The Pack of Heroes :Revival

By Wolfsaga12gamer

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The second book of The Pack of Heroes but what happens to the pack and what about Preston's third wish? What... More

Ch 1: Revival or Wake up?
Ch 2: Memories
Ch 3: Unwanted Attention
Ch 4: The Chase
Ch 5: (Doesn't have a title)
Ch 6: Leon's attempt...
Ch 7: Connor!
Ch 8: Lyric!
Ch 9: The Nightmare!
Ch 10:Gun Shot
Ch 11: A nightmare
Ch 12: Lyric!
Ch 13: Hoping for love? + Sneak Peek?
Ch 14: A Cats Claws
Ch 15: Sun or Moon
Ch 16: Time is Ticking
Ch 17: Kidnapped?!
Ch 18: Caged?!
Ch 19: Powers?
Ch 20: Fight of the Dragons!
Ch 21: Round 2...FIGHT!
Ch 22: The Prophecy!
Ch 23: A Fulfilled Promise.
Ch 24: Poisoned!
Ch 25: A New Person?
Ch 26: Rob's Powers! + Sneak Peek
Ch 27: Different Friends?
Ch 28: Secrets?
Ch 29: Danger in the Forest.
Ch 30: A Weird Dream?
Ch 31: The History?
Ch 32: Silver Sword Powers!?
Ch 33: Saving Preston!
Ch 34: People From the Past!
Ch: 35 Prophecies and Visions
Ch 36: Wolf of Secrets
Ch 37: Teasing and Training?
Ch 38: A plan.
Ch 39: Power of The Sun! +Sneak Peek
Ch 40: Fooxes!
Ch 41: Merome!
Ch 42: Jolon!
Ch 43: Plans of Evil
Ch 44: Confrontation
Ch 45: Betrayed Trust?
Ch 46: Fighting Ethan
Ch 47: The Right Thing?
Ch 48: Losing A Wolf
Ch 49: New Information
Ch 50: Dangerous Plans
Ch 51: Vikklan
Ch 52: Preston's Fight + Sneak Peek
Ch 53: Fighting Ethan
Ch 54: Preston's Plan
Ch 55: Captured!
Ch 56: Escaping!
Ch 57: Meeting Up
Ch 58: A New Pack!
Ch 60: Beginning of the End
Ch 61: Multi POV
Ch 62: The End Part 1
Ch 63: The End Part 2
Ch 64: The End Part 3
Extra Ch 65: The New Beginning

Ch 59: Alpha Fight?

19 0 0
By Wolfsaga12gamer

(Lyric's POV)

As I walked I couldn't help but wonder if Connor was watching over me, "Connor?" Preston's voice cut through my thoughts looking up I could tell that the others could see him, he was in his wolf form and was looking at all of us.

"Connor!" I said running up to him and nuzzled him, I felt him nuzzle back, "Miss me much?" Connor joked right before looking up at Preston, "Don't worry it's nothing bad that I have to tell you." Connor said as I looked back at Preston to see confusement on his face.

"So basically Leo is going to be sending a sign for you and everyone else, it should calm everyone down on what is happening." Connor explained right before he went up to Preston, "Why do you need to tell me this?" Preston asked.

"Oh because Matt, Pete, and Andi didn't want to since they're lazy, also I wanted to see everyone again" Connor said happily, "Well I'm glad to see you but couldn't you have done this outside?" Preston asked probably knowing that we were almost outside.

"Yeah but I wanted to hold you all up." Connor said while Preston rolled his eyes, walking back to the wolves I saw them look at Connor judgingly, "Who dat?" Ace asked looking at me, "That's Connor, he's someone special to the pack." I said looking back at Connor's golden and white wolf.

"What is he like your mate or something?" Sylvester asked, "I literally said that he's someone special to the pack." I growled walking back over to the others "Well I have to go see ya." Connor said looking up at Preston.

"See ya bro." Preston said happily, "Bye Connor!" I said nuzzling Connor, "Bye Lyric." Connor said right before taking a step back and disappearing, smiling I looked back at Preston who put his hand on my head right before taking the lead back to the outside.

Looking back at the wolves I saw that they were looking at me, "Lets go." I said walking off with the others, I couldn't hear footsteps behind me as I kept walking, glancing back I could tell that they were glaring at me.

Stopping I barked a warning to the other who stopped and looked back, I watched as Stampy ran up to me, "Hey you okay after what happened?" I asked Stampy who started to purr loudly, "Yeah I think Connor's presence calmed us all down well except for them." Stampy said out loud to where the wolves could hear.

Looking back I could see the glares of the wolves as they looked at me, "Is that a challenge I see." I taunted turning around and held my head high "So what if it is?" Elden growled walking up to me.

"Okay you're all allowed to leave us, I didn't fight for being the alpha and I'm quite fine with being with everyone else." I said turning around and walked towards the others, I felt Stampy jump up onto my shoulders.

"Hey do you wonder if Leon will find them down here?" Stampy said out loud as I followed my nose to find where Preston was, "Quit trying to make them feel bad Stampy it's not our style besides if they want to be who they want to be I'm not going to stop them." I said turning my head to look at Stampy.

Looking back to the way I was walking I heard pawsteps quickly running to me, I felt Stampy jump off of me right before I was pinned on the ground, kicking my hind legs out I managed to unbalance the one who pinned me.

Turning around I pinned Sylvester underneath me but more paws told me that I had to either fight or flight and I can't fly 'so it's fighting instead!' I thought as I jumped back right as Lynn crashed right into Sylvester with Elden right behind him.

I watched as all three of them stumbled to get up while the rest of the wolves caught up, suddenly something was put around my neck, 'this must be some kind of collar!' I thought as I stumbled and struggled to take off the collar.

I could feel the energy draining from me, "Preston!" I yelled as I felt the ground sway under my paws right before I was hoisted up into the air, the collar felt like it was choking me, flailing my paws I was soon released to the ground.

Taking in a deep breath of air I coughed and looked up to see that Stampy was standing in between me and the wolves, looking at them I saw that Elden looked determined, "I'm the alpha." Elden growled to me.

Pushing myself up I ignored Preston who was trying to get me to recover my strength, "If you wanted a fight you could have just asked." I challenged pushing Stampy behind me, I took a couple of steps forwards and glared at Elden.

I saw amusement run through his eyes, "Even when you're weak and tired?" Elden asked surprised, "An Alpha would never back down even if it costs their life for their pack!" I growled crouching into a defensive crouch.

I saw Elden drop into a crouch and leap at me, dodging to the right I felt weak but I was able to dodge him, biting down hard on his tail I yanked his tail as fast as I could, I heard him yelp loudly, Jumping to the wall of the long hallway I leaped on the wall and leaped off.

Looking back I saw that Elden had tried to do the same thing but failed by running straight into the wall, "Ha! You call that fighting!" I taunted while walking to the side, I heard him growl before he instantly shut up.

"You're Alpha." Elden said looking at me with triumph, "I am no one's alpha." I growled turning around and walked down the hallway towards the others, I heard Elden sigh loudly, "Fine I'm sorry." Elden said earning gasps from other wolves.

I looked back at Elden who made eye contact with me, "You are forgiven, but my statement still stands I'm no one's alpha." I said right before turning around and followed my nose out of the cave.

I could hear the paw steps of the wolves behind me as I stepped out of the darkness of the cave and into the light of the sun, looking up I saw that the others were waiting and Stampy was in a tree, "Hey you're finally out of that tunnel." Mitch said flatly.

"Yep also I'm a wolf but I can climb!" I said jumping up into a tree and started climbing up the tree, "What the!" I heard Sylvester said confused as I zoomed up into the tree, looking around I saw that the sun was almost in the middle of the sky.

"Preston it's almost sun-high!"

Metal Tree Trunks and Wooden Machine Guns!

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