tied."

A curt nod brings my elation to a stagnant point.

"Are you upset, with me?" the words reach my ears before I can think sane, I almost curse myself for being blunt.

"You are leaving." A gasp I bit down, as my soul touch the blooms of spring, Miracle!

The blue stirs blending with warm browns and my soul calms and burns at same time, and I press my unease inside. The pain and mourning jostles me breaks me from inside.

"Have a safe life."

The warm wind coils around me, he turns saying his last words leaving me alone.

He left, is that our final greetings?

Is this how this'll end?

Standing alone, beside the A V Emblem, relishing in the scents he left behind, seeking the warmth he left, I think when finally my eyes moist and a searing pain knocks in my chest.


March 29, 2019

Three years of learning for me.

Is this an end?


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, let me know what do you feel?

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