Katie Holt, I presume

By BlueDemon1999

12.7K 433 416

Kidge fan fic...first time trying this...if you hate it sorry!! More

Meeting Katie Holt
I suck at titles, sorry~
Downtime before Next Mission
Big Sis
Boys are Slow
Truth or dare???
Dangerous turn
The long walk back
Insomnia and Advice
Town Adventures
Chapter 20 Reality Check
Bar Fight!!!!
Pidge's Revelation
Figuring Things Out
Chapter 26
CH 27
Ch 28 Planning time
Chapter 29

Sleeping Arrangements

387 14 18
By BlueDemon1999

Pidge POV

I'm so tired. Keith has really been a trooper, and I feel pretty weird needing him so much. I hate being weak, yet, deep down I also know it is ok. I know that if he needed me I'd be there and I also know that Keith would let me know if I needed to stop. Plus, honestly, I'm just so damn cold and Keith currently has his arms around me and he is so much warmer than I.

I look up at him to ask him a question but his eyes are closed and his head is bowed. I find myself tracing his features with my eyes. He wet hair is starting to dry because the rain has finally stopped and I cannot bring myself to voice my question. Instead I stare at him and fight the urge to place a kiss on his jawline. That's when his eyes open and his eyes are on mine...


I want to look away but I...just... can't. It's like his eyes have mesmerized me and I have zero desire to escape. His head appears to dip down and my eyes start to drift close...only to hear James yell out our names. My head snaps forward and I could feel my face heat up. I straighten and start to move out of Keith's arms when I feel them tighten around me. I snap my gaze back up at him and his gaze is firmly on James. I know that they have some kind of history but I don't know the details. And quite frankly I don't care. What happened in the past can stay there. We have bigger issues with the first being finding this little guy's parents. Priorities.

I look to James and respond since it appears Keith isn't. "What's the status of camp?"

James is sporting a frown and jogs up to us. He haltingly replies, "Some of the tents have blown away leaving us with only two. Our food supply is fine but some of the tents had our items in it so we need to pool it together and see what we have left."

He is now standing directly in front of us and is standing too close to Percy. The little guy must have picked up on the underlying animosity in James' tone and start to fuss. I give James a frown to let him know I'm not happy and cuddle the little guy. He buries his head in my shoulder and I hold him tighter. Wow, who knew I loved kids?!?

I look up at Keith and say, "Hey, we need to get him some food and dry clothes. Let's go."

Keith nods and lets me go, moving to walk next to me. James mimics this and is now on my other side. What the heck?!? 

We get to the tent that is standing and duck in. They aren't very big and with the three of us along with Lance it's a tight fit. Lance arches an eyebrow but surprisingly doesn't comment. "Pidge, I think we can use these for the little guy. Sorry they are yours but I was able to pin it in a few spots. Do you think he's potty trained?"

Ummm I have no clue!!! I look at Lance with what can only be termed a panicky look and say "I have no clue!"

He laughs and says, "Check to see if he has a diaper on or underwear."

Oh, yeah that makes sense. I feel kinda weird but I check and realize he has on underwear. OK, that means he can go to the bathroom by himself? I stupidly say this aloud and Lance starts laughing hysterically.

"No, no, he's still little he probably needs help!" Lance is grinning and looking at me expectantly. Ummmm, hello I'm not a boy! I shake my head and Lance smirks, "He trusts you, not me."

Oh man. I turn to Keith who is rapidly backing up, "Hey I'm going to check in with everyone and see what our status is." He back out of the tent, to just poke his head back in, "You make sure you get some dry clothes on too! It will be a miracle if you don't get sick but let's try to take every precaution. If you need clothes" waves his arm at his bag, "feel free to help yourself."

Now that Keith has left, I turn to James, who is just as quickly backing out of the tent. "Ditto."

Gheesh!! I turn to Lance, who smiles, "Yeah I'm gonna help ya! Lucky for you I have many cousins and younger siblings!! Put him down and I'll help you change him. Then I'll step out and let you change. Then we can take him to a tree and finally we can get some food. I'm not sure how sleeping arrangements are gonna go but I have a feeling this is going to be interesting!"

An hour later, we are all ready for bed. It's gotta be pretty early in the morning but it feels like days. We now have two tents set up side by side with a fire in front of them. All of our bags are now in the tanks and we are trying to figure out sleeping arrangements. Kincade offers to take watch. I feel bad because he's got to be as tired as we all are but he assures us he has it. Percy is super tired and whiney so I know we have to go to bed. He loves Cosmo so I ask if Cosmo can stay with me and Percy.

Lance interjects, "And how did we agree on Percy?!? I am partial to Lance Jr."

I roll my eyes and reply, "Yeah well, Keith and I already named him so too bad! Look he's super tired we are going to bed, whoever wants to bunk with us is welcome. Good night!"

I look at Percy and say, "Say good night pumpkin!"

He smiles and says "jfienogtroihnfkah"

Okay, he's tired. I laugh and head into the tent with Cosmo and Percy.

Keith POV

I'm panicking. I want to sleep in the tent with Pidge and I sure as hell don't want Griffin to. How do I make this happen? I look to Lance, shit, what is the world coming to that I need Lance to help me?!?

Lance must decide to take mercy on me and says, "Ronnie and I can bunk together, just like old times. Since the only tents are to survive are Mullet's and Griffin, I assume you will sleep in your own tents?"

I quickly agree, only for Griffin to interrupt. "We have some technology that we stored in my tent. It might make it a tight fit. Plus Kinkade can sleep with you guys after his watch. I don't mind bunking with the kid and Katie. Keith why don't we switch?"

Hell no. Unfortunately I reply without thinking, "Absolutely not."

Griffin stand straight and looks me in the eyes, jaw clenched. "And why not?"

I open my mouth, then Veronica says, "I don't think Chief Engineer Holt would like the idea of his daughter in a tent with...any one guy. Ideally I'd like for Pidge and I to bunk together but then the three of you guys would have to be together and I don't know if there is that much room once Kinkade comes back. So maybe Lance and I bunk with Pidge and you two stay together? At least Lance and I know kids and how to help her."

Again, my impulsivity pops up. "I can help with Percy, he likes me. (Little bit of a stretch but oh well) Plus Cosmo is in there and he always sleeps with me (or Pidge but I don't mention that)."

Griffin pipes up, "Well you two can't stay alone! I'll bunk there too. Kinkade can stay in my tent with Lance and Veronica."

I start to shake my head, "No, Veronica and I can stay and help Pidge. Pidge and I have stayed alone before, so I don't think Pidge's dad will mind if I stay with her."

Griffin stares me straight in the eye and replies, "Is this a direct order?"

I take step forward and open my mouth to say yes, when I hear Pidge yell, "Shut the hell up! Veronica and Lance come in here! Griffin and Keith, sleep in Griffin's tent. I can't believe everyone has enough energy to fight about something so silly." I hear whispering and suddenly Cosmo is coming out of the tent. I feel like he gives us all a dirty look as he struts into the other tent. I look over to Lance and he shrugs, as he yells to Pidge, "Sorry Pidgeon we will be right in!!"

I sigh, "Fine! Griffin it looks like we are bunk mates, I'm going to grab my stuff and I'll meet you in the tent!!" I stomp towards my tent, pissed and annoyed.

Griffin jerkily nods, and abruptly turns for his tent.

I duck and enter my tent, which is now Pidge's. She looks up and smiles at me tentatively. "Hey, Keith, I'm sorry I've absconded your tent. And kinda sorry that I interfered but, honestly, I didn't want to be responsible for a pissing contest between James and you. This is the first time you are in charge of a multi-group and I don't want you to be influenced by your concern over me! You are a great leader, don't let him bait you. I know you guys have some sort of history but you aren't the kid he knew from before! You are Keith, the pilot of the black lion, our leader. Kay?" Her speech started out strong and ended in a whisper. She looked apprehensive like she's afraid I'm going to be mad at her.

Shit, I can't be mad now can I? I rub my hands over my face and sigh. I kneel down by her and say, "I'm not mad at you. I just know that I'd sleep better with you than not. Let Cosmo come in here, I'd feel better knowing he was here with you. Not that I think Lance or Veronica would let anything happen to you...s"

I kneel and reach down to pull the blankets over her and Percy when she grabs my hand and squeezes. I look into her eyes and in the dim light they are luminous. Her hair is pointing each and every way and I know I'm in trouble when I find that cute. I'm filled with the desire to lean down and brush my lips over hers. At this point, I know I'm staring too long but I cannot bring myself to break the contact, her hand is still on mine and I can feel her body heat through the blanket. I lean down further and I can hear her breath catch. I whisper, "Katie" and duck my head further...when I hear the tent flat open. I press a kiss to Percy, while keeping my eyes locked on her.

Lance ducks in and sucks in a breath. "Hey, guys, sorry to interrupt!"

After kissing Percy, I take a breath and brush a kiss on Katie's temple. I whisper, "Goodnite, sweet dreams."

As I stand with my duffle bag, I say, "If you need anything, holler. Otherwise, I'll see you in the morning." I quickly leave the tent before anyone can reply.

I take care of business outside and change only to enter Griffin's tent where he is sitting in his bedroll and staring at the opening I just entered. I nod, and quickly lay on the ground. Pidge has my sleeping roll so I'm stuck on the ground, at least the tents have a ground on them and I'm not on the mud. I turn to Cosmo and whisper, "Go watch over Pidge for me." He gives me a nudge and he's out the tent. I feel somewhat better with the added security for her.

As I try to get comfortable, I hear Griffin settling in. It's quiet, and I'm trying to turn off my brain to get a few hours of sleep.

Suddenly, Griffins whisper fills the tent, "Do you like her?"

I debate internally the potential value of lying versus being truthful, even pretending I don't know what he is talking about. But in the end, I just can't lie. I need to put it out there. "I like her. I think I have for a long time but shit got in the way." That statement was met with silence. I wait for a response. Finally I decide he isn't going to say a thing and I turn over.

Suddenly he says, "I like her a lot. And I think we could be a good match. There's no Shiro here pulling favorites and I'm not backing down."

I take a deep breath, trying to control my initial anger, (patience yields focus etc) but it's hard. "You might think you could be a good match, but I know we are. We have worked side by side and I know her better than I know myself. Shield and sword, we complement each other. And I may have changed roles but a large part of that is her belief in me, even when I didn't have any. So, I don't need Shiro, or anyone else, to okay this. I'm not backing down. I want her to be happy and in the end, I think I can do that, be that for her."

Griffins reply is a grunt. I reply in kind and make myself try to fall asleep. Fuck. I so badly want to talk to my mom or Shiro. I cannot lose her as I just found myself realizing how much I want...need her. There's a part of me that that thinks he's right. He could be a perfect match for her. But fuck if I care.

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