Something about the Summer ON...

By ShaggyLlove

287K 1K 147

Krisandra Webberley on the outside is your typical seventeen-year-old girl, with a loving family, a part-time... More

Something about the Summer
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15 part 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 19

5.8K 24 3
By ShaggyLlove


Last nights date went really well and I wasnt suprised when I woke up and Kirke was right next to me. He just looked too adorable. The day was going pretty good and I even had a chat with my dad. Although he may have been a shit dad when I was little hes better now, he told me that on the trip he met this woman and that they had been talking ever since. It was quite cute to see my dad smile at his phone again and not be so grumpy around me. Hopefully they work something out because right now she lives in Florida. I seen Tui today as well, the nurses said he was doing much better and that they think hes making amazing progress. I'm dragging myself to dance today because I love it and we have a competition coming up. I heard the dance is Gravity and has 4 leads which means the rest of the girls will be working on the bigger group dance. School has been quite busy as well since Tui has been in hospital. Ive had to catch up on all the classes Ive missed so I can past the year. Fitting my boyfriend in on all this is chaos as well has been difficult. Lucky hes staying at mine for the rest of the semester. I feel like I havent seen my best friend in ages, Charlie has also been catching up with school work but on weekends she likes to go to clubs at night. I was unsure at first but when she told me our group of friends were going with her I let her go. Its not that I didnt want to go to the clubs, yeah theyre fun but I have so much accessments that need to be completed. Plus if I stay in then Kirke and I have some time to ourselves as well. He's amazing and I love him very much but this whole idea of him going to NYU at the end of the year was scaring me. In my eyes I had two options, end everything now so I have no opportunity of getting hurt when he leaves or stay with him and cherish the time we have left before he leaves for college. I actually have no idea what Im going to do because I want him to go to NYU because I know hes been dreaming about it for years and I dont want him to miss out on that because of me. 

"What you thinking about?" Kirke asked grabbing my hand as I looked up from where my head was placed on his chest. 

"I think you should go to NYU" I whispered only looking at his hand, I dont think I wouldve said that if I was looking in his eyes. We stayed silent for a while before he flipped me over so I was looking him in the eyes. 

"Do you really mean that?" He asked me while forcing me to look him in the eyes. I hesitated for a while before replying.

"I really do, its a great opportunity for you" It took a while for him to reply.

"Where does that leave us?"

"I dont know Kirke, I really have no idea" I whispered snuggling into his chest more. 

"Kris I dont want to leave you" He whispered causing tears to well up in my eyes. 

"I know" I whispered back trying to stop the tears from falling onto his shirt. This goodbye is going to harder than it will look. I must of fallen asleep on Kirkes chest because when I awoke his soft snores were coming from underneath me. I giggled watching his adorable expression when he sleeps. I pulled away slowly carefully trying not to move the bed before leaving him to sleep. Downstairs Charlie and my dad were a programme on television, I'm not sure what it was but it looked like Friends. I sighed falling onto the couch Charlie was sprawled upon. 

"Hey hunny did you have a nice sleep" Charlie laughed pushing me off her only to have me cuddled up to her again. 

"Why yes, yes I did" I giggled tickling her. 

"Kris, Laurie the women I was telling you about. Well she would like to come down here and meet you all" I nodded my head before smiling at my father. 

"Whens she coming?" He laughed at my quick response.

"Shes on a flight tonight, I'm picking her up in the morning" My eyes opened in suprise, wow that was soon. 

"Am I missing something? Does Daddy number 2 have a new woman?" Charlie asked looking between us. 

"Yes Charlie I guess I do" 

"I want the details and I want them now" 

"Where do I start?" 

"The very beginning!" Charlie was all excited now waiting to here how they desperately fell in love. 

"Well when I was on holiday with your parents we went to this really nice resort and one day I went to the bar by the pool to get drinks when the woman accidently split drinks all over me. At first I was furious but then I dont know what happened when I looked her in the eyes all of my anger disapeered. We began talking and I got to meet her sons who are nice young boys. When I got the call from Krisandra though I wanted to be home straight away but of course when I was trying to book a flight out a storm was just starting and they werent letting any flights out until it had past. I seen her again the next day and I was so tired from not sleeping and stressing about Tui that she noticed it as well. She offered me to come up to her room so I did. We talked about everything, the kids how I needed to get back home and she understood everything. She just sat there and listened until we both fell asleep. I woke up the next morning and she had organised everything to be taken care of and thats how I got home. Theres just something different about her and she really wants to meet Tui and Kris. Of course I did tell her about you Charlie and Kirke too. Shes excited to meet you all" 

"Wow Thats so romantic!" Charlie exclaimed next to me.

"She seems really nice dad" 

We all retired to our rooms after watching another episode of friends and discussing dinner plans for tomorrow. This should be interesting, it will the first woman my father has ever brang home after my mother. I'm not going to lie, this Laurie woman does sound amazing and hey my dad deserves to be happy right? It was a while before I actually fell back to sleep and when I woke up again the house was still dark but you could hear the vacuum on and music playing. I sighed before stretching and dragging myself out of bed. My dad must be really nervous because he never cleans and I mean never. It's always Tui and I who do the cleaning. 

"What time do you need to pick up Laurie?" He put the vacuum cleaner away before looking at his watch. 

"In about 3 hours" 

"That's pretty soon, need any help?" 

"I've got to leave in about an hour to get there so I would love it if you could help clean up" 

"Of course, go get ready" 

I got to work wiping down all surfaces, dusting the walls before spraying a deodorizer around the room. It took me a whole hour to clean the first story and when my father had to leave I carried on cleaning up stairs before retiring to my room to get ready. Kirke was still asleep so I lightly stood on the bed before jumping and screaming at the top of my lungs. He got such a surprise it caused his head to collide with my knee. 

"Sorry" I told him as I pressed a kiss to his cheek. 

"Mhmm. Nice wake up call" I cheekily smiled before running to the bathroom. 

When I was all clean I made my way to my dresser pulling out my purple knee length dress. It was my favourite dress, it was formal yet casual at the same time. I applied little make up before straightening my hair. It was then time to go so we can meet Laurie downstairs before  going out to eat. I went downstairs and waited next to Kirke and Charlie on the couch, I'm glad I wasn't doing this by myself. About 10 minutes later my dad and Laurie walked through the door and made there way towards the lounge. I was super nervous, Its not easy to gain my trust so I hope she doesn't push the 'mother' boundary. 

Laurie was beautiful, really. She was absolutely stunning. Her blonde hair in lush neat waves, presentable make up yet not to much. Her outfit gave off a mum vibe yet professional and caring. Before I could talk her arms were wrapped around me in a hugging embrace making me jump in surprise. 

"Its so good to finally meet you Krisandra" She pulled away keeping eye contact with me. I took a deep breath forcing a smile on my face. There's nothing wrong with her so far but I wasn't expecting such a affectionate gesture. 

"You too" I made out while remebering to breathe. She then introduced herself to Kirke and Charlie before we all decided to make our way towards the restaurant. My dad made a reservation at Valentines before so a table had been set out for us. Laurie sat next to me and  my dad while Kirke sat next to me and Charlie. 

"Krisandra whats good here?" Laurie asked me giving me her undivided attention. 

"Umm.. I guess the chicken cranberry noodle is good" I said timidly wondering why she was so interested in my opinion. 

"I will definitely give that a choice" She smiled at me before we lapsed into small talk waiting the waiter to serve our food. 

"So what do you do for a job?" Kirke asked while we all turned to her waiting for a response. 

"I am a doctor, funny you asked. I specialize in children sicknesses, from newborns to teenagers. I love working with them, Its a very hard job. Antonio told me all of you are interested in performing?"

"Well mines more of a hobbie but Krisandra and Charlie both are really involved in the arts as well as sports though." Kirke replied

"That's awesome! Yeah both are my boys are very smart but Sams more of the sport guy while Kyle just likes to stick to his school work. Unsure of what he wants to do as a career" 

"Yeah I'm kind of like that. Everything seems to be going really fast and we have to decide what we want to be while being told at the same time what we cant be. Its just really difficult."  I joined in the conversation. 

"I know exactly what you mean" Laurie replied nodding in understanding. "High school is very difficult" Our dinner arrived shortly after and everyone was silent while enjoying the good food in front of them. Laurie was the one who started up conversation again. 

"Oh my gosh Krisandra you were right! This tastes amazing" She patted my arm while turning to face me. 

"Yeah its pretty good" 

"So Kris, how would you feel if we took Laurie to see Tui?" My father asked while everyone turned silent waiting  for my response. I finished my bite before thinking about it. I guess Laurie could see Tui, I mean its not like he wouldn't want to meet her.

"Yeah I guess" I smiled slightly before returning to my food. 

"We don't have to Krisandra" Laurie told me while patting my arm slightly. 

"No he wants to meet you"

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