An Unlucky Spider (Reboot)

By darkhero789

118K 2.2K 266

For Peter Parker life is going great he's passing all of his college courses, he moved out of his Aunt May's... More

A good day for Spider-Man
the Parker luck returns
Parker's life
Game Night
Cross town heist
More spiders
A soldiers return
The spider and the cats game
the cats game
Dates in masks
Check up and misunderstanding
Avengers party
Venoms out
Dinner at aunt mays
Felicia Hardy
Fantastic revival
Not a chapter, Spider-man Far from Home news
Venom Revealed
A Painful Past
A much needed break
Midtown high school reunion.....shit
Reminders and a Party crasher
Putting your life back together
Important info and a job
Yet another spider
Anne found
The Symbiote children
Irreparable Damage
Explanations and anger
Back on the job
The journal and goodbye
Right where he said
A dark history
Uncle Ben
A brand new Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
An old friends help
The city needs a hero
Venom Vs the Spiders
Agent Venom reporting for duty
Climax preperation
Wrath vs The Spider-Family
Authors note

Last chapter

2.9K 29 5
By darkhero789

In the end Eddie and his new symbiote were taken into S.H.I.E.L.D. Custody and is to be transported to a secret S.H.I.E.L.D. Facility. while that was going on peter and the others decided to celebrate by planning a party at aunt mays newly refurbished home. The party ended up happening Several weeks after the teams clash with Wrath. The list of people included Peter, Felicia, Flash, Miles, Aunt May, Richard, Miles parents, and even Anne Weying and the octuplets. Anne has woken up from her coma days after the fight with wrath and had been released from the hospital, though she was stuck in a wheel chair for the rest of her life. At this party was pizza, salads, burgers, hot dogs, ice cream, pie, brownies, and cinnamon rolls. Yeah, a lot of food for a small group of people, but remember 4 of those people are superheroes with really high metabolisms. Flash was in the corner with Miles parents, aunt May, and Anne as he was describing the fight. Rio (Miles mom) seemed a bit worried as she listened to the fight but Jefferson (Miles dad) seemed positive that their son was strong enough.

"Come on Rio. Miles can handle himself. He's a smart boy not to mention he has the cities hero to help train him." Jefferson said.

"Said the person who called Spider-Man a menace not to long ago." Rio countered.

"She's got you there." May said. Everyone laughed while Jefferson chuckled.

"Touché. So Anne. Now that your a little better. You have any plans?" Jefferson asked.

"Well. No. I need to find a place to live. S.H.I.E.L.D. offered to make arrangements for me but I'd rather make my own arrangements. Luckily I've always been a organized and resourceful person. So I know what I need to do. I need to get back to work as soon as possible so I can support myself and my children. They might have come through some terrible circumstances but it is my responsibility to be their mother now. I'm definitely going to need someone to help. Not just with the children but with myself as well. I'm fairly new to my current circumstances and I'm still getting used to my limits." Anne said.

"Well if you need you can stay here. Not only do we have a open room for you and your children, but I also have my nurses license. Which means I can help out with your new circumstances." May said.

"No. I can't do that to you." Anne said.

"Yes you can. Don't worry about a single thing." May said to the younger women.

"Just accept the offer. Trust me after working with her for a long time I know that when she offers help she doesn't take no for an answer." Rio said. Anne looked at Rio then at May. She sighed.

"Alright then. I guess we'll be troubling you." Anne said.

At the same time Miles was playing video games with Richard. They were playing competitive games that had them competing against each other. They were laughing and acting like the teenagers they were. Peter and Felicia though. They were off to the side by themselves. Peter was sitting in a recliner chair with Felicia on his lap.

"That'll do spider." Felicia. Peter looked at her.

"Babe." Peter said. Felicia smiled while he looked at her. "You just quoted babe the movie. You said the 'that'll do pig' line, just switched pig with spider." Peter said.

"What! No I didn't." She said playing it off. "I quoted zombieland." Peter rolled his eyes.

"Same words. You might as well say you were quoting shrek's line 'that'll do donkey'." Peter said. Felicia laughed a bit. She then wrapped her arms around peter and laid her head on his shoulder.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too." He said to her. They then kissed each other before joining the others in their conversations.

Meanwhile around the same time

Eddie sat in a armored S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicle on its way to the docks to take Eddie to the raft. As Eddie sat there he stared at the back door. He had lost everything. He lost his life and what remained of it, his power over New York, his reputation as an unstoppable monster that never faced justice. He even lost the symbiote permanently as it found a new host. He no longer had anything but his anger toward Spider-Man but now he was far to weak to face him. He had been ever since he lost the symbiote but it hadn't truly hit him until he woke up. He had hit rock bottom.....

The officers in the vehicle joked and poked fun at him but he wasn't listening. He didn't care about what they had to say. Not anymore. As the car drove along the road Eddie thought about everything he had done. All the power he used to have. Now that he really thought about it, he realized how much his anger and rage had driven him. Maybe if he hadn't let his anger get the best of him he could have changed things. But there wasn't much he could do at this point. He was caught, and S.H.I.E.L.D. was putting him behind bars on a man made island and then tossing the key into the east river. Eddie wasn't even sure that the great Mason Banks could get him out of this. At that thought an explosion was heard. Peoples screams could be heard from inside the truck. Another boom was heard at the same time the truck was hit by a massive force. The truck flipped on its side and crashed. Another explosion hit the truck. This time tearing through the truck, killing the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in the back with Eddie. Eddie however survived. His skin was black but didn't burn as the fire wasn't hot enough to really burn him. The explosion however had enough force to break Eddies bonds. Getting up Eddie climbed out of the truck from the hole in the trucks side. Standing on the truck Eddie looked around to see if he could find the culprit for the explosions. Looking around he heard a peculiar sound. Like the rocket engine on a military grade fighter jet. Turning to the sound Eddies spider sense went off. Not being able to find the source he was surprised when a wire cable caught him then lifted him off the ground. Screaming and kicking eddie tried to look and see what was pulling him but he couldn't turn to look as he was swung from side to side while facing backwards. However soon they were at the docks on the opposite side of the Bronx next to manhattan. The cable let Eddie go and he crashed through a ceiling window and landed in the same abandoned warehouse that mr. banks sent him to. The one where he joined the sinister seven. he looked at the entrance to the secret lair which began to open. Going in he found the computer in center like before. His area was still lit up so he could see everything. Walking to his area he stopped when he heard a buzz sound come from some speakers.

"Welcome back Wrath." Said a male voice.

"Mr. Banks?" Eddie asked confused.

"Yes. Wrath. It's me mr. banks." Mr. banks said.

"Who was that?! That thing that brought me back here?!" Eddie asked.

"Oh. Don't be so rude. He isn't a thing. Let's just call him..... My friend." Mr. banks said.

Time skip the next day

Peter and Felicia arrived at the scene of the destroyed transport truck. They didn't get any call until the next morning. By then peter figured Eddie would have been long gone. The truck was on its sides and the cargo hold had a giant hole. When peter looked Eddie was indeed, like he thought, gone. Peter looked at the wreckage.

"How could he have done this?" Felicia asked.

"He couldn't." Peter said. Felicia looked at him confused. "Look at the hole. The sides are pushed in. Meaning whatever made the hole was on the outside. Eddie was inside." Peter said.

"So he had help?" Felicia said.

"Yes. But who." Fury said as he walked up on the seen.

"I don't know. The burnt bodies and torn truck say explosion. That can be several villains of mine. molten man, scorcher, boomerang, maybe even silver sable with all the shit she has." Peter said. Just then flash showed up.

"Hey guys! Venom thinks he might know who's related to this!" Flash said.

"Who?" Peter asked.

"A guy who goes by the name Mason Banks." Flash said.

"Mason Banks? You sure that's his name?" Felicia asked.

"Positive. Apparently this guy was Eddies buddy. he had this sixth sense about knowing when Eddie was in trouble. He'd contact him every time he was in trouble and give him instructions and advice. Venom thinks mr. banks might have sent someone to help him out." Flash said.

"Shit! I was used!" Felicia said. Peter and flash looked at her.

"What happened?" Peter asked.

"Mr. banks was the name of the client who sent me to take the venom symbiote from stark labs." She said clearly upset about how she had been used. "He must have been wanting me to set it free on purpose so that Venom was free to find Eddie." Felicia said.

"It was just one big game to him." Peter thought aloud.

"And I was used like a fucking pawn." Felicia said.

"Cat there was no way you could've known." Peter said.

"Your right. Your right. I just feel like it's my fault now." Felicia said.

"Well it's not. Ok. It's not your fault. Now we need to be on the look out for this Mr. Banks. We hear anyone talk about him or even say his name we need to find out what they know. This guy planned Venom and Eddies return and he's been helping Eddie. Who knows what he wants because I doubt he helped Eddie from the goodness of his heart. He most likely wants something from him. So we need to keep our eyes and ears open." Peter said. With that they left everything else to S.H.I.E.L.D. so that they could take care of somethings in their personal lives. For peter and felicia that was getting the last of their stuff out of their old apartment and moving it all to the new one they just got. Everyone else lives were going along a lot better. Miles was more open with his parents about his life and was starting to get better at being a superhero and his schoolwork. Flash told her about Venom after some explaining. After some time though she came to terms with it and accepted it. As for their plans on getting married. That was still going to happen no doubt about that. Aunt May has her new house and was helping Anne get used to the place. Richard had found a vial of green liquid by his window, webbed to the wall with a sticky note. The note read

"one last gift from uncle Ben. You choose what to do with it. P.s. proper administration is through injection.
Your friendly neighborhood cousin."

Richard put them in his closet in a locked box for later use.

Before going to the old apartment peter and Felicia stopped by the garage where all of peters cars were parked, Peter got his Chevrolet Camaro from the garage and drove to his apartment where he and Felicia got the last of his stuff from the apartment. Then Peter and Felicia went to their new apartment. The apartment had 3 rooms and 1 bath. The rooms were a bedroom, living room, and kitchen. It was a charming large one bedroom and one bathroom. The apartment featured a large living room, separate kitchen, and bedroom with floor to ceiling closets. It came with hardwood floors throughout the apartment, and original inlay hard wood flooring in the living room. They had recently finished unpacking making the apartment comfortable for them.

"We need to celebrate." Felicia said excitedly. Peter raised an eyebrow.

"And how are we gonna do that?" Peter asked. Felicia smiled as she went over to the fridge.

"How else silly. We're gonna get drunk!" She said as she pulled out a bottle of champagne. Peter smiled knowing what will happen next. She then grabbed two champagne glasses and set them on a coffee table in the living room and poured the alcoholic beverage in the glasses filling them up. Peter just seemed to be  watching in amusement. She picked up her glass. "To Valentine's Day!" She said before she downed the glass of champagne. She savored the taste of the champagne then waited for the buzz from the champagne. But no buzz came. Confused she looked at the glass. She had clearly drinked the entire glass so why wasn't she feeling anything. Quickly she poured another full glass, picked it up and downed it as well. Nothing. Felicia then picked up the entire bottle and began to drink it straight from the bottle. When she finished it she set the bottle down and waited for the buzz to come. But again nothing. "What the fuck!" Felicia said angrily. Peter then chuckled. She glared at him. "What?!" She exclaimed. He still continued to laugh. "Did you know this would happen! Why can't I get drunk!" She asked.

"Because our metabolisms are through the roof. Champagnes not even gonna give you a buzz. You might as well be drinking water." Peter said.

"What?! But I like getting drunk." She said as she began to sulk. Peter laughed then went in for a kiss on the lips to distract her. She kissed back after a second. When they separated they looked at each other for a while. "You know you haven't touched me once. Why is that?" She said.

"Because I didn't want to overstep and I didn't want you to have any problems." Peter said referring to her ptsd.

"What if I asked you to touch me?" Felicia asked. Peter frowned as he was thinking.

"You sure you'd be alright?" Peter asked making sure she'd be fine.

"I'm willing to give it a try. After all I will have to try and have sex at some point in my life. Right." She said. Then he got an idea. He then smirked. She looked at him confused. Then slowly she felt herself get aroused. She began to feel weaker as she looked at peter. "What's happening?" She asked.

"That was faster then expected." peter said. Peter grabbed her and pushed her down on the couch so peter was on top. "Another ability I have is to produce a pheromone that causes women to be attracted to me. From what I can tell since your already attracted to me you have been put into a state of arousal." Peter said.

"So your making me horny?" She asked as her breathing grew heavy.

"Basically yes." Peter answered. Felicia then couldn't contain herself so she used her acrobatics, she released herself and grabbed peter by the front of his jacket and threw him against the wall. He was pinned to the wall in a diagonal manner. Felicia then smashed her lips on his and began to kiss him with everything she had. Eventually she even began to use her tongue. Peter was shocked as he'd never French kissed someone let alone be french kissed by someone. She then broke away for air. Peter was just speechless.

"This is your fault. You put me in this state." Felicia said with a seductive smile. Peter then grabbed Felicia and brought her onto the wall with him where he pinned her against the wall. There they used their wall crawling abilities to stay on the wall.

"Then let me help you out." Peter said. Felicia's smile grew bigger.

"Alright, let's see that super dick of yours." She said as they began to continue to kiss each other. They then went up to the ceiling where they continued their little session. As they continued their clothes fell to the floor of the apartment. All the while the sounds the two made filled the living room of the apartment.

How about we give them some privacy. I think after everything they've done they deserve a little. Well that's it for this book. Until next time.

As a little bit of a bonus I am going to be adding these little things to the end of these stories. They will be used to list the characters and their powers.

List of Spiders and known abilities
Unknown powers will be represented by question marks

History: created by dr. Miles warren. After escaping containment and being exposed to an unknown contaminate. It found its way to peter Parker and bit him in his room.
Powers: super strength, speed, durability, spider sense, claws, fangs, stingers, paralyzing venom, ???, electric venom blast (causes short term paralyses to applied area).

Electrolis Arachnatis
History: created by dr. Miles Warren, after dr. Warren had been caught and sent to the raft the spider was in hands of peter Parker. It's also the spider that bit miles morales.
Powers: super strength, speed, durability, spider sense, claws, fangs, camouflaging, electrical venom blast (causes extreme pain), electrical absorption, ???.

History: created by dr. Miles Warren, after dr. Warren had been caught and sent to the raft the spider was in hands of peter Parker.
Powers: super strength (x2), speed, durability, spider sense, claws, fangs, dermal armor generation, bone generation, electric venom blast (causes ???).

Supersonic Salticida
History: created by dr. Miles Warren, after dr. Warren had been caught and sent to the raft the spider was in hands of peter Parker.
Powers: super strength, speed, durability, superior spider sense, claws, fangs, flash step, electrical venom blast (causes ???), super jump.

Scorching Loxosceles reclusa
History: created by dr. Miles Warren, after dr. Warren had been caught and sent to the raft the spider was in hands of peter Parker.
Powers: super strength, speed, durability, spider sense, claws, fangs, burning skin, electric venom blast (causing ???), ???, a more advanced healing factor

Necrotic Lycosidae
History: created by dr. Miles Warren, after dr. Warren had been caught and sent to the raft the spider was in hands of peter Parker.
Powers: super strength, speed, durability, spider sense, claws, fangs, electric venom blast (causing ???), vibration sensing, ???, super senses.

Pheromonal Ctenidae
History: created by dr. Miles Warren, after dr. Warren had been caught and sent to the raft the spider was in hands of peter Parker.
Powers: super strength, speed, durability, spider sense, claws, fangs, alluring pheromone secretion, alluring physique, electric venom blast (causes ???), unique super strong ultra thin webbing.

Agelenidae Vertigo
History: created by dr. Miles Warren, after dr. Warren had been caught and sent to the raft the spider was in hands of peter Parker.
Powers: super strength, speed, durability, spider sense, claws, fangs, electrical venom blast (causes vertigo), ???, ???, ???

Spiders: refers to which spider their powers come from.

Peter B. Parker/Spider-Man
Spiders: NeuroLatrodectus, Electrolis Arachnatis, Osteotheraphosidae, Supersonic Salticida, Scorching Loxosceles reclusa, Necrotic Lycosidae, Pheromonal Ctenidae, Agelenidae Vertigo
Relations: May Parker (aunt), Richard Parker/Prodigy (cousin), Ben parker (uncle/deceased), Felicia Hardy/Black Cat (girlfriend)

Felicia Hardy/Black Cat
Spiders: NeuroLatrodectus, Electrolis Arachnatis, Osteotheraphosidae (partial), Supersonic Salticida, Scorching Loxosceles reclusa (partial), Necrotic Lycosidae (partial), Pheromonal Ctenidae, Agelenidae Vertigo. Not all abilities have been seen but will be in later books.
Other abilities: probability manipulation causing bad luck for others.
Relations: Peter B. Parker/Spider-Man (boyfriend), Walter Hardy/ the original Black Cat (Father)

Miles Gonzalo Morales/Kid Arachnid
Spider: Electrolis Arachnatis
Relations: Jefferson Davis (father), Rio Morales (mother).

Eugene 'Flash' Thompson/Agent Venom
Spider: NeuroLatrodectus
Symbiotic abilities: duplicate, shapeshift, weapon enhancement, power enhancement.

Eddie Brock/Wrath
Spider: NeuroLatrodectus
Symbiote abilities: Spike creation, shapeshift, power enhancement.
Relations: the symbiote siblings (children)

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