More than friends: A Kyungsoo...

By spicynaengmyeon

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Kyungsoo and you are meant to be more than just best friends. But life keeps playing games with you. Will you... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12.1
Chapter 12.2
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Thank you guys !
Alternative ending

Last chapter

260 10 25
By spicynaengmyeon

Birthdays: Thirty-nine

Mood: Thankful


„ Sometimes I still can't believe that he's gone.", the sixteen-year-old Nari said as she stood in front of the grave.

„ You know... I still see him in my dreams."

„ It's been five years now. I know that you're his daughter. You always will be. But you have to let him go. You can't be like this for the rest of your life.", Junsu said.

Nari looked down and cried real tears.

„ You really don't know anything. You don't know how it feels."

„ Don't you understand ? I just want you to stop hurting !"

„ I'll never completely stop hurting. Never in my life. Until I see him again."

Junsu hugged her.

"He's not dead. He's alive. Inside you. To me you'll always be his daughter." He looked up into the sky. „The daughter of King Il the second."

The curtains closed and there was lots of applause.

Kyungsoo whistled loudly.

„ That's my daughter up there !"

„ Kyungsoo, the baby's going deaf !"

You took the little girl from him and hugged her.

„ Who is this man ? I don't know him.", the little Chinhae said and turned away.

You just laughed.

You could see that Sooyun next to you was crying a little.

As soon as they had gone down from the stage, Nari kissed Junsu happily.

„ You did great, Nari. Crying real tears... I didn't know you were this good !", you said.

„That last scene was just amazing ! You were just made for the role of the Princess !",Kyungsoo said happily.

„ Well, I have your acting blood. And mum's determination." Nari answered.

„ I'm proud of you, Nari.", Sooyun said and hugged her daughter.

„ Noona, Junsu-Hyung ! Can you show me how to act when we get home ?", Chinhae asked them excitedly.

„ Of course little butter.", Junsu said and picked Chinhae up.

„Aah, you've become heavy."

Chinhae laughed.

When you got home in the evening Nari and Junsu insisted in taking Chinhae upstairs to play with him and then put him to bed.

„Thanks, you're real sweethearts.", Kyungsoo said. „But, you two." He pointed to Junsu and Nari. „Leave the door open."

„Funny, that's what I wanted to tell you and Y/N.", Nari said and grinned at him, leaving Kyungsoo a little startled.

„Yah, Do Nari !"

„Love you all, sleep tight ! Muaa !" Nari threw a kiss at the two of you and went upstairs.

Kyungsoo frowned and looked at you, and you couldn't help but laugh.

„She's becoming just as cheeky as you."

„Sorry, I can't help it."

„Not funny !"

„Come on, do we always leave the door open ?"

„We don't, and that's why we have one...two...three kids.", he said, holding the baby girl in front of you before pressing her to his chest again and giving her a kiss. „Well, though Nari was not a result of your closed door."

„Still, I did carry her inside my body. Just like our other children."

He looked at you a little confused and you laid his hand on your stomach.

„Not there..." You guided his hand upwards, right to your heart. „But here. And that's also why I know that she's smart and responsible."

Kyungsoo hung his head in frustration and you could see that he was slightly blushing.

„You mom's being cheesy again.", he said to your baby girl, his lips curling into a smile. But he knew you were right and also that he found you pretty adorable. „Let's bathe you."

„Cheesy ? Who's cheesy, hm ?", you said and clung onto his shoulders from behind as he made his way to the bathroom.

„Let go, you sticky butter ! Ah...Y/N, stop it.", he said with a smile as you placed kisses on his face. But you just laughed.

Kyungsoo and you sighed in relief since you had a lot of time to bring your baby girl to bed. You sat on the couch next to Kyungsoo who was already lying down, trying to rock her to sleep. But she looked too excited.

„ Do you want to hear a bedtime story ? I'll tell you one, okay ?"

Kyungsoo turned to you, his eyes still half open.

„ Once there were a princess and a prince. They were made for each other. But life prepared a long way for them. With lots of obstacles. The prince had a beautiful voice and the whole kingdom wanted to hear it. It was difficult for them to see each other. So they searched for love in different places, but didn't find it. They kept missing each other. You could really say that was one naive prince."

„ Excuse me ?", Kyungsoo mumbled and hugged you from behind.

You laughed.

„Go on, Love.", he said impatiently.

„ However... when they finally confessed to each other, the princess got really sick. And just when she knew she would be okay the prince had a terrible accident and was close to death. He fell in a deep sleep that lasted various months before he finally woke up. But against all odds they made it through. Because they had always been there for each other. They fell hopelessly in love. And they had you, my sweet darling."

Kyungsoo kissed your head and continued the story.

„ And they lived happily ever after. Well I mean of course they had their ups and downs and fights - I really wouldn't mess with this princess - and life doesn't always work out perfectly, but mainly..."

„Kyungsoo, you're making things up again !"

You heard the baby giggling.

„ Won't you sleep ?", he asked. „Should Mommy sing for you ?"

„ I'd rather hear you singing."

„ Fine, I'll sing something baby suitable."

„ And what ?"

He began humming a melody you knew too well.

„You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you"

He pulled you closer and it made you laugh.

„ That song ?"

„I love you baby
And if it's quite all right
I need you baby"

You joined him.

„To warm the lonely night
I love you baby
Trust me when I say..."

He laid his head on your shoulder.

„Oh pretty baby
Don't bring me down I pray
Oh pretty baby
Now that I've found you stay
And let me love you, baby
Let me love you."

You sighed contently when she was peacefully sleeping in her crib.

„ I love being a parent. But having a baby is hell of exhausting.", Kyungsoo said yawning.

„ Tell me about it."

He gave you a peck. Then he pulled you in for a longer kiss. And then an even longer one, that left you a little breathless.
He looked at you with sparkling eyes. Those eyes he only gave you when he wanted something.

„ What are you trying to do ?", you asked a little flushed.

He smiled.

„ Let's make another."

You slapped his head.

„ Yah, do you think I'm some kind of machine !"

„I'm serious. Wouldn't you like that too ?"

You saw how happy he was and you looked at the sleeping baby. And you thought about all the things that had to happen for you to arrive right at this moment. With Nari and Chinhae and Junsu right above you. And with Kyungsoo and your baby by your side.


He smiled even more and you could see his cheeks turning a little red from excitement when he turned back to the crib. You just enjoyed the peaceful silence for a few moments.

„Now ?", he asked you.

„Now what ?"

„Just say one word and we can go into production."

„Kyungsoo, I swear I'm gonna... !"

He prepared for another slap on his head, but was rewarded with a little kiss on his cheek instead.

„After Chinhae's birthday. He wants nothing more than another sibling.", you said with a little smile.

„But that's in a few weeks, Butter. We should make sure he gets his present, right ? And it's not like we're 20-year-olds. It might need a few tries.", he said and hugged you from behind, kissing the side of your face. „Hmm... you're so lovely...", he mumbled.

„Do you think that we're old, Soo ?"

„I think...", he placed a kiss on your forehead. „that we're experienced. Well, I'm experienced. Talk to me again when you're beyond 40."

He would never ever stop teasing you about being just a little younger than him. He had already done it when you had been ten, and he would still do it when you would be ninety. But you knew he didn't do it to brag about anything. He had once said to you that what he liked about your friendship was that he never had to fear you being smarter or stronger or kinder than him. Because he already knew you were anyway. He knew how you had always been protecting him. But if he had something to make you feel protected by his side, it was those five months more of life experience he had. And it indeed made you feel safe. Like everything about him made you feel nice and safe.

„One word.", you said.

He looked at you confusedly.

„Okay, you didn't get it. So time's up !"

You jogged away from him.

„Y/N, wait ! I did get it !"

He quickly picked you up and carried you through the house, making you laugh. This man. You didn't stop smiling and looking into his eyes as he slowly made his steps to the bedroom.

„God, you look so adorable from this angle.", he said to you.

„Don't you ever get tired of me, Kyungsoo ?", you asked him. First he thought of it as a joke, but his smile disappeared when he saw that you were serious.

„You know what I mean. Like some people just do."

He looked at you with an almost angry expression, and you thought that you maybe shouldn't have asked.

„Did you ever get tired of your lungs, Y/N ?"

„Of course not."

„Why ? You've been so long with them."

„That comparison is just..."

„I was not breathing before I met you, Y/N. Half breathing before I could call you mine. I'm still not breathing completely. Today I'll be needing more oxygen than yesterday. And less than tomorrow. Does that answer your question ?"

You reached out for his shoulders and hugged him, not letting go.

„Soo...", you mumbled.

You had rarely called him Jagi, or Yeobo. You liked the sound of his name. The sound of who he was. He shifted his head a little, making yours fit perfectly into the crook of his neck.

„ Y/N... There's something else I've been wanting to tell you. Something that happened a really long time ago.", Kyungsoo said.

„ Oh god, what did you do ?"

„ It's something I remembered. The last secret that I have."

„Kyungsoo, tell me !"

He just chuckled and soon you felt how he dropped you on the bed. But instead of climbing on top of you he sat down and pulled you close with your back to him.

„Come here butter. Between my legs. Are you comfortable ?"

„Mhm.", you mumbled in approval.

You listened to him as he started talking. It took some time, but at some point you turned around to face him, and he still held you.

"You're joking, right ?"


„But... I mean... - I thought the first one was at the beach."

„No, just like I said. I didn't record it anymore, but it did happen. Livingroom carpet. Beercans. I hope that's okay for you to handle."

„Kyungsoo..." You shook your head a little. „We're real idiots ! If we would just have remembered that sooner..."

„ It wouldn't have worked out. We were kids. We weren't ready. And would you really want to miss all those experiences you gained ? All those people you met ? The life that happened to you ?"

You shook your head.


Never would you want to give all that back.

„Still, you should have said something ! If you already knew how you felt back then, how could you keep it a secret from me !"

„I'm sorry, Y/N."

„You're an Idiot ! You're a reckless...."

He made you stop with a kiss.

„I'm sorry..." He stroked your hair. „Y/N. Do you want to hear my side of the story ? I'll tell you if you want to. I'll tell you that I was in love with my best friend since I was a kid and could never confess because I was afraid of losing her. Only after she reached her dream of becoming a famous artist. Because it would be okay if she said no. Because she would be happy anyway."

„I would never be happy without you."

„Don't worry. I'll always be there, Y/N. We're still best friends after all. And I will annoy you like a best friend does. He pointed at his wedding ring and gave you a creepy smile. „Forever !"

That made you laugh. You hugged him back and gave him a kiss on his face. Right under his eye.

„You'll always be my best friend. Kyungsoo."

„And you'll be mine."

Yes, we are best friends. But we are also more than friends. We are meant to be, to love, to fight, to give and take, to fall, to get up, we are meant to annoy each other, to kiss, to fold laundry, dance to loud music, hug, help with homework, make love, steal each other's blanket, go to art exhibitions, and hold hands as we are walking together.

„You are my life, Y/N.", he said to you, kissing you as the warmth of your clothes was soon replaced by Kyungsoo's own natural warmth, that engulfed you in a much nicer way. It was your favorite kind of warmth on a list in ascending order. Sunshine, a fireplace, a warm bathtub, Kyungsoo. He was your number one. He always had been.

Maybe some people would say that the story how we overcame so many obstacles to find to each other, how we fought and even escaped from death to be by each other's side is a story about courage, or about miracles.

But I'd say that they're all wrong.

It's way simpler.

Our story isn't one about courage, or wonders. Not even about strength.

It's just a love story.

„Are you sure you want to take this next step with me ?", he asked you as he looked you in the eyes.

Though now it had a slight different meaning, he had asked you the exact same question when you two had been six and climbing up the ladder to your half-finished tree house for the first time, one of his hands focused on climbing, the other one on holding yours. And your answer was exactly the same.

„Every step. As long as you're with me."

It's just a love story.

That's all.


„ It would mean he's the only one I want to spend my life with. Till the day I die.", you said, holding your beer-can in the air. " You're not recording this right now, are you?"

" No, why should I ?", Kyungsoo said and secretly tapped the stop button.

He took your beer away from you.

„ Okay, that's the cheesiest and most disgusting thing I've ever heard. No more beer for you.", he said.

„ Give it back ! I'm sixteen now, I can drink as much as I want! You know what ? You're the only person I'd never fall in love with."

His expression became more serious.

„Wait... you're not hurt right now, are you ?"

„ No, I'm just watching that bug on your face."

„ What ? Where is it ??"

You started moving around panically, but he placed his hand on your head.

„ Hold still. It's really small. You better close your eyes before it goes in there."

You shut your eyes tightly.

„ Then take it away."

You suddenly felt his lips on yours. A giant firework rushed through your body. An electricity you never thought you were able to feel. You kissed him back and it seemed like the most natural thing on earth.

You wondered if he felt it too...

{ The End }


I mean I didn't lie about the gravestone thing.
Sorry guys, I had to ~

I know I was being quite mean to Kyungsoo and Y/N at times, but I decided to let them have a happy ending since they waited for it like 40 years and they deserve it :)

(RIP author's distance to the fictional characters)

This was so much fluff somehow...

What else ?
Thank you so much for reading and enjoying the crazy stuff I write 💜💜

You'll probably still be hearing from me since there's some alternative material, and I'm not quite sure what to do with it.

Until then

Stay healthy.


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