Dinner at aunt mays

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Peter was swinging through New York with Miles behind him and Felicia running on the rooftops. Peter landed in a alley and found it filled with police officers.

"Spider-Man?" One officer asked. Peter turned to the officer. "What are you doing here?" They asked.

"I'm currently tracking down a creature. When I heard a dead body was found I came in hopes of finding something that might point me in the creatures direction." Peter said. Just then police captain watanabe showed up.

"So what might you be looking for?" She asked.

"I need to know what the cause of death was. I'm looking for a specific cause." Peter said.

"There were no claw marks or anything if your asking." She said.

"The creature wouldn't be killing with claws. The cause of death I'm looking for is organ failure with an unknown cause for it." Peter said. Yuri raised an eyebrow.

"That's a little concerning." She said. She sighed. "But that wasn't the cause of death. The victim had a drug overdose." She said. Peter hit his leg.

"Damn. Almost a whole week and still no trace.... if you do ever come across a dead body that had organ failure with an unknown reason for it let me know please." Peter said.

"What sort of creature are you looking for?" Yuri asked.

"One that I wish had stayed buried." Peter said before leaving. Miles and Felicia were waiting on the roof.

"So?" Miles asked.

"No. Still nothing." Peter said. Peter thought for a moment. "Fuck it." Peter kneeled down and put his hands on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Miles asked.

"I'm looking?" Peter replied.

"How?" Miles asked.

"I'm feeling the vibrations through the ground." Peter said. Miles looked at him surprised.

"You can do that?" Miles asked.

"I thought all your powers were based on spiders." Felicia said.

"They are." Peter said.

"Spiders can feel vibrations through the ground?" Felicia asked.

"Kind of. They more use it for feeling vibrations in their webs. Not only that the spider that this power comes from is a super spider making its abilities far better then a normal spider." Peter said. As peter was feeling the vibrations he could tell you what was happening a block away. However he found no trace of venom. Peter then got up. And began to move to search other spots. After
A while of searching peter gave up. As they walked on the roofs Peters phone rang. From the ringtone it seemed to be aunt may.

"Aunt may, What can I do for you?" Peter asked.

"Here I am cooking some cherry pies for after dinner when I suddenly felt the urge to call and invite you over for dinner. What do you say?" Aunt May asked.

"I'd love to come over for dinner aunt may. But uh.... I'm kinda busy." Peter said. Miles eyes lit up at the mention of dinner at aunt Mays food. Felicia however was interested in Aunt May as Felicia has yet to meet her. Felicia then got really close to peter.

"Who's aunt may petey?" Felicia said in a sweet and mushy way. She was close enough so her voice would go through to May. May gasped.

"Is that the girl you've been seeing?" May asked. Peter mouthed 'I'm going to kill you' to both miles and Felicia who were smiling mischievously.

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